Related bibliographies:
Elapidae [part 1]
(terrestrial species)

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Bibliography of the genus
Hemachatus (Ring-necked Spitting Cobra)

(Reptilia: Serpentes: Elapidae)
In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.
Hemachatus haemachates
Alexander, G.J.; Brooks, R. 1999. Circannual rhythms of appetite and ecdysis in the elapid snake, Hemachatus haemachatus, appear to be endogenous. Copeia 1999(1): 146-152.
Alexander, G.J.; Hanrahan, S.A.; Mitchell, D. 2012. Assimilation efficiency and gut passage time in an African elapid snake, Hemachatus haemachatus. African Journal of Herpetology 61(1): 3-13.
Alexander, G.J.; Marshall, C.L. 1998. Diel activity patterns in a captive colony of rinkhals, Hemachatus haemachatus. African Journal of Herpetology 47(1): 29-32.
Alexander, G.J.; Mitchell, D.; Hanrahan, S.A. 1999. Wide thermal tolerance in the African elapid, Hemachatus haemachatus. Journal of Herpetology 33(1): 164-167.
Berg, C. 1901. Herpetological notes. Comun. Mus. Buenos Aires 1: 289-291.
Berthe, R.A.; Westhoff, G.; Bleckmann, H. 2013. Potential targets aimed at by spitting cobras when deterring predators from attacking. Journal of Comparative Physiology A Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 199(5): 335-340.
Bogert, C.M. 1954. Snakes that spit their venom. Animal Kingdom 57: 66-70.
Broadley, D.G. 1961. The mystery "dwarf cobra" of Inyanga identified at list. Journal of the Herpetological Association of Rhodesia 14(1): 3-4.
Cochran, D.M. 1944. Dangerous reptiles (popular). Rep. Smithson. Instn. 1943: 275-325.
Dawson, P.; Alexander, G.J.; Nicholls, S. 1991. The rinkhals (Hemachatus haemachatus) a southern African venomous snake - housing, husbandry and maintenance. Animal Technology 42(2): 71-76.
Egan, L.; Alexander, G.J. 1997. Fang structure of Hemachatus haemachatus (Serpentes: Elapidae) - a comparison to another spitter and non-spitter. pp. 157-158. In: Wyk, J.H. van (ed.). Proceedings of the FitzSimons Commemorative Symposium (South African lizards: 50 years of progress) and Third H.A.A. Symposium on African herpetology: held at the Transvaal Museum, Pretoria, South Africa, 11-15 October 1993. Herpetological Association of Africa, Matieland. 227 pp.
FitzSimons, V. 1956. Reptiles and Amphibians of the Wonderboom Nature Reserve. Fauna and Flora (Pretoria) 7: 89-106.
Horton, C.W. 1949. On the mechanics of the African spitting cobras, Naja nigricollis and Haemachatus haemachatus. Texas Journal of Science 1: 98.
Hoser, R.T. 2013. A new subspecies of Rinkhals Hemachatus haemachatus (Bonnaterre, 1790) from southern Africa. (Serpentes: Elapidae). Australasian Journal of Herpetology 20: 8-10.
Hulme, J.H. 1951. The "playing possum" habits of the ringhals cobra. Herpetologica 7: 132.
Ineich, I. 2010. Hemachatus haemachatus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2010: e.T177556A7456283. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2010-4.RLTS.T177556A7456283.en.
Kauffeld, C.F. 1947. The Hooden Clan. Fauna (Philadelphia) 9: 82-87.
Kauffeld, C.F. 1963. More at home with cobras. Bulletin of the Philadelphia Herpetological Society 11: 13-18.
Koch, M.; Sachs, W.B. 1927. ber zwei giftspeichende Schlangen, Sepedon haemachates und Naia nigricollis. Zoologischer Anzeiger 70: 155-159.
Lazenby, S.L.; Alexander, G.J. 1998. Do rinkhals (Hemachatus haemachatus) choose to defecate near water? African Journal of Herpetology 47(1): 25-28.
Merwe, N. van der; Alexander, G.J. 1997. Spatially biased defecation in Hemachatus haemachatus - a predator avoidance strategy? pp. 218-221. In: Wyk, J.H. van (ed.). Proceedings of the FitzSimons Commemorative Symposium (South African lizards: 50 years of progress) and Third H.A.A. Symposium on African herpetology: held at the Transvaal Museum, Pretoria, South Africa, 11-15 October 1993. Herpetological Association of Africa, Matieland. 227 pp.
Parusnath, S. 2013. Natural history notes: Hemachatus haemachatus (Rinkhals). Diet / Cannibalism. Herpetological Review 44(4): 691.
Pringle, J.A. 1954. The cranial development of certain South African snakes and the relationship of these groups. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 123: 813-865.
Schmidt, W. 1999. Life history notes: Hemachatus haemachatus. Rinkhals. Leucism. African Herp News 29: 38-39.
Shine, R.; Branch, W.R.; Webb, J.K.; Harlow, P.S.; Shine, T.; Keogh, J.S. 2007. Ecology of cobras from southern Africa. Journal of Zoology (London) 272(2): 183-193.
Smith, G. 2011. The status of the Rinkhals Hemachatus haemachatus in the city of Cape Town metropolitan area, western Cape, South Africa. African Herp News 53: 13-16.
Smith, H.M. 1936. A preoccupied generic name of a South African ophidian. Copeia 1936: 70.
Stejneger, L.H. 1936. The generic name of a South African ophidian. Copeia 1986: 114.
Vassiliyev, D.B. 1996. Keeping and breeding in captivity rinkhals (Hemachatus haemachatus Lacepede) in Moscow Zoo. The Snake 27(2): 145-146.
Vozenilek, P. 1976. [Spitting cobras]. (In Czech). Ziva 24(1): 28-29.
Young, B.A.; O'Shea, M. 2005. Analyses of venom spitting in African cobras (Elapidae: Serpentes). African Zoology 40(1): 71-76.
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