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Taxonomy of the genus Contia Biodiversity of the family Colubridae

Bibliography of the genus
Contia (Sharp-tailed Snakes)

(Reptilia: Serpentes: Colubridae)

Note: In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.

Contia in general

Cadle, J.E. 1984. Molecular systematics of Neotropical xenodontine snakes. 3. Overview of xenodontine phylogeny and the history of New World snakes. Copeia 1984(3): 641-652.

Feldman, C.R.; Hoyer, R.F. 2010. A new species of snake in the genus Contia (Squamata: Colubridae) from California and Oregon. Copeia 2010(2): 254-267.

Hoyer, R.F. 2001. Discovery of a probable new species in the genus Contia. Northwestern Naturalist 82(3): 116-122.

Leonard, W.P.; Ovaska, K. 1998. Contia, C. tenuis. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 677: 1-7.

Stickel, W.H. 1951. Distinctions between the snake genera Contia and Eirenis. Herpetologica 7: 125-131.

Contia longicaudae

Feldman, C.R.; Hoyer, R.F. 2010. A new species of snake in the genus Contia (Squamata: Colubridae) from California and Oregon. Copeia 2010(2): 254-267.

Norman, B.R.; Barron, A.D.; Feldman, C.R. 2012. Geographic distribution: Contia longicaudae (Forest Sharp-tailed Snake). Herpetological Review 43(2): 307.

Contia tenuis

Anthony, L. 2012. Sharp-tailed Snake discovery. Canadian Herpetologist 2(2): 11-12.

Beaman, K.R.; Tucker, N.G. 2014. Natural history notes: Contia tenuis (Sharp-tailed Snake). Predation. Herpetological Review 45(3): 514.

Brodie, E.D.; Nussbaum, R.A.; Storm, R.M. 1969. An egg-laying aggregation of five species of Oregon reptiles. Herpetologica 25: 223-227.

Carl, G.C. 1950. A sharp-tailed snake in British Columbia. Herpetologica 6: 116.

Carl, G.C. 1973. Record of the sharp-tailed snake from south Pender Island, British Columbia. Syesis 4(1-2): 267.

Cook, S.F. 1960. On the occurrence and life history of Contia tenuis. Herpetologica 16: 163-173.

Cunningham, J.D. 1962. High elevation records of Contia tenuis. Herpetologica 18: 133-134.

Engelstoft, C.; Ovaska, K.; Honkanen, N. 1999. The harmonic direction finder: a new method for tracking movements of small snakes. Herpetological Review 30(2): 84-87.

Feldman, C.R.; Spicer, G.S. 2002. Mitochondrial variation in Sharp-tailed Snakes (Contia tenuis): evidence of a cryptic species. Journal of Herpetology 36(4): 648-655.

Feldman, C.R.; Spicer, G.S. 2006. Comparative phylogeography of woodland reptiles in California: repeated patterns of cladogenesis and population expansion. Molecular Ecology 15(8): 2201-2222.

Flynt, A.W. 1962. Contia tenuis discovered east of the Cascade Mountains. Occasional Papers Department of Biology College of Puget Sound 22: 207.

Goldberg, S.R. 2017. Natural history notes: Contia tenuis (Common Sharptailed Snake). Reproduction. Herpetological Review 48(3): 669-670.

Govindarajulu, P.; Isaac, L.A.; Engelstoft, C.; Ovaska, K. 2011. Relevance of life-history parameter estimation to conservation listing: case of the sharp-tailed snake (Contia tenuis). Journal of Herpetology 45(3): 300-307.

Hansen, R.W.; Thomason, B. 1991. Life history notes: Contia tenuis (Sharptail Snake). Predation. Herpetological Review 22(2): 60-61.

Harris, R.W. 1959. An altitude record for Contia tenuis. Herpetologica 15: 104.

Herrington, R.E.; Larsen, J.H. 1983. Geographic distribution: Contia tenuis (Sharptail Snake). Herpetological Review 14(3): 84.

Hoyer, R.F.; O'Donnell, R.P.; Mason, R.T. 2006. Current distribution and status of Sharp-tailed Snakes (Contia tenuis) in Oregon. Northwestern Naturalist 87(3): 195-202.

Leonard, W.P.; Darda, D.M.; McAllister, K.R. 1996. Aggregations of Sharptail Snakes (Contia tenuis) on the east slope of the Cascade Range in Washington State. Northwestern Naturalist 77(2): 47-49.

Leonard, W.P.; Leonard, M.A. 1998. Occurrence of the Sharptail Snake (Contia tenuis) at Trout Lake, Klickitat County, Washington. Northwestern Naturalist 79(2): 75-76.

Leonard, W.P.; Stebbins, R.C. 1999. Observations of antipredator tactics of the Sharp-tailed Snake (Contia tenuis). Northwestern Naturalist 80(2): 74-77.

Lucas, R.S.; Vindum, J.V. 2000. New county records from Colusa, Glenn, Plumas, and Yuba counties, Mendocino and Plumas national forests, California, USA. Herpetological Review 31(3): 194-195.

O'Donnell, R.P.; McCutchen, D. 2008. A Sharp-tailed Snake (Contia tenuis) in the San Juan Islands: western Washington's first record in 58 years. Northwestern Naturalist 89(2): 107-109.

Ovaska, K.; Engelstoft, C. 1999. Natural history notes: Contia tenuis (Sharp-tailed Snake). Defensive behavior. Herpetological Review 30(3): 168.

Ovaska, K.; Engelstoft, C. 2008. Conservation of the Sharp-tailed Snake (Contia tenuis) in urban areas in the Gulf Islands, British Columbia, Canada. pp. 557-564. In: Mitchell, J.C.; Jung Brown, R.E.; Bartholomew, B. (eds.). Urban herpetology. SSAR (Society for the study of Amphibians and Reptiles), Utah. 586 pp.

Parham, J.F.; Rieboldt, S.E. 2005. Natural history notes: Contia tenuis (Sharp-tailed Snake). Reproduction. Herpetological Review 36(4): 456.

Pimentel, R.A. 1958. Southern occurrence of the sharp-tailed snake in a unique community. Herpetologica 14: 169-170.

Pinou, T.; Vicario, S.; Marschner, M.; Caccone, A. 2004. Relict snakes of North America and their relationships within Caenophidia, using likelihood-based Bayesian methods on mitochondrial sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 32(2): 563-574.

Shedd, J.D. 2013. Natural history notes: Contia tenuis (Common Sharp-tailed Snake). Albinism. Herpetological Review 44(1): 152-153.

Slater, J.R. 1939. Contia tenuis rediscovered in Washington. Occasional Papers Department of Biology College of Puget Sound 1939: 5.

Tanner, W.W. 1967. Contia tenuis Baird and Girard in continental British Columbia, Canada. Herpetologica 23: 323.

Weaver, R.E. 2004. Natural history notes: Contia tenuis (Sharp-tailed Snake). Nocturnal behavior and habitat. Herpetological Review 35(2): 176.

Weaver, R.E.; Darda, D.M. 2003. Geographic distribution: Contia tenuis (Sharp-tailed Snake). Herpetological Review 34(4): 386-387.

Weaver, R.E.; Kardong, K.V. 2010. Behavioral responses to potential prey through chemoreception by the sharp-tailed snake (Contia tenuis). Northwestern Naturalist 91(1): 58-62.

Wilkinson, S.F.; Gregory, P.T.; Engelstoft, C.; Nelson, K.J. 2007. The Rumsfeld paradigm: knowns and unknowns in characterizing habitats used by the endangered Sharp-tailed Snake, Contia tenuis, in southwestern British Columbia. Canadian Field-Naturalist 121(2): 142-149.

Zweifel, R.G. 1954. Adaptation to feeding in the snake Contia tenuis. Copeia 1954: 299-300.