Related bibliographies:
Mediterranean Sea

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In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.
Bessant, N. (undated, 1986?). Herping in Yugoslavia '86. Thames and Chiltern Herpetological Group Newsletter 68: 9-15.
Bird, D. 1990. Reptiles and amphibians in Yugoslavia. Rephiberary 156: 1-3.
Bolkay, I. 1911. Herpetologiai megfigyelesek Boszniaban, Herczegovinaban es deli Dalmacziaban. [Contributions to the herpetology of Bosnia, Herzegovina and southern Dalmatia]. Allattani Kozlemanyck 10: 133-137.
Bolkay, S.J. 1928. Die zoogeographische Bedeutung des Neretva-(Narenta-) Tales. Glasnik Zemalj. Muz. Sarajevo. 40: 35-43.
Bolkay, S.J. 1929. Die Amphibien und Reptilien von Sarajevo und Umgebung. Glas. Zemals. Muz. Bosni Hercegov. Sarajevo 41: 57-78.
Brelih, S.; Dzukic, G. 1974. Reptilia. Catalogus Faunae Jugoslaviae 4(2): 1-32.
Henle, K. 1985. Ökologische, zoogeographische und systematische Bemerkungen zur Herpetofauna Jugoslawiens. Salamandra 21(4): 229-251.
Jablonski, D.; Jandzik, D.; Gvozdik, V. 2012. New records and zoogeographic classification of amphibians and reptiles from Bosnia and Herzegovina. North-Western Journal of Zoology 8(2): 324-337.
Lazar, B. 1993. [Protection of turtles in the Adriatic]. Priroda (Zagreb) 82(8-10) 791-793: 14-15.
Lazar, B.; Tvrtkovic, N. 1995. Marine turtles in the eastern part of the Adriatic Sea: preliminary research. Natura Croatica 4(1): 59-74.
Luca, N. de 1991. [The area around Izbicnog in Hercegovina - a herpetologist's paradise]. (In Serbo-Croatian). Priroda (Zagreb) 80(7): 21-23.
Mascort, R. 2010. Die Schildkröten von Bosnien und Herzegowina: ein Überblick. Radiata 19(1): 35-52.
Mattison, C. 1982. Notes on some reptiles collected and observed in Yugoslavia. Herptile 7(2): 21-25.
Pozzi, A. 1966. Geonemia e catalogo ragionato degli Anfibi e dei Rettili della Jugoslavia. Natura (Milano) 57: 5-55.
Radovanovic, M. 1951. Vodozemci' i gmizavci nase zemlje. [Amphibians and reptiles of Yugoslavia]. Belgrade. 251 pp.
Radovanovic, M. 1960. [Ergebnisse der Eidechsenforschung auf adriatischen Inseln in lichte des Evolutionismus]. (German summary). Glas Srpsk. Akad. Nauk Odel Prir. Mat. Nauk. N.S. 20: 93-140.
Tomasini, O. von 1894. Skizzen aus dem Reptilienleben Bosniens und der Hercegovina. Wiss. Mittheil. aus Bosnien und der Hercegovina. II. Vienna. pp. 560-661.
Veith, G. 1991. Die Reptilien Bosniens und der Herzegowina. 1. Herpetozoa 3(3-4): 97-196.
Veith, G. 1991. Die Reptilien Bosniens und der Herzegowina. 2. Herpetozoa 4(1-2): 1-96.
Werner, F. 1893. Zur Herpetologie von Bosnien. Zoologischer Anzeiger 16: 421-426.
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