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Bibliography of the genus
Malayemys (Southeast Asian Snail-eating Turtles)

(Reptilia: Testudines: Geoemydidae)
In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.
Malayemys in general
Anonymous. 1958. Meine malaiischen Sumpfschildkröten Malayemys subtrijuga (Schlegel u. S. Müller). DATZ (Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift) 11: 23-25.
Brophy, T.R. 2004. Geographic variation and systematics in the South-East Asian turtles of the genus Malayemys (Testudines: Bataguridae). Hamadryad 29(1): 63-79.
Brophy, T.R. 2005. Geographic distribution of the Southeast Asian turtles in the genus Malayemys (Testudines: Bataguridae). Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 40(2): 21-33.
Ihlow, F.; Vamberger, M.; Flecks, M.; Hartmann, T.; Cota, M.; Makchai, S.; Meewattana, P.; Dawson, J.E.; Kheng, L.; Rödder, D.; Fritz, U. 2016. Integrative taxonomy of southeast Asian Snail-eating Turtles (Geoemydidae: Malayemys) reveals a new species and mitochondrial introgression. PLoS ONE 11(4): e0153108.
Srinarumol, N. 1995. Population biology of the Malayan snail-eating turtle: Malayemys subtrijuga (Schlegel and Müller, 1844). M.Sc. thesis, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok. 126 pp.
Malayemys khoratensis
Ihlow, F.; Vamberger, M.; Flecks, M.; Hartmann, T.; Cota, M.; Makchai, S.; Meewattana, P.; Dawson, J.E.; Kheng, L.; Rödder, D.; Fritz, U. 2016. Integrative taxonomy of southeast Asian Snail-eating Turtles (Geoemydidae: Malayemys) reveals a new species and mitochondrial introgression. PLoS ONE 11(4): e0153108.
Thomson, S.; Lambertz, M. 2017. On the nomenclatural status of the recently described Snail-eating Turtle from Southeast Asia (Testudines, Geoemydidae): Malayemys khoratensis vs. Malayemys isan. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 16(2): 239-245.
Malayemys macrocephala
Brophy, T.R. 2006. Allometry and sexual dimorphism in the snail-eating turtle Malayemys macrocephala from the Chao Phraya River Basin of central Thailand. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 5(1): 159-165.
Bundhitwongrut, T.; Saguensab, S.; Thirakhupt, K.; Pauwels, O.S.G. 2008. A case of predation of the Water Monitor Varanus salvator on the western snail-eating turtle Malayemys macrocephala (Reptilia: Varanidae & Bataguridae) in Bangkok. Biawak 2(3): 106-108.
Dawson, J.E.; Ihlow, F.; Ettmar, S.; Dijk, P.P. van; Thirakhupt, K. 2018. Malayemys macrocephala (Gray 1859) – Malayan Snail-Eating Turtle, Rice-Field Terrapin. Chelonian Research Monographs 5(108): 1-16.
Pewphong, R.; Kitana, J.; Kitana, N. 2013. Effect of incubation temperature on the somatic development of the Snail-Eating Turtle Malayemys macrocephala. Asian Herpetological Research 4(4): 254-262.
Philippen, H.D. 2010. Westliche Malayen-Sumpfschildkröte Malayemys macrocephala (Gray, 1859). Marginata 27: 31-34.
Malayemys subtrijuga
Annandale, N. 1916. Preliminary report on the fauna of the Talé Sap or inland sea of Singgora. Journal of the Natural History Society of Siam 2(2): 90-102.
Bader, H. 1962. Über Pflege und Verhalten Malaiischer Sumpfschildkröten im Aqua-Terrarium. DATZ (Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift) 15: 279-281.
Calmonte, A. 1970. Fütterungsprobleme mit Malayemys subtrijuga (Schlegel und Müller, 1844), der Malayen-Sumpfschildkröte. Aqua Terra 7: 5-6.
Farkas, B.; Sasvári, L. 1992. On freshwater turtles (Testudines) new to China. pp. 151-157. In: Korsos, Z. & Kiss, I. (eds.): Proceedings of the 6th Ordinary General Meeting of the Societas Europaea Herpetologica, 19-23 August 1991, Budapest, Hungary. Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest. 531 pp.
Hopkins, A.L. 1973. The turtle, Malayemys subtrijuga, as a potential agent in the control of schistosomiasis vector snails. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 67(2): 309-310.
Platt, S.G.; Sovannara, H.; Kheng, L.; Holloway, R.; Stuart, B.L.; Rainwater, T.R. 2008. Biodiversity, exploitation, and conservation of turtles in the Tonle Sap Biosphere Reserve, Cambodia, with notes on reproductive ecology of Malayemys subtrijuga. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 7(2): 195-204.
Price, A.H.; Johnson, D.G. 1978. Geographic distribution: Malayemys subtrijuga. USA: New Mexico: Sierra Co. Herpetological Review 9(3): 107.
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