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Taxonomy of the genus Xenodon Biodiversity of the family Colubridae

Bibliography of the genus
Xenodon (Northern Mock Lanceheads and South American Hognose Snakes)

(Reptilia: Serpentes: Colubridae)

Note: In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.

Xenodon in general

Bailey, J.R. 1962. Lystrophis Cope,1885 (Reptilia); proposed validation under the plenary powers. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 19: 164-169.

Boulenger, E.G. 1915. On a colubrid snake (Xenodon) with a vertically movable maxillary bone. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1915: 83-85.

Breitling, R. 1993. Zur Entdeckerpriorit t der Oberkieferkinese bei Xenodon (Colubridae: Xenodontinae). Salamandra 29(2): 155-156.

Cadle, J.E. 1984. Molecular systematics of Neotropical xenodontine snakes. 1. South American xenodontines. Herpetologica 40(1): 8-20.

Hubbs, C.L. 1932. The use of the generic name Ophis for an eel, a snake and a mollusc. Copeia 1932: 26-27.

Hutwalker, A. 2009. Die geb nderten Hakennasennatter der Gattung Lystrophis Haltung und Nachzucht einer kleinen Sch nheit. Reptilia (D) 14(77): 52-57.

International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature 1964. Opinion 698. Lystrophis Cope 1885 (Reptilia): validated under the Plenary Powers. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 21: 101-103.

Lemos Romano, S.A. de; Hoge, A.R. 1972. Nota sobre Xenodon e Ophis Serpentes, Colubridae. Memorias do Instituto Butantan (Sao Paulo) 36: 209-214.

Orejas-Miranda, B.R. 1966. The snake genus Lystrophis in Uruguay. Copeia 1966: 193-205.

Peters, W.C.H. 1864. ber einige neue S ugethiere (Mormops, Macrotus, Vesperus, Molossus, Capromys), Amphibien (Plathydactylus, Otocryptis, Euprepes, Ungalia, Dromicus, Tropidonotus, Xenodon, Hylodes), und Fische (Sillago, Sebastes, Channa, Myctophum, Carassius, Barbus,..... Monatsberichte der K niglich Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1864(June): 381-399.

Xenodon angustirostris

Guti rrez Rodr guez, A.A.; Sunyer, J. 2017. Distribution notes: Xenodon angustirostris (Peters, 1864). Mesoamerican Herpetology 4(2): 479-480.

Myers, C.W.; McDowell, S.B. 2014. New taxa and cryptic species of Neotropical snakes (Xenodontinae), with commentary on hemipenes as generic and specific characters. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 385: 1-112.

Smith, H.M. 1940. Descriptions of new lizards and snakes from Mexico and Guatemala. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 53: 55-64.

Xenodon dorbignyi

Francini, F.; Grisolia, C.S.; Peluso, F.O. 1995. Biologia comportamental de juveniles de Lystrophis dorbignyi (Serpentes, Colubridae) en cautiverio. Iheringia Serie Zoologia 78: 171-176.

Francini, F.; Peluso, F.O.; Grisolia, C.S. 1991. Observaciones sobre una postura de Lystrophis dorbignyi (Dumeril, Bibron, y Dumeril, 1854) (Ophidia - Colubridae). Neotropica (La Plata) 37(97): 25-29.

Kunz, T.S.; Rohling, G.I.; Giasson, L.O.M. 2011. Novos registros de r pteis para as reas abertas naturais do planalto e do litoral sul de Santa Catarina, Brasil. [New records of reptiles from natural open areas of the plateau and South coast of Santa Catarina, Brazil]. Biotemas 24(3): 59-68.

Lema, T. de 1961. Notas s bre os r pteis do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. X. Estudo das marcas vertebrais de Lystrophis dorbignyi (Dum., Bibr. & Dum.) e descri o de um exemplar anomalo (Serpentes: Colubri-dae). Iheringia (Zoologia) 17: 11-14.

Lema, T. de 1994. Lista comentada dos repteis ocorrentes no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Comunicacoes do Museu de Ciencias da PUCRGS 7: 41-150.

Nenda, S.J.; Cacivio, P.M. 2007. Reptilia, Colubridae, Xenodontinae, Lystrophis dorbignyi, Lystrophis pulcher, and Lystrophis semicinctus: distribution extension, new provinces records in Argentina. Check List 3(2): 126-130.

Oliveira, R.B. de; Di-Bernardo, M.; Funk Pontes, G.M.; Maciel, A.P.; Krause, L. 2001. Dieta e comportamento alimentar da cobra-Nariguda, Lystrophis dorbignyi (Dumeril, Bibron & Dumeril, 1854) no litoral norte do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Cuadernos de Herpetologia 14(2): 117-122.

Oliveira, R.B. de; Pontes, G.M.F.; Maciel, A.P.; Ribeiro Gomes, L.; Di-Bernardo, M. 2011. Reproduction of Xenodon dorbignyi on the north coast of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Herpetological Journal 21(4): 219-225.

Oliveira, R.B. de; Pontes, G.M.F.; Sol , M.; Di-Bernardo, M.; Martins, M.B. 2004. Natural history notes: Lystrophis dorbignyi (Nariguda) and Helicops infrataeniatus (Cobra-d'Agua). Predation. Herpetological Review 35(1): 70-71.

Tozetti, A.M.; Oliveira, R.B. de; Pontes, G.M.F. 2009. Defensive repertoire of Xenodon dorbignyi (Serpentes, Dipsadidae). Biota Neotropica 9(3): 157-163.

Tozetti, A.M.; Pontes, G.M.F.; Borges-Martins, M.; Oliveira, R.B. 2010. Temperature preferences of Xenodon dorbignyi: field and experimental observations. Herpetological Journal 20(4): 277-280.

Yanosky, A.A.; Chani, J.M. 1986. Lystrophis dorbignyi (Dumeril, Bibron et Dumeril). Revue Francaise d'Aquariologie Herpetologie 12(3) [1985]: 2 pp.

Yanosky, A.A.; Chani, J.M. 1988. Possible dual mimicry of Bothrops and Micrurus by the colubrid, Lystrophis dorbignyi. Journal of Herpetology 22(2): 222-224.

Xenodon guentheri

Abegg, A.D.; Ceron, K.; Lhanos, F.H. 2018. Natural history notes: Xenodon guentheri (G nther's False Fer-de-lance). Defensive behavior. Herpetological Review 49(1): 141-142.

Xenodon histricus

Carreira, S.; Lombardo, I. 2007. Natural history notes: Lystrophis histricus (Rayed or Jan's Hog-nosed Snake). Diet. Herpetological Review 38(2): 208.

Carreira, S.; Lombardo, I.; Colina, M.; G mez, J.C. 2011. Natural history notes: Xenodon histricus (Rayed or Jan's Hog-nosed Snake). Reproduction. Herpetological Review 42(2): 305.

D'Angelo, J.S.; Agnol n, F.L.; Godoy, F.A. 2015. Xenodon histricus (Jan, 1863) (Squamata: Dipsadidae): distribution extension and new province record in Argentina. Check List 11(5)(Article 1737): 1-3.

Orejas-Miranda, B.R. 1971. Nuevo hallazgo de Lystrophis histricus para el Uruguay. Boletin de la Sociedad Zoologica del Uruguay 1: 61-62.

Prigioni, C.; Borteiro, C.; Kolenc, F. 2011. Amphibia and Reptilia, Quebrada de los Cuervos, Departamento de Treinta y Tres, Uruguay. Check List 7(6): 763-767.

Silva Alves, S. da; Rigon Bolzan, A.M.; Santos, T.G. dos; Gressler, D.T.; Cechin, S.Z. 2013. Rediscovery, distribution extension and defensive behaviour of Xenodon histricus (Squamata: Serpentes) in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Salamandra 49(4): 219-222.

Vinas, M.; Olmedo, E.V. de 1988. Sobre Lystrophis histricus (Jan) en la Argentina (Serpentes, Colubridae). Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales 'Bernardino Rivadavia' e Instituto Nacional de Investigacion de las Ciencias Naturales Zoologia 15(1): 3-6.

Xenodon matogrossensis

Giraudo, A.R. 1997. Geographic distribution: Lystrophis matogrossensis (South America Hognose Snake). Herpetological Review 28(3): 159.

Scrocchi, G.; Cruz, F.B. 1993. Description of a new species of the genus Lystrophis Cope and a revalidation of Lystrophis pulcher (Jan, 1863) (Serpentes; Colubridae). Papeis Avulsos de Zoologia (S o Paulo) 38(10): 171-186.

Xenodon merremii

Amaral, A. do 1929. Valor systematico de varias formas de ophidios neotropicos. Memorias do Instituto Butantan (Sao Paulo) 4: 3-68.

Amaral, A. do 1934. Curiosos habitos e particularidades da Boipeva (Xenodon merremi: Colubridae). Bol. Biol. S. Paulo N.S. 2(1): 1-3.

Anthony, J.; Serra, R.G. 1949. Sur une particularite remarquable de l'appareil de la morsure chez un serpent aglyphe de L'Amerique tropicale, "Xenodon merremii". Revista Brasileira de Biologia 9(2): 153-160.

Aroztegui, A.; Alvarez, B.; Cespedez, J. 2008. Natural history notes: Waglerophis merremi (false yarara). Diet. Herpetological Review 39(4): 475.

Belluomini, H.E. 1959. Bicefalia em Xenodon merremii (Wagler 1824) (Serpentes). Memorias do Instituto Butantan (Sao Paulo) 28: 85-89.

Bergna, S.; Albarez de Avanza, B. 1992. Quelques remarques sur la biologie et le mimetisme de Waglerophis merremi (Wagler), (Ophidia, Colubridae, Xenodontinae). Revue Francaise d'Aquariologie Herpetologie 19(3): 93-96.

Cacciali, P. 2009. [Arthropod remains found in the faeces of Waglerophis merremi: is this an insectivorous snake?]. Boletin de la Asociacion Herpetologica Espanola 20: 59-60.

Cacciali, P. 2010. Chromatic variation in populations of Xenodon merremi (Serpentes: Dipsadidae) in Paraguay. Acta Herpetologica 5(1): 107-112.

Caldeira Costa, H.; Assis, C.L. de; Azevedo Werneck, H. de; Valle Nunes, A.; Neves Feio, R. 2009. Ataque de um fal ao acaua (Herpetotheros cachinnans) sobre a serpente Boipeva (Xenodon merremii) na Mata Atlantica de Minas Gerais, sudeste do Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Zoociencias 11(2): 171-173.

Campos Brites, V.L. de; Bauab, F. 1995. Una incubadora para huevos de ofidios y saurios. Acta Zoologica Lilloana 43(1): 225-227.

Carreira, S.; Achaval, F. 2007. Sobre la presencia de Waglerophis merremi (Wagler, 1824) en Uruguay (Reptilia: Squamata). Boletin de la Sociedad Zoologica del Uruguay Segunda Epoca 16: 32-35.

Chiaraviglio, M.; Gutierrez, M. 1994. Reconocimiento de olor feromonal conespecifico en Waglerophis merremii (Serpentes: Colubridae). Influencia estacional y hormonal. Cuadernos de Herpetologia 8(1): 126-130.

Cordeiro, C.L.S.; Sawaya, P. 1982. Comparative behaviour of Waglerophis merremii (Wagler 1824) (Serpentes-Colubridae) under the influence of inhalant anasthetics. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research 15(4-5): 339.

Darevsky, I.S. 1971. Delayed fertilization in the Brazilian colubrid snake Xenodon merremii (Wagler). Journal of Herpetology 5: 82-83.

Dirksen, L.; Duarte, M.R. 1998. Polymorphismus in Waglerophis merremii (Wagler, 1824). Herpetofauna (Weinstadt) 20(115): 20.

Espinoza, N.C. de 1977. New records of colubrid snakes from Peru, with notes on their ecology and distribution. Herpetological Review 8(3): 3.

Feranandes-Ferreira, H.; Borges-Nojosa, D.M.; Cassiano Lima, D.; Borges-Leite, M.J.; Cunha Passos, D.; Tavares, A.A. 2010. Natural history notes: Waglerophis merremii (Wagler's Snake). Feeding behavior. Herpetological Review 41(3): 373.

Fernandez, F.M.; Schoos, S.S. de 1990. Actividad hemolitica natural de Waglerophis merremi (Wagler) (Reptilia, Colubridae). Acta Zoologica Lilloana 39(2): 17-21.

Hoogmoed, M.S. 1985. Xenodon werneri Eiselt, a poorly known snake from Guiana, with notes on Waglerophis merremii (Wagler) (Reptilia: Serpentes: Colubridae). Notes on the herpetofauna of Surinam 9. Zoologische Mededelingen (Leiden) 59(8): 79-88.

Hubbs, C.L. 1932. The use of the generic name Ophis for an eel, a snake and a mollusc. Copeia 1932: 26-27.

Ibisch, P.; B hme, W. 1993. Zur Kenntnis der innerandinen Herpetofauna Boliviens (Provinz Arque, Departamento Cochabamba). Herpetofauna (Weinstadt) 15(84): 15-26.

Klingelh ffer, W. 1950. ber das Gebitz von Xenodon merremi. Deuts. Aquar. Terrar. Z. (Stuttgart) 3: 187-188.

Kornacker, P.M. 1998. Erstnachweis von Waglerophis merremii (Wagler, 1824) f r Venezuela - nebst einigen Angaben zur Art. Herpetofauna (Weinstadt) 20(113): 14-18.

Lavilla, E.O.; Scrocchi, G.J.; Teran, E.M.T. 1979. Sobre algunos aspectos del comportamiento en cautiverio de Xenodon merremii (Wagler) (Ophidia: Colubridae). Acta Zoologica Lilloana 35(1): 287-293.

Lema, T. de 1961. Notas s bre os r pteis do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. XI. Bicefelia em Xenodon merremii (Wagler) (Serpentes: Colubridae). Iheringia (Zoologia) 17: 15-19.

Lema, T. de 1962. Deformacao acidental em Xenodon merremii (Wagler, 1824) (Serpentes, Colubridae). Iheringia (Zoologia) 24: 1-6.

Moura-Leite, J.C. de; Bernarde, P.S. 1999. Geographic distribution: Waglerophis merremii (Boipeva). Herpetological Review 30(1): 56.

Oliveira e Almeida, T.; Carvalho, M.F.; Caldeira Costa, H. 2010. Exchanging carrion for fresh meat: the vulture Cathartes burrovianus (Aves, Cathartidae) preys on the snake Xenodon merremii (Serpentes, Dipsadidae) in southeastern Brazil. Biotemas 23(4): 177-180.

Pizzatto, L.; Jordao, R.S.; Marques, O.A.V. 2008. Overview of reproductive strategies in Xenodontini (Serpentes: Colubridae: Xenodontinae) with new data for Xenodon neuwiedii and Waglerophis merremii. Journal of Herpetology 42(1): 153-162.

Ribeiro, M.M.; Freire, E.M.X. 2012. Natural history notes: Rhinella granulosa (Common Lesser Toad), Xenodon merremii. Predation. Herpetological Review 43(3): 469.

Schetty, P. 1950. Eine selten importierte Brasilianerin. Deuts. Aquar. Terrar. Z. (Stuttgart) 3(7): 108-109.

Tourmente, M.; Giojalas, L.C.; Chiaraviglio, M. 2011. Sperm parameters associated with reproductive ecology in two snake species. Herpetologica 67(1): 58-70.

Travaglia-Cardoso, S.R. 2007. Natural history notes: Waglerophis merremii (Boipeva). Reproduction. Herpetological Review 38(4): 471.

Vitt, L.J. 1983. Ecology of an anuran-eating guild of terrestrial tropical snakes. Herpetologica 39(1): 52-66.

Vitt, L.J.; Vangilder, L.D. 1984. Ecology of a snake community in northeastern Brazil. Amphibia-Reptilia 4(2-4) [1983]: 273-296.

Vuoto, J.A. 1996. Ampliacion del area de distribucion de Waglerophis merremii (Wagler 1824) (Serpentes: Colubridae) sobre las provincias de Entre Rios, Santa Fe y Buenos Aires, Argentina. Cuadernos de Herpetologia 10(1-2): 67-70.

Xenodon nattereri

Arg lo, A.J.S. 2002. Geographic distribution: Lystrophis nattereri (NCN). Herpetological Review 33(2): 150.

Brasileiro, C.A.; Martins, M.; Kiefer, M.C. 2003. Natural history notes: Lystrophis nattereri (NCN). Predation. Herpetological Review 34(1): 70.

Hoge, A.R.; Cordeiro, C.L.; Lemos Romano, S.A. de 1975. Posic o taxonomico de Lystrophis nattereri (Steindachner) (Serpentes, Colubridae). Memorias do Instituto Butantan (Sao Paulo) 39: 37-50.

Lima Silveira, A.; Ribeiro Costa, E.; Salles, L.M. 2004. Geographic distribution: Lystrophis nattereri. Herpetological Review 35(4): 412.

Xenodon neuwiedii

Amaral, A. do 1926. Notas de ophiologia. 1a. Nota de ophiologia. S bre a invalidez de um g nero e algunas esp cies de ophidios sul-americanos. Revista do Museu Paulista (S o Paulo) 14: 17-33.

Arg lo, A.J.S. 1999. Geographic distribution: Xenodon neuwiedii. Herpetological Review 30(1): 56.

Aximoff, I.; Spencer, C. 2016. Natural history notes: Xenodon neuwiedii (Neuwied's False Fer-de-lance). Reproduction. Herpetological Review 47(1): 155.

Braz, H.B.; Marques, O.A.V. 2016. Tail-first ingestion of prey by the false coral snake, Erythrolamprus aesculapii: does it know where the tail is. Salamandra 52(2): 211-214.

Costa, H.C.; Borges Martins, L.; Carvalho, T.R. de 2012. [Xenodon neuwiedii (Serpentes: Xenodontinae): diet]. (In Portuguese). Herpetologia Brasileira 1(1): 38-40.

Maia, T.; Wachlevski, M.; Barcante, L.; Rocha, C.F.D. 2011. Natural history notes: Xenodon neuwiedii (False Lancehead). Diet. Herpetological Review 42(3): 447.

Pizzatto, L.; Jordao, R.S.; Marques, O.A.V. 2008. Overview of reproductive strategies in Xenodontini (Serpentes: Colubridae: Xenodontinae) with new data for Xenodon neuwiedii and Waglerophis merremii. Journal of Herpetology 42(1): 153-162.

Serafim, H.; Ienne, S.; Salino, A.; Cicchi, P.J.P. 2008. Natural history notes: Bokermannohyla circumdata (Espirito Santo Treefrog). Predation. Herpetological Review 39(4): 458-459.

Silva, V.X. da; Rodrigues, M.T. 2001. Natural history notes: Xenodon neuwiedii (Quiriripita). Diet. Herpetological Review 32(3): 188.

Xenodon pulcher

Buasso, C.M.; Leynaud, G.C.; Cruz, F.B. 2006. Predation on snakes of Argentina: Effects of coLoration and ring pattern on coral and False Coral Snakes. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 41(3): 183-188.

Cabral, H.; Piatti, L.; Souza, F.L. de; Scrocchi, G.; Ferreira, V.L. 2015. Xenodon pulcher (Jan, 1863) (Serpentes: Dipsadidae) first record for Brazil and a distribution extension. Herpetology Notes 8: 361-364.

Nenda, S.J.; Cacivio, P.M. 2007. Reptilia, Colubridae, Xenodontinae, Lystrophis dorbignyi, Lystrophis pulcher, and Lystrophis semicinctus: distribution extension, new provinces records in Argentina. Check List 3(2): 126-130.

Scrocchi, G.; Cruz, F.B. 1993. Description of a new species of the genus Lystrophis Cope and a revalidation of Lystrophis pulcher (Jan, 1863) (Serpentes; Colubridae). Papeis Avulsos de Zoologia (S o Paulo) 38(10): 171-186.

Steindachner, F. 1867. Herpetologische Notizen. Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin 55: 263-273.

Trutnau, L. 2004. Einige Bemerkungen zur Naturgeschichte, Pflege und Nachzucht der (Falschen Korallenschlange) Lystrophis pulcher (JAN, 1863). Herpetofauna (Weinstadt) 25(142): 25-35.

Xenodon rabdocephalus

Goldberg, S.R. 2008. Reproduction in the false Fer-de-lance, Xenodon rabdocephalus (Serpentes: Colubridae) from Costa Rica. Herpetological Bulletin 103: 16-18.

Kuch, U.; Freire-Lascano, A. 2002. Snake records from Bolivar province, Ecuador. Herpetozoa 15(3-4): 182.

Minton, S.A.; Smith, H.M. 1960. A new subspecies of Coniophanes fissidens and notes on Central American amphibians and reptiles. Herpetologica 16: 103-111.

Myers, C.W.; McDowell, S.B. 2014. New taxa and cryptic species of Neotropical snakes (Xenodontinae), with commentary on hemipenes as generic and specific characters. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 385: 1-112.

Paolillo-O., A. 1984. First record of the colubrid snake, Xenodon rhabdocephalus (Wied.), for Venezuela. Herpetological Review 15(1): 22-23.

Xenodon semicinctus

Giambelluca, L.A. 1999. Lystrophis semicinctus (Ophidia: Colubridae) nueva cita para la provincia de Chubut (Argentina). Boletin de la Asociacion Herpetologica Espanola 10: 19.

M ller, P. 1969. ber die n rdliche Arealgrenze von Lystrophis semicinctus (Dumeril, Bibron und Dumeril). Aqua Terra 6: 96-99.

Nenda, S.J.; Cacivio, P.M. 2007. Reptilia, Colubridae, Xenodontinae, Lystrophis dorbignyi, Lystrophis pulcher, and Lystrophis semicinctus: distribution extension, new provinces records in Argentina. Check List 3(2): 126-130.

Xenodon severus

Alem n, C. 1952. Apuntes sobre reptiles y anfibios de la region Baruta-El Hatillo. Memoria de la Sociedad de Ciencias Naturales La Salle 12(31): 11-30.

Alem n, C. 1953. Contribution al estudio de los reptiles y batracios de la Sierra de Perija. Memoria de la Sociedad de Ciencias Naturales La Salle 13(35): Unpaginated.

Hoge, A.R. 1952. Snakes from the Uaupes region. Memorias do Instituto Butantan (Sao Paulo) 24: 225-227.

Johnson, M.L. 1952. Herpetological notes from northeastern Brazil. Copeia 1952: 283-284.

Kahn, T.R. 2011. Cobra-like hooding and mouth-gapping in an atypically monocle patterned Xenodon severus (Linnaeus, 1758): a case of convergent evolutionary behavior. Herpetotropicos 6(1-2): 25-26.

Mijares-Urrutia, A.; Arends-R., A. 1999. Additional new regional and local records of amphibians and reptiles from the state of Falcon, Venezuela. Herpetological Review 30(2): 115.

Prado, A.; Hoge, A.R. 1947. Observa es sobre serpentes do Peru, com a descri o de uma nova especie. Ciencia (Mexico) 8(6-9): 180.

Roze, J.A. 1959. Taxonomic notes on a collection of Venezuelan reptiles in the American Museum of Natural History. American Museum Novitates 1934: 1-14.

Xenodon suspectus

Dixon, J.R. 1983. Taxonomic status of the Brazilian colubrid snake Xenodon suspectus Cope. Texas Journal of Science 35(3): 257-260.

Myers, C.W.; McDowell, S.B. 2014. New taxa and cryptic species of Neotropical snakes (Xenodontinae), with commentary on hemipenes as generic and specific characters. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 385: 1-112.

Xenodon werneri

Eiselt, J. 1963. Zur Kenntnis der colubriden Schlangen-Gattungen Procteria und Xenodon. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 66: 279-282.

Hoogmoed, M.S. 1985. Xenodon werneri Eiselt, a poorly known snake from Guiana, with notes on Waglerophis merremii (Wagler) (Reptilia: Serpentes: Colubridae). Notes on the herpetofauna of Surinam 9. Zoologische Mededelingen (Leiden) 59(8): 79-88.

Ouboter, P. 2016. Xenodon werneri. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T66080578A66080684. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-1.RLTS.T66080578A66080684.en.

Yuki, V.L.F. 1993. Realocacao generica de Xenodon werneri Eiselt, 1963 (Serpentes: Colubridae). Comunicacoes do Museu de Ciencias da PUCRGS 50-54: 39-47.

Zaher, H. 1999. Hemipenial morphology of the South American xenodontine snakes, with a proposal for a monophyletic Xenodontinae and a reappraisal of colubroid hemipenes. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 240: 1-168.