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Taxonomy of the genus Calabaria Biodiversity of the family Boidae

Bibliography of the genus
Calabaria (Calabar Boa)

(Reptilia: Serpentes: Boidae)

Note: In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.

Calabaria reinhardtii

Böhme, W.; Rödel, M.O.; Brede, C.; Wagner, P. 2011. The reptiles (Testudines, Squamata, Crocodylia) of the forested southeast of the Republic of Guinea (Guinee forestiere), with a country-wide checklist. Bonn Zoological Bulletin 60(1): 35-61.

Capocaccia, L. 1961. Contributo allo studio deiserpenti delle isole del Golfo di Guinea. Annali del Museo Civico de Storia Naturale di Genova 72: 285-309.

Cimatti, E. 2003. Calabaria reinhardtii African burrowing python. Reptilia (GB) 28: 66-71.

Dowling, H.G. 1964. Our first Calabar python. Animal Kingdom 67: 14-15.

Gartlan, J.S.; Struhsaker, T.T. 1971. Notes on the habits of the calabar ground python (Calabaria reinhardtii Schlegel) in Cameroon, West Africa. British Journal of Herpetology 4: 201-202.

Hortenbach, G.; Hortenbach, H. 1998. Haltung, Verhalten und Nachzucht von Calabaria reinhardtii Schlegel, 1851 unter Terrarienbedingungen. Salamandra 34(2): 157-166.

Kiskamp, P.K. 1992. Calabaria reinhardtii, the Calabar ground python. Litteratura Serpentium (English Edition) 12(6): 148-151.

Lehmann, H.D. 1971. Notizen über Nahrungsaufnahme und Abwehrverhalten von Calabaria reinhardtii (Serpentes, Boidae). Salamandra 7(2): 55-60.

Luiselli, L.; Effah, C.; Angelici, F.M.; Odegbune, E.; Inyang, M.A.; Akani, G.C.; Politano, E. 2002. Female breeding frequency, clutch size and dietary habits of a Nigerian population of Calabar ground python, Calabaria reinhardtii. Herpetological Journal 12(3): 127-129.

Pauwels, O.S.G.; Albert, J.L.; Arrowood, H.; Mvele, C.; Casanova, M.; Dodane, J.B.; Morgan, J.; Primault, L.; Thepenier, L.; Fenner, J.N. 2017. Miscellanea Herpetologica Gabonica X. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 52(8): 133-138.

Pauwels, O.S.G.; Braun, J.J.; Brum, A.; Carlino, P.; Chirio, L.; Glaizot, O.; Meirte, D.; Morelle, S.; Royauté, L. 2017. Miscellanea Herpetologica Gabonica XI. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 52(12): 205-211.

Pauwels, O.S.G.; Carlino, P.; Chirio, L.; Meunier, Q.; Okouyi Okouyi, J.V.; Orbell, C.; Rousseaux, D.; Testa, O. 2017. Miscellanea Herpetologica Gabonica IX. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 52(6): 97-102.

Pauwels, O.S.G.; Chirio, L.; Neil, E.J.; Berry, S.; Texier, N.; Rosin, C. 2017. Miscellanea Herpetologica Gabonica VIII. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 52(3): 41-46.

Perret, J.L. 1961. Études herpétologiques Africaines. III. Bulletin Soc. Neuchâtel. Sci. Nat. (3) 84: 133-138.

Pols, J.J. van der 1983. Eggs of the Calabar ground python Calabaria reinhardtii. Litteratura Serpentium 3(5): 153-156.

Rahm, U. 1953. Einige Schlangen des westafrikanischen Urwaldes. DATZ (Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift) 6: 292-294.

Raxworthy, C.J.; Attuquayefio, D.K. 2000. Herpetofaunal communities at Muni Lagoon in Ghana. Biodiversity and Conservation 9(4): 501-510.

Ruzicka, I. 1995. Zkusenosti s krajtami Calabaria reinhardtii [Experiences with the python Calabaria reinhardtii]. Akvarium Terarium 38(11): 40-42.

Seidel, S. 2003. Der Erdpython (Calabaria reinhardtii). Reptilia (D) 7(38): 74-77.