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Indian Ocean

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Bibliography of the genus
Compsophis (Madagascar Big-headed Snakes)

(Reptilia: Serpentes: Lamprophiidae)
In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.
Compsophis in general
Cadle, J.E. 1996. Systematics of snakes of the genus Geodipsas (Colubridae) from Madagascar, with descriptions of new species and observations on natural history. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 155(2): 33-87.
Glaw, F.; Nagy, Z.T.; Vences, M. 2007. Phylogenetic relationships and classification of the Malagasy pseudoxyrhophiine snake genera Geodipsas and Compsophis based on morphological and molecular data. Zootaxa 1517: 53-62.
Hubbs, C.L. 1932. The use of the generic name Ophis for an eel, a snake and a mollusc. Copeia 1932: 26-27.
Ziegler, T.; Vences, M.; Glaw, F.; Böhme, W. 1997. Genital morphology and systematics of Geodipsas Boulenger, 1896 (Reptilia: Serpentes: Colubridae), with description of a new genus. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 104(1): 95-114.
Compsophis albiventris
Rémy, E.; Wang, C.Y.; Scherz, M.D. 2015. Predation attempt of Rhombophryne laevipes by Compsophis albiventris. Herpetology Notes 8: 393-394.
Compsophis boulengeri
Angel, F. 1936. Matériaux herpétologiques recueillis á Madagascar par M. Roger Heim, chargé de mission. Description de deux formes nouvelles. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Ser. 2) (Paris) 8(2): 125-139.
Compsophis fatsibe
Mercurio, V.; Andreone, F. 2005. Description of a new Geodipsas snake from northern Madagascar (Squamata: Colubridae). Zootaxa 1093: 61-68.
Compsophis infralineatus
Baraud, L.; Cadle, J.E. 2016. Natural history notes: Compsophis infralineatus (Lined Forest Snake). Diet. Herpetological Review 47(1): 142-143.
Compsophis laphystius
Cadle, J.E. 1996. Systematics of snakes of the genus Geodipsas (Colubridae) from Madagascar, with descriptions of new species and observations on natural history. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 155(2): 33-87.
Kaloloha, A.; Misandeau, C.; Gehring, P.S. 2011. Notes on the diversity and natural history of the snake fauna of Ambodiriana-Manompana, a protected rainforest site in north-eastern Madagascar. Herpetology Notes 4: 397-402.
Compsophis zeny
Cadle, J.E. 1996. Systematics of snakes of the genus Geodipsas (Colubridae) from Madagascar, with descriptions of new species and observations on natural history. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 155(2): 33-87.
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