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European Turkey
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Worm Lizards
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Bibliography of the reptiles of

Note: In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.

Anonymous. 1967. Turtles and seals in Turkey. Oryx 9: 176-177.

Afsar, M.; Tok, C.V. 2011. The herpetofauna of the Sultan Mountains (Afyon-Konya-Isparta), Turkey. Turkish Journal of Zoology 35(4): 491-501.

Akman, B.; Yildiz, M.Z.; Özcan, A.F.; Bozkurt, M.A.; Igci, N.; Göçmen, B. 2018. On the herpetofauna of the East Anatolian Province of Bitlis (Turkey) (Amphibia; Reptilia). Herpetozoa 31(1-2): 69-82.

Andrén, C.; Nilson, G. 1976. Observations on the herpetofauna of Turkey in 1968-1973. British Journal of Herpetology 5(7): 575-584.

Andrén, C.; Nilson, G. 1983. Tortoises in Antalya, S.W. Turkey. British Herpetological Society Bulletin 6 [1982]: 62-63.

Arikan, H.; Göcmen, B.; Kumlutas, Y.; Alpagut-Keskin, N.; Ilgaz, C.; Yildiz, M.Z. 2008. Electrophoretic characterisation of the venom samples obtained from various Anatolian snakes (Serpentes: Colubridae, Viperidae, Elapidae). North-Western Journal of Zoology 4(1): 16-28.

Arslan, D.; Olivier, A.; Yasar, C.; Ismail, I.B.; Döndüren, Ö.; Ernoul, L.; Beck, N.; Çiçek, K. 2018. Distribution and current status of herpetofauna in the Gediz Delta (Western Anatolia, Turkey). Herpetology Notes 11: 1-15.

Atatur, M.K. 1995. A preliminary report on the present status of Turkey's terrestrial and fresh-water turtles from the viewpoint of conservation. pp. 183-190. In: Ballasina, D. (ed.). Red data book on Mediterranean chelonians. Edagriole-Editioni Agricole, Bologna. 190 pp.

Auer, M. 2002. Süsswasserschildkröten in der Westtürkei. Elaphe 10(3): 34-40.

Aureggi, M.; Gerosa, G.; Yerli, S.V. 2000. Five years of research at Akyatan Beach (Turkey): one of the main nesting site [sites] for Green Turtle, Chelonia mydas, in the Mediterranean. Biogeographia 21: 555-560.

Avci, A.; Üzüm, N.; Bozkurt, E.; Olgun, K. 2018. The herpetofauna of poorly known Tunceli Province (Turkey). Russian Journal of Herpetology 25(1): 17-24.

Baran, I. 1977. [Zur Taxonomie der türkischen Anguidae]. (In Turkish, German summary). Journal of the Faculty of Science Ege University (B) 1(2): 145-153.

Baran, I. 1977. Zur Taxonomie der türkischen Anguidae. Journal Of The Faculty Of Science Ege University Series B 1(2): 145-153.

Baran, I. 1982. Zur Taxonomie der Schlangen in Südost- und Ost-Anatolien. Spixiana (Munich) 5(1): 51-59.

Baran, I. 1986. Bibliographie der Amphibien und Reptilien der Türkei. In: Kasparek, M. (ed.). Zoologische Bibliographie der Turkei. Pisces, Amphibia, Reptilia. Max Kasparek, Heidelberg. 118 pp. Pp. 79-118.

Baran, I. 1987. Die Herpetofauna von türkischen Inseln. (Abstract). Biologia Gallo-Hellenica 12: 519-520.

Baran, I. 1990. [The herpetofauna of Turkish islands between Marmaris and Iskenderum]. (In Turkish, English summary). Doga Turk Zooloji Dergisi 14(1): 113-126.

Baran, I. 1990. Sea Turtles in Turkey. Marine Turtle Newsletter 48: 21-22.

Baran, I. 2005. Türkiye amfibi ve sürungenleri [Amphibians and reptiles of Turkey]. (In Turkish). Tübitak, Ankara. 166 pp.

Baran, I.; Atatür, M.K. 1998. Turkish herpetofauna. Amphibians and reptiles. Turkish Ministry of Environment, Ankara. 214 pp.

Baran, I.; Durmus, H.; Cevik, E.; Ucuncu, S.; Canbolat, A.F. 1992. Determining the stock of marine turtles of Turkey. Doga Turk Zooloji Dergisi 16(2): 119-139.

Baran, I.; Gruber, U. 1982. Taxonomische Untersuchungen an türkischen Gekkoniden. Spixiana 5(2): 109-138.

Baran, I.; Kasparek, M.; Oz, M. 1988. On the distribution of the slow worm, Anguis fragilis, and the European glass lizard, Ophisaurus apodus, in Turkey. Zoology in the Middle East 2: 57-62.

Baran, I.; Kumlutas, Y.; Ilgaz, C.; Türkozan, O.; Avci, A. 2004. New locality records extended the distribution of some ophidians in southeastern Anatolia. Russian Journal of Herpetology 11(1): 6-9.

Baran, I.; Kumlutas, Y.; Kaska, Y.; Turkozan, O. 1994. Research on the Amphibia, Reptilia and Mammalia species of the Koycegiz-Dalyan Special Protected Area. Turkish Journal of Zoology 18(4): 203-219.

Baran, I.; Kumlutas, Y.; Olgun, K.; Ilgaz, C.; Kaska, Y. 2001. The herpetofauna of the vicinity of Silifke. Turkish Journal of Zoology 25(3): 245-249.

Baran, I.; Kumlutas, Y.; Tok, C.V.; Ilgaz, C.; Kaska, Y.; Olgun, K.; Türkozan, O.; Iret, F. 2004. On two herpetological collections made in East Anatolia (Turkey). Herpetozoa 16(3-4): 99-114.

Baran, I.; Tosunoglu, M.; Kaya, U.; Kumlutas, Y. 1997. Camlihemsin (Rize) civarinin herpetofaunasi hakkinda. [On the herpetofauna of the vicinity of Camlihemsin.] (In Turkish, English summary). Turkish Journal of Zoology 21(4): 409-416.

Baran, I.; Yilmaz, I.; Keto, R.; Kumlutas, Y.; Durmus, H. 1992. [Herpetofauna of west and middle Black Sea region]. (In Turkish, English summary). Doga Turk Zooloji Dergisi 16(3): 275-288.

Baskale, E.; Kaska, Y. 2003. Conservation and research aspects of hatchery practices. pp. 67-70. In: Margaritoulis, D. & Demetropoulos, A. (eds.). Proceedings of the First Mediterranean Conference on Marine Turtles, Rome, 24-28 October 2001. Barcelona Convention - Bern Convention - Bonn Convention (CMS), Nicosia. 270 pp.

Basoglu, M.; Baran, I. 1977. Türkiye Sürüngenleri. Kisim 1. Kaplumbaga ve Kertenkeleler [The reptiles of Turkey. Part 1. The turtles and lizards]. (In Turkish with English summary). Ege Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Kitaplar Serisi no. 76. Bornova, Izmir. 272 pp.

Basoglu, M.; Hellmich, W. 1959. Auf herpetologischer Forschungsfahrt in Ost-Anatolien. DATZ (Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift) 12: 149-152.

Berk, V.M. van den; Langeveld, M.J.; Sarigul, G. 1988. Observations of Cheloniidae and Trionychidae along the Cukurova coast, southern Turkey, spring 1986 and 1987. WIWO (Werkgroep International Wad- en Watervogelonderzoek) Report 22: 167-171.

Beutler, A. 1979. General principles in the distribution of reptiles and amphibians in the Aegean. Biologia Gallo-Hellenica 8: 337-344.

Bird, C.G. 1936. The distribution of reptiles and amphibians in Asiatic Turkey, with notes on a collection from the vilayets of Adana, Gaziantep, and Malatya. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Ser. 10) 18: 257-281.

Bischoff, W. 2000. 'Eidechsengeld' in der Türkei. Die Eidechse 10(3): 90-91.

Bischoff, W.; Böhme, W. 1980. Der systematische Status der türkischen Wüstenrenner des Subgenus Eremias (Sauria: Lacertidae). Zoologische Beiträge 26(2): 297-306.

Bodenheimer, F.S. 1944. Introduction into the knowledge of the Amphibia and Reptilia of Turkey. Istanbul Universitesi fen Fakultesi Mecmuasi Seri B 9: 1-93.

Boettger, O. 1888. Verzeichnis der von Hrn. E. von Oertzen aus Griechenland und aus Kleinasien mitgebrachten Batrachier und Reptilien. Sitzungsberichte der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Berlin 5: 139-186.

Boettger, O. 1888. Verzeichniss der von Hrn. E. von Oertzen aus Griechenland und aus Kleinasien mitgebrachten Batrachier und Reptilien. Sitzungsberichte der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Berlin 1888: 139-186.

Boettger, O. 1889. Verzeichniss der von Herrn Staatsrat O. Retowski auf seiner Reise von Konstantinopel nach Batum gesammelten Reptilien und Batrachier. Bericht über die Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft 1889: 203-206.

Boettger, O. 1890. Batrachier und Reptilien aus Kleinasien. Bericht über die Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft 1890: 293-295.

Broggi, M.F. 1999. Notizen zur Herpetofauna der Ägäisinsel Gokceada. Herpetozoa 12(1-2): 73-78.

Brown, L. 1992. Controlling turtle egg predators in the Goksu Delta, Turkey: some options. Marine Turtle Newsletter 60: 15-17.

Bruekers, J. 2010. Erstnachweis der Syrischen Eidechse (Phoenicolacerta laevis) in der West-Türkei. Die Eidechse 21(3): 75-80.

Budak, A.; Tok, C.V.; Mermer, A. 1998. A report on reptiles collected from Kumluca-Kalkan (Antalya), Turkey. Turkish Journal of Zoology 22(3): 185-189.

Bussmann, M.; Kostyra, S. 1996. Erganzende Mitteilungen zur Herpetofauna des Koycegiz-Beckens (Prov. Mugla, Türkei) mit Hinweis auf ein neues Vorkommen von Elaphe hohenackeri. Salamandra 32(1): 59-62.

Canbolat, A.F. 2003. Belek: the most important Sea Turtle nesting site along the Turkish Mediterranean coastline. pp. 94-99. In: Margaritoulis, D. & Demetropoulos, A. (eds.). Proceedings of the First Mediterranean Conference on Marine Turtles, Rome, 24-28 October 2001. Barcelona Convention - Bern Convention - Bonn Convention (CMS), Nicosia. 270 pp.

Canbolat, A.F.; Nalbantoglu, I. 2003. Problems facing Sea Turtles in the Belek tourism development area (Turkey) and recommended strategies for their protection. pp. 100-104. In: Margaritoulis, D. & Demetropoulos, A. (eds.). Proceedings of the First Mediterranean Conference on Marine Turtles, Rome, 24-28 October 2001. Barcelona Convention - Bern Convention - Bonn Convention (CMS), Nicosia. 270 pp.

Cattaneo, A. 2012. [Observations on the herpetofauna of some localities on the western coast of Turkey between the Kucuk and Buyuk Menderes rives]. (In Italian). Atti del Museo di Storia Naturale della Maremma 23: 15-24.

Cirik, S.; Samsaroglu, M.; Siklar, K.; Muhta-Roglu, G.; Gode, E. 1991. Observations sur les tortues de mer (Caretta caretta L.) en Turquie (region d'Iztuzu, Dalyan, Koycegiz). pp. 303-306. In: Boudouresque, C.F.; Avon, M. & Gravez, V. (eds.). Colloque International "Les especes marine a proteger en Mediterranee". Gis Posidonie, Marseille. 447 pp.

Clark, R.J. 1972. Notes on a third collection of reptiles made in Turkey. British Journal of Herpetology 4(10): 258-262.

Clark, R.J.; Clark, E.D. 1973. Report on a collection of amphibians and reptiles from Turkey. Occasional Papers of the California Academy of Sciences 104: 1-62.

Daszak, P.; Cawthraw, S. 1991. A review of the reptiles and amphibians of Turkey, including a literature survey and species checklist. British Herpetological Society Bulletin 36: 14-26.

Deichsel, G. 2013. Herpetological and other encounters near Bodrum, SW Turkey. L@certidae 2013(2): 7-16.

Demirayak, F. 1995. A management plan for Belek Beach. pp. 113-117. In: Healy, M.G. & Doody, J.P. (eds.). Directions in European Coastal Management. Samara Publishing, Cardigan. 556 pp.

Dincaslan, Y.E.; Tosunoglu, M.; Gul, C. 2013. Herpetofaunal inventory of the Sarikum Nature Reserve (Sinop, Turkey). Herpetozoa 26(1-2): 96-97.

Durmus, C.; Tok, C.V. 2014. Herpetofauna of the vicinity of Aksehir and Eber (Konya, Afyon), Turkey. Turkish Journal of Zoology 38(2): 234-241.

Eiselt, J. 1965. Eine zoologische Sammelreise in der Türkei. Öst. Z. Kultur Pol. Wirtsch. Islam. Länder 1965(3): 47.

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Eiselt, J. 1967. Bericht über eine dritte zoologische Sammelreise in der Türkei, April bis Juni 1966. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 70: 293-300.

Eiselt, J. 1970. Ergebnisse Zoologischer Sammelreisen in der Türkei: Bemerkenswerte Funde von Reptilien. 1. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 74: 343-355.

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Erdogan, A.; Oz, M.; Kaska, Y.; Dusen, S.; Aslan, A.; Yavuz, M.; Tunc, M.R.; Sert, H. 2001. Marine Turtle nesting at Patara, Turkey, in 2000. Zoology in the Middle East 24: 31-34.

Ergene, S.; Aymak, C.; Ucar, A.H.; Kacar, Y. 2013. [The research on the population of Chelonia mydas and Caretta caretta nesting on Kazanli Beach (Mersin) in 2006 nesting season]. (In Turkish). Su Urunleri Dergisi 30(2): 51-59.

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Eser, O.; Cengiz, E.U. 2014. Research on the herpetofauna of Baskomutan Historical National Park, Afyonkarahisar, Turkey. Biharean Biologist 8(2): 98-101.

Franzen, M. 1986. Zur winterlichen Aktivität einiger Echsen in der südlichen Türkei. Herpetofauna (Weinstadt) 8(45): 6-10.

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