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Bibliography of the genus
Zamenis (Western Palearctic Rat Snakes)

(Reptilia: Serpentes: Colubridae)
In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.
Zamenis in general
Chen, X.; Lemmon, A.R.; Lemmon, E.M.; Pyron, R.A.; Burbrink, F.T. 2017. Using phylogenomics to understand the link between biogeographic origins and regional diversification in ratsnakes. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 111: 206-218.
Helfenberger, N.; Schulz, K.D. 2013. A checklist of the extinct taxa allied to the Old World ratsnakes, with remarks on the phylogeny and radiation of Elaphe, Rhinechis and Zamenis. pp. 423-427. In: Schulz, K.D. (ed.). Old World ratsnakes: a collection of papers. Bushmaster Publications, Berg. 432 pp.
Hoser, R.T. 2012. A taxonomic revision of the Colubrinae genera Zamenis and Orthriophis with the creation of two new genera (Serpentes: Colubridae). Australasian Journal of Herpetology 11: 59-64.
Utiger, U.; Helfenberger, N.; Schätti, B.; Schmidt, C.; Ruf, M.; Ziswiler, V. 2002. Molecular systematics and phylogeny of Old and New World ratsnakes, Elaphe auct., and related genera (Reptilia, Squamata, Colubridae). Russian Journal of Herpetology 9(2): 105-124.
Zamenis hohenackeri
Afrasiab, S.R.; Mohamad, S.I. 2011. First record of the rat snake, Zamenis hohenackeri (Strauch, 1873), from north-eastern Iraq with notes on other colubrid snakes. Zoology in the Middle East 54: 19-22.
Akhmedov, S.B. 1989. [A new find of Elaphe hohenackeri hohenackeri in Azerbaidjan]. (In Russian). Vestnik Zoologii 1989(6): 84.
Baran, I. 1978. Some rare species of snakes from Turkey. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 81 [1977]: 261-265.
Bischoff, W. 1993. Elaphe hohenackeri - Transkaukasische Kletternatter. pp. 317-329. In: Böhme, W. (ed.). Handbuch der Reptilien und Amphibien Europas. Band 3/I: Schlangen (Serpentes) 1 (Typhlopidae, Boidae, Colubridae 1: Colubrinae). Aula-Verlag, Wiesbaden. 480 pp.
Bosch, H.A.J. in den; Bischoff, W.; Schmidtler, J.F. 1998. Bemerkenswerter Reptilienfunde im Libanon. Herpetofauna (Weinstadt) 20(117): 19-32.
Bussmann, M.; Kostyra, S. 1996. Erganzende Mitteilungen zur Herpetofauna des Koycegiz-Beckens (Prov. Mugla, Türkei) mit Hinweis auf ein neues Vorkommen von Elaphe hohenackeri. Salamandra 32(1): 59-62.
Hingley, K.J. 1987. Snakes of the genus Elaphe. Their care and breeding in captivity. Part 3. Snake Keeper 1(3): 6-10.
Hofmann, S.; Mebert, K.; Schulz, K.D.; Helfenberger, N.; Göçmen, B.; Böhme, W. 2018. A new subspecies of Zamenis hohenackeri (Strauch, 1873) (Serpentes: Colubridae) based on morphological and molecular data. Zootaxa 4471(1): 137–153.
Hoofien, J.H. 1973. Contributions to the herpetofauna of Mount Hermon. 4. Elaphe hohenackeri (Ophidia: Colubridae). Israel Journal of Zoology 22(2-4): 67-73.
Hraoui-Bloquet, S.; Sadek, R.; Tok, C.V.; Ugurtas, I.H.; Sevinç, M.; Werner, Y.L.; Sterijovski, B.; Nilson, G.; Tuniyev, B.; Akarsu, F. 2009. Zamenis hohenackeri. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2009: e.T157251A5060528. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2009.RLTS.T157251A5060528.en.
Jandzik, D.; Avci, A.; Gvozdik, V. 2013. Incongruence between taxonomy and genetics: three divergent lineages within two subspecies of the rare Transcaucasian rat snake (Zamenis hohenackeri). Amphibia-Reptilia 34(4): 579-584.
Nilson, G.; Andrén, C. 1984. A taxonomic account of the Iranian ratsnakes of the Elaphe longissima species-group. Amphibia-Reptilia 5(2): 157-171.
Schätti, B.; Baran, I. 1988. Bemerkungen zur Verbreitung von Elaphe hohenackeri (Strauch, 1873) und Vipera xanthina (Gray, 1849) in Süd-Anatolien (Serpentes: Colubridae, Viperidae). Salamandra 24(4): 306-309.
Schreiber, R. 2015. Haltung und Zucht der Transkaukasischen Kletternatter Zamenis hohenackeri (Strauch, 1873), sowie einige Anmerkungen zur Unterart Z. hohenackeri taurica (Werner, 1898). Sauria (Berlin) 37(3): 29-34.
Sikmashvili, N.M. 1975. [A study of the batracho and herpetofauna of the Little Caucasus (Meskhet-Dzhabakheti).] (In Russian). Vestnik Gosudarstvennogo Muzeya Gruzii (A) 28: 368-402.
Zamenis lineatus
Balli, A. 1944. Sulla presenza di Coluber longissimus var. lineata in provincia di Parma. Atti della Societa Italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano 33(2): 77-95.
Capula, M.; Luiselli, L.; Valenti, S.; Ceccarelli, A.; Rugiero, L.; Aloise, G. 2006. Are endemic snakes with a narrow distribution more specialist than their wide-ranging counterparts? Evidence from the prey composition and morphometric correlates of the diet in Zamenis lineatus, a rat snake endemic to southern Italy. Amphibia-Reptilia 27(4): 531-537.
Capula, M.; Luiselli, L.M. 2013. Natural history, morphology and ecology of the Italian Aesculapian snake, Zamenis lineatus. pp. 291-304. In: Schulz, K.D. (ed.). Old World ratsnakes: a collection of papers. Bushmaster Publications, Berg. 432 pp.
Corsetti, L.; Romano, A. 2008. On the occurrence of the Italian aesculapian snake, Zamenis lineatus (Camerano, 1891), in Latium (central Italy). Acta Herpetologica 3(2): 179-183.
Corti, C.; Sindaco, R.; Romano, A. 2009. Zamenis lineatus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2009: e.T61595A12505636. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2009.RLTS.T61595A12505636.en.
Esposito, C.; Romano, A. 2011. Extension of known range area of Zamenis lineatus (Camerano, 1891). New northern and western limits. Herpetozoa 23(3-4): 86-87.
Lenk, P.; Wüster, W. 1999. A multivariate approach to the systematics of Italian Rat Snakes of the Elaphe longissima complex (Reptilia, Colubridae): revalidation of Camerano's Callopeltis longissimus var. lineata. Herpetological Journal 9: 153-162.
Zamenis longissimus
Acolat, L.; Moreau, R. 1956. Tendance a l'extension en Franche-comte de la couleuvre d'esculape (Coluber aesculapii Gesn. = Elaphe longissima Laurenti). La Terre et la Vie (Paris) 103(2): 109.
Acolat, L.; Moreau, R. 1957. La couleuvre d'Esculape (Coluber aesculapii Gesn. = Elaphe longissima Laurenti) en Franche-Comte. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Doubs 59: 99-101.
Aghasyan, A.; Avci, A.; Tuniyev, B.; Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J.; Lymberakis, P.; Andrén, C.; Cogalniceanu, D.; Wilkinson, J.; Ananjeva, N.B.; Üzüm, N.; Orlov, N.L.; Podloucky, R.; Tuniyev, S.; Kaya, U.; Böhme, W.; Ajtic, R.; Vogrin, M. & al. 2017. Zamenis longissimus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2017: e.T157266A49063773. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2017-2.RLTS.T157266A49063773.en.
Assmann, O.; Lorenz, B. 2016. [Search and location of native snakes]. (In German). Oeko-L 38(1): 33-35.
Barowicz, T. 1979. [The snake Elaphe longissima]. (In Polish). Wszechswiat 1979(3): 55.
Bea, A.; Pascual, X.; Vilella, J.F.; Gonzalez, D.; Andreu, C. 1978. Notas sobre reptiles ibericos: 3. Estudio preliminar sobre biometria y distribucion de Elaphe longissima (Laur. 1768) en la peninsula Iberica. (Reptilia, Colubridae). Instituto Municipal de Ciencias Naturales Miscelanea Zoologica 4(2): 191-204.
Beshkov, V.A. 1975. Untersuchungen über die Biologie und die Ökologie der Schlangen im Maleschewska-Gebirge (Südwest-Bulgarien). l. Über die Fortpflanzung der Äskulapnatter (Elaphe longissima Laur.). Ekologiya (Sofia) 1: 75-83.
Beshkov, V.A. 1976. Über die Biologie and Ökologie der Schlangen im Makschevskigebirge (Südwest-Bulgarien). 2. Nahrung und Ernährung der Äskulapnatter (Elaphe longissima longissima (Laur.). Ekologiya (Sofia) 2: 34-42.
Beshkov, V.A.; Nankinov, D.N. 1979. Materialen über die Ornithophagia der Schlangen im Gebirge 'Maleschevska' (Südwestbulgarien). Ekologiya (Sofia) 5: 55-63.
Bezman-Moseyko, O.S. 2010. New records of three rare snake species from the left bank of Dniester River (Pridnestrovie). Russian Journal of Herpetology 17(4): 280-284.
Bielawski, R.; Marecek, J.; Vozenilek, P. 1992. Do snake eggs with hard shell exist? Fauna Bohemiae Septentrionalis 17: 75-76.
Boettger, O. 1909. Die Äskulapschlange (Coluber longissimus Laur.) im Böhmerwald und die Zornnatter (Zamenis gemonensis Laur.) im Böhmerwald, in den Kleinen Karpathen, Süd-Steiermark und Kärnten. Zool. Beob. (Frankfurt am Main) 50: 341-342.
Böhme, W. 1993. Elaphe longissima - Äskulapnatter. pp. 331-372. In: Böhme, W. (ed.). Handbuch der Reptilien und Amphibien Europas. Band 3/I: Schlangen (Serpentes) 1 (Typhlopidae, Boidae, Colubridae 1: Colubrinae). Aula-Verlag, Wiesbaden. 480 pp.
Bonnet, X.; Naulleau, G.; Shine, R. 1999. The dangers of leaving home: dispersal and mortality in snakes. Biological Conservation 89(1): 39-50.
Bonnet, X.; Shine, R.; Naulleau, G.; Vacher Vallas, M. 1998. Sexual dimorphism in snakes: different reproductive roles favour different body plans. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B Biological Sciences 265(1392): 179-183.
Budziszewski, A.; Zemanek, M. 1978. Notes on the protection of the serpent Elaphe longissima. Chronmy Przyrode Ojczysta 34(2): 63-66.
Cais, L. 1963. [New stands and some remarks on the biology of the snake Elaphe longissima Laur]. (In Polish, English summary). Przeglad Zoologiczny 7: 301-302.
Capizzi, D. 1997. Effects of phylogenesis, morphology and habitat preferences on predatory exposure in a Mediterranean small mammal community. Italian Journal of Zoology (Modena) 64(1): 61-67.
Capizzi, D.; Capula, M.; Evangelisti, F.; Filippi, E.; Luiselli, L.; Trujillo-Jesus, V. 1996. Breeding frequency, clutch size, reproductive status and correlated behaviours in sympatric females Elaphe quatuorlineata and Elaphe longissima (Reptilia: Colubridae). Revue d'Ecologie la Terre et la Vie 51(4): 297-311.
Capizzi, D.; Capula, M.; Rugiero, L.; Luiselli, L. 2008. Dietary patterns of two sympatric Mediterranean snakes (Hierophis viridiflavus and Zamenis longissimus) along a gradient of habitat alteration. Herpetological Journal 18(3): 141-146.
Capizzi, D.; Luiselli, L. 1996. Feeding relationships and competitive interactions between phylogenetically unrelated predators (owls and snakes). Acta Oecologica 17(4): 265-284.
Capizzi, D.; Luiselli, L.; Capula, M.; Rugiero, L. 1995. Feeding habits of a Mediterranean community of snakes in relation to prey availability. Revue d'Ecologie la Terre et la Vie 50(4): 353-363.
Capocaccia, L. 1964. Variabilita e sottospecie di Elaphe longissima (Laur.) in Italia. (Serpentes). Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Giacomo Doria 74 [1963-64]: 353-387.
Capocaccia, L. 1965. Intorno a Elaphe longissima (Laur.) della Sardegna (serpentes). Doriana 4(161): 1-4.
Capula, M.; Luiselli, L. 2002. Feeding strategies of Elaphe longissima from contrasting Mediterranean habitats in central Italy. Italian Journal of Zoology (Modena) 69(2): 153-156.
Cardenete, L.G. 2006. Culebra de esculapio, Zamenis longissimus en los picos de Europa (Asturias). Nueva cita en su limite suroccidental de distribucion. Boletin de la Asociacion Herpetologica Espanola 16(1-2): 2-3.
Cattaneo, A. 1975. Presenza di Elaphe longissima longissima (Laurenti, 1768) melanica a Castelfusano (Roma) (Reptilia, Squamata, Colubridae). Atti della Societa Italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano 116(3-4): 251-262.
Cattaneo, A.; Grano, M.; Cattaneo, C. 2013. Episodes of predation on adult specimens of edible dormouse, Glis glis (Linnaeus, 1766), by Zamenis longissimus (Laurenti, 1768). pp. 305-308. In: Schulz, K.D. (ed.). Old World ratsnakes: a collection of papers. Bushmaster Publications, Berg. 432 pp.
Ciach, M. 2015. [The record of Aesculapian Snake Zamenis longissimus in the Ustrzyki Dolne town]. (In Polish). Chronmy Przyrode Ojczysta 71(3): 239-240.
Cimatti, E. 2003. Sacred snakes of the Mediterranean. Reptilia (GB) 26: 52-58.
Couto, S.; Ucha Fernandez, J.L. 2004. Dos neuvas citas de Elaphe longissima (Culebra de Esculapio) en el Pirineo Central. Boletin de la Asociacion Herpetologica Espanola 15(1): 12.
Covaciu-Marcov, S.D.; Sas, I.; Lazar, V.; Szeibel, N.; Condure, N. 2008. The herpetofauna in the plain area from the western Satu Mare County, Romania. Oltenai Studii si Comunicari Stiintele Naturii 24: 161-166.
Drobny, M. 1993. Aspekte der Populationsökologie und der Fortpflanzungsbiologie der Äskulapnatter, Elaphe longissima (Laurenti 1768) in Ostbayern. Mertensiella 3: 135-155.
Dupres, F. 1991. The aesculapian snake. Herptile 16(4): 144-145.
Dykyi, I.V. 2000. [A find of the Aesculapian snake (Elaphe longissima) on the territory of Lvov Region]. (In Ukrainian). Vestnik Zoologii 34(4-5): 128.
Elosegui, R.; Garcia, J.M. 1974. Nueva cita de Elaphe longissima para Espana. Doñana Acta Vertebrata 1(1): 60.
Esterbauer, H. 2014. [The Aesculapian snake Zamenis longissimus (Laurenti, 1768). First record of a amelanististic colour mutation in Austria]. (In German). Oeko-L 36(2): 7-11.
Ferri, V.; Bettiga, M. 1992. Un caso di albinismo nel colubro di esculapio, Elaphe l. longissima (Laurenti, 1768). Naturalista Valtellinese 3: 91-96.
Filippi, E.; Luiselli, L. 2001. Use of microhabitat and substratum types by sympatric snakes in a Mediterranean area of central Italy. Ecologia Mediterranea 27(1): 141-153.
Froesch, P. 1983. Zucht und Aufzucht der Äskulapnatter, Elaphe longissima. Aquarium (Minden) 17(170): 438-441.
Garancsy, M. 1975. Why do we protect all of our reptiles? Buvar 30(5): 217-221.
Gebhart, J. 2011. [Switzerland - a large field terrarium? Reptiles of the canton of Saint Gallen]. (In German). Elaphe 19(4): 30-35.
Gezova, S.; Drugac, P.; Purkart, A.; Jablonski, D. 2018. Albinism in two snake species recorded from Slovakia. Russian Journal of Herpetology 25(1): 79-82.
Ghezzi, D. 2010. Presenza di Zamenis longissimus (Laurenti, 1768) (Reptilia, Colubridae) nei pressi del fiume Po (Stagno Lombardo, CR). Pianura 25: 162-164.
Ghira, I.; Stugren, B. 1988. Verteilung von Amphibien und Reptilien auf Höhenzonen im Retezat-Gebirge. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Biologia 33(2): 69-75.
Ghisolfi, M. 2013. [New report of Zamenis longissimus (Laurenti, 1768) (Reptilia, Colubridae) in the floodplain of the river Po near Spinadesco (Cr)]. (In Italian). Pianura 30: 119-121.
Ghiurca, D.; Gherghel, I.; Rosu, G. 2009. Contribution to knowledge of the distribution of herpetofauna in Tarcau Mountains (Romania). AES Bioflux 1(2): 73-79.
Glowacinski, Z.; Witkowski, Z. 1969. [New localities of the aesculapian snake, Elaphe longissima longissima (Laun) 1768, in Bieszczady Mts]. (In Polish, English summary). Przeglad Zoologiczny 13: 208-211.
Golder, F. 1985. Ein gemeitnsamer Massen-Eiablageplatz von Natrix natrix helvetica (Lacepede, 1789) und Elaphe longissima longissima (Laurenti, 1768) mit Daten über Eizeitigung und Schlupf (Serpentes: Colubridae). Salamandra 21(1): 10-16.
Gomille, A. 2002. Die Äskulapnatter Elaphe longissima. Verbreitung und Lebensweise in Mitteleuropa. Edition Chimaira, Frankfurt am Main. 158 pp.
Grinchyshyn, T.Y.; Fedonjuk, O.V. 2007. [New record of the aesculapian snake, Elaphe longissima (Reptilia, Colubridae), in Lviv region (Ukraine)]. (In Ukrainian). Vestnik Zoologii 41(3): 226.
Grodzinski, W. 1957. [Materials for the study of the vertebrate fauna of the western Bieszczads]. (In Polish, English summary). Zesz. Nauk Uniw. Jagiellonsk. No. 10, Seria Nauk Biol. Zoologia 1: 177-221.
Guiller, G.; Legentilhomme, J.; Lourdais, O. 2014. Phénologie d’activité d’une communauté de squamates au nord de la Loire-Atlantique. Bulletin de la Societe Herpetologique de France 150: 25-39.
Hales, J. 1969. The Aesculapian snake. Ochrana Fauny 3: 119-123.
Heimes, P. 1987. Das Naturschutzzentrum Hessen 3. Das Reptilienschutzprogramm. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 16: 480-481.
Heimes, P. 1991. Zum Vorkommen der Äskulapnatter im Rheingau-Taunus. Natur und Museum (Frankfurt am Main) 121(6): 171-181.
Heimes, P. 1993. Die Verbreitung der Reptilien im westlichen Taunus. Jahrbücher des Nassauischen Vereins für Naturkunde 114: 41-57.
Heimes, P. 1994. Morphologische Anomalien bei Äskulapnattern (Elaphe longissima) im Rheingau-Taunus. Salamandra 30(4): 268-271.
Heimes, P. 1995. Der Turniertanz der Äskulapnatter. DATZ (Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift) 48(5): 296-299.
Heimes, P.; Waitzmann, M. 1993. Die Äskulapnatter (Elaphe longissima (Laurenti, 1768)) in Deutschland. (Reptilia, Serpentes: Colubridae). Zoologische Abhandlungen (Dresden) 47(2): 157-192.
Hingley, K.J. 1987. Snakes of the genus Elaphe. Their care and breeding in captivity. Part 3. Snake Keeper 1(3): 6-10.
Hofer, U.; Misslin, S.; Camponovo, I. 2002. Monitoraggio delle popolazioni di Saettone (Elaphe longissima), di Biacco (Hierophis viridiflavus) e di Natrice dal collare (Natrix natrix helvetica) in localita Boschi, Stabio TI. Bollettino della Societa Ticinese di Scienze Naturali 90(1-2): 59-67.
IIftime, A.; Iftime, O. 2014. Thanatosis and autohaemorrhaging in the Aesculapian Snake Zamenis longissimus (Laurenti, 1768). Herpetozoa 26(3-4): 173-174.
Jablonski, D.; Musilova, R.; Zavadil, V. 2011. [A find of the Aesculapian Snake (Zamenis longissimus) in South Bohemia]. (In Czech). Sbornik Jihoceskeho Muzea v Ceskych Budejovicich Prirodni Vedy 51: 166-169.
Jaeschke, J. 1971. Zur Einbürgerung der Äskulapnatter in Oberhessen. Salamandra 7: 85.
Joger, U.; Amann, T.; Lenk, P.; Willand, U. 1998. Molekuläre merkmale und das Phylogenetische Artkonzept. Zoologische Abhandlungen (Dresden) 50(Supplement): 109-123.
Joger, U.; Fritz, U.; Guicking, D.; Kalyabina-Hauf, S.; Nagy, Z.T.; Wink, M. 2010. Relict populations and endemic clades in Palearctic reptiles: evolutionary history and implications for conservation. pp. 119-143. In: Habel, J.C. & Assmann, T. (eds.). Relict species: phylogeography and conservation biology. Springer, Heidelberg, Dordrecht, etc. 449 pp.
Jozefik, M. 1960. [Further details about the occurrence of Elaphe longissima longissima Laur. in Bieszczady]. (In Polish, English summary). Przeglad Zoologiczny 4: 212-214.
Kammel, W. 2008. Aktivität und Nahrungserwerb der Äskulapnatter, Zamenis longissimus longissimus (Laurenti, 1768) in Österreich (Squamata: Serpentes: Colubridae). Herpetozoa 20(3-4): 117-143.
Kammel, W. 2009. Jahres- und Tagesrhythmen in der Aktivität und Beobachtungshäufigkeit dreier mittelEuropäischer Schlangenarten (Squamata: Serpentes: Colubridae). Herpetozoa 22(1-2): 3-9.
Kammel, W. 2009. Äussere Morphologie und Geschlechterverhältnis bei der Äskulapnatter, Zamenis longissimus longissimus (Laurenti, 1768) in Österreich. Herpetozoa 21(3-4): 99-121.
Kammerer, P. 1909. Coluber longissimus im Böhmerwald, Zamenis gemonensis im Böhmerwald, Wienerwald, den kleinen Karpathen, Süd-Steiermark und Kärnten. Zoologische Jahrbücher (Abteilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere) (Jena) 27: 647-660.
Kanuch, P.; Balaz, P. 2005. Bat as a prey of Elaphe longissima (Laurenti, 1768). Herpetozoa 18(1-2): 92-93.
Kazmierczak, T. 1965. [Distribution of the Aesculapian snake, Elaphe longissima longissima (Laur.), in Poland]. (In Polish, English summary). Przeglad Zoologiczny 9: 380-385.
Kazmierczak, T. 1965. The Aesculapian snake in Poland. Chronmy Przyrode Ojczysta 21(4): 20-30, 57.
Keller, E. 1958. Ein guter Fang. DATZ (Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift) 11: 247-248.
Klemmer, K. 1985. Status und Schutzproblematik der Äskulapnatter (Elaphe longissima). Natur und Landschaft 60(9): 351-353.
Kobel, H.R. 1967. Morphometrische Karyotypanalyse einiger Schlangenarten. Genetica (Gravenhage) 38: 1-31.
Konig, D. 1985. Langjährige Beobachtungen an der Äskulapnatter Elaphe longissima (Laurenti, 1768) Serpentes: Colubridae. Salamandra 21(1): 17-39.
Kovar, R.; Brabec, M.; Vita, R.; Bocek, R. 2014. Mortality rate and activity patterns of an Aesculapian Snake (Zamenis longissimus) population divided by a busy road. Journal of Herpetology 48(1): 24-33.
Kovar, R.; Brabec, M.; Vita, R.; Vodicka, R.; Bogdan, V. 2017. Habitat use of the Aesculapian Snake, Zamenis longissimus, at the northern extreme of its range in northwest Bohemia. Herpetological Bulletin 136: 1-9.
Kovar, R.; Brabec, M.; Vita, R.; Vodicka, R.; Bogdan, V. 2017. Nesting and over-wintering sites of Aesculapian snake, Zamenis longissimus, in an anthropogenic landscape in the northern extreme of its range. Herpetological Bulletin 136: 35-36.
Krofel, M. 2004. First record of albino Aesculapian Snake (Elaphe longissima) in Slovenia. Natura Sloveniae 6(2): 53-56.
Kurek, K.; Bury, S.; Bas, G.; Najberek, K.; Kaczmarski, M.; Sniezko, S. 2014. [Telemetry studies of the Aesculapian snake in the Bieszczady Mountains - preliminary results and evaluation of the methods used]. (In Polish). Chronmy Przyrode Ojczysta 70(6): 510-522.
Kurek, P.; Skowron, B. 2010. [The abundance of Aesculapian snake Elaphe longissima from Zloty Potok (Krakowsko-Czestochowska Uppland)]. (In Polish). Przeglad Zoologiczny 52-54(1-4): 123-126.
Kwet, A. 2007. Zamenis longissimus (Laurenti, 1768) Äskulapnatter. Reptilia (D) 12(67): 51-54.
Lelievre, H.; Blouin-Demers, G.; Bonnet, X.; Lourdais, O. 2010. Thermal benefits of artificial shelters in snakes: a radiotelemetric study of two sympatric colubrids. Journal of Thermal Biology 35(7): 324-331.
Lelievre, H.; Blouin-Demers, G.; Pinaud, D.; Lisse, H.; Bonnet, X.; Lourdais, O. 2011. Contrasted thermal preferences translate into divergences in habitat use and realized performance in two sympatric snakes. Journal of Zoology (London) 284(4): 265-275.
Lelievre, H.; Henanff, M. le; Blouin-Demers, G.; Naulleau, G.; Lourdais, O. 2010. Thermal strategies and energetics in two sympatric colubrid snakes with contrasted exposure. Journal of Comparative Physiology B Biochemical Systemic and Environmental Physiology 180(3): 415-425.
Lelievre, H.; Legagneux, P.; Blouin-Demers, G.; Bonnet, X.; Lourdais, O. 2012. Trophic niche overlap in two syntopic colubrid snakes (Hierophis viridiflavus and Zamenis longissimus) with contrasted lifestyles. Amphibia-Reptilia 33(1): 37-44.
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