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Bibliography of the genus
Xenosaurus (Knob-scaled Lizards)

(Reptilia: Sauria: Xenosauridae)
In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.
Xenosaurus in general
Ballinger, R.E.; Smith, G.R.; Lemos-Espinal, A. 2000. Xenosaurus. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 712: 1-3.
Bhullar, B.A.S. 2011. The power and utility of morphological characters in systematics: a fully resolved phylogeny of Xenosaurus and its fossil relatives (Squamata: Anguimorpha). Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 160(3): 65-181.
Böhme, W.; Ziegler, T. 2009. A review of iguanian and anguimorph lizard genitalia (Squamata: Chamaeleonidae; Varanoidea, Shinisauridae, Xenosauridae, Anguidae) and their phylogenetic significance: comparisons with molecular data sets. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 47(2): 189-202.
Borsuk-Bialynicka, M. 1986. On the diagnosis of the Xenosauridae (Anguimorpha). pp. 213-217. In: Rocek, Z. (ed.). Studies in herpetology. Proceedings of the European Herpetological Meeting (3rd Ordinary General Meeting of the Societas Europaea Herpetologica) Prague 1985. Charles University, Prague. 754 pp.
Boulenger, G.A. 1885. Catalogue of the lizards in the British Museum (Natural History). Vol. 2. Iguanidae, Xenosauridae, Zonuridae, Anguidae, Anniellidae, Helodermatidae, Varanidae, Xantusiidae, Teiidae, Amphisbaenidae. British Museum (Natural History), London. 497 pp.
Canseco-Marquez, L. 2005. Filogenia de las lagartijas del género Xenosaurus Peters (Sauria: Xenosauridae) basada en morfología externa. M.Sc. thesis, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. México, D.F. 79 p.
Conrad, J.L.; Ast, J.C.; Montanari, S.; Norell, M.A. 2011. A combined evidence phylogenetic analysis of Anguimorpha (Reptilia: Squamata). Cladistics 27(3): 230-277.
Gadsden, H.; Woolrich-Piña, G.A. 2017. Herpetoculture notes: Xenosaurus (Knob-scaled Lizards) Preferred body temperature. Herpetological Review 48(4): 792-793.
Good, D.A.; Bauer, A.M.; Günther, R. 1993. An annotated type catalogue of the anguimorph lizards (Squamata: Anguidae, Helodermatidae, Varanidae, Xenosauridae) in the Zoological Museum, Berlin. Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 69(1): 45-56.
Herrel, A.; Grauw, E. de; Lemos-Espinal, J.A. 2001. Head shape and bite performance in xenosaurid lizards. Journal of Experimental Zoology 290(2): 101-107.
Hoser, R.T. 2014. A logical new genus-level taxonomy for the Xenosauridae, Anniellidae, Diploglossidae and Anguidae (Squamata: Sauria). Australasian Journal of Herpetology 24: 20-64.
Hu, Q.; Jiang, Y.; Zhao, E. 1984. [A study on taxonomic status of Shinisaurus crocodilurus]. (In Chinese, English summary). Acta Herpetologica Sinica 3(1): 1-7.
King, F.W.; Thompson, F.G. 1968. A review of the American lizards of the genus Xenosaurus Peters. Bulletin of the Florida State Museum Biological Sciences 12: 93-123.
Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R.; Woolrich-Piña, G.A. 2012. The family Xenosauridae in Mexico / La familia Xenosauridae en México. ECO Herpetological Publishing and Distribution, Rodeo, New Mexico. 106 pp.
Molina-Zuluaga, C.; Doherty, P.F.; Zuniga-Vega, J.J.; Zamora-Abrego, J.G. 2013. Survivorship, growth, and detection of a knob-scaled lizard in Queretaro, Mexico. Journal of Herpetology 47(1): 156-161.
Nieto-Montes de Oca, A.; Barley, A.J.; Meza-Lázaro, R.N.; García-Vázquez, U.O.; Zamora-Abrego, J.G.; Thomson, R.C.; Leaché, A.D. 2017. Phylogenomics and species delimitation in the knob-scaled lizards of the genus Xenosaurus (Squamata: Xenosauridae) using ddRADseq data reveal a substantial underestimation of diversity. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 106: 241–253. (Corrigendum published in vol. 107: 644).
Pérez Ramos, E.; Saldaña de la Riva, L. 1989. Xenosauridae (Reptilia: Iguanidae), nuevo registro de lagartijas para Guerrero, Mexico. Boletin de la Sociedad Herpetologica Mexicana 1(2): 39-40.
Rieppel, O. 1980. The phylogeny of anguinomorph lizards. Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 94: 1-86.
Smith, H.M.; Laufe, L.E. 1945. Otoliths of Xenosaurus. Copeia 1945: 117.
Wermuth, H. 1969. Liste der rezenten Amphibien und Reptilien. Anguidae, Anniellidae, Xenosauridae. Das Tierreich 90: 1-42.
Zamora-Abrego, J.G.; Chang, Y.M.; Zuniga-Vega, J.J.; Nieto-Montes de Oca, A.; Johnson, J.B. 2010. Demography of a knob-scaled lizard in northeastern Queretaro, Mexico. Herpetologica 66(1): 39-51.
Zamora-Abrego, J.G.; Zuniga-Vega, J.J.; Nieto-Montes de Oca, A. 2007. Variation in reproductive traits within the lizard genus Xenosaurus. Journal of Herpetology 41(4): 630-637.
Xenosaurus agrenon
Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R.; Ballinger, R.E. 2003. Ecology of Xenosaurus grandis agrenon, a knob-scaled lizard from Oaxaca, Mexico. Journal of Herpetology 37(1): 192-196.
Xenosaurus arboreus
Lynch, J.D.; Smith, H.M. 1965. A new species of Xenosaurus (Reptilia: Xenosauridae) from the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Sciences 68: 163-172.
Xenosaurus fractus
Nieto-Montes de Oca, A.; Sánchez-Vega, H.; Durán-Fuentes, I. 2018. A new species of knob-scaled lizard (Xenosauridae, Xenosaurus) from the Sierra Madre Oriental of Puebla, Mexico. ZooKeys 737: 141–160.
Woolrich-Piña, G.A.; Alvarado-Hernández, A.; Mora-Guzmán, E.; Arellano-Cárcamo, Y.M.; Olvera-Arrieta, J.; González-González, G.Y.; Sosa-Villanueva, F.B. 2016. Geographic distribution: Xenosaurus tzacualtipantecus (Zacualtipan Knob-scaled Lizard). Herpetological Review 47(4): 629.
Xenosaurus grandis
Ballinger, R.E.; Coady, N.R.; Prokop, J.M.; Lemos-Espinal, J.A. 1992. Strike-induced chemosensory searching: variation among lizards. Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences 19: 43-47.
Ballinger, R.E.; Lemos-Espinal, J.; Sanoja Sarabia, S.; Coady, N.R. 1995. Ecological observations of the lizard, Xenosaurus grandis in Cuautlapan, Veracruz, Mexico. Biotropica 27(1): 128-132.
Ballinger, R.E.; Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R. 2000. Reproduction in females of three species of crevice-dwelling lizards (genus Xenosaurus) from Mexico. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 35(3): 179-183.
Ballinger, R.E.; Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R. 2000. Xenosaurus grandis. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 713: 1-4.
Camarillo-R., J.L. 1990. Xenosaurus grandis en el Estado de Hidalgo, México. Boletin de la Sociedad Herpetologica Mexicana 2(2): 17-18.
Canséco-Márquez, L. 2007. Xenosaurus grandis. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2011.1. www.iucnredlist.org (viewed 28 October 2011).
Cázares-Hernández, E.; Urbano-Tórrez, C.U.; Lázaro-Vázquez, A.; Jimeno-Sevilla, H.D. 2017. Nature notes: Xenosaurus grandis (Gray, 1856). Diet (predation on Aquiloeurycea). Mesoamerican Herpetology 4(4): 931-933.
Fritts, T.H. 1967. Notes on the reproduction of Xenosaurus grandis (Squamata: Xenosauridae). Copeia 1966 [1967]: 598.
Goldberg, S.R. 2009. Notes on reproduction of the knob-scaled lizard, Xenosaurus grandis (Squamata: Xenosauridae), from Veracruz, Mexico. Texas Journal of Science 61(4): 317-322.
Harvey, M.B. 1993. Microstructure, ontogeny, and evolution of scale surfaces in xenosaurid lizards. Journal of Morphology 216(2): 161-177.
Holman, J.A. 1966. Tail vibration of the lizard Xenosaurus grandis. Southwestern Naturalist 11: 305-306.
Lara-Gongora, G. 1986. New distributional records for some Mexican reptiles and amphibians. Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society 22(2): 62-67.
Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R.; Ballinger, R.E. 2003. Diets of three species of knob-scaled lizards (genus Xenosaurus) from Mexico. Southwestern Naturalist 48(1): 119-122.
Peters, W.C.H. 1861. Eine neue Gattung von Eidechsen, Xenosaurus fasciatus aus Mexico. Monatsberichte der Königlich Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1861(April): 453-454.
Presch, W. 1981. Life history notes: Xenosaurus grandis. Food. Herpetological Review 12(3): 81.
Shannon, F.A. 1951. Notes on a herpetological collection from Oaxaca and other localities in Mexico. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 101: 465-484.
Smith, G.R.; Ballinger, R.E.; Lemos-Espinal, J.A. 2000. Male reproductive cycle of the knob-scaled lizard, Xenosaurus grandis. Southwestern Naturalist 45(3): 356-357.
Smith, G.R.; Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Ballinger, R.E. 1997. Sexual dimorphism in two species of knob-scaled lizards (genus Xenosaurus) from Mexico. Herpetologica 53(2): 200-205.
Wu, C.H.; Huang, Z.J. 1986. [A comparison of the external characters and the skeletal system between Shinisaurus crocodilurus and Xenosaurus grandis]. (In Chinese, English summary). Sinozoologia 4: 41-50.
Zuniga-Vega, J.J. 2011. Estimating potential reproductive costs in the survival of a xenosaurid lizard. Herpetological Journal 21(2): 117-129.
Zuniga-Vega, J.J.; Rojas-Gonzalez, R.I.; Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Perez-Trejo, M.E. 2005. Growth ecology of the lizard Xenosaurus grandis in Veracruz, Mexico. Journal of Herpetology 39(3): 433-443.
Zuniga-Vega, J.J.; Valverde, T.; Rojas-Gonzalez, R.I.; Lemos-Espinal, J.A. 2007. Analysis of the population dynamics of an endangered lizard (Xenosaurus grandis) through the use of projection matrices. Copeia 2007(2): 324-335.
Xenosaurus mendozai
Nieto-Montes de Oca, A.; García-Vázquez, U.O.; Zuniga-Vega, J.J.; Schmidt-Ballardo, W. 2013. A new species of Xenosaurus (Squamata: Xenosauridae) from the Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve of Queretaro, Mexico. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 84(2): 485-498.
Reaño-Hernández, I.; Ramírez-Bautista, A.; JoSé Lara-Tufiño, D. 2016. Nature notes: Xenosaurus mendozai Nieto-Montes de Oca, García-Vázquez, Zúñiga-Vega and Schmidt-Ballardo, 2013. Reproduction. Mesoamerican Herpetology 3(3): 731-733.
Zamora-Abrego, J.G.; Ortega-León, Á.M. 2016. Ecología trófica de la lagartija Xenosaurus mendozai (Squamata: Xenosauridae) en el estado de Querétaro, México. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 87(1): 140-149.
Zamora-Abrego, J.G.; Zuniga-Vega, J.J.; Ortega-Leon, A.M. 2012. Ecología del crecimiento de una lagartija del género Xenosaurus Peters 1861 (Squamata: Xenosauridae) en la Reserva de la Biosfera, Sierra Gorda, Querétaro, México. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 85(3): 321-333.
Xenosaurus newmanorum
Ballinger, R.E.; Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R. 2000. Reproduction in females of three species of crevice-dwelling lizards (genus Xenosaurus) from Mexico. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 35(3): 179-183.
Camarillo-Rangel, J.L. 1998. Geographic distribution: Xenosaurus newmanorum (Xenosauro de Newman, Newman's Knob-scaled Lizard). Herpetological Review 29(1): 52.
Lara-Tufiño, J.D.; Ramírez-Bautista, A.; Hernández-Austria, R.; Wilson, L.D.; Berriozabal-Islas, C. 2013. Xenosaurus newmanorum Taylor, 1949 (Squamata: Xenosauridae): Occurrence in the state of Hidalgo, Mexico. Check List 9(5): 1101-1103.
Lavin, P.; Mendoza-Quijano, F. 2007. Xenosaurus newmanorum. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2011.1. www.iucnredlist.org (viewed 28 October 2011).
Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Ballinger, R.E.; Smith, G.R. 2000. Xenosaurus newmanorum. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 714: 1-2.
Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R.; Ballinger, R.E. 1997. Neonate-female associations in Xenosaurus newmanorum: a case of parental care in a lizard? Herpetological Review 28(1): 22-23.
Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R.; Ballinger, R.E. 1998. Thermal ecology of the crevice-dwelling lizard, Xenosaurus newmanorum. Journal of Herpetology 32(1): 141-144.
Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R.; Ballinger, R.E. 2003. Diets of three species of knob-scaled lizards (genus Xenosaurus) from Mexico. Southwestern Naturalist 48(1): 119-122.
Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R.; Ballinger, R.E. 2003. Variation in growth and demography of a knob-scaled lizard (Xenosaurus newmanorum: Xenosauridae) from a seasonal tropical environment in Mexico. Biotropica 35(2): 240-249.
Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R.; Ballinger, R.E. 2005. Survivorship of Xenosaurus newmanorum (Sauria: Xenosauridae) from a seasonal tropical environment in Mexico. Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society 41(2): 53-58.
Smith, G.R.; Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Ballinger, R.E. 1997. Sexual dimorphism in two species of knob-scaled lizards (genus Xenosaurus) from Mexico. Herpetologica 53(2): 200-205.
Xenosaurus penai
Canséco-Márquez, L.; Campbell, J.A.; Ponce-Campos, P.; Muñoz-Alonso, A.; García-Aguayo, A. 2007. Xenosaurus penai. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2011.1. www.iucnredlist.org (viewed 28 October 2011).
Perez-Ramos, E.; Saldaña-de la Riva, L.; Campbell, J.A. 2000. A new allopatric species of Xenosaurus (Squamata: Xenosauridae) from Guerrero, Mexico. Herpetologica 56(4): 500-506.
Xenosaurus phalaroanthereon
Canséco-Márquez, L. 2007. Xenosaurus phalaroanthereon. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2011.1. www.iucnredlist.org (viewed 28 October 2011).
García-Vázquez, U.O.; Nolasco-Velez, A.L.; Zamora-Abrego, J.G. 2009. Natural history notes: Xenosaurus phalaroanthereon (NCN). Diet. Herpetological Review 40(1): 93.
Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R. 2005. Natural history of Xenosaurus phalaroanthereon (Squamata, Xenosauridae), a knob-scaled lizard from Oaxaca, Mexico. Phyllomedusa 4(2): 133-137.
Nieto-Montes de Oca, A.; Campbell, J.A.; Flores-Villela, O.A. 2001. A new species of Xenosaurus (Squamata: Xenosauridae) from the Sierra Madre del Sur of Oaxaca, Mexico. Herpetologica 57(1): 32-47.
Sheetz, K.H.; Smith, G.R.; Lemos-Espinal, J.A. 2010. Natural history notes: Xenosaurus phalaroanthereon (Chin-spotted Knob-scaled Lizard). Litter size. Herpetological Review 41(3): 358.
Xenosaurus platyceps
Ballinger, R.E.; Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R. 2000. Reproduction in females of three species of crevice-dwelling lizards (genus Xenosaurus) from Mexico. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 35(3): 179-183.
Cooper, W.E.; Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R. 1998. Presence and effect of defensiveness or context on detectability of prey chemical discrimination in the lizard Xenosaurus platyceps. Herpetologica 54(3): 409-413.
Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Gonzalez, I.R. 2000. Observations on neonate size and sex ratio of the crevice-dwelling lizard Xenosaurus platyceps. Herpetological Review 31(3): 153.
Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R.; Ballinger, R.E. 1998. Natural history of Xenosaurus platyceps, a crevice-dwelling lizard from Tamaulipas, Mexico. Herpetological Natural History 5(2): 181-186.
Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R.; Ballinger, R.E. 2003. Diets of three species of knob-scaled lizards (genus Xenosaurus) from Mexico. Southwestern Naturalist 48(1): 119-122.
Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R.; Ballinger, R.E. 2004. Aspects of the ecology of a distinct population of Xenosaurus platyceps from Queretaro, Mexico. Amphibia-Reptilia 25(2): 204-210.
Mendoza-Quijano, F. 2007. Xenosaurus platyceps. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2011.1. www.iucnredlist.org (viewed 28 October 2011).
Rojas-Gonzalez, R.I.; Jones, C.P.; Zuniga-Vega, J.J.; Lemos-Espinal, J.A. 2008. Demography of Xenosaurus platyceps (Squamata: Xenosauridae): a comparison between tropical and temperate populations. Amphibia-Reptilia 29(2): 245-256.
Rojas-González, R.I.; Zamora-Abrego, J.G. 2016. Nature notes: first record of snake predation in xenosaurid lizards: Xenosaurus platyceps feeding on Adelphicos quadrivirgatum. Mesoamerican Herpetology 3(4): 1013-1014.
Rojas-Gonzalez, R.I.; Zuniga-Vega, J.J.; Lemos-Espinal, J.A. 2008. Reproductive variation of the lizard Xenosaurus platyceps: comparing two populations of contrasting environments. Journal of Herpetology 42(2): 332-336.
Smith, G.R.; Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Ballinger, R.E. 2000. Xenosaurus platyceps. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 715: 1-2.
Xenosaurus rackhami
Stuart, L.C. 1941. A new species of Xenosaurus from Guatemala. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 54: 47-48.
Stuart, L.C. 1942. Erratum [re Xenosaurus rackhami, see Z.R. for 1941]. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 64: 217.
Xenosaurus rectocollaris
Canséco-Márquez, L.; Flores-Villela, O.A. 2007. Xenosaurus rectocollaris. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2011.1. www.iucnredlist.org (viewed 28 October 2011).
Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R.; Ballinger, R.E. 1996. Natural history of the Mexican knob-scaled lizard, Xenosaurus rectocollaris. Herpetological Natural History 4(2): 151-153.
Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R.; Ballinger, R.E. 2000. Xenosaurus rectocollaris. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 716: 1.
Smith, H.M.; Iverson, J.B. 1993. A new species of knobscale lizard (Reptilia: Xenosauridae) from Mexico. Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society 29(2): 51-66.
Woolrich-Piña, G.A.; Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Oliver-López, L.; Smith, G.R. 2012. Ecology of Xenosaurus rectocollaris in Tehuacan Valley, Puebla, Mexico. Southwestern Naturalist 57(2): 157-161.
Woolrich-Piña, G.A.; Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R.; Ramirez-Silva, J.P.; Oliver-López, L. 2014. Male and female reproductive cycles of Xenosaurus rectocollaris (Squamata: Xenosauridae) from the Tehuacan Valley, Puebla, Mexico. Herpetology Notes 7: 313-317.
Woolrich-Pina, G.A.; Oliver-Lopez, L.; Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Gonzalez-Espinoza, J.E.; Smith, H.M. 2006. Natural history notes: Xenosaurus rectocollaris (Pallid Knob-scaled Lizard). Parental care. Herpetological Review 37(3): 349.
Xenosaurus sanmartinensis
Werler, J.E.; Shannon, F.A. 1961. Two new lizards (Abronia and Xenosaurus) from the Los Tuxtlas range of Veracruz, Mexico. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Sciences 64: 123-132.
Xenosaurus tzacualtipantecus
Flores-Hernández, M.A.; Fernández-Badillo, L.; Olvera Olvera, C.R. 2016. Distribution notes: Xenosaurus tzacualtipantecus Woolrich-Piña and Smith, 2012. Mesoamerican Herpetology 3(4): 1047-1049.
García-Rico, J.; Díaz de la Vega-Pérez, A.H.; Smith, G.R.; Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Woolrich-Piña, G.A. 2015. Thermal ecology, sexual dimorphism, and diet of Xenosaurus tzacualtipantecus from Hidalgo, Mexico. Western North American Naturalist 75(2): 209-217.
Woolrich-Piña, G.A.; Alvarado-Hernández, A.; Mora-Guzmán, E.; Arellano-Cárcamo, Y.M.; Olvera-Arrieta, J.; González-González, G.Y.; Sosa-Villanueva, F.B. 2016. Geographic distribution: Xenosaurus tzacualtipantecus (Zacualtipan Knob-scaled Lizard). Herpetological Review 47(4): 629.
Woolrich-Piña, G.A.; Smith, G.R. 2012. A new species of Xenosaurus from the Sierra Madre Oriental, Mexico. Herpetologica 68(4): 551-559.
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