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Taxonomy of the genus Masticophis Biodiversity of the family Colubridae

Bibliography of the genus
Masticophis (North American Whip Snakes and Coachwhips)

(Reptilia: Serpentes: Colubridae)

Note: In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.

Masticophis in general

Camper, J.D.; Dixon, J.R. 1994. Geographic variation and systematics of the striped whipsnakes (Masticophis taeniatus complex; Reptilia: Serpentes: Colubridae). Annals of the Carnegie Museum 63(1): 1-48.

Collins, J.T.; Taggart, T.W. 2008. A proposal to retain Masticophis as the generic name for the Coachwhip and whipsnakes. Journal of Kansas Herpetology 27: 12.

Hubbs, C.L. 1932. The use of the generic name Ophis for an eel, a snake and a mollusc. Copeia 1932: 26-27.

Jones, C.A.; Banashek, J.F.; Lucas, J.J.; Wells, A.I. 2013. Natural history notes: Coluber (=Masticophis) bilineatus (Sonoran Whipsnake). Diet. Herpetological Review 44(3): 518.

Mara, W.P. 1995. Racers, Whipsnakes and Indigos. T.F.H. Publications, Neptune City, New Jersey. 64 pp.

Myers, E.A.; Burgoon, J.L.; Ray, J.M.; Martínez-Gómez, J.E.; Matías-Ferrer, N.; Mulcahy, D.G.; Burbrink, F.T. 2017. Coalescent species tree inference of Coluber and Masticophis. Copeia 105(4): 640-648.

O'Connella, K.A.; Smith, E.N. 2018. The effect of missing data on coalescent species delimitation and a taxonomic revision of whipsnakes (Colubridae: Masticophis). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 127: 356-366.

Ortenburger, A.I. 1923. A note on the genera Coluber and Maaticophis and a description of a new species of Masticophis. Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology University of Michigan 139: 1-14.

Ortenburger, A.I. 1924. The Taeniatus group of Whipsnakes. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science 4: 21.

Ortenburger, A.I. 1928. The whip snakes and racers. Genera Masticophis and Coluber. Mem. Univ. Michigan Mus. Ann. Arbor. 1: 1-247.

Ortenburger, A.I. 2007. The Whip Snakes and Racers: Genera Masticophis and Coluber. (Reprint, first published in 1928). Center for North American Herpetology, Lawrence, Kansas. 247 pp.

Peters, W.C.H. 1866. Über neue Amphibien (Amphibolurus, Lygosoma, Cyclodus, Masticophis, Crotaphopeltis) und Fische (Diagramma, Hapalogenys) des Kgl. zoologischen Museums. Monatsberichte der Königlich Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1866(February): 86-96.

Sherbrooke, W.C. 2008. Antipredator responses by Texas Homed Lizards to two snake taxa with different foraging and subjugation strategies. Journal of Herpetology 42(1): 145-152.

Smith, H.M. 1941. Notes on Mexican snakes of the genus Masticophis. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 31(9): 388-398.

Wilson, L.D. 1973. Masticophis. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 144: 1-2.

Masticophis anthonyi

Wanless, R.M.; Angel, A. 2007. Natural history notes: Masticophis anthonyi (Clarion Racer). Diet. Herpetological Review 38(4): 468.

Masticophis aurigulus

Grismer, L.L. 1990. Masticophis aurigulus. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 499: 1-2.

Masticophis bilineatus

Anderson, R.E.; Anderson, C.K. 1995. Geographic distribution: Masticophis bilineatus bilineatus (Sonoran Whipsnake). Herpetological Review 26(4): 210.

Bezy, R.L.; Enderson, E.F. 2003. Field observations of predation by the Sonoran Whipsnake (Masticophis bilineatus). Sonoran Herpetologist 16(2): 16-17.

Boundy, J.; Ford, A.W. 1989. Geographic distribution: Masticophis bilineatus (Sonoran Whip Snake). Herpetological Review 20(3): 75-76.

Camper, J.D. 1996. Masticophis bilineatus. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 637: 1-4.

Camper, J.D.; Dixon, J.R. 2000. Food habits of three species of Striped Whipsnakes, Masticophis (Serpentes: Colubridae). Texas Journal of Science 52(2): 83-92.

Camper, J.D.; Dixon, J.R. 2002. Clutch and ovum sizes of three species of whipsnakes (Masticophis, Colubridae). Southwestern Naturalist 47(3): 467-471.

Cowles, J. 2018. Natural history notes: Masticophis bilineatus (Sonoran Whipsnake) and Oxybelis aeneus (Brown Vinesnake). Diet and Predation. Herpetological Review 49(2): 345-346.

Enderson, E.F. 1999. Predation of Crotalus molossus molossus (black-tail rattlesnake) by Masticophis bilineatus bilineatus (Sonoran Whipsnake), Whetstone Mountains, Arizona. Sonoran Herpetologist 12(7): 72-73.

Fouquette, M.J.; Rossman, D.A. 1963. Noteworthy records of Mexican amphibians and reptiles in the Florida State Museum and the Texas Natural History Collection. Herpetologica 19: 185-201.

Gatica-Colima, A.B.; Gutiérrez-Saldaña, A.H.; Orozco-Avítia, A.; Morales-Estrada, R.I.; Jiménez-Leyva, J.A. 2015. Natural history notes: Coluber (=Masticophis) bilineatus (Sonoran Whipsnake). Diet. Herpetological Review 46(1): 100-101.

Goldberg, S.R. 1998. Reproduction in the Sonoran Whipsnake, Masticophis bilineatus (Serpentes: Colubridae). Southwestern Naturalist 43(3): 412-415.

Grismer, L.L. 1990. Relationships, taxonomy, and biogeography of the Masticophis lateralis complex in Baja California, Mexico. Herpetologica 46(1): 66-77.

Groschupf, K. 1982. Life history notes: Cnemidophorus uniparens (Desert Grassland Whiptail). Behavior. Herpetological Review 13(2): 46.

Hensley, M.M. 1950. Results of a herpetological reconnaissance in extreme southwestern Arizona and adjacent Sonora, with a description of a new subspecies of the Sonoran whipsnake, Masticophis bilineatus. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Sciences 53: 270-288.

Herritt, M.C. 2018. Geographic distribution: Masticophis bilineatus (Sonoran Whipsnake). Herpetological Review 49(1): 77.

Hibbitts, T.; Hibbitts, T.L. 1999. Geographic distribution: Masticophis bilineatus (Sonoran Whipsnake). Herpetological Review 30(1): 54.

Kamees, L.; Holycross, A.T. 2013. Natural history notes: Coluber (=Masticophis) bilineatus (Sonoran Whipsnake). Mortality. Herpetological Review 44(3): 519.

Littlefield, C.D. 2007. Predation by the Sonoran Whipsnake on birds in southwestern New Mexico. Western Birds 38(3): 232-234.

Medica, P.A.; Maza, B.G. 1974. Geographic distribution: Masticophis bilineatus bilineatus. USA: Arizona: Mohave Co. Herpetological Review 5(3): 70.

Rorabaugh, J.C.; Jones, C.A. 2014. Natural history notes: Coluber (=Masticophis) bilineatus (Sonoran Whipsnake). Diet. Herpetological Review 45(3): 513.

Smith, P.W.; Burger, W.L. 1950. Herpetological results of the University of Illinois Field Expedition, Spring 1949. III. Sauria. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Sciences 53: 165-175.

Staedeli, J.H. 1972. Whipsnakes. Zoonooz 45(9): 17.

Starrett, B.L.; Holycross, A.T. 2013. Natural history notes: Coluber (=Masticophis) bilineatus (Sonoran Whipsnake). Maximum length. Herpetological Review 44(3): 519.

Stitt, E.W. 2003. Natural history notes: Masticophis bilineatus (Sonoran Whipsnake). Prey. Herpetological Review 34(4): 375-376.

Webb, R.G. 1982. Distributional records for Mexican reptiles. Herpetological Review 13(4): 132.

Zweifel, R.G.; Norris, K.S. 1955. Contribution to the herpetology of Sonora, Mexico: descriptions of new subspecies of snakes (Micruroides euryxanthus and Lampropeltis getulus) and miscellaneous collecting notes. American Midland Naturalist 54: 230-249.

Masticophis flagellum

Allen, E.R.; Neill, W.T. 1957. The coach whip. Florida Wild Life 1951 [1957]: 9, 29.

Allen, E.R.; Neill, W.T. 1957. The coach whip. Florida Wild Life 1951 [1957]: 9, 29.

Amarello, M.A.; Setser, K.; Goode, M. 2004. Natural history notes: Masticophis flagellum (Coachwhip). Diet. Herpetological Review 35(2): 178.

Arpayoglou, I.; Martin, R.E. 2011. Natural history notes: Cheloniidae (Marine Turtles). Hatchling predation. Herpetological Review 42(3): 416-417.

Ashton, R.E. 1986. Eastern Coachwhip. pp. 46-47. In: Mount, R.H. (ed.). Vertebrate animals of Alabama in need of special attention. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn, Alabama. 124 pp.

Avila-Villegas, H.; Lozano-Roman, L.F.; Reyes-Ardit, R. 2007. Natural history notes: Conopsis nasus (Large-nosed Earth Snake). Predation. Herpetological Review 38(1): 86.

Barker, D.G. 2013. A danger to snakes in the garden. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 48(8): 101.

Barry, S.J. 2004. Natural history notes: Masticophis flagellum piceus (Red Racer). Carrion feeding. Herpetological Review 35(3): 276.

Bealor, M.T.; Saviola, A.J. 2007. Behavioural complexity and prey-handling ability in snakes: gauging the benefits of constriction. Behaviour 144(8): 907-929.

Beaman, K.R.; Dugan, E.A.; Hayes, W.K. 2014. Natural history notes: Coluber (=Masticophis) flagellum (Coachwhip). Diet / ophiophagy. Herpetological Review 45(3): 513.

Beaman, K.R.; Harris, J.M. 2002. Natural history notes: Masticophis flagellum (Coachwhip). Ophiophagy. Herpetological Review 33(3): 214-215.

Beaman, K.R.; Terry, B.R. 2011. Natural history notes: Coluber (=Masticophis) flagellum (Coachwhip). Diet. Herpetological Review 42(3): 437.

Beane, J.C. 2013. Dietary records for the Eastern Coachwhip, Masticophis flagellum flagellum (Shaw, 1758), in the southeastern United States. Herpetology Notes 6: 285-287.

Beane, J.C. 2014. Natural history notes: Coluber (= Masticophis) flagellum flagellum (Eastern Coachwhip) and Pituophis melanoleucus melanoleucus (Northern Pinesnake). Diet and predation. Herpetological Review 45(1): 142-143.

Beauchamp, J.S.; Rochford, M.R. 2018. Natural history notes: Masticophis flagellum (Coachwhip) and Heterodon nasicus (Western Hog-nosed Snake). Diet and Predation. Herpetological Review 49(1): 133-134.

Belford, T.J. 2010. Geographic distribution: Coluber (=Masticophis) flagellum flagellum (Eastern Coachwhip). USA: Arkansas. Herpetological Review 41(3): 379.

Blanchard, F.; Arneill, T.; Czupryna, L.; Chiszar, D.; Smith, H.M. 1997. Geographic distribution: Masticophis flagellum testaceus (Western Coachwhip). Herpetological Review 28(1): 52.

Brattstrom, B.H.; Dieterich, J.K.; Dieterich, R. 2015. Natural history notes: Coluber (=Masticophis) flagellum (Coachwhip). Defensive behavior. Herpetological Review 46(1): 101.

Buford, T.; Hammock, R.; Berkshier, S.; Graham, S.P. 2018. Natural history notes: Masticophis flagellum (Coachwhip). Diet. Herpetological Review 49(3): 550.

Camper, J.D.; Brooks, R.J. 2005. Geographic distribution: Masticophis flagellum flagellum (Eastern Coachwhip). Herpetological Review 36(1): 83.

Campos-Rodriguez, J.I.; Elizalde-Arellano, C.; Lopez-Vidal, J.C.; Aguilar-Martinez, G.F.; Ramos-Reyes, S.N.; Hernandez-Arciga, R. 2009. Nuevos registros de anfibios y reptiles para Guanajuato, procedentes de la reserva de la biosfera 'sierra Gorda de Guanajuato' y zonas adyacentes. Acta Zoologica Mexicana Nueva Serie 25(2): 269-282.

Carpenter, C.C. 1958. Reproduction, young, eggs and food of Oklahoma snakes. Herpetologica 14: 113-115.

Clark, H.O. 2010. Coachwhip, Coluber flagellum (Shaw 1802). Sonoran Herpetologist 23(11): 150-154.

Collins, J.T.; Hirschfeld, C.J. 1971. A second record of the eastern coachwhip snake, Masticophis flagellum flagellum (Shaw), from Kentucky. Journal of Herpetology 5: 193.

Conant, R. 1965. Miscellaneous notes and comments on toads, lizards, and snakes from Mexico. American Museum Novitates 2205: 1-38.

Connior, M.B. 2009. Geographic distribution: Coluber (= Masticophis) flagellum flagellum (Eastern Coachwhip). Herpetological Review 40(4): 455.

Connior, M.B.; Roberts, K.G. 2016. Geographic distribution: Coluber flagellum flagellum (Eastern Coachwhip). Herpetological Review 47(4): 629.

Cooper, W.E.; Buth, D.G.; Vitt, L.J. 1990. Prey odor discrimination by ingestively naive Coachwhip snakes (Masticophis flagellum). Chemoecology 1(3-4): 86-91.

Dodd, C.K.; Barichivich, W.J. 2007. Movements of large snakes (Drymarchon, Masticophis) in north-central Florida. Florida Scientist 70(1): 83-94.

Dorcas, M.E. 1990. Geographic distribution: Masticophis flagellum flagellum (Eastern Coachwhip). Herpetological Review 21(1): 23.

Dowling, H.G. 1956. Geographic relations of Ozarkian amphibians and reptiles. Southwestern Naturalist 1(4): 174-189.

Duncan, R.B. 2003. Natural history notes: Masticophis flagellum (Coachwhip). Prey. Herpetological Review 34(4): 376.

Dundee, H.A. 1996. Some reallocations of type localities of reptiles and amphibians described from the Major Stephen H. Long expedition to the Rocky Mountains, with comments on some of the statements made in the account written by Edwin James. Tulane Studies in Zoology and Botany 30(2): 75-89.

Durso, A.M.; Durso, K.P. 2012. Geographic distribution: Coluber (=Masticophis) flagellum (Coachwhip). Herpetological Review 43(1): 105.

Enge, K.M.; Mays, J.D. 2016. Natural history notes: Micrurus fulvius (Harlequin Coralsnake). Diet. Herpetological Review 47(3): 480.

Ferguson, G.W.; Brinker, A.M.; Gehrmann, W.H. 2015. Natural history notes: Coluber flagellum [=Masticophis flagellum] (Coachwhip). Ultraviolet (UVB) exposure. Herpetological Review 46(4): 639-640.

Freeman, H.W. 1955. Part V. The amphibia and reptilia of the Savannah river project area. 2. Chelonia. 3. Crocodilia, Sauria and Serpentes. U.S. Cur. Publ. Biol. 1(4): 239-244, 275-291.

Galán, A.P.; Light, J.E. 2017. Reptiles and amphibians associated with Texas pocket gopher (Geomys personatus) burrow systems across the Texas sand sheet. Herpetological Review 48(3): 517-521.

Gans, C. 1962. Terrestrial locomotion without limbs. American Zoologist 2: 167-182.

Goldberg, S.R. 2002. Reproduction in the Coachwhip, Masticophis flagellum (Serpentes: Colubridae), from Arizona. Texas Journal of Science 54(2): 143-150.

Goodrich, R.L.; Murphy, R.W.; Nyhan, J.; Wong, M.J. 1978. Geographic distribution: Masticophis flagellum. Mexico: Baja California Sur: Isla Danzante. Herpetological Review 9(3): 108.

Graham, S.P.; Kelehear, C. 2015. Natural history notes: Coluber flagellum (=Masticophis flagellum) (Coachwhip). Diet. Herpetological Review 46(2): 267.

Gross, I.P.; Thomas, M.A.; Carter, C.M.; Durso, A.M. 2014. Natural history notes: Coluber (=Masticophis) flagellum (Coachwhip). Behavior / nocturnal activity. Herpetological Review 45(2): 336-337.

Gunn, J. 2011. Long-nosed Leopard Lizard predation on a Coachwhip. Sonoran Herpetologist 24(8): 76.

Halstead, B.J.; Mushinsky, H.R.; McCoy, E.D. 2008. Sympatric Masticophis flagellum and Coluber constrictor select vertebrate prey at different levels of taxonomy. Copeia 2008(4): 897-908.

Halstead, B.J.; Mushinsky, H.R.; McCoy, E.D. 2009. Masticophis flagellum selects Florida scrub habitat at multiple spatial scales. Herpetologica 65(3): 268-279.

Hammerson, G.A. 1984. More corrections of erroneous amphibian and reptile records from Colorado. Herpetological Review 15(1): 21-22.

Hammerson, G.A. 1989. Effects of weather and feeding on body temperature and activity in the snake Masticophis flagellum. Journal of Thermal Biology 14(4): 219-224.

Hammerson, G.A.; Frost, D.R.; Santos-Barrera, G.; Vazquez Díaz, J.; Quintero Díaz, G.E. 2007. Masticophis flagellum. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2007: e.T62235A12583206. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2007.RLTS.T62235A12583206.en.

Hammerson, G.A.; Valentine, L.; Livo, L.J. 1991. Geographic distribution: Masticophis flagellum (Coachwhip). USA: Colorado: Kit Carson Co. Herpetological Review 22(2): 67-68.

Hannon, C. 2012. Geographic distribution: Coluber flagellum flagellum (Eastern Coachwhip). USA: Florida: Osceola Co. Herpetological Review 43(3): 447.

Herr, M.W.; Graham, S.P. 2013. Geographic distribution: Coluber (=Masticophis) flagellum flagellum (Eastern Coachwhip). Herpetological Review 44(4): 627-628.

Hinderliter, M.G.; Lee, J.R. 2006. Natural history notes: Masticophis flagellum (Coachwhip). Ophiophagy. Herpetological Review 37(2): 232-233.

Johnson, R.W.; Fleet, R.R.; Keck, M.B.; Rudolph, D.C. 2007. Spatial ecology of the Coachwhip, Masticophis flagellum (Squamata: Colubridae), in eastern Texas. Southeastern Naturalist 6(1): 111-124.

Jones, C.A.; Banashek, J.F.; Lucas, J.J.; Wells, A.I. 2013. Natural history notes: Coluber (=Masticophis) bilineatus (Sonoran Whipsnake). Diet. Herpetological Review 44(3): 518.

Karges, J.P. 1981. Texas amphibians and reptiles: some new distributional records, part 3. Herpetological Review 12(2): 68-69.

Kasper, S. 2013. Natural history notes: Rhinocheilus lecontei tessellatus (Texas Long-nosed Snake). Defensive behavior and attempted predation. Herpetological Review 44(2): 334.

Keiser, D.; Keiser, D.; Brattstrom, B.H. 2011. Natural history notes: Coluber (=masticophis) flagellum (Coachwhip). Unusual feeding behavior. Herpetological Review 42(2): 286.

Kennedy, J.P. 1965. Territorial behaviour in the eastern coachwhip, Masticophis flagellum. Anatomical Record 151: 499.

Kinney, K. 1941. Hibernation record for the red racer. Copeia 1941: 56.

Kraus, F.; Schuett, G.W. 1980. Geographic distribution: Masticophis flagellum testaceus. Herpetological Review 11(3): 81.

LaBonte, J.P. 2001. Natural history notes: Phrynosoma coronatum (Coast Horned Lizard). Predation and telemetry. Herpetological Review 32(4): 257-258.

Laduc, T.J.; LaDuc, V. 2003. Natural history notes: Masticophis flagellum testaceus (Western Coachwhip). Cannibalism. Herpetological Review 34(3): 252.

Lannutti, D.I.; Laduc, T.J.; Johnson, J.D. 1996. Geographic distribution: Masticophis flagellum testaceus (Western Coachwhip). Herpetological Review 27(4): 214.

Lau, A.; Burgess, J.P. 2012. Natural history notes: Coluber (=Masticophis) flagellum flagellum (Eastern Coachwhip). Diet. Herpetological Review 43(3): 493.

Lazcano, D.; Garcia-de la Pena, C.; Castaneda-Gaytan, G.; Contreras-Balderas, A.J.; Sanchez-Almazan, J.A.; Ballesteros Medrano, O. 2005. Natural history notes: Masticophis flagellum (Coachwhip). Diet. Herpetological Review 36(1): 69.

Leavitt, D.J.; Dean, R.H. 2010. Natural history notes: Coluber (=Masticophis) flagellum testaceus (Western Coachwhip). Diet. Herpetological Review 41(4): 499-500.

Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Auth, D.L.; Chiszar, D.; Smith, H.M. 2002. Geographic distribution: Masticophis flagellum testaceus (Western Coachwhip). Herpetological Review 33(1): 68-69.

Livo, L.J. 1988. Distributional records of amphibians and reptiles from Colorado. Herpetological Review 19(3): 61.

Lokke, J. 2011. Masticophis flagellum (Coachwhip). Journal of Kansas Herpetology 40: 8.

Maslin, T.P. 1953. The status of the whip snake Masticophis flagellum (Shaw) in Colorado. Herpetologica 9: 193-200.

Mata-Silva, V.; Rocha, A.; Dilks, S.; Johnson, J.D.; Wilson, L.D. 2015. Natural history notes: Coluber flagellum (=Masticophis flagellum) (Coachwhip). General ecology. Herpetological Review 46(2): 267.

Mays, J.D.; Godwin, C.D.; Enge, K.M. 2014. Geographic distribution: Coluber (=Masticophis) flagellum flagellum (Eastern Coachwhip). Herpetological Review 45(4): 663.

McAllister, C.T. 1988. New county records for amphibians and reptiles of north central Texas. Herpetological Review 19(3): 61-62.

McCallum, M.L.; McCallum, J.L. 2007. Natural history notes: Masticophis flagellum (Eastern Coachwhip). Reproduction. Herpetological Review 38(3): 340-341.

Mitrovich, M.J.; Diffendorfer, J.E.; Fisher, R.N. 2009. Behavioral response of the Coachwhip (Masticophis flagellum) to habitat fragment size and isolation in an urban landscape. Journal of Herpetology 43(4): 646-656.

Montgomery, C.E.; Beaupre, S.J. 2005. Geographic distribution: Masticophis flagellum flagellum (Eastern Coachwhip). Herpetological Review 36(1): 83.

Mueller, J.M.; Whiting, M.J. 1989. Life history notes: Masticophis flagellum testaceus (Western Coachwhip). Predation. Herpetological Review 20(3): 72-73.

Munscher, E.C.; Braden, A. 2013. Geographic distribution: Coluber flagellum testaceus (Western Coachwhip). Herpetological Review 44(2): 274-275.

Myers, S.J.; Myers, V.A. 2014. Natural history notes: Coluber (=Masticophis) flagellum (Coachwhip). Diet / ophiophagy. Herpetological Review 45(2): 336.

Nazdrowicz, N.H. 2009. Geographic distribution: Coluber (= Masticophis) flagellum flagellum (Eastern Coachwhip). Herpetological Review 40(3): 364.

Nelson, E.I.; Painter, C.W. 1998. Geographic distribution: Masticophis flagellum (Coachwhip). Herpetological Review 29(2): 114.

Nelson, K.T.; Durso, A.M. 2009. Geographic distribution: Coluber (= Masticophis) flagellum (Coachwhip). Herpetological Review 40(3): 364-365.

Pequegnat, W.E. 1951. The biota of the Santa Ana Mountains. Journal Ent. Zool. 42: 1-84.

Platt, S.G.; Russell, K.R.; Snyder, W.E.; Fontenot, L.W.; Miller, S. 1999. Distribution and conservation status of selected amphibians and reptiles in the Piedmont of South Carolina. Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society 115(1): 8-19.

Punzo, F. 2007. Chemosensory cues associated with snake predators affect locomotor activity and tongue flick rate in the whiptail lizard, Aspidoscelis dixoni Scudday 1973 (Squamata Teiidae). Ethology Ecology & Evolution 19(3): 225-235.

Quintero-Diaz, G.E.; Sigala-Rodriguez, J.J.; Vazquez-Diaz, J.; Carrasco, J.L.; Sigala-Rodriguez, J.I.; Roman, F.L.; Rosa, R.G. de la 2007. Geographic distribution: Masticophis flagellum (Coachwhip). Herpetological Review 38(4): 488.

Reams, R.D.; Franklin, C.J.; Davis, J.M. 2000. Natural history notes: Masticophis flagellum (Western Coachwhip). Secondary ingestion. Herpetological Review 31(4): 247.

Reaño-Hernández, I.; Wilson, L.D.; Ramírez-Bautista, A.; Cruz-Elizalde, R.; Hernández-Melo, J.A. 2015. Distribution notes: Masticophis flagellum (Shaw, 1802). Mesoamerican Herpetology 2(3): 357-358.

Repp, R.A. 2001. Fast snake does a phony roll: a pictorial glimpse of a Coachwhip (Masticophis flagellum) feigning death. Sonoran Herpetologist 14(12): 130-131.

Repp, R.A. 2002. Duel in the desert: when predators collide a "no win" natural history observation. Sonoran Herpetologist 15(9): 102-103.

Roberts, K. 2005. Geographic distribution: Masticophis flagellum flagellum (Eastern Coachwhip). Herpetological Review 36(1): 83.

Rush, M.S.; Royal, S.M.; Fleharty, E.D. 1982. New county records and habitat preferences of amphibians and reptiles from the Sandsage Prairie in Finney County, Kansas. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 85(3): 165-173.

Ryberg, W.A.; Dayton, G.H. 2004. Natural history notes: Scaphiopus couchii (Couch's Spadefoot). Predation. Herpetological Review 35(3): 263.

Schneider, G.E. 1998. Geographic distribution: Masticophis flagellum flagellum (Eastern Coachwhip). Herpetological Review 29(2): 114.

Schoech, S.J. 1999. Florida scrub-jay nestlings preyed upon by an Eastern Coachwhip. Florida Field Naturalist 27(2): 57-58.

Secor, S.M. 1995. Ecological aspects of foraging mode for the snakes Crotalus cerastes and Masticophis flagellum. Herpetological Monographs 9: 169-186.

Secor, S.M.; Nagy, K.A. 1994. Bioenergetic correlates of foraging mode for the snakes Crotalus cerastes and Masticophis flagellum. Ecology (Tempe) 75(6): 1600-1614.

Shannon, F.A.; Smith, H.M. 1949. Herpetological results of the University of Illinois Field Expedition, Spring 1949. I. Introduction, Testudines, Serpentes. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Sciences 52(4): 494-509.

Sherbrooke, W.C. 2008. Body-flip and immobility behavior in Regal Horned Lizards: A gape-limiting defense selectively displayed toward one of two snake predators. Herpetological Review 39(2): 156-162.

Sherbrooke, W.C. 2010. Natural history notes: Phrynosoma modestum (Round-tailed Horned Lizard). Predation and nesting. Herpetological Review 41(3): 356.

Small, M.F.; Tabor, S.P.; Fazzari, C. 1994. Natural history notes: Masticophis flagellum (Western Coachwhip). Foraging behavior. Herpetological Review 25(1): 27.

Smith, D.D. 1975. Death feigning by the western coachwhip snake. Herpetological Review 6(4): 126.

Smith, H.M. 1941. Notes on Mexican snakes of the genus Trimeresurus. Zoologica (New York) 26: 61 64.

Soehren, E.C.; Trent, J.A. 2014. Geographic distribution: Coluber (=Masticophis) flagellum (Coachwhip). Herpetological Review 45(4): 663.

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Swann, D.E. 2004. Coachwhip in Saguaro cactus. Sonoran Herpetologist 17(6): 64.

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Watson, M.L.; Stuart, J.N. 2003. Cannibalistic carrion feeding by a Coachwhip (Masticophis flagellum) in New Mexico. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 38(11): 222.

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Masticophis fuliginosus

Cope, E.D. 1895. On some new North American snakes. American Naturalist 29: 676-680.

García-Padilla, E.; Guerrero-Cardenas, I.; Alvarez-Cardenas, S. 2011. Natural history notes: Coluber (=Masticophis) fuliginosus (Baja California Coachwhip). Diet. Herpetological Review 42(1): 98.

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Masticophis lateralis

Alvarez, J.A. 2006. Natural history notes: Masticophis lateralis euryxanthus (Alameda Whipsnake). Habitat. Herpetological Review 37(2): 233.

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Grismer, L.L. 1990. Relationships, taxonomy, and biogeography of the Masticophis lateralis complex in Baja California, Mexico. Herpetologica 46(1): 66-77.

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Hammerson, G.A. 1978. Observations on the reproduction, courtship, and aggressive behavior of the striped racer, Masticophis lateralis euryxanthus (Reptilia, Serpentes, Colubridae). Journal of Herpetology 12(2): 253-255.

Hansen, R.W. 1994. Alameda whipsnake. pp. 278-279. In: Thelander, C.G. & Crabtree, M. (eds.): Life on the edge: a guide to California's endangered natural resources: wildlife. Biosystems Books, Santa Cruz, California. 550 pp.

Jaksic, F.M.; Greene, H.W. 1984. Empirical evidence of non-correlation between tail loss frequency and predation intensity on lizards. Oikos 42(3): 407-411.

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Larsen, S.S.; Swaim, K.E.; McGinnis, S.M. 1991. Innate response of the San Francisco garter snake and the Alameda whipsnake to specific prey items. Transactions of the Western Section of the Wildlife Society 27: 37-41.

Lind, A.J. 1992. Geographic distribution: Masticophis lateralis (Striped Racer). USA: California: Trinity Co. Herpetological Review 23(4): 124.

Pequegnat, W.E. 1951. The biota of the Santa Ana Mountains. Journal Ent. Zool. 42: 1-84.

Richmond, J.Q.; Wood, D.A.; Swaim, K.E.; Fisher, R.N.; Vandergast, A.G. 2016. Historical habitat barriers prevent ring-like genetic continuity throughout the distribution of threatened Alameda Striped Racers (Coluber lateralis euryxanthus). Herpetologica 72(3): 202-213.

Riemer, W.J. 1954. A new subspecies of the snake Masticophis lateralis from California. Copeia 1954: 45-48.

Schwenkmeyer, R.C. 1949. Hibernation of the California striped racer. Herpetologica 5(4): 84.

Shafer, C.; Hein, S. 2005. Natural history notes: Masticophis lateralis euryxanthus (Alameda Striped Racer). Diet. Herpetological Review 36(2): 195.

Swaim, K.E.; McGinnis, S.M. 1992. Habitat associations of the Alameda whipsnake. Transactions of the Western Section of the Wildlife Society 28: 107-111.

Vindum, J.V. 1998. Geographic distribution: Masticophis lateralis (Striped Racer). Herpetological Review 29(2): 114-115.

Wiseman, K.D.; Marlow, K.R. 2006. Geographic distribution: Masticophis lateralis lateralis (California Striped Racer). Herpetological Review 37(4): 498-499.

Yacelga, M.; Wiseman, K.D. 2011. Natural history notes: Coluber (=masticophis) lateralis euryxanthus (Alameda Striped Racer) and Lampropeltis getula californiae (California Kingsnake). Predation and maximum prey length ratio. Herpetological Review 42(2): 286-287.

Masticophis lineatus

Castro-Franco, R.; Torre, G.G. de la 1990. Reptiles de la Isla La Pena, Nayarit, Mexico. Anales del Instituto de Biologia Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Serie Zoologia 61(1): 175-187.

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Pianka, E.R.; Smith, H.M. 1959. Distributional records for certain Mexican and Guatemalan reptiles. Herpetologica 15: 119-120.

Webb, R.G. 1961. Notes on some amphibians and reptiles from northern Mexico. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Sciences 63: 289-298.

Zweifel, R.G.; Norris, K.S. 1955. Contribution to the herpetology of Sonora, Mexico: descriptions of new subspecies of snakes (Micruroides euryxanthus and Lampropeltis getulus) and miscellaneous collecting notes. American Midland Naturalist 54: 230-249.

Masticophis mentovarius

Auth, D.L.; Chiszar, D.; Smith, H.M.; Breukelen, F. van 1997. Geographic distribution: Masticophis mentovarius mentovarius (Neotropical Whipsnake). Herpetological Review 28(4): 210.

Auth, D.L.; Chiszar, D.; Smith, H.M.; Breukelen, F. van 1998. Geographic distribution: Masticophis mentovarius mentovarius (Neotropical Whipsnake). Herpetological Review 29(1): 54.

Avila, S.; Robles Elias, C.; Rorabaugh, J.C. 2008. Geographic distribution: Coluber (= Masticophis) mentovarius (Neotropical Whipsnake). Herpetological Review 39(3): 370.

Bello-Sánchez, E.A.; Vaca-León, O.I.M.; Morales-Mávil, J.E. 2016. Natural history notes: Coluber mentovarius (=Masticophis mentovarius). (Neotropical Whipsnake). Diet. Herpetological Review 47(3): 476.

Calderon Patron, J.; Hernández-Salinas, U.; Ramírez-Bautista, A.; Lozano-Trejo, S.; Marini-Zuniga, F. 2011. Natural history notes: Masticophis (=coluber) mentovarius (Neotropical Whipsnake). Diet. Herpetological Review 42(2): 293.

Cedeño-Vázquez, J.R.; Beutelspacher-García, P.M. 2018. Distribution notes: New records of Masticophis mentovarius (Squamata: Colubridae) from the state of Quintana Roo, Mexico. Mesoamerican Herpetology 5(1): 182-183.

Chavez Martinez, A.; Ramirez-Bautista, A. 1998. Natural history notes: Cnemidophorus (Whiptail Lizards). Diet. Herpetological Review 29(2): 98, 100.

Cupul-Magaña, F.G.; McCann, F.; Escobedo-Galván, A.H. 2016. Nature notes: Masticophis mentovarius (Duméril, Bibron & Duméril, 1854). Diet. Mesoamerican Herpetology 3(2): 500-501.

Dugan, E.A.; Figueroa, A. 2008. Natural history notes: Masticophis mentovarius (Neotropical Whipsnake). Attempted predation and diet. Herpetological Review 39(4): 471.

Dunn, E.R. 1933. Notes on Coluber oaxaca and Masticophis mentovarius. Copeia 1933: 214.

Dunn, E.R. 1940. New and noteworthy herpetological material from Panama. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 93: 105-122.

Franklin, C.J.; Franklin, J. 1999. Geographic distribution: Masticophis mentovarius (Neotropical Coachwhip). Herpetological Review 30(2): 114.

Fugler, C.M. 1960. New herpetological records for British Honduras. Texas Journal of Science 12: 8-13.

Goldberg, S.R. 2005. Notes on the testicular cycle of the Neotropical Whipsnake, Mastocophis [Masticophis] mentovarius (Serpentes: Colubridae) from Sonora, Mexico. Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society 41(1): 33-35.

Guyer, C.; Laska, M.S. 1996. Natural history notes: Coluber (= Masticophis) mentovarius (tropical Racer). Predation. Herpetological Review 27(4): 203.

Hellmich, W. 1953. Contribuciones al conocimiento de los ofidios de Venezuela. 1. Spilotes pullatus pullatus (Linne). 2. Sobre la subespecie venezolana de Coluber (Masticophis) mentovarius (D. & B.). Acta Biologica Venezuelica 1(8): 141-154.

Johnson, J.D. 1977. The taxonomy and distribution of the Neotropical whipsnake Masticophis mentovarius (Reptilia, Serpentes, Colubridae). Journal of Herpetology 11(3): 287-309.

Johnson, J.D. 1982. Masticophis mentovarius. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 295: 1-4.

Kauffeld, C.F. 1942. Range extension of the Mexican whip snake. Copeia 1942(3): 177-178.

Knight, J.L.; Ruback, P.; Wedow, J.; Ray, J.M. 2016. Distribution notes: Masticophis mentovarius (Duméril, Bibron, & Duméril, 1854) (Squamata: Serpentes: Colubridae): an update of records from Panama. Mesoamerican Herpetology 3(1): 185-188.

Lancini, A.R. 1965. Notas sobre as diferencias existentes entre as sub-especies Venezuelanas de Coluber (Masticophis) mentovarius (Dum. Bibr. et Dum. 1854). Memorias do Instituto Butantan (Sao Paulo) 32: 9-14.

Liner, E.A. 1964. Notes on four small herpetological collections from Mexico. I. Introduction, turtles and snakes. Southwestern Naturalist 8: 221-227.

Martínez-Fonseca, J.G.; Sunyer, J. 2015. Nature notes: Masticophis mentovarius (Duméril, Bibron, & Duméril, 1854). Diet. Mesoamerican Herpetology 2(4): 525-526.

Minton, S.A.; Minton, M.R. 1991. Life history notes: Masticophis mentovarius (Neotropical Whipsnake). Reproduction. Herpetological Review 22(3): 100-101.

Munoz, M.C.; Escalona, T.; Holmstrom, W.F.; Henderson, R.W. 1997. Notes on the reproduction of a Venezuelan whipsnake, Masticophis mentovarius suborbitalis. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 32(7): 146.

Palacios-Aguilar, R. 2015. Natural history notes: Coluber (=Masticophis) mentovarius (Neotropical Whipsnake). Predation. Herpetological Review 46(1): 101-102.

Pianka, E.R.; Smith, H.M. 1959. Distributional records for certain Mexican and Guatemalan reptiles. Herpetologica 15: 119-120.

Rorabaugh, J.C.; Avila, S.; Elias, C.R.; Ferguson, G. 2009. An addition to the 100-Mile circle: Neotropical Whipsnake (Coluber mentovarius). Sonoran Herpetologist 22(1): 2-5.

Roze, J.A. 1953. The Rassenkreis Coluber (Masticophis) mentovarius (Dumeril, Bibron et Dumeril), 1854. Herpetologica 9: 113-120.

Rubio-Morales, B.; Arias-Balderas, S.F.; Hernández-Ríos, A.; Correa-Sánchez, F.; Cid-Méndez, E. 2013. Herpetoculture notes: Masticophis mentovarius (Neotropical Whipsnake). Reproduction. Herpetological Review 44(3): 453-454.

Rubio-Morales, B.; Arias-Balderas, S.F.; Hernández-Ríos, A.; Correa-Sánchez, F.; Cid-Méndez, E. 2013. Herpetoculture notes: Masticophis mentovarius (Neotropical Whipsnake). Reproduction. Herpetological Review 44(3): 453-454.

Smith, H.M. 1942. Notes on Masticophis mentovarius. Copeia 1942: 85-88.

Villa, J.D. 1993. Geographic distribution: Masticophis mentovarius mentovarius (Sabanera). Nicaragua: Zelaya. Herpetological Review 24(3): 110.

Werler, J.E. 1951. Miscellaneous notes on the eggs and young of Texan and Mexican reptiles. Zoologica (New York) 36: 37-48.

Masticophis piceus

Brattstrom, B.H.; Warren, J.W. 1953. A new subspecies of racer, Masticophis flagellum, from the San Joaquin Valley of California. Herpetologica 9: 177-179.

Clark, H.O. 2010. Coachwhip, Coluber flagellum (Shaw 1802). Sonoran Herpetologist 23(11): 150-154.

Currylow, A.; Walde, A.D.; Walde, A.M. 2016. Natural history notes: Gopherus agassizii (Mojave Desert Tortoise) and Coluber flagellum piceus (Red Racer). Burrow associates. Herpetological Review 47(1): 122-123.

Hammerson, G.A. 1977. Head-body temperature differences monitored by telemetry in the snake Masticophis flagellum piceus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology (A) 57(4): 399-402.

Hensley, M.M. 1950. Results of a herpetological reconnaissance in extreme southwestern Arizona and adjacent Sonora, with a description of a new subspecies of the Sonoran whipsnake, Masticophis bilineatus. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Sciences 53: 270-288.

Klauber, L.M. 1942. The status of the black whip snake. Copeia 1942(2): 88-97.

Lowe, C.H.; Woodin, W.H. 1954. A new racer (genus Masticophis) from Arizona and Sonora, Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 67: 247-250.

Matos, J.A. 2004. Natural history notes: Masticophis flagellum ruddocki (San Joaquin Coachwhip). Cannibalism. Herpetological Review 35(4): 401-402.

Medica, P.A. 2011. Natural history notes: Coluber (=masticophis) flagellum piceus (Red Racer). Arboreal/nocturnal behavior. Herpetological Review 42(4): 612-613.

Smith, H.M.; Chiszar, D.; Lemos-Espinal, J.A. 2005. Geographic distribution: Masticophis flagellum cingulum (Sonora Coachwhip). Herpetological Review 36(1): 82-83.

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Staedeli, J.H. 1972. Whipsnakes. Zoonooz 45(9): 17.

Stitt, E.W. 2003. Natural history notes: Masticophis flagellum cingulum (Sonoran Coachwhip). Defensive behavior. Herpetological Review 34(2): 150-151.

Zweifel, R.G.; Norris, K.S. 1955. Contribution to the herpetology of Sonora, Mexico: descriptions of new subspecies of snakes (Micruroides euryxanthus and Lampropeltis getulus) and miscellaneous collecting notes. American Midland Naturalist 54: 230-249.

Masticophis schotti

Camper, J.D. 1996. Masticophis schotti. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 638: 1-4.

Camper, J.D.; Dixon, J.R. 2000. Food habits of three species of Striped Whipsnakes, Masticophis (Serpentes: Colubridae). Texas Journal of Science 52(2): 83-92.

Camper, J.D.; Dixon, J.R. 2002. Clutch and ovum sizes of three species of whipsnakes (Masticophis, Colubridae). Southwestern Naturalist 47(3): 467-471.

Ferguson, A.W. 2007. Natural history notes: Masticophis schotti schotti (Schott's Whipsnake). Diet. Herpetological Review 38(3): 341.

Gloyd, H.K.; Conant, R. 1934. The taxonomic status, range and natural history of Schott's racer. Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology University of Michigan 287: 1-17.

Hernandez, T.O.; Herr, M.W.; Espinosa-Treviño, A.; Lazcano, D.; Black, M.; Graham, S.P. 2018. Geographic distribution: Masticophis schotti (Schott's Whipsnake). Herpetological Review 49(3): 506.

Karges, J.P. 1981. Texas amphibians and reptiles: some new distributional records, part 3. Herpetological Review 12(2): 68-69.

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McCrystal, H.K.; Dixon, J.R. 1983. Eggs & young of Schott's Whipsnake, Masticophis taeniatus shotti. Texas Journal of Science 35(2): 161-163.

Powell, R.L.; Soto, M.A.; Leidner, M.L.; Agustin, W.R. 2007. Natural history notes: Masticophis schotti schotti (Schott's Whipsnake). Maximum size record. Herpetological Review 38(2): 208-209.

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Sinclair, T.A.; Williams, J.T.; Wahlberg, S.A. 2011. Geographic distribution: Coluber (=Masticophis) schotti (Schott's Whipsnake). Herpetological Review 42(3): 393.

Masticophis slevini

Lowe, C.H.; Norris, K.S. 1955. Analysis of the herpetofauna of Baja California, Mexico. III. new and revived reptilian subspecies of Isla de San Esteban, Gulf of California, Sonora, Mexico, with notes on other satellite islands of Isla Tiburon. Herpetologica 11: 89-96.

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Masticophis taeniatus

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