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Bibliography of the genus
Kinosternon (American Mud Turtles)

(Reptilia: Testudines: Kinosternidae)
In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.
Kinosternon in general
Anonymous. 1982. Fiberglass carapace for mud turtle. Field Museum of Natural History Bulletin 53(3): 33.
Alho, C.J.R. 1985. Conservation and management strategies for commonly exploited Amazonian turtles. Biological Conservation 32(4): 291-298.
Arroyave Bermudez, F.J.; Romero Goyeneche, O.Y.; Bonilla Gómez, M.A.; Hurtado Heredia, R.G. 2014. [Illegal trade of tortoises (Testudinata) in Colombia: a network analysis approach]. (In Spanish). Acta Biologica Colombiana 19(3): 381-392.
Ayala-Guerrero, F. 1987. Sleep in the tortoise Kinosternon sp. Experientia (Basel) 43(3): 296-298.
Berry, J.F. 1979. Variation and systematics in the Kinosternon scorpioides and K. leucostomum complexes (Reptilia: Testudines: Kinosternidae) of Mexico and Central America. Dissertation Abstracts International (B) 39(7): 3186.
Enge, K.M.; Percival, H.F.; Rice, K.G.; Jennings, M.L.; Masson, G.R.; Woodward, A.R. 2000. Summer nesting of turtles in alligator nests in Florida. Journal of Herpetology 34(4): 497-503.
Ernst, C.H.; Barbour, R.W.; Butler, J.R. 1972. Habitat preferences of two Florida turtles, genus Kinosternon. Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 33(1-2): 41-42.
Gray, J.E. 1873. Notes on Chinese Mud-Tortoises (Trionychidae), with the description of a new species sent to the British Museum by Mr. Swinhoe, and observations on the male organ of this family. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Ser. 4) 12: 156-161.
Iverson, J.B. 1981. Biosystematics of the Kinosternon hirtipes species group (Testudines: Kinosternidae). Tulane Studies in Zoology and Botany 23(1): 1-74.
Lardie, R.L. 1975. Observations on reproduction in Kinosternon. Journal of Herpetology 9(2): 260-264.
Ligon, D.B.; Peterson, C.C. 2002. Physiological and behavioral variation in estivation among mud turtles (Kinosternon spp.). Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 75(3): 283-293.
Lowe, C.H. 1985. Amphibians and reptiles in southwest riparian ecosystems. U.S. Forest Service General Technical Report RM 120: 339-341.
McCord, R.D.; Strauss, R.E.; Lowe, C.H. 1990. Morphometric variation in Kinosternon turtles of the western United States and adjacent Mexico. Journal of Herpetology 24(3): 297-301.
McCord, W.P.; Joseph-Ouni, M. 2005. Chelonian illustrations. 21. Mud turtles of the United States and northern Mexico. Reptilia (GB) 41: 80-83.
Reyes-Velasco, J.; Grünwald, C.I.; Jones, J.M.; Price, M.S.; Fisher, J.T. 2012. New distributional records for the herpetofauna of Mexico. Herpetological Review 43(3): 451-453.
Richmond, N.D. 1945. Nesting habits of the mud turtle. Copeia 1945: 217-219.
Rust, H.T. 1938. Interessante Schildkröten V. Die Schildkrötengattung Kinosternon Spix. Wochenschrift für Aquarien- und Terrarienkunde (Braunschweig) 2(3): 1-4.
Stejneger, L.H. 1941. Notes on Mexican turtles of the genus Kinosternon. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 90(3115): 457-459.
Kinosternon abaxillare
Iverson, J.B. 2008. Natural history notes: Kinosternon scorpioides abaxillare (Central Chiapas Mud Turtle). Size, growth, and reproduction. Herpetological Review 39(2): 217-218.
Stejneger, L.H. 1925. New species and subspecies of American turtles. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 15(20): 462-463.
Kinosternon acutum
Iverson, J.B. 1981. Kinosternon acutum. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 261 [1980]: 1-2.
Iverson, J.B.; Vogt, R.C. 2011. Kinosternon acutum (Gray 1831) - Tabasco Mud Turtle, Montera, Chechagua de Monte Chelonian Research Monographs 5: 062.1-062.6.
Iverson, J.B.; Vogt, R.C. 2011. Kinosternon acutum Gray 1831 - Tabasco Mud Turtle, Montera, Chechagua de Monte. Chelonian Research Monographs 5: 062.1-062.6.
Neill, W.T. 1965. New and noteworthy amphibians and reptiles from British Honduras. Bulletin of the Florida State Museum Biological Sciences 9: 77-130.
Pérez-Higareda, G. 1984. Range extensions of Kinosternon acutum and Rhinoclemmys areolata in Veracruz, Mexico. (Testudines: Cryptodira). Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society 20(3): 112-113.
Peters, W.C.H. 1873. Über eine neue Schildkrötenart Cinosternon effeldtii und einige andere neue oder weniger bekannte Amphibien. MB. Ak. Berl. 1873: 603-618.
Schilde, M. 2015. Die Spitzschnauzenschildkröte. Eine kleine Wasserschildkröte für das Terrarium. Marginata 47: ?
Tellez, M.; Gamble, M.; Ontiveros, S.; Tran, M. 2017. Natural history notes: Kinosternon acutum (Tabasco Mud Turtle). Ectoparasitism and range extension. Herpetological Review 48(1): 178.
Kinosternon alamosae
Berry, J.F.; Legler, J.M. 1980. A new turtle (genus Kinosternon) from northwestern Mexico. Contributions in Science (Los Angeles) 325: 1-12.
Buskirk, J.R. 1984. Geographic distribution: Kinosternon alamosae (Alamos Mud Turtle). Herpetological Review 15(2): 53.
International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature 1985. Opinion 1343. Kinosternon alamosae Berry & Legler, 1980 and Kinosternon oaxacae Berry & Iverson, 1980 (Reptilia, Testudines): conserved. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 42(3): 266-268.
Iverson, J.B. 1989. Natural history of the Alamos Mud Turtle Kinosternon alamosae (Kinosternidae). Southwestern Naturalist 34(1): 134-142.
Iverson, J.B. 1990. Kinosternon alamosae. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 460: 1-3.
Pritchard, P.C.H.; Pronek, N. 1982. Request for suppression of Kinosternon alamose and K. oaxacae Pritchard, 1979 (Reptilia, Testudines) Z.N.(S.)2339. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 39(3): 212-213.
Kinosternon albogulare
Acuna-Mesen, R.A. 1991. El impacto del fuego y la sequia sobre la estructura de la poblacion de Kinosternon scorpioides (Testudines: Kinosternidae) en Palo Verde, Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Brenesia 33 [1990]: 85-97.
Acuna-Mesen, R.A.; Cruz-Marquez, B. 1993. El dimorfismo sexual de Kinosternon scorpioides (Testudines: Kinosternidae) en Palo Verde, Costa Rica. Revista de Biologia Tropical 41(2): 261-265.
Berry, J.F. 1979. Variation and systematics in the Kinosternon scorpioides and K. leucostomum complexes (Reptilia: Testudines: Kinosternidae) of Mexico and Central America. Dissertation Abstracts International (B) 39(7): 3186.
Berry, J.F.; Iverson, J.B. 2001. Kinosternon scorpioides. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 725: 725.1-725.11.
Berry, J.F.; Iverson, J.B. 2011. Kinosternon scorpioides (Linnaeus 1766) - Scorpion Mud Turtle. Chelonian Research Monographs 5: 063.1-063.15.
Castańeda, F.E.; Mora, J.M. 2010. Impact on fire on a wetland population of the scorpion mud turtle (Kinosternon scorpioides) in northwestern Costa Rica. pp. 706-715. In: Wilson, L.D.; Townsend, J.H.; Johnson, J.D. (eds.). Conservation of Mesoamerican amphibians and reptiles. Eagle Mountain Publishing, LC, Eagle Mountain, Utah. 812 pp.
Forero-Medina, G.; Castańo-Mora, O.V. 2006. Natural history notes: Kinosternon scorpioides albogulare (White-throated Mud Turtle). Feeding behavior and diet. Herpetological Review 37(4): 458-459.
Forero-Medina, G.; Castańo-Mora, O.V. 2011. Kinosternon scorpioides albogulare (Duméril and Bocourt 1870) - White-throated Mud Turtle, Swanka Turtle Chelonian Research Monographs 5: 064.1-064.5.
Forero-Medina, G.; Castańo-Mora, O.V. 2011. Kinosternon scorpioides albogulare (Dumeril and Bocourt 1870) - White-throated Mud Turtle, Swanka Turtle. Chelonian Research Monographs 5: 064.1-064.5.
Forero-Medina, G.; Castańo-Mora, O.V.; Montenegro, O. 2007. Abundance, population structure, and conservation of Kinosternon scorpioides albogulare on the Caribbean island of San Andres, Colombia. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 6(2): 163-169.
Franklin, C.J. 2001. The natural history and captive husbandry of the Scorpion Mud Turtle Kinosternon scorpioides. Reptile & Amphibian Hobbyist 6(8): 28-34.
Hofer, A. 1999. Welterstnachzucht der Weisskehl-Klappschildkröte Kinosternon scorpioides albogulare Dumeril & Bocourt, 1870. Emys 6(3): 20-26.
Marquez, C. 1995. Historia natural y dimorfismo sexual de la tortuga Kinosternon scorpioides en Palo Verde Costa Rica. Revista de Ecologia LatinoAmericana 2(1-3): 37-44.
Monge-Najera, J.; Moreva Brenes, B. 1987. Notes on the feeding behavior of a juvenile mud turtle Kinosternon scorpioides. Herpetological Review 18(1): 7-8.
Montalvo, V.H.; Alfaro, L.D.; Saenz, C.; Carrillo, E. 2015. The jaguar as a potential predator of Kinosternon scorpioides (Linnaeus, 1766). Herpetozoa 27(3/4): 205-207.
Teske, W.R. 1976. Terrestrial movements of the mud turtle Kinosternon scorpioides in Costa Rica. Copeia 1976(3): 579-580.
Wilson, L.D. 1979. New departmental records for reptiles and amphibians from Honduras. Herpetological Review 10(1): 25.
Kinosternon angustipons
Iverson, J.B. 1981. Kinosternon angustipons. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 262 [1980]: 1-2.
Legler, J.M. 1965. A new species of turtle, genus Kinosternon, from Central America. University of Kansas Publications of the Museum of Natural History 15: 615-625.
Legler, J.M. 1966. Notes on the natural history of a rare central American turtle, Kinosternon angustipons Legler. Herpetologica 22: 118-122.
Sunyer, J.; Townsend, J.H.; Wilson, L.D.; Travers, S.L.; Obando, L.A.; Paiz, G.; Griffith, D.M.; Köhler, G. 2009. Three new country records of reptiles from Nicaragua. Salamandra 45(3): 186-190.
Kinosternon baurii
Brashear, G.; Brown, G.J. 2016. Geographic distribution: Kinosternon baurii (Striped Mud Turtle). Herpetological Review 47(4): 626.
Bustard, R. 1961. American terrapins. Aquarist and Pondkeeper 26: 88-89.
Butler, C.J.; Stanila, B.D.; Iverson, J.B.; Stone, P.A.; Bryson, M. 2016. Projected changes in climatic suitability for Kinosternon turtles by 2050 and 2070. Ecology and Evolution 6(21): 7690-7705.
Coote, J. 1983. The three striped mud turtle and its captive reproduction. Herptile 8(1): 14-20.
Donini, J. 2018. Natural history notes: Kinosternon baurii (Striped Mud Turtle). Scavenging/diet. Herpetological Review 49(2): 319-320.
Duever, M. 1972. The striped mud turtle (Kinosternon bauri Garman) in South Carolina. Herpetological Review 4(4): 131.
Dunson, W.A. 1979. Salinity tolerance and osmoregulation of the key mud turtle Kinosternon b. baurii. Copeia 1979(3): 548-552.
Dunson, W.A. 1981. Behavioral osmoregulation in the Key mud turtle, Kinosternon b. baurii. Journal of Herpetology 15(2): 163-173.
Einem, G.E. 1956. Certain aspects of the natural history of the mud turtle, Kinosternon bauri. Copeia 1956: 186-188.
Ernst, C.H. 1974. Kinosternon baurii. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 161: 1-2.
Ewert, M.A.; Jackson, D.R. 2005. Natural history notes: Kinosternon baurii (Striped Mud Turtle). Size and reproduction. Herpetological Review 36(4): 442.
Ewert, M.A.; Jackson, D.R.; Guyot, G. 2004. Geographic distribution: Kinosternon baurii (Striped Mud Turtle). Herpetological Review 35(1): 80.
Finnley, D. (ed.) 1978. Key mud turtle, Plymouth red-bellied turtle. Endangered Species Technical Bulletin 3(6): 8-9.
Frick, M.G. 1998. Geographic distribution: Kinosternon baurii (Striped Mud Turtle). Herpetological Review 29(1): 50.
Glaser, A.M. 2004. Die Dreistreifen-Klappschildkröte (Kinosternon bauri) eine für kleine Aquarien? Reptilia (D) 9(47): 56-64.
Glaser, A.M. 2006. Kinosternon baurii the Striped Mud Turtle. A small species for the aquarium. Reptilia (GB) 49: 36-42.
Iverson, J.B. 1978. Variation in striped mud turtles, Kinosternon baurii (Reptilia, Testudines, Kinosternidae). Journal of Herpetology 12(2): 135-142.
Iverson, J.B. 1979. The female reproductive cycle in north Florida Kinosternon baurii (Testudines: Kinosternidae). Brimleyana 1: 37-46.
Johnston, G.R.; Johnston, J.C.; Denton, M. 2008. Ecology of a freshwater turtle guild in a southern Florida canal system. Florida Scientist 71(4): 360-369.
Johnston, G.R.; Schmitt, J.; Mitchell, J.C. 2015. Natural history notes: Kinosternon baurii (Striped Mud Turtle). Autohirudinophagy. Herpetological Review 46(1): 81-82.
Karl, S.A.; Wilson, D.S. 2001. Phylogeography and systematics of the mud turtle, Kinosternon baurii. Copeia 2001(3): 797-801.
Kushlan, J.A.; Kushlan, M.S. 1980. Everglades alligator nests: nesting sites for marsh reptiles. Copeia 1980(4): 930-932.
Lamb, T. 1983. On the problematic identification of Kinosternon (Testudines: Kinosternidae) in Georgia, with new state localities for Kinosternon bauri. Georgia Journal of Science 41(4): 115-120.
Lamb, T.; Lovich, J. 1990. Morphometric validation of the Striped Mud Turtle (Kinosternon baurii) in the Carolinas and Virginia. Copeia 1990(3): 613-618.
Lovich, J.E.; Lamb, T. 1995. Morphometric similarity between the turtles Kinosternon subrubrum hippocrepis and K. baurii. Journal of Herpetology 29(4): 621-624.
Luison, A.; Redaelli, S. 2014. Haltung, Vermehrung und Aufzucht der Dreistreifen-Klappschildkröte Kinosternon baurii Garman, 1891. Schildkröten im Fokus 11(2): 3-16.
May, C.D. 2007. Die Dreistreifen-Klappschildkröte Kinosternon baurii in den Florida Keys. Schildkröten im Fokus 4(3): 24-34.
May, C.D. 2008. Die suche nach der goldenen Klappschildkröte. Schildkröten im Fokus 5(3): 3-18.
May, C.D. 2008. Dreistreifen-Klappschildkröten - ein Update. Schildkröten im Fokus 5(2): 25-28.
Meshaka, W.E. 1988. Reproductive characteristics of south Florida Sternotherus odoratus and Kinosternon baurii (Testudines: Kinosternidae). Arkansas Academy of Science Proceedings 42: 111-112.
Meshaka, W.E.; Blind, E. 2001. Seasonal movements and reproduction in the Striped Mud Turtle (Kinosternon baurii) from the southern Everglades, Florida. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 4(1): 75-80.
Mitchell, J.C.; Johnston, G.R. 2012. Natural history notes: Kinosternon baurii (Striped Mud Turtle). Habitat and aerial basking. Herpetological Review 43(1): 127.
Nijs, J.; Navez, C. 1990. Delayed fertilization in the Striped Mud Turtle, Kinosternon baurii. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 25(8): 146.
Norkin, M. (ed.) 1980. Key mud turtle proposal withdrawn. Endangered Species Technical Bulletin 5(8): 13.
Norman, M.D.; Mitchell, J.C. 2014. Freshwater Turtles in the Blackwater River Drainage in Southeastern Virginia. Banisteria 43: 70-78.
Pellegrin, N. 2012. [Husbandry, care and breeding of the three-Striped Mud Turtle Kinosternon baurii]. (In German). Marginata 34: 53-58.
Praschag, R. 1983. Zur Fortpflanzungsbiologie von Kinosternon baurii (Garman, 1891) mit Bemerkungen über eine abnorme Gelegehäufigkeit und die Embryonalentwicklung (Testudines: Kinosternidae). Salamandra 19(3): 141-150.
Pritchard, P.C.H. 1980. Record size turtles from Florida and South America. Chelonologica 1(3): 113-123.
Rembold, R. 1910. Einige Beobachtungen hinsichtlich Cinosternum pensilvanicum Gmelin und C. bauri Garman. Blätter für Aquarien- und Terrarienkunde (Magdeburg) 21: 102-104.
Stejneger, L.H. 1925. New species and subspecies of American turtles. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 15(20): 462-463.
Stumpel, J. 2008. Siamesische Zwillinge bei der Dreistreifen-Klappschildkröte (Kinosternon baurii, Garman, 1891). Schildkröten im Fokus 5(4): 16-17.
Uzzell, T.M.; Schwartz, A. 1955. The status of the turtle Kinosternon bauri palmarum Stejneger with notes on variation in the species. Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society 71(1): 28-35.
Vaentine-Darby, P.L.; Kell, S.E.; Darby, P.C. 2015. Predation on Florida Apple Snails (Pomacea paludosa) by native and non-native aquatic fauna, and predator-prey size relationships. Florida Scientist 78(1): 47-56.
Walker, D.; Moler, P.E.; Buhlmann, K.A.; Avise, J.C. 1998. Phylogeographic patterns in Kinosternon subrubrum and K. baurii based on mitochondrial DNA restriction analyses. Herpetologica 54(2): 174-184.
Walls, J.G. 2001. Striped Mud Turtle Kinosternon bauri (Garman, 1891). Reptile & Amphibian Hobbyist 6(11): 58-59.
Walsh, T.J.; Heinrich, G.L. 2015. Red-shouldered Hawk (Buteo lineatus) predation of turtles in Central Florida. Florida Field Naturalist 43(2): 79-85.
Wilson, D.S. 1998. Nesting ecology of the Striped Mud Turtle (Kinosternon baurii) in central Florida. Linnaeus Fund Research Report. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 3(1): 142-143.
Wilson, D.S. 1998. Nest-site selection: microhabitat variation and its effects on the survival of turtle embryos. Ecology (Washington, D.C.) 79(6): 1884-1892.
Wilson, D.S.; Karl, S.A. 2001. Genetic relatedness of populations of the mud turtle, Kinosternon baurii, from mainland Florida and the upper and lower Florida Keys. Linnaeus Fund Research Report. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 4(1): 228-230.
Wilson, D.S.; Mushinsky, H.R.; McCoy, E.D. 1999. Nesting behavior of the Striped Mud Turtle, Kinosternon baurii (Testudines: Kinosternidae). Copeia 1999(4): 958-968.
Wilson, D.S.; Mushinsky, H.R.; McCoy, E.D. 2006. Kinosternon baurii - Striped Mud Turtle. Chelonian Research Monographs 3: 180-188.
Wygoda, M.L. 1976. Terrestrial activity of Kinosternon baurii in a seasonal hardwood swamp forest. (Abstract). Herpetological Review 7(2): 102.
Wygoda, M.L. 1979. Terrestrial activity of striped mud turtles, Kinosternon baurii (Reptilia, Testudines, Kinosternidae) in west-central Florida. Journal of Herpetology 13(4): 469-480.
Kinosternon chimalhuaca
Berry, J.F.; Seidel, M.E.; Iverson, J.B. 1997. A new species of mud turtle (genus Kinosternon) from Jalisco and Colima, Mexico, with notes on its natural history. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 2(3): 329-337.
Iverson, J.B.; Berry, J.F. 1998. Kinosternon chimalhuaca. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 651: 1-2.
Macip-Rios, R.; Sustaita-Rodríguez, V.H.; Casas-Andreu, G. 2013. Evidence of pelvic and nonpelvic constraint on egg size in two species of Kinosternon from Mexico. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 12(2): 218-226.
Rogner, M.; Iverson, J.B.; Berry, J.F.; Seidel, M.E.; Rhodin, A.G.J. 2013. Case 3625. Kinosternon chimalhuaca Berry, Seidel & Iverson in Rogner, 1996 (Reptilia, Testudines): proposed confirmation of the publication date. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 70(3): 190-192.
Rogner, M.; Iverson, J.B.; Berry, J.F.; Seidel, M.E.; Rhodin, A.G.J. 2016. Comments on the proposed suppression Kinosternon chimalhuaca Rogner, 1996 (Reptilia, Testudines). (Case 3625). Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 73(1): 59-60.
Webb, R.G. 2001. The Jalisco mud turtle, Kinosternon chimalhuaca, in northern Nayarit, Mexico. Herpetological Review 32(2): 87-88.
Kinosternon creaseri
Artner, H. 2004. Beobachtungen in freier Wildbahn und bei Pflege und Nachzucht der Yucatan-Klappschildkröte Kinosternon creaseri Hartweg, 1934. Emys 11(3): 4-22.
Buskirk, J. 1997. New locality records for freshwater turtles from the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 2(3): 415-416.
Hartweg, N. 1934. Description of a new kinosternid from Yucatan. Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology University of Michigan 277: 1-2.
Hernández-Gallegos, O.; Ballesteros-Barrera, C.; Mendez, F.R.; Alonzo Parra, D.E. 2003. Geographic distribution: Kinosternon creaseri (Creaser's Mud Turtle). Herpetological Review 34(2): 164.
Iverson, J.B. 1983. Kinosternon creaseri. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 312: 1.
Iverson, J.B. 1988. Distribution and status of Creaser's mud turtle, Kinosternon creaseri. Herpetological Journal 1(7): 285-291.
Kinosternon cruentatum
Acuna, R.A.; Merchan, M. 2003. Kinosternon scorpioides cruentatum: biology and taxonomic revision of the red-cheeked mud turtle in Costa Rica. Reptilia (GB) 26: 30-34.
Arechaga Ocampo, S.; Montalban Huidobro, C.A.; Castro-Franco, R. 2008. Nuevos registros y ampliacion de la distribucion de anfibios y reptiles en el estado de Morelos, Mexico. Acta Zoologica Mexicana Nueva Serie 24(2): 231-233.
Berry, J.F. 1979. Variation and systematics in the Kinosternon scorpioides and K. leucostomum complexes (Reptilia: Testudines: Kinosternidae) of Mexico and Central America. Dissertation Abstracts International (B) 39(7): 3186.
Berry, J.F.; Iverson, J.B. 2001. Kinosternon scorpioides. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 725: 725.1-725.11.
Berry, J.F.; Iverson, J.B. 2011. Kinosternon scorpioides (Linnaeus 1766) - Scorpion Mud Turtle. Chelonian Research Monographs 5: 063.1-063.15.
Bour, R. 2004. Kinosternon cruentatum Duméril et Bibron, 1851. Emys 11(3): 32-34.
Davis, W.B. 1953. The turtle Kinosternon cruentatum cruentatum in Tamaulipas. Copeia 1953: 65.
Dundee, H.A.; White, D.A.; Rico-Gray, V. 1986. Observations on the distribution and biology of some Yucatan Peninsula amphibians and reptiles. Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society 22(2): 37-50.
Franklin, C.J. 2001. The natural history and captive husbandry of the Scorpion Mud Turtle Kinosternon scorpioides. Reptile & Amphibian Hobbyist 6(8): 28-34.
Iverson, J.B. 2010. Reproduction in the Red-cheeked Mud Turtle (Kinosternon scorpioides cruentatum) in southeastern Mexico and Belize, with comparisons across the species range. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 9(2): 250-261.
Iverson, J.B.; Berry, J.F. 1979. The mud turtle genus Kinosternon in northeastern Mexico. Herpetologica 35(4): 318-324.
May, C.D. 2009. Die Rotwangen-Klappschildkröte, Kinosternon scorpioides cruentatum, in menschlicher Obhut. Schildkröten im Fokus 6(3): 3-13.
Mendoza-Paz, C.A.; Fernández-Badillo, L. 2017. Distribution notes: Kinosternon scorpioides (Linnaeus, 1766). Mesoamerican Herpetology 4(4): 971-972.
Merchan, M.; Fournier, R. 2004. Periodo de puesta y tamano de los huevos de Kinosternon scorpioides cruentatum en Costa Rica. Boletin de la Asociacion Herpetologica Espanola 15(1): 23-25.
Moll, D. 1990. Population sizes and foraging ecology in a tropical freshwater stream turtle community. Journal of Herpetology 24(1): 48-53.
Nelson, C.E.; Nickerson, M.A. 1966. Notes on some Mexican and Central American amphibians and reptiles. Southwestern Naturalist 11: 128-131.
Nickl, S. 2009. Haltung und Zucht der Rotwangen-Klappschildkröte Kinosternon scorpioides cruentatum (Dumeril, Bibron & Dumeril 1851). Radiata 18(3): 24-32.
Nickl, S. 2011. Pflege und Vermehrung der Rotwangen-Klappschildkröte Kinosternon scorpioides cruentatum. Marginata 31: 44-50.
Williams, K.L.; Wilson, L.D. 1965. Noteworthy Mexican reptiles in the Louisiana State University Museum of Zoology. Proceedings of the Louisiana Academy of Sciences 28: 127-130.
Kinosternon dunni
Iverson, J.B. 1981. Kinosternon dunni Schmidt. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 278: 1-2.
Iverson, J.B.; Carr, J.L.; Castańo-Mora, O.V.; Galvis-Rizo, C.A.; Rentería-Moreno, L.E.; Forero-Medina, G. 2012. Kinosternon dunni Schmidt 1947 – Dunn's Mud Turtle. Chelonian Research Monographs 5(67): 1-5.
Medem, F. 1961. Contribuciones al conocimiento sobre la morfologia, ecologia y distribution geografica de la tortuga Kinosternon dunni K.P. Schmidt. Novedades Colombianas 1: 446-476.
Renteria-Moreno, L.E.; Forero-Medina, G.; Garces-Restrepo, M.F.; Carr, J.L.; Rueda-Almonacid, J.V. 2012. Range extension of Kinosternon dunni Schmidt, 1947 (Reptilia, Testudines, Kinosternidae) in Choco, Colombia. Check List 8(6): 1310-1312.
Schmidt, K.P. 1947. A new kinosternid turtle from Colombia. Fieldiana Zoology 31(13): 109-112.
Kinosternon durangoense
Iverson, J.B.; Lemos-Espinal, J.; Smith, G.R. 2018. Geographic distribution: Kinosternon durangoense (Durango Mud Turtle). Herpetological Review 49(4): 711-712.
Iverson, J.B.; Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R. 2018. Natural history notes: Kinosternon durangoense (Durango Mud Turtle). Life history. Herpetological Review 49(1): 109.
Kinosternon flavescens
Balch, L.C. 1974. Geographic distribution: Kinosternon flavescens flavescens. USA: Missouri: Barry Co. Herpetological Review 5(3): 69.
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Brown, L.E.; Moll, D. 1979. The status of the nearly extinct Illinois mud turtle with recommendations for its conservation. Milwaukee Public Museum Special Publications in Biology and Geology 3: 1-48.
Butler, C.J.; Stanila, B.D.; Iverson, J.B.; Stone, P.A.; Bryson, M. 2016. Projected changes in climatic suitability for Kinosternon turtles by 2050 and 2070. Ecology and Evolution 6(21): 7690-7705.
Cahn, A.R. 1931. Kinosternon flavescens: a surprising turtle record from Illinois. Copeia 1931: 120-123.
Christiansen, J.L.; Bernstein, N.P.; Phillips, C.A.; Briggler, J.T.; Kangas, D. 2012. Declining populations of Yellow Mud Turtles (Kinosternon flavescens) in Iowa, Illinois, and Missouri. Southwestern Naturalist 57(3): 304-313.
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Dodd, C.K. 1983. A review of the status of the Illinois mud turtle Kinosternon flavescens spooneri Smith. Biological Conservation 27(2): 141-156.
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Iverson, J.B. 1991. Life history and demography of the Yellow Mud Turtle, Kinosternon flavescens. Herpetologica 47(4): 373-395.
Iverson, J.B.; Berry, J.F. 1979. The mud turtle genus Kinosternon in northeastern Mexico. Herpetologica 35(4): 318-324.
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Jones, K.B.; Abbas, D.R.; Bergstedt, T. 1981. Herpetological records from central and northeastern Arizona. Herpetological Review 12(1): 16.
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Moll, D. 1979. Subterranean feeding by the Illinois mud turtle, Kinosternon flavescens spooneri. Journal of Herpetology 13(3): 371-373.
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Powell, R.; Laposha, N.A.; Smith, D.D.; Parmerlee, J.S. 1984. New distributional records for some semiaquatic amphibians and reptiles from the Rio Sabinas Basin, Coahuila, Mexico. Herpetological Review 15(3): 78-79.
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Serb, J.M.; Phillips, C.A.; Iverson, J.B. 2001. Molecular phylogeny and biogeography of Kinosternon flavescens based on complete mitochondrial control region sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 18(1): 149-162.
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Kinosternon herrerai
Aguirre-Leon, G.; Aquino Cruz, O. 2004. Hábitos alimentarios de Kinosternon herrerai Stejneger 1925 (Testudines: Kinosternidae) en el centro de Veracruz, México. Acta Zoologica Mexicana Nueva Serie 20(3): 83-98.
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Carr, J.L.; Mast, R.B. 1988. Natural history observations of Kinosternon herrerai (Testudines: Kinosternidae). Trianea 1: 87-97.
Iverson, J.B.; Berry, J.F. 1979. The mud turtle genus Kinosternon in northeastern Mexico. Herpetologica 35(4): 318-324.
Mata Silva, V.; Ramirez-Bautista, A.; Paredes-Flores, M.; Espino Ocampo, M. 2002. Geographic distribution: Kinosternon herrerai (Herrera's Mud Turtle). Herpetological Review 33(1): 65.
Mata Silva, V.; Ramirez-Bautista, A.; Paredes-Flores, M.; Espino Ocampo, M. 2002. Geographic distribution: Kinosternon herrerai (Herrera's Mud Turtle). Herpetological Review 33(2): 147-148.
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Kinosternon hirtipes
Butler, C.J.; Stanila, B.D.; Iverson, J.B.; Stone, P.A.; Bryson, M. 2016. Projected changes in climatic suitability for Kinosternon turtles by 2050 and 2070. Ecology and Evolution 6(21): 7690-7705.
Conant, R.; Berry, J.F. 1978. Turtles of the family Kinosternidae in the southwestern United States and adjacent Mexico: identification and distribution. American Museum Novitates 2642: 1-18.
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Ligon, D.B.; Peterson, C.C. 2002. Physiological and behavioral variation in estivation among mud turtles (Kinosternon spp.). Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 75(3): 283-293.
Liner, E.A. 1964. Notes on four small herpetological collections from Mexico. I. Introduction, turtles and snakes. Southwestern Naturalist 8: 221-227.
Platt, S.G.; Berezin, A.R.; Miller, D.J.; Rainwater, T.R. 2016. A dietary study of the Rough-footed Mud Turtle (Kinosternon hirtipes) in Texas, USA. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 11(1): 142-149.
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Reyes-Velasco, J.; Iverson, J.B.; Flores-Villela, O.A. 2013. The conservation status of several endemic Mexican kinosternid turtles. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 12(1): 203-208.
Seidel, M.E.; Reynolds, S.L. 1980. Aspects of evaporative water loss in the mud turtles Kinosternon hirtipes and Kinosternon flavescens. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A Comparative Physiology 67(4): 593-598.
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Williams, K.L.; Wilson, L.D. 1965. Noteworthy Mexican reptiles in the Louisiana State University Museum of Zoology. Proceedings of the Louisiana Academy of Sciences 28: 127-130.
Kinosternon integrum
Aguirre-Hidalgo, V.; Illescas-Aparicio, M.; González-Hernández, A.J. 2014. Geographic distribution: Kinosternon integrum (Mexican Mud Turtle). Herpetological Review 45(3): 460.
Davis, W.B.; Dixon, J.R. 1961. Reptiles (exclusive of snakes) of the Chilpancingo region, Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 74: 37-56.
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Grychta, U. 1996. Haltung und Nachzucht der Mexiko-Klappschildkröte Kinosternon integrum Le Conte, 1854. Sauria (Berlin) 18(3): 13-15.
Iverson, J.B. 1999. Reproduction in the Mexican mud turtle Kinosternon integrum. Journal of Herpetology 33(1): 144-148.
Iverson, J.B.; Berry, J.F. 1979. The mud turtle genus Kinosternon in northeastern Mexico. Herpetologica 35(4): 318-324.
Iverson, J.B.; Young, C.A.; Berry, J.F. 1998. Kinosternon integrum. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 652: 1-6.
Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, H.M.; Hartman, D.; Chiszar, D. 2004. Selected year 2003 amphibians and turtles from Chihuahua and Sonora, Mexico. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 39(6): 107-109.
Leyte-Manrique, A.; Hernández-Navarro, E.M.; Mata-Silva, V. 2014. Natural history notes: Kinosternon integrum (Mexican Mud Turtle). Mortality. Herpetological Review 45(2): 315-316.
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Macip-Rios, R.; Arias Cisneros, M.L.; Aguilar-Miguel, X.S.; Casas-Andreu, G. 2009. Population ecology and reproduction of the Mexican Mud Turtle (Kinosternon integrum) in Tonatico, Estado de Mexico. Western North American Naturalist 69(4): 501-510.
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Kinosternon leucostomum
Bagatto, B.; Guyer, C.; Hauge, B.; Henry, R.P. 1997. Bimodal respiration in two species of Central American turtles. Copeia 1997(4): 834-839.
Berry, J.F. 1979. Variation and systematics in the Kinosternon scorpioides and K. leucostomum complexes (Reptilia: Testudines: Kinosternidae) of Mexico and Central America. Dissertation Abstracts International (B) 39(7): 3186.
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Boback, S.M.; Montgomery, C.E.; Reed, R.N.; Green, S. 2006. Geographic distribution: Kinosternon leucostomum (White-lipped Mud Turtle, Tortuga-amarilla). Herpetological Review 37(2): 239.
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Cogalniceanu, D.; Torres-Porras, J.; Seoane, J.M.; Freire Lascano, C.A. 2015. The southernmost known locality for Kinosternon leucostomum (Reptilia, Testudines, Kinosternidae), El Oro province, southern Ecuador. Check List 11(1)(Article 1549): 1-3.
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Giraldo, A.; Garcés-Restrepo, M.F.; Carr, J.L. 2013. Kinosternon leucostomum (Duméril y Bibron en Duméril y Duméril 1851). Tapaculo, Culitapa. Catálogo de Anfibios y Reptiles de Colombia 1(1): 45-49.
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Kinosternon oaxacae
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Kinosternon scorpioides
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Kinosternon sonoriense
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Kinosternon steindachneri
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Kinosternon stejnegeri
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Kinosternon subrubrum
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Kinosternon vogti
López-Luna, M.A.; Cupul-Magańa, F.G.; Escobedo-Galván, A.H.; González-Hernández, A.J.; Centenero-Alcalá, E.; Rangel-Mendoza, J.A.; Ramírez-Ramírez, M.M.; Cazares-Hernández, E. 2018. A distinctive new species of Mud Turtle from western México. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 17(1): 2-13.
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