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Bibliography of the family
Kinosternidae (American Mud and Musk Turtles)

(Reptilia: Testudines)
In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.
Berlant, Z.S.; Stayton, T.C. 2017. Shell morphology in the Kinosternidae: functional and evolutionary patterns. Herpetologica 73(1): 30–42.
Bourque, J.R. 2011. Natural history notes: Kinosternidae (Mud and Musk Turtles). Grooming behavior. Herpetological Review 42(2): 232-234.
Bramble, D.M.; Hutchison, J.H.; Legler, J.M. 1984. Kinosternid shell kinesis: structure, function and evolution. Copeia 1984(2): 456-475.
Buhlmann, K.A.; Gibbons, J.W. 2001. Terrestrial habitat use by aquatic turtles from a seasonally fluctuating wetland: Implications for wetland conservation boundaries. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 4(1): 115-127.
Ceballos, C.P.; Iverson, J.B. 2014. Patterns of sexual size dimorphism in Chelonia: revisiting Kinosternidae. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 111(4): 806-809.
Coote, J. 1978. Feeding behaviour of kinosternid turtles. Herptile 3(2): 21-22.
Cordero, G.A.; Swarth, C.W. 2010. Notes on the movement and aquatic behavior of some kinosternid turtles. Acta Zoologica Mexicana Nueva Serie 26(1): 233-235.
Dathe, F. 1998. Die Haltung von Schlammschildkröten, Kinosternidae, im Tierpark Berlin-Friedrichsfelde von 1956 bis 1998. Milu 9(5): 526-532.
Frair, W. 1972. Taxonomic relations among chelydrid and kinosternid turtles elucidated by serological tests. Copeia 1972(1): 97-108.
Hennig, A.S. 2017. Ernährung von Schlammschildkröten in der Natur. Marginata 54: ?
Hill, S.K.; Vodopich, D.S. 2013. Habitat use and basking behavior of a freshwater turtle community along an urban gradient. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 12(2): 275-282.
Hutchison, J.H.; Bramble, D.M. 1981. Homology of the plastral scales of the Kinosternidae and related turtles. Herpetologica 37(1): 73-85.
Iverson, J.B. 1988. Neural bone patterns and the phylogeny of the turtles of the subfamily Kinosterninae. Milwaukee Public Museum Contributions in Biology and Geology 75: 1-12.
Iverson, J.B. 1991. Phylogenetic hypotheses for the evolution of modern kinosternine turtles. Herpetological Monographs 5: 1-27.
Iverson, J.B. 1998. Molecules, morphology, and mud turtle phylogenetics (family Kinosternidae). Chelonian Conservation and Biology 3(1): 113-117.
Iverson, J.B.; Iverson, S.A. 1980. A bibliography to the mud and musk turtle family Kinosternidae. Smithsonian Herpetological Information Service 48: 1-73.
Iverson, J.B.; Le, M.; Ingram, C. 2013. Molecular phylogenetics of the mud and musk turtle family Kinosternidae. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 69(3): 929-939.
Liu, Y.X.; Davy, C.M.; Shi, H.T.; Murphy, R.W. 2013. Sex in the half-shell: a review of the functions and evolution of courtship behavior in freshwater turtles. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 12(1): 84-100.
Mahmoud, I.Y. 1967. Courtship behaviour and sexual maturity in four species of kinosternid turtles. Copeia 1967: 314-319.
Mahmoud, I.Y. 1968. Feeding behaviour in kinosternid turtles. Herpetologica 24: 300-305.
McCord, W.P.; Joseph-Ouni, M. 2002. Chelonian illustrations. 5. Musks, snappers, and a river turtle from the Americas. Reptilia (GB) 25: 54-57.
Pritchard, P.C.H. 2003. Akinesis and plastral scute homologies in Sternotherus (Testudines: Kinosternidae). Chelonian Conservation and Biology 4(3): 671-674.
Rudloff, H.W. 1986. Schlammschildkröten - Terrarientiere der Zukunft. Aquarien Terrarien 33(4): 133-134.
Rudloff, H.W. 1986. Schlammschildkröten - Terrarientiere der Zukunft. Aquarien Terrarien 33(5): 166-169.
Sachsse, W. 2000. Zur Schildkrötenfamilie Kinosternidae - ein erfahrungsbericht. pp. 74-78. In: Artner, H.; Meier, E. (eds.). Schildkröten. Grosses Schildkrötensymposium. 5. Jahrestagung der Schildkrötenfreunde Österreich. Salzburg, 16. bis 19. Jänner 1997. Natur und Tier-Verlag, Münster. 181 pp.
Schilde, M. 2001. Schlammschildkroten: Kinosternon, Sternotherus, Claudius und Staurotypus. Natur und Tier-Verlag, Münster. 133 pp.
Seidel, M.E.; Iverson, J.B.; Adkins, M.D. 1986. Biochemical comparisons and phylogenetic relationships in the family Kinosternidae (Testudines). Copeia 1986(2): 285-294.
Siebenrock, F. 1907. Die Schildkröten-Familie Cinosternidae. Sitzungsberichte der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien 116(1): 527-599.
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