Related bibliographies:
Elapidae [part 1]
(terrestrial species)

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Bibliography of the genus
Hoplocephalus (Broad-headed Snakes)

(Reptilia: Serpentes: Elapidae)
In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.
Hoplocephalus in general
Bush, B. 2017. Additions to the description of Paroplocephalus atriceps (Serpentes: Elapidae) with a discussion on pupil shape in it and other Australian snakes. Zootaxa 4344(2): 333–344.
Hoser, R.T. 2014. New snake taxa from Australasia, Asia and Africa. Australasian Journal of Herpetology 23: 13-21.
Keogh, J.S.; Scott, I.A.W.; Fitzgerald, M.; Shine, R. 2003. Molecular phylogeny of the Australian venomous snake genus Hoplocephalus (Serpentes, Elapidae) and conservation genetics of the threatened H. stephensii. Conservation Genetics 4(1): 57-65.
Peters, W.C.H. 1870. Über neue Amphibien (Hemidactylus, urosaura, Tropidolepisma, Geophis, Uriechis, Scaphiophis, Hoplocephalus, Rana, Entomoglossus, Cystignathus, Hylodes, Arthroleptis, Phyllobates, Cophomantis) des Königlich zoologischen Museums. Monatsberichte der Königlich Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1870(August): 641-652.
Shine, R. 1983. Arboreality in snakes: ecology of the Australian elapid genus Hoplocephalus. Copeia 1983(1): 198-205.
Hoplocephalus bitorquatus
Douglas-Ogilby, J. 1894. Description of a new Australian snake. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 2(9): 261-262.
Fitzgerald, M.; Lazell, B.; Shine, R. 2010. Ecology and conservation of the Pale-headed Snake (Hoplocephalus bitorquatus, Elapidae). Australian Zoologist 35(2): 283-290.
Lazell, B. 2000. The successful breeding of the pale-headed snake, Hoplocephalus bitorquatus (Jan, 1859). Herpetofauna (Sydney) 30(2): 18-21.
Lazell, B. 2003. Additional data on captive reproduction of the pale-headed snake, Hoplocephalus bitorquatus (Jan, 1859). Herpetofauna (Sydney) 33(1): 49-55.
Reilly, V.M. 1959. Hoplocephalus bitorquatus. North Queensland Naturalist 27(122): 7-8.
Hoplocephalus bungaroides
Burns, E.L.; Houlden, B.A. 1999. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers in the broad-headed snake Hoplocephalus bungaroides. Molecular Ecology 8(3): 520-521.
Croak, B.M.; Crowther, M.S.; Webb, J.K.; Shine, R. 2013. Movements and habitat use of an endangered snake, Hoplocephalus bungaroides (Elapidae): implications for conservation. PLoS ONE 8(4): e61711: 1-10.
Downes, S. 1999. Prey odour influences retreat-site selection by naive broadheaded snakes (Hoplocephalus bungaroides). Journal of Herpetology 33(1): 156-159.
Downes, S.; Shine, R. 1998. Heat, safety or solitude? Using habitat selection experiments to identify a lizard's priorities. Animal Behaviour 55(5): 1387-1396.
Downes, S.; Shine, R. 1998. Sedentary snakes and gullible geckos: predator-prey coevolution in nocturnal rock-dwelling reptiles. Animal Behaviour 55(5): 1373-1385.
Downes, S.J.; Adams, M.; Osinov, A.; Wilson, C.C.; Bernatchez, L. 2001. Geographic variation in antisnake tactics: the evolution of scent-mediated behavior in a lizard. Evolution 55(3): 605-615.
Du, W.G.; Webb, J.K.; Shine, R. 2009. Heat, sight and scent: multiple cues influence foraging site selection by an ambush-foraging snake Hoplocephalus bungaroides (Elapidae). Current Zoology 55(4): 266-271.
Dubey, S.; Croak, B.M.; Pike, D.A.; Webb, J.; Shine, R. 2012. Phylogeography and dispersal in the velvet gecko (Oedura lesueurii), and potential implications for conservation of an endangered snake (Hoplocephalus bungaroides). BMC Evolutionary Biology 12: 10.
Dubey, S.; Sumner, J.; Pike, D.A.; Keogh, J.S.; Webb, J.K.; Shine, R. 2011. Genetic connectivity among populations of an endangered snake species from southeastern Australia (Hoplocephalus bungaroides, Elapidae). Ecology and Evolution 1(2): 218-227.
Goldingay, R. 1998. Between a rock and a hard place: conserving the broad-headed snake in Australia's oldest national park. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 120: 1-10.
Goldingay, R.L.; Newell, D.A. 2000. Experimental rock outcrops reveal continuing habitat disturbance for an endangered Australian snake. Conservation Biology 14(6): 1908-1912.
Harris, J.M.; Goldingay, R.L. 2009. Museum holdings of the broad-headed snake Hoplocephalus bungaroides (Squamata: Elapidae). Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 130: 1-19.
Hayes, I.F.; Goldingay, R.L. 2012. Visitors' knowledge of the Broad-headed Snake in Royal National Park. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 134: B135-B146.
Hersey, F. 1980. Broad-headed snake Hoplocephalus bungaroides. pp. 38-40. In: Haigh, C. (ed.). Endangered animals of New South Wales. N.S.W. National Parks Wildlife Service, Sydney. 72 pp.
Hoser, R. 1995. Hoplocephalus bungaroides, the broad-headed snake in captivity. Litteratura Serpentium (English Edition) 15(3): 59-62.
Hoser, R. 1995. The Australian broad-headed snake Hoplocephalus bungaroides in the wild. Litteratura Serpentium (English Edition) 15(4): 92-99.
Hoser, R.T. 2005. Lies, damned lies and the statistics in Webb, Brook and Shine 2002 ... the reality is that illegal snake collectors haven't exterminated broad-headed snakes (Hoplocephalus bungaroides) at Moreton National Park. Boydii 2005 (Spring): 21-29.
Hosmer, W. 1952. The broadheaded snake Hoplocephalus bungaroides (Boie) also known as the fierce snake, and the night snake. North Queensland Naturalist 20(100): 14-16.
Kelehear, C.; Webb, J.K. 2006. Effects of tail autotomy on anti-predator behavior and locomotor performance in a nocturnal gecko. Copeia 2006(4): 803-809.
Lill, A. 2006. Lyrebirds and juvenile snakes: A comment on Webb and Whiting (2006). Austral Ecology 31(7): 904.
Llewelyn, J.S.; Webb, J.K.; Shine, R. 2010. Flexible defense: context-dependent antipredator responses of two species of Australian elapid snakes. Herpetologica 66(1): 1-11.
Mackay, R.D. 1959. A case of snakebite. Australian Zoologist 12: 307-308.
Murphy, M.J. 1996. A possible threat to the broad-headed snake Hoplocephalus bungaroides: degradation of habitat by the feral goat Capra hircus. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 26(2): 37-38.
Newell, D.A.; Goldingay, R.L. 2005. Distribution and habitat assessment of the broad-headed snake Hoplocephalus bungaroides. Australian Zoologist 33(2): 168-179.
Ormsby, A.I. 1947. Notes on the broad-headed snake (Hoplocephalus bungaroides). Proceedings of the Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales 1946-47: 19-21.
Pike, D.A.; Webb, J.K.; Shine, R. 2011. Removing forest canopy cover restores a reptile assemblage. Ecological Applications 21(1): 274-280.
Pringle, R.M.; Syfert, M.; Webb, J.K.; Shine, R. 2009. Quantifying historical changes in habitat availability for endangered species: use of pixel- and object-based remote sensing. Journal of Applied Ecology 46(3): 544-553.
Pringle, R.M.; Webb, J.K.; Shine, R. 2003. Canopy structure, microclimate, and habitat selection by a nocturnal snake, Hoplocephalus bungaroides. Ecology (Washington, D.C.) 84(10): 2668-2679.
Shine, R.; Fitzgerald, M. 1989. Conservation and reproduction of an endangered species: the broad-headed snake, Hoplocephalus bungaroides (Elapidae). Australian Zoologist 25(3): 65-67.
Shine, R.; Webb, J.K.; Fitzgerald, M.; Sumner, J. 1998. The impact of bush-rock removal on an endangered snake species, Hoplocephalus bungaroides (Serpentes: Elapidae). Wildlife Research 25(3): 285-295.
Sumner, J.; Webb, J.K.; Shine, R.; Keogh, J.S. 2010. Molecular and morphological assessment of Australia's most endangered snake, Hoplocephalus bungaroides, reveals two evolutionarily significant units for conservation. Conservation Genetics 11(3): 747-758.
Swan, M.; Birkett, J. 2009. Captive management and reproduction of the broad-headed snake, Hoplocephalus bungaroides (Serpentes: Elapidae), a threatened Australian snake, at Melbourne Zoo. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 39(1): 14-20.
Webb, J.K.; Brook, B.W.; Shine, R. 2002. Collectors endanger Australia's most threatened snake, the broad-headed snake Hoplocephalus bungaroides. Oryx 36(2): 170-181.
Webb, J.K.; Brook, B.W.; Shine, R. 2002. What makes a species vulnerable to extinction? Comparative life-history traits of two sympatric snakes. Ecological Research 17(1): 59-67.
Webb, J.K.; Brook, B.W.; Shine, R. 2003. Does foraging mode influence life history traits? A comparative study of growth, maturation and survival of two species of sympatric snakes from south-eastern Australia. Austral Ecology 28(6): 601-610.
Webb, J.K.; Du, W.G.; Pike, D.A.; Shine, R. 2009. Chemical cues from both dangerous and nondangerous snakes elicit antipredator behaviours from a nocturnal lizard. Animal Behaviour 77(6): 1471-1478.
Webb, J.K.; Pike, D.A.; Shine, R. 2008. Population ecology of the velvet gecko, Oedura lesueurii in south eastern Australia: Implications for the persistence of an endangered snake. Austral Ecology 33(7): 839-847.
Webb, J.K.; Pike, D.A.; Shine, R. 2010. Olfactory recognition of predators by nocturnal lizards: safety outweighs thermal benefits. Behavioral Ecology 21(1): 72-77.
Webb, J.K.; Pringle, R.M.; Shine, R. 2004. How do nocturnal snakes select diurnal retreat sites? Copeia 2004(4): 919-925.
Webb, J.K.; Pringle, R.M.; Shine, R. 2009. Intraguild predation, thermoregulation, and microhabitat selection by snakes. Behavioral Ecology 20(2): 271-277.
Webb, J.K.; Shine, R. 1997. A field study of spatial ecology and movements of a threatened snake species, Hoplocephalus bungaroides. Biological Conservation 82(2): 203-217.
Webb, J.K.; Shine, R. 1997. Out on a limb: conservation implications of tree-hollow use by a threatened snake species (Hoplocephalus bungaroides: Serpentes, Elapidae). Biological Conservation 81(1-2): 21-33.
Webb, J.K.; Shine, R. 1998. Ecological characteristics of a threatened snake species, Hoplocephalus bungaroides (Serpentes, Elapidae). Animal Conservation 1(3): 185-193.
Webb, J.K.; Shine, R. 1998. Thermoregulation by a nocturnal elapid snake (Hoplocephalus bungaroides) in southeastern Australia. Physiological Zoology 71(6): 680-692.
Webb, J.K.; Shine, R. 1998. Using thermal ecology to predict retreat-site selection by an endangered snake species. Biological Conservation 86(2): 233-242.
Webb, J.K.; Shine, R. 2000. Paving the way for habitat restoration: can artificial rocks restore degraded habitats of endangered reptiles? Biological Conservation 92(1): 93-99.
Webb, J.K.; Shine, R. 2008. Differential effects of an intense wildfire on survival of sympatric snakes. Journal of Wildlife Management 72(6): 1394-1398.
Webb, J.K.; Shine, R.; Pringle, R.M. 2005. Canopy removal restores habitat quality for an endangered snake in a fire suppressed landscape. Copeia 2005(4): 894-900.
Webb, J.K.; Whiting, M.J. 2005. Why don't small snakes bask? Juvenile broad-headed snakes trade thermal benefits for safety. Oikos 110(3): 515-522.
Webb, J.K.; Whiting, M.J. 2006. Does rock disturbance by superb lyrebirds (Menura novaehollandiae) influence habitat selection by juvenile snakes? Austral Ecology 31(1): 58-67.
Webb, J.K.; Whiting, M.J. 2006. Habitat disturbance, not predation, is all that is required to influence habitat choice in juvenile snakes: a rejoinder to Lill. Austral Ecology 31(7): 905-906.
Hoplocephalus stephensii
Fitzgerald, M.; Shine, R.; Lemckert, F. 2002. Radiotelemetric study of habitat use by the arboreal snake Hoplocephalus stephensii (Elapidae) in eastern Australia. Copeia 2002(2): 321-332.
Fitzgerald, M.; Shine, R.; Lemckert, F. 2002. Spatial ecology of arboreal snakes (Hoplocephalus stephensii, Elapidae) in an eastern Australian forest. Austral Ecology 27(5): 537-545.
Fitzgerald, M.; Shine, R.; Lemckert, F. 2003. A reluctant heliotherm: Thermal ecology of the arboreal snake Hoplocephalus stephensii (Elapidae) in dense forest. Journal of Thermal Biology 28(6-7): 515-524.
Fitzgerald, M.; Shine, R.; Lemckert, F. 2004. Life history attributes of the threatened Australian snake (Stephen's banded snake Hoplocephalus stephensii, Elapidae). Biological Conservation 119(1): 121-128.
Fitzgerald, M.; Shine, R.; Lemckert, F.; Towerton, A. 2005. Habitat requirements of the threatened snake species Hoplocephalus stephensii (Elapidae) in eastern Australia. Austral Ecology 30(4): 465-474.
Waite, E.R. 1904. Climbing habits of an Australian snake. Records of the Australian Museum 6: 38.
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