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Taxonomy of the family Colubridae
Bibliography of the genus Lytorhynchus
Biodiversity of the family Colubridae


Awl-headed Snakes, Old World Leaf-nosed Snakes, Long-nosed Sand Snakes

Paläarktische Schnauzennattern

Afro-asiatiske Trynesnoge

1862 Lytorhynchus Peters (type species: Heterodon diadema Dumeril, Bibron & Dumeril 1854)
1863 Chatachlein Jan (type species: Heterodon diadema Dumeril, Bibron & Dumeril 1854)
1875 Acontiophis Günther (type species: Acontiophis paradoxa Günther 1875)
Contents: 7 species, of which 1 (14.3%) is endemic.
Endemism: 0% 100%
Remarks: Previously included Lytorhynchus ilamensis, now a synonym of Rhynchocalamus levitoni.
Distribution: N. Africa, Middle East, SW. Asia.
Reported from: Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt (incl. Sinai), India (Rajasthan), Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Western Sahara, Yemen.

Lytorhynchus diadema

Crowned Awl-headed Snake, Common Awl-headed Snake, Crowned Leaf-nosed Snake, (Diademed Sand Snake)

Gekrönte Schnauzennatter


1854 Heterodon diadema Dumeril, Bibron & Dumeril
Lytorhynchus diadema Peters 1863
1952 Lytorhynchus diadema arabicus Haas (Leviton, Anderson, Adler & Minton 1992)
1952 Lytorhynchus diadema mesopotamicus Haas (Leviton, Anderson, Adler & Minton 1992)

Remarks: Previously included gaddi and kennedyi.
Distribution: (pending revision) Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt (incl. Sinai), Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Western Sahara, Yemen.

Lytorhynchus diadema
© Henrik Bringsøe

Lytorhynchus gaddi

Iranian Awl-headed Snake

Iranische Schnauzennatter

Iransk Trynesnog

1907 Lytorhynchus gaddi Nikolsky
Lytorhynchus diadema gaddi Leviton, Anderson, Adler & Minton 1992

Remarks: Previously regarded as a subspecies or a synonym of diadema (e.g., Arnold 1980; Baha el Din 2006; Sindaco, Venchi & Grieco 2013). Others have regarded it as a separate species (e.g., Leviton & Anderson 1970; Schätti & Gasperetti 1994). Alshammari, Badry, Busais, Ibrahim & El-Abd (2021) presented evidence supporting the recognition of gaddi as a separate species.
Distribution: Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Yemen.

Lytorhynchus gasperetti

Arabian Awl-headed Snake, (Gasparetti's Leaf-nosed Snake)

Arabische Schnauzennatter

Arabisk Trynesnog

1977 Lytorhynchus gasperetti Leviton

Distribution: Saudi Arabia.

Lytorhynchus kennedyi

Syrian Awl-headed Snake

Syrische Schnauzennatter

Syrisk Trynesnog

1939 Lytorhynchus kennedyi Schmidt
Lytorhynchus diadema kennedyi Schmidt 1952

Remarks: Status unclear. It has been regarded as a synonym of diadema (e.g., Moravec 1995; Disi, Modrý, Necas & Rifai 2001; Amr & Disi 2011) or a subspecies of same (e.g., Leviton, Anderson, Adler & Minton 1992). It is regarded herein as a separate species, following several authors (e.g., Gasperetti 1988; Martens 1993; Baha el Din 2006; Sindaco, Venchi & Grieco 2013), supported by near-sympatry in southern Jordan (Al-Oran 2000). An isolated record of kennedyi in northeastern Libya was regarded as an aberrantly patterned diadema by Bauer, DeBoer & Taylor (2017).
Distribution: Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Syria.

Lytorhynchus maynardi

Balochistan Awl-headed Snake, Baluch Awl-headed Snake, (Maynard's Awl-headed Snake)



1896 Lytorhynchus maynardi Alcock & Finn

Distribution: Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan.

Lytorhynchus paradoxus

Sind Awl-headed Snake



1875 Acontiophis paradoxa Günther
Lytorhynchus paradoxus Boulenger 1890
1926 Lytorhynchus monticornis Werner (Smith 1943)

Distribution: India (Rajasthan), Pakistan.

Lytorhynchus ridgewayi

Afghan Awl-headed Snake, Derafshi Snake

Afghanische Schnauzennatter

Afghansk Trynesnog

1887 Lytorhynchus ridgewayi Boulenger
1906 Lytorhynchus ridgewayi roseni Elpatjewski & Sabanejew (Smith 1943)
1938 Lytorhynchus gabrielis Werner (Smith 1943)

Distribution: Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan.