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Bibliography of the reptiles of
Guangxi  [China]

Note: In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.

Anonymous. 2013. [Survey of amphibians and reptiles in Beilunhekou National Nature Reserve of Guangxi, China]. (In Chinese). Guangxi Shifan Daxue Xuebao Ziran Kexue Ban 31(1): 112-118.

Ahl, E.; Kanberg, H.; Mell, R.; Unterstein, W. 1930. Beiträge zur Lurch- und Kriechtierfauna Kwangsi's. 1. Geographische Verbreitung, R. Mell. 2. Schwanzlurche, W. Unterstein. 3. Frösche, E. Ahl. 4. Schlangen, R. Mell. 5. Eidechsen, E. Ahl. 6. Schildkröten, H. Kanberg. pp. 310-332. S.B. Gesell. nat. Fr. Berlin.

Fan, T.H. 1931. Preliminary report of reptiles from Yaoshan, Kwangsi, China. Bull. Dpt. Biol. Coll. Sci. Sun Yatsen Univ. Canton 11: 1-154.

Gao, Y. 1992. A preliminary report on tortoises of Guangxi. (In Chinese, English summary). pp. 143-144. In: Jiang, Y. (ed.). Collected papers on herpetology. Sichuan Publishing House of Science and Technology, Chengdu. 157 pp.

Hou, S.F.; Yao, D.C.; Zhong, H.Q.; Huang, F.Y.; Huang, F.R. 1998. Epidemiology of snakebite in Guiping county, Guangxi during 1973-1989. Russian Journal of Herpetology 5(2): 90-91.

Jiang, D.B.; Luo, Y.Z.; Wang, S.; Peng, G.L. 2006. [Amphibians and reptiles in Maoershan National Nature Reserve]. (In Chinese, English summary). Sichuan Journal of Zoology 25(2): 294-297.

Li, Y.; Li, D. 1996. A preliminary investigation on the status of the wildlife trade in Guangxi, China. Chinese Biodiversity 4(Supplement): 57-63.

Li, Y.L.; Zhou, F.; Du, Y.; Shu, X.L.; Pang, W.W. 2010. Amphibians and reptiles on Weizhou Island Bird Nature Reserve. Sichuan Journal of Zoology 29(1): 137-140.

Lu, H.H. & al. 1988. [The geographical distribution and fauna analysis of reptiles in Guang-xi]. (In Chinese). Chinese Journal of Zoology 23(2): 8-13.

Lu, Z. 2003. [Discovery of imminent rare Shinisaurus crocodilurus in Shaoping County, Guangxi Autonomous Region]. (In Chinese). Sichuan Journal of Zoology 22(2): 85.

Mo, Y.M.; Xie, Z.M. 2005. [On diversity and faunal characteristics of amphibians and reptiles in Cenwanglaoshan Nature Reserve of Guangxi]. (In Chinese). In: Zhou, K. & Ji, X. (eds.). Herpetologica Sinica 10. Quinghai People's Press. 398 pp.

Mo, Y.M.; Xie, Z.M.; Zou, Y.; Xie, F.; Jiang, J.P. 2007. [Diversity of amphibians and reptiles in Diding Nature Reserve of Guangxi]. (In Chinese, English summary). Sichuan Journal of Zoology 26(2): 344-346.

Ruan, G.W.; Peng, H.Y. 2010. [The investigation on reptiles in Liuwan Mountain, Guangxi]. (In Chinese). Sichuan Journal of Zoology 29(4): 649-652.

Tchang, T.L.; Liao, K.M. 1936. Notes on some amphibians and reptiles from Kwangsi. Bull. Fan Memorial Inst. Biol. Peiping 6(5): 233-238.

Wen, Y. 1984. New records of Sea Turtles from Guangxi. Acta Herpetologica Sinica 3(1): 46.

Wen, Y.; Li, Z.; Xu, Y. 1984. [Herpetological investigations of the Huaping Forest in Guangxi]. (In Chinese). Acta Herpetologica Sinica 3(3): 50, 54.

Yang, G.; Li, D.; Yu, C.X.; Jiang, A.W.; Meng, Y.J.; Zhou, F. 2011. [Field survey on amphibians and reptiles in Nonggang National Nature Reserve, Guangxi]. (In Chinese). Chinese Journal of Zoology 46(4): 47-52.

Zeng, X.B. 2009. [Survey of snake resources in Baise, Guangxi]. (In Chinese). Sichuan Journal of Zoology 28(5): 753-755.

Zeng, X.B.; Su, S.L. 2008. [Herpetological resources in Baidonghe Nature Reserve of Guangxi, China]. (In Chinese). Sichuan Journal of Zoology 27(6): 1169-1171.

Zhang, Y. 1999. [Species diversity and protection of amphibians and reptiles Zhuang in tropical rain forest area of Guangxi Autonomous Region]. (In Chinese, English summary). Sichuan Journal of Zoology 18(2): 64-67.

Zhang, Y. 2009. [Herpetology in Guangxi]. (In Chinese with Latin names). Guangxi Normal University Press, Guilin. 170 pp.

Zhang, Y.; Zhou, F.; Wang, Z.G.; Li, X.L.; Sun, R.J.; Jiang, A.W.; Liang, Q.L.; Qiu, Z.M. 2009. [Investigation on amphibians and reptiles in Nanning Wuxu International Airport]. (In Chinese). Sichuan Journal of Zoology 28(1): 101-102.

Zhang, Y.X.; Wu, Z.J.; Gao, N.; Li, H.B.; Qin, Y. 2010. [A taxonomic study of snakes in Guangxi. pp. 101-105]. (In Chinese). In: Ji, X. Herpetologica Sinica 12. Chinese Scientific Books, Beijing. 409 pp.

Zhou, F.; Yu, L.J. 2002. [Snakes along the boundary area between southwest Guangxi, China and Vietnam]. (In Chinese, English summary). Sichuan Journal of Zoology 21(4): 236-238.

Zhou, F.; Yu, L.J.; Qin, J.H.; Wei, Z.Y.; Tian, F.C.; Han, X.J. 2006. [Fauna of amphibian and reptile in Longtan Nature Reserve]. (In Chinese, English summary). Sichuan Journal of Zoology 25(2): 298-300.