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Malay Archipelago

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Bibliography of the genus
Chrysopelea (Flying Tree Snakes)

(Reptilia: Serpentes: Colubridae)
In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.
Chrysopelea in general
Forshaw, B. 1987. Tree snakes. Snake Keeper 1(7): 11-12.
Golder, F. 1985. Eine Übersicht über die Gattung Chrysopelea (Boie, 1826) und die Haltung und Fortflanzung von Chrysopelea ornata ornatissima (Werner, 1925) (Serpentes: Colubridae). Sauria (Berlin) 7(3): 23-28.
Grismer, L.L. 2006. The flying reptiles of peninsular Malaysia. Iguana (West Hartford) 13(2): 86-93.
Hoser, R.T. 2013. Further division of the genera Boiga Fitzinger, 1826 and Chrysopelea Boie, 1826, with the creation of a new tribe, a new genus and a new subgenus. Australasian Journal of Herpetology 16: 9-14.
Jafari, F.; Ross, S.D.; Vlachos, P.P.; Socha, J.J. 2014. A theoretical analysis of pitch stability during gliding in flying snakes. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 9(2): 025014.
Leviton, A.E. 1964. Contribution to a review of Philippine snakes. 4. The genera Chrysopelea and Dryophiops. Philippine Journal of Science 93: 131-145.
Meise, W.; Hennig, W. 1935. Zur Kenntnis von Dendrophis und Chrysopelea. Zoologischer Anzeiger 109(5/6): 138-150.
Mertens, R. 1968. Die Arten und Unterarten der Schmuckbaumschlangen (Chrysopelea). Senckenbergiana Biologica 49: 191-217.
Mertens, R. 1970. Zur Frage der "Fluganpassungen" von Chrysopelea (Serpentes, Colubridae). Salamandra 6(1-2): 11-14.
Stewart, R. 1989. Chrysopelea: a truly beautiful snake. Nature Malaysiana 14(2): 60-63.
Chrysopelea ornata
Ahmad, F.; Alam, S.M.I. 2015. Geographic distribution: Chrysopelea ornata (Ornate Flying Snake). Herpetological Review 46(4): 572.
Babu, M.Q.; Shihan, T.R.; Debbarma, R.; Debbarma, P. 2018. Natural history notes: Chrysopelea ornata (Ornate Flying Snake). Diet. Herpetological Review 49(3): 544-545.
Basu, D. 1989. Range extension of Chrysopelea ornata, Shaw (Reptilia: Colubridae) with comments on the distribution of some snakes in north India. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 86(1): 110-111.
Bowler, L. 1989. Chrysopelea ornata. Snake Keeper 3(10): 17-18.
Bulian, J. 1997. A problematic terrarium animal? Remarks on Chrysopelea ornata ornatissima. Litteratura Serpentium (English Edition) 17(3): 52-57.
Bulian, J. 1999. Allgemeine Anmerkungen zur Gelegegrösse, sowie Angaben über ein aussergewöhnlich grosses Gelege von Chrysopelea ornata ornatissima Werner, 1925 (Serpentes, Colubridae). Sauria (Berlin) 21(2): 37-38.
Cheke, A.S. 1973. Snakes at Chiang Mai University. Natural History Bulletin of the Siam Society 24(3-4): 469-471.
Dattatri, S. 1986. A note on reproduction in the flying snake Chrysopelea ornata (Shaw). Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 82(3) [1985]: 677-678.
Deraniyagala, P.E.P. 1945. Some new races of the Python, Chrysopelea, binocellate cobra and tith-polonga inhabiting Ceylon and India. Spolia Zeylanica 24(2): 103-112.
Golder, F. 1985. Eine Übersicht über die Gattung Chrysopelea (Boie, 1826) und die Haltung und Fortflanzung von Chrysopelea ornata ornatissima (Werner, 1925) (Serpentes: Colubridae). Sauria (Berlin) 7(3): 23-28.
Grossmann, W. 1999. Grosse Echsen als Beute der Schmuckbaumschlange Chrysopelea ornata ornatissima Werner, 1925. Sauria (Berlin) 21(3): 3-6.
Heyer, W.R.; Pongsapipatana, S. 1970. Gliding speeds of Ptychozoon lionotum (Reptilia: Gekkonidae) and Chrysopelea ornata (Reptilia: Colubridae). Herpetologica 26: 317-319.
Hoser, R.T. 2014. New snake taxa from Australasia, Asia and Africa. Australasian Journal of Herpetology 23: 13-21.
Ingle, M. 2010. First locality record of Chrysopelea ornata Shaw, 1802 from Kheonae Wildlife Sanctuary, Dewas, Madhya Pradesh. Reptile Rap 10: 5-6.
Kannan, P. 2005. A study on reptiles in Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary, Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, Tamil Nadu. Cobra (Chennai) 61: 6-11.
Kannan, P. 2006. Record of ornate flying snake Chrysopelea ornata (Shaw) in Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary, southern India. Cobra (Chennai) 63: 13.
Leong, T.M.; Lim, B.L. 2003. Noteworthy prey item records of two snakes (Chrysopelea ornata and Macropisthodon flaviceps) from Peninsular Malaysia. Hamadryad 27(2): 266-268.
Manthey, U.; Manthey, S. 2017. Amphibien und Reptilien von Laos – ein Reisebericht Teil 3: Die Provinz Champasak im Süden (März 2006). Sauria (Berlin) 39(4): 3-18.
Mebert, K.; Durso, A.M. 2014. When predation and defense intermingle - a predation attempt by a flying snake on a Tokay Gecko interrupted. Wenn Jagdverhalten und Verteidigung sich vermischen - Ein unterbrochener Beuteversuch einer Schmuchbaumnatter auf einen Tokeh. Sauria (Berlin) 36(3): 41-46.
Melvinselvan, G.; Nibedita, D. 2016. An observation on fish predation by Ornate Flying Snake, Chrysopelea ornata Shaw 1802 (Serpentes: Colubridae), from southern Western Ghats, Tamil Nadu, India. Russian Journal of Herpetology 23(4): 311-314.
Mukherjee, P. 1986. The golden tree snake at Periyar. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 83(2): 450-451.
Nurngsomsri, P.; Chuaynkern, Y.; Chuaynkern, C.; Pongsathorn, T.; Duengkae, P. 2014. Geographic distribution: Chrysopelea ornata (Golden Tree Snake). Herpetological Review 45(2): 284-285.
Pagden, H.T. 1958. A snake's last fling. Malayan Nature Journal 13: 93-94.
Pal, A.; Dey, S.; Roy, U.S. 2012. Seasonal diversity and abundance of herpetofauna in and around an industrial city of West Bengal, India. Journal of Applied Sciences in Environmental Sanitation 7(4): 281-286.
Palot, M.J.; Radhakrishnan, C. 2001. Occurrence of ornate flying snake, Chrysopelea ornata (Shaw) in North Kerala. Cobra (Chennai) 45: 27-29.
Ratnaura, G. 1977. The golden tree snake. Loris 14(4): 233-234.
Socha, J.J.; LaBarbera, M. 2005. Effects of size and behavior on aerial performance of two species of Flying Snakes (Chrysopelea). Journal of Experimental Biology 208(10): 1835-1847.
Socha, J.J.; Sidor, C.A. 2005. Natural history notes: Chrysopelea ornata, C. paradisi (Flying Snakes). Behavior. Herpetological Review 36(2): 190-191.
Steehouder, A.M. 1985. Unsuccessful effort to incubate eggs of Chrysopelea ornata ornatissima. Litteratura Serpentium 5(4): 166-167.
Tweedie, M.W.F. 1952. The paradise tree snake. Malayan Nature Journal 7(2): 67.
Werner, F. 1924. Neue oder wenig bekannte Schlangen aus dem Naturhistorischen Staatsmuseum in Wien. Sitzungsberichte der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Berlin Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Klasse 133: 29-56.
Zhao, E.; Borkii, L. 1990. Chrysopelea ornata, a record new to Hainan Province, and its description. Sichuan Journal of Zoology 9(1): 32-33.
Chrysopelea paradisi
Brongersma, L.D. 1947. Zoological notes from Port Dickson. 1. Amphibians and reptiles. Zoologische Mededelingen (Leiden) 27: 300-308.
Gaulke, M. 1986. Zum Beutefangverhalten der Schmuckbaumschlange Chrysopelea paradisi Boie, 1827 (Serpentes: Colubridae). Salamandra 22(2-3): 211-212.
Gaulke, M. 1996. Die Herpetofauna von Sibutu Island (Philippinen), unter Berücksichtigung zoogeographischer und ökologischer Aspekte. Senckenbergiana Biologica 75(1-2): 45-56.
Kaiser, H.; Lim, J.; Worth, H.; O'Shea, M. 2016. Tangled skeins: a first report of non-captive mating behavior in the Southeast Asian Paradise Flying Snake (Reptilia: Squamata: Colubridae: Chrysopelea paradisi). Journal of Threatened Taxa 8(2): 8488-8494.
Lim, B.L.; Peral, H.B. 1959. Paradise tree snake versus green crested lizard. Malayan Nature Journal 14: 33-34.
Macát, Z.; Sah, H.H.A.; Grafe, T.U. 2016. Attempted predation of Ptychozoon horsfieldii (Squamata: Gekkonidae) by Chrysopelea paradisi (Serpentes: Colubridae) in Borneo. Phyllomedusa 15(1): 65-67.
Mebert, K.; Durso, A.M. 2014. When predation and defense intermingle - a predation attempt by a flying snake on a Tokay Gecko interrupted. Wenn Jagdverhalten und Verteidigung sich vermischen - Ein unterbrochener Beuteversuch einer Schmuchbaumnatter auf einen Tokeh. Sauria (Berlin) 36(3): 41-46.
Minton, G.; Das, I. 2012. Natural history notes: Chrysopelea paradisi (Garden Flying Snake). Diet. Herpetological Review 43(1): 144.
Sison, R.; Gonzales, P.C.; Ferner, J.W. 1995. New island records from Panay, Philippines. Herpetological Review 26(1): 48-49.
Socha, J.J. 2002. Gliding flight in the paradise tree snake. Nature (London) 418(6898): 603-604.
Socha, J.J. 2006. Becoming airborne without legs: the kinematics of take-off in a flying snake, Chrysopelea paradisi. Journal of Experimental Biology 209(17): 3358-3369.
Socha, J.J. 2011. Gliding flight in Chrysopelea: turning a snake into a wing. Integrative and Comparative Biology 51(6): 969-982.
Socha, J.J.; LaBarbera, M. 2005. Effects of size and behavior on aerial performance of two species of Flying Snakes (Chrysopelea). Journal of Experimental Biology 208(10): 1835-1847.
Socha, J.J.; O'Dempsey, T.; LaBarbera, M. 2005. A 3-D kinematic analysis of gliding in a flying snake, Chrysopelea paradisi. Journal of Experimental Biology 208(10): 1817-1833.
Socha, J.J.; Sidor, C.A. 2005. Natural history notes: Chrysopelea ornata, C. paradisi (Flying Snakes). Behavior. Herpetological Review 36(2): 190-191.
Tweedie, M.W.F. 1952. The paradise tree snake. Malayan Nature Journal 7(2): 67.
Chrysopelea pelias
Leong, T.M.; Foo, S.K. 2009. Attempted predation on a large gecko by a twin-barred tree snake, Chrysopelea pelias (Reptilia: Squamata: Colubridae). Nature in Singapore 2: 311-316.
Lim, B.L.; Waters, J.P.J.; Omar, A.R. bin 1960. Observations on some captive snakes. Malayan Nature Journal 14: 181-187.
Malkmus, R. 1987. Herpetologische Beobachtungen am Mount Kinabalu, Borneo. Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 63(2): 269-292.
Tweedie, M.W.F. 1952. The paradise tree snake. Malayan Nature Journal 7(2): 67.
Chrysopelea taprobanica
Bubesh, G.; Nimmakayala, V.S.P.; Maddock, S.T.; Deepak, V. 2015. First record of Chrysopelea taprobanica Smith, 1943 (Squamata: Colubridae) from India. Check List 11(1)(Article 1523): 1-3.
Ganesh, S.R.; Arumugam, M. 2016. Species richness of montane herpetofauna of southern Eastern Ghats, India: a historical resume and a descriptive checklist. Russian Journal of Herpetology 23(1): 7-24.
Jayawickrama, A. 1997. Note on Chrysopela [Chrysopelea] taprobanica Smith, 1943. Lyriocephalus 3(1): 37.
Narayanan, S.; Joseph, N.; Kumar, R.; Vengatesan, A. 2017. Occurrence of the Sri Lankan Flying Snake, Chrysopelea cf. taprobanica (Smith 1943) in Tamil Nadu, India. IRCF Reptiles & Amphibians 24(1): 58–60.
Silva, A.; Weerawansa, P.; Pilapitiya, S.; Maduwage, T.; Siribaddana, S. 2013. First authenticated case of Sri Lankan Flying Snake (Chrysopelea taprobanica) bite. Wilderness & Environmental Medicine 24(3): 273-276.
Somaweera, R.; Pantoja, D.L.; Deepak, V. 2015. Forgotten records of Chrysopelea taprobanica Smith, 1943 (Squamata: Colubridae) from India. Zootaxa 3947(4): 597–600.
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