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Malay Archipelago

Taxonomy of the genus Morelia Biodiversity of the family Pythonidae

Bibliography of the genus
Morelia (Carpet Pythons and allies)

(Reptilia: Serpentes: Pythonidae)

Note: In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.

Morelia in general

Harvey, M.B.; Barker, D.G.; Ammerman, L.K.; Chippindale, P.T. 2000. Systematics of pythons of the Morelia amethistina complex (Serpentes: Boidae) with the description of three new species. Herpetological Monographs 14: 139-185.

Hoser, R. 1982. Frequency of sloughing in captive Morelia, Liasis, and Acanthophis (Serpentes). Herptile 7(3): 20-26.

Hoser, R.T. 2003. Five new Australian pythons. Macarthur Herpetological Society Monthly Newsletter 40: 4-9.

Johnson, C.R. 1977. Thermoregulation in pythons. 4. Thermoregulation in the Papuan-New Guinean pythons within the genera Python, Liasis and Chondropython. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 60(2): 189-195.

Mense, M. 2006. Rautenpythons. Morelia bredli, Morelia carinata und der Morelia-spilota-Komplex. NTV, Münster. 207 pp.

Mense, M. 2015. Carpet Pythons - Morelia bredli, Morelia carinata and the Morelia spilota complex. 2nd rev. ed. Natur und Tier-Verlag, Münster. 216 pp.

Mense, M. 2015. Rautenpythons - Morelia bredli, Morelia carinata und der Morelia spilota-Komplex. 2nd rev. ed. Natur und Tier-Verlag, Münster. 216 pp.

Mense, M. 2016. Python-Schönheiten von der anderen Seite der Welt: Morelia, die Baum- und Rautenpythons. Reptilia (D) 21(118): 18-26.

Mutton, N.; Julander, J. 2011. The Complete Carpet Python -A Comprehensive Guide to the natural History, care, and Breeding of the Morelia spilota Complex. ECO Herpetological Publishing, Rodeo, New Mexico. 350 pp.

Smith, L.A. 1981. A revision of the python genera Aspidites and Python (Serpentes: Boidae) in Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum 9(2): 211-226.

Williams, K.L. 1987. Comments on the snake generic names Antaresia and Australiasis. Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society 23(2): 69-71.

Morelia bredli

Fyfe, G. 1990. Notes on the central carpet python Morelia spilota bredli. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 20(2): 11-14.

Gow, G.F. 1981. A new species of Python from central Australia. Australian Journal of Herpetology 1(1): 29-34.

Hoser, R. 1999. Hybridisation in carpet snakes. Genus: Morelia (Serpentes: Pythoninae) and other Australian pythons. Herptile 24(2): 61-67.

Mense, M. 2006. Rautenpythons. Morelia bredli, Morelia carinata und der Morelia-spilota-Komplex. NTV, Münster. 207 pp.

Rössel, D. 2016. Seltenes Ausstellungstier: Morelia bredli im Zoo Frankfurt. Reptilia (D) 21(118): 40-43.

Morelia carinata

Alcini, S. 2009. Seltene und wenig bekannte Pythons aus Australien. 1. Der Rauschuppenpython, Morelia carinata. Reptilia (D) 14(79): 28-32.

Krug, O. 2016. Morelia carinata – Der etwas andere Python! Reptilia (D) 21(118): 34-39.

Mense, M. 2006. Rautenpythons. Morelia bredli, Morelia carinata und der Morelia-spilota-Komplex. NTV, Münster. 207 pp.

Smith, L.A. 1981. A revision of the python genera Aspidites and Python (Serpentes: Boidae) in Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum 9(2): 211-226.

Weigel, J.; Russell, T. 1993. A record of a third specimen of the rough-scaled python Morelia carinata. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 23(2): 1-5.

Morelia spilota

Anonymous. 2005. Morelia spilota carpet python; Diamond Python (Lacepede, 1804). Reptilia (GB) 42: 43-46.

Abbott, I. 2008. Historical perspectives of the ecology of some conspicuous vertebrate species in south-west Western Australia. Conservation Science Western Australia 6(3): 1-214.

Amundsen, U. 1999. Morelia s. spilota. Keeping and breeding the diamond python. Reptilia (GB) 8: 34-38.

Amundsen, U. 2003. Morelia spilota spilota - Haltung und Nachzucht des Diamantpythons. Reptilia (D) 8(39): 30-33.

Arth, S.; Baus, S. 2010. Haltung und Nachzucht des Dschungel-Teppichpythons, Morelia spilota cheynei. Draco 11(44): 60-66.

Ayers, D.Y.; Shine, R. 1997. Thermal influences on foraging ability: body size, posture and cooling rate of an ambush predator, the python Morelia spilota. Functional Ecology 11(3): 342-347.

Banks, C.; Schwaner, T.D. 1984. Two cases of interspecific hybridization among captive Australian boid snakes. Zoo Biology 3(3): 221-227.

Barker, D.; Barker, T. 1995. A new python in captivity from New Guinea. The New Guinea carpet python and the Sawu python a correct common name. Vivarium (Lakeside) 6(6): 30-33.

Bedford, G. 1992. Observation of scent following in a male carpet python (Morelia spilota variegata). Herpetofauna (Sydney) 22(2): 45.

Bedford, G. 1996. Successful breeding of the diamond python (Morelia s. spilota) in the wet/dry tropics of northern Australia. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 26(2): 19-21.

Bedford, G.; Christian, K.A. 1998. Standard metabolic rate and preferred body temperatures in some Australian pythons. Australian Journal of Zoology 46(4): 317-328.

Bels, V.L.; Sande, P.A. van den 1986. Breeding the Australian Carpet Python Morelia spilotes variegata at Antwerp Zoo. International Zoo Yearbook 24-25 [1984-1985]: 231-238.

Boos, H.E.A. 1979. Some breeding records of Australian pythons Pythonidae. International Zoo Yearbook 19: 87-89.

Borch, C. 1926. Carpet snake's meal. Victorian Naturalist (Melbourne) 43: 120-121.

Brashears, J.; DeNardo, D.F. 2015. Facultative thermogenesis during brooding is not the norm among pythons. Journal of Comparative Physiology A Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 201(8): 817-825.

Brien, M.L.; Brien, C.H.; Reed, R.N. 2008. Natural history notes: Morelia spilota spilota (Diamond Python). Reproduction. Herpetological Review 39(3): 355.

Broer, W. 1983. Erfolgreiche Haltung und Nachzucht des Teppich- oder Rautenpythons, Python spilotus variegatus (Gray, 1842) (Serpentes, Boidae). Salamandra 19(1-2): 84-93.

Bröer, W. 1983. Erfolgreiche Haltung und Nachzucht des Teppich- oder Rautenpythons, Python spilotes variegatus. Salamandra 19: 84-93.

Bryant, G.L.; Bateman, P.W.; Fleming, P.A. 2011. Tantalising tongues: male carpet pythons use chemoreception to differentiate among females. Australian Journal of Zoology 59(1): 42-48.

Bryant, G.L.; Dundas, S.J.; Fleming, P.A. 2012. Tree hollows are of conservation importance for a near-threatened python species. Journal of Zoology (London) 286(1): 81-92.

Bryant, G.L.; Tores, P.J. de; Warren, K.A.; Fleming, P.A. 2012. Does body size influence thermal biology and diet of a python (Morelia spilota imbricata). Austral Ecology 37(5): 583-591.

Bush, B. 1988. An unsuccessful breeding record for the Western Australian Carpet Python, Morelia spilota imbricata. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 18(1): 30-31.

Bush, B. 1997. Captive reproduction in the south-western carpet python, Morelia spilota imbricata, including an exceptional fasting record of a reproductively active female. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 27(2): 8-12.

Charles, N.; Field, R.; Shine, R. 1985. Notes on the reproductive biology of Australian pythons, genera Aspidites, Liasis and Morelia. Herpetological Review 16(2): 45-48.

Chisholm, E.C. 1926. Additional fauna of the Comboyne Plateau, 1925-1926, Amphibia, Reptilia. Australian Zoologist 4: 296-297.

Clements, T. 2008. Keeping & breeding the west Papuan carpet python Morelia spilota harrisoni. Herptile 33(4): 126-135.

Cogger, H.G.; Holmes, A. 1961. Thermoregulatory behaviour in a specimen of Morelia spilotes variegata Gray (Serpentes: Boidae). Proe. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 86: 328-333.

Cook, R.A. 1994. Nesting site observations of the diamond python Morelia spilota spilota. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 24(1): 22-24.

Corey, B.; Doody, J.S. 2010. Anthropogenic influences on the spatial ecology of a semi-arid python. Journal of Zoology (London) 281(4): 293-302.

Corey, B.; Doody, J.S. 2016. Black box and attics: habitat selection and resource use by large threatened pythons in landscapes with contrasting human modification. Austral Ecology 41(1): 6-15.

Covacevich, J.A. 1975. Snakes in combat. Victorian Naturalist (Melbourne) 92(12): 252-253.

Covacevich, J.A.; Couper, P.J. 1992. The carpet python, Morelia spilota (Lacepede), another unsuccessful predator of the cane toad, Bufo marinus (Linnaeus), in Australia. pp. 52-59. In: Strimple, P.D. & Strimple, J.L. (eds.). Contributions in herpetology. Greater Cincinnati Herpetological Society, Cincinnati. 111 pp.

Cundall, D.; Deufel, A. 1999. Striking patterns in booid snakes. Copeia 1999(4): 868-883.

Dawson, R.; Saunders, D.A.; Mawson, P. 2011. The vulnerable and the endangered: Carpet Python predation on a breeding female Carnaby's Black Cockatoo. Australian Zoologist 35(3): 679-680.

DeGabriel, J.L.; Moore, B.D.; Foley, W.J.; Johnson, C.N. 2014. Male-biased predation and its effect on paternity skew and life history in a population of Common Brushtail Possums (Trichosurus vulpecula). PLoS ONE 9(11): e111746.

Fearn, S. 1996. Captive growth of a carpet python Morelia spilota. Litteratura Serpentium (English Edition) 16(4): 94-101.

Fearn, S. 1996. Captive growth of a Carpet Python Morelia spilota (Serpentes: Boidae). Monitor (Journal of the Victorian Herpetological Society) 7(3): 169-176

Fearn, S. 2005. Evidence of a juvenile skewed population of carpet pythons Morelia spilota (Serpentes: Pythonidae) from Magnet Island, north Queensland. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 35(2): 87-92.

Fearn, S.; Robinson, B.; Sambono, J.; Shine, R. 2001. Pythons in the pergola: the ecology of 'nuisance' carpet pythons (Morelia spilota) from suburban habitats in south-eastern Queensland. Wildlife Research 28(6): 573-579.

Fill, J.M.; Freeman, A.B.; Story, G.; Curran, T.J. 2013. Predation on a cryptic rainforest rodent (Pogonomys sp.) by a carpet python (Morelia spilota). Australian Mammalogy 35(2): 224-226.

Fill, J.M.; McBride, P.; Powell, A.J.; Shanahan, L.K.; Stark, J.R.; Freeman, A.B.; Curran, T.J. 2012. Diet of Amethystine (Morelia kinghorni) and Carpet Pythons (Morelia spilota) in North Queensland, Australia. Herpetological Review 43(1): 30-34.

Firth, R.S.C. 2004. Carpet Python (Morelia spilota variegata) predation on the Brush-tailed Rabbit-rat (Conilurus pencillatus melibus) on Melville Island, Northern Territory. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 34(2): 105-106.

Freeman, A.; Bruce, C. 2007. The things you find on the road: roadkill and incidental data as an indicator of habitat use in two species of tropical pythons. pp. 152-165. In: Henderson, R.W. & Powell, R. (eds.). Biology of the boas and pythons. Eagle Mountain Publishing, Eagle Mountain. 438 pp.

Griffin, P.; Hunt, T. 1993. First records of two reptiles Morelia spilota imbricata (Boidae) and Tiliqua occipitalis (Scincidae) from the vicinity of Eyre Bird Observatory, Western Australia. Western Australian Naturalist 19(2): 186-187.

Grundke, F.D.; Grundke, B. 1993. Feldherpetologische Beiträge zur Fauna Australiens. Teil 4a: Zur Biologie und Verbreitung von Pythonarten in Queensland (Qld.), New South Wales (N.S.W.) und Northern Territory (N.T.) mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Morelia spilota-Komplexes. Herpetofauna (Weinstadt) 15(82): 26-34.

Hammond, S. 1986. Notes on the Carpet Python, Morelia spilotes variegata. Chicago Herpetological Society Newsletter 1986(February): 1p.

Hammond, S. 1988. Life history notes: Morelia spilotes variegata (Carpet Python). Male combat. Herpetological Review 19(2): 37.

Harlow, P.; Grigg, G. 1984. Shivering thermogenesis in a brooding diamond python, Python spilotes spilotes. Copeia 1984(4): 959-965.

Hayes, R.A.; Nahrung, H.F.; Wilson, J.C. 2006. The response of native Australian rodents to predator odours varies seasonally: a by-product of life history variation? Animal Behaviour 71(6): 1307-1314.

Heard, G.W. 2002. Captive reproduction of the inland carpet python (Morelia spilota metcalfei). Herpetofauna (Sydney) 32(2): 85-92.

Heard, G.W.; Black, D.; Robertson, P. 2004. Habitat use by the inland carpet python (Morelia spilota metcalfei: Pythonidae): seasonal relationships with habitat structure and prey distribution in a rural landscape. Austral Ecology 29(4): 446-460.

Heard, G.W.; Robertson, P.; Black, D.; Barrow, G.; Johnson, P.; Hurley, V.; Allen, G. 2006. Canid predation: a potentially significant threat to relic populations of the inland carpet python Morelia spilota metcalfei (Pythonidae) in Victoria. Victorian Naturalist (Blackburn) 123(2): 68-74.

Hingley, K.J.; Hemmings, M. 1993. Keeping and breeding the carpet python, Morelia spilota ssp. Herptile 18(3): 118-129.

Hingley, K.J.; Hemmings, M. 1995. Breeding results. Morelia spilota variegata - carpet python. Litteratura Serpentium (English Edition) 15(3): 79.

Hollis, G. 2002. Record of a giant carpet python, Morelia spilota, from the mid north coast of NSW. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 32(2): 73-75.

Hornsby, P. 1997. Possible causes of mortality in the yellow-footed rock-wallaby, Petrogale xanthopus Gray (Marsupialia: Macropodidae). Australian Mammalogy 19(2): 245-248.

Hoser, R. 1999. Hybridisation in carpet snakes. Genus: Morelia (Serpentes: Pythoninae) and other Australian pythons. Herptile 24(2): 61-67.

Hoser, R.T. 2000. A revision of the Australasian pythons. Ophidia Review 1: 7-28.

Hoser, R.T.; Gibbons, D. 2003. A bicephalic coastal Queensland carpet snake, Morelia spilota mcdowelli (Serpentes: Pythonidae). Herpetofauna (Sydney) 33(2): 111.

Hoser, R.T.; Harris, P. 2005. A second case of bicephalism in Queensland carpet snakes (Morelia spilota mcdowelli) (Serpentes: Pythonidae). Herpetofauna (Sydney) 35(1): 61.

James, B. 1998. Carpet Snake (Morelia spilota mcdowelli) eggs in a banana plantation. Monitor (Journal of the Victorian Herpetological Society) 9(2): 9-13.

Johnson, C.R. 1972. Thermoregulation in pythons. 1. Effect of shelter, substrate type and posture onbody temperature of the Australian carpet python, Morelia spilotes variegata.. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology (A) 43(2): 271-278.

Jones, E.M. 1923. Carpet snake. Austral. Nat. Sydney 5: 99.

Kortlang, S. 1994. Husbandry and reproduction of the Northern Territory/Kimberley form carpet python, Morelia spilota variegata (Gray, 1842). Litteratura Serpentium (English Edition) 14(1): 25-32.

Longley, G. 1944. Note on the feeding and rearing of young diamond snakes (Python spilotes). Proceedings of the Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales 1943-44: 23-24.

Lucien, R. 1997. Breeding report Morelia spilota mcdowelli. Litteratura Serpentium (English Edition) 17(2): 32-34.

Mackay, R. 1950. Notes on the diamond snake and carpet snake. Proceedings of the Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales 1948-49 [1950]: 35-36.

Maguire, M. 1983. Observations of the carpet snake & the red-naped snake. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 14(1-2): 92-93.

Maryan, B. 1994. The Western Australian Carpet Python (Morelia spilota imbricata) how little we know about it! Herpetofauna (Sydney) 24(1): 30-32.

Mense, M. 2006. Rautenpythons. Morelia bredli, Morelia carinata und der Morelia-spilota-Komplex. NTV, Münster. 207 pp.

Michael, D.R.; Alexander, J. 2015. Records of the Inland Carpet Python Morelia spilota metcalfei (Serpentes: Pythonidae) in the North East Catchment Management Area, north-east Victoria, and the implications for fire planning. Victorian Naturalist (Blackburn) 132(2): 36-43.

Michael, D.R.; Cunningham, R.B.; MacGregor, C.; Brown, D.; Lindenmayer, D.B. 2014. The effects of prey, habitat heterogeneity and fire on the spatial ecology of peninsular Diamond Pythons (Morelia spilota spilota: Pythonidae). Austral Ecology 39(2): 181-189.

Morris, P. 1993. The occurrence of the carpet snake Morelia spilota variegata in northwestern New South Wales. pp. 67-68. In: Lunney, D. & Ayers, D. (eds.). Herpetology in Australia: a diverse discipline. Surrey Beatty & Sons, Chipping Norton, New South Wales. 414 pp.

Natusch, D.J.D.; Lyons, J.A. 2011. Distribution, ecological attributes and trade of the New Guinea carpet python (Morelia spilota) in Indonesia. Australian Journal of Zoology 59(4): 236-241.

Pays, O.; Beauchamp, G.; Carter, A.J.; Goldizen, A.W. 2013. Foraging in groups allows collective predator detection in a mammal species without alarm calls. Behavioral Ecology 24(5): 1229-1236.

Pearson, D.; Shine, R.; How, R. 2002. Sex-specific niche partitioning and sexual size dimorphism in Australian pythons (Morelia spilota imbricata). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 77(1): 113-125.

Pearson, D.; Shine, R.; Williams, A. 2002. Geographic variation in sexual size dimorphism within a single snake species (Morelia spilota, Pythonidae). Oecologia (Berlin) 131(3): 418-426.

Pearson, D.; Shine, R.; Williams, A. 2003. Thermal biology of large snakes in cool climates: A radio-telemetric study of carpet pythons (Morelia spilota imbricata) in south-western Australia. Journal of Thermal Biology 28(2): 117-131.

Pearson, D.; Shine, R.; Williams, A. 2005. Spatial ecology of a threatened python (Morelia spilota imbricata) and the effects of anthropogenic habitat change. Austral Ecology 30(3): 261-274.

Platt, N. 1989. Husbandry and breeding of the Australian Carpet Python at the Cotswold Wild Life Park. ASRA (Association for the Study of Reptilia and Amphibia) Journal 3(4): 32-46.

Renner, D. 2013. Ein naturnahes Terrarium für den Teppichpython. Draco 14(56): 44-50.

Riel, C.A.P. van 1982. Morelia spilotes variegata. Litteratura Serpentium 2(5): 254.

Riel, C.A.P. van 1984. Morelia spilotes variegata (Gray, 1842). Litteratura Serpentium 4(2): 57-62.

Robinson, A.C.; Armstrong, D.M.; Armstrong, G.P.; Dalzell, B.; Canty, P.B.; McDowell, M.; Hall, L.M. 2003. The Encounter 2002 expedition to the Isles of St Francis, South Australia: Vertebrate fauna. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 127(2): 129-139.

Schulz, M.; Eyre, T.J. 1997. Observations on some reptiles from Minnie Water, north-eastern New South Wales. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 27(1): 41-42.

Schwaner, T.; Francis, M.; Harvey, C. 1988. Identification and conservation of Carpet Pythons (Morelia spilota imbricata) on St. Francis Island, South Australia. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 18(2): 13-20.

Shine, R.; Fitzgerald, M. 1995. Variation in mating systems and sexual size dimorphism between populations of the Australian python Morelia spilota (Serpentes: Pythonidae). Oecologia (Heidelberg) 103(4): 490-498.

Shine, R.; Fitzgerald, M. 1996. Large snakes in a mosaic rural landscape: the ecology of carpet pythons Morelia spilota (Serpentes: Pythonidae) in coastal eastern Australia. Biological Conservation 76(2): 113-122.

Simon, P.; Whittaker, R.; Shine, R. 1999. Natural history notes: Morelia spilota (Australian Carpet Python). Caudal luring. Herpetological Review 30(2): 102-103.

Slip, D.J.; Shine, R. 1988. Feeding habits of the diamond python, Morelia s. spilota: ambush predation by a boid snake. Journal of Herpetology 22(3): 323-330.

Slip, D.J.; Shine, R. 1988. Reptilian endothermy: a field study of thermoregulation by brooding diamond pythons. Journal of Zoology (London) 216(2): 367-378.

Slip, D.J.; Shine, R. 1988. The reproductive biology and mating system of diamond pythons, Morelia spilota (Serpentes: Boidae). Herpetologica 44(4): 396-404.

Slip, D.J.; Shine, R. 1988. Thermoregulation of free-ranging diamond pythons, Morelia spilota (Serpentes, Boidae). Copeia 1988(4): 984-995.

Slip, D.J.; Shine, R. 1989. Habitat use, movements and activity patterns of free-ranging diamond pythons, Morelia spilota spilota (Serpentes: Boidae): a radiotelemetric study. Australian Wildlife Research 15(5) [1988]: 515-531.

Smith, L.A. 1981. A revision of the python genera Aspidites and Python (Serpentes: Boidae) in Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum 9(2): 211-226.

Sochurek, E. 1955. Über einige Schlangen aus Australien. Aquarien und Terrarien (Leipzig) 2: 53-56.

Sonnemann, N. 2003. Notes on breeding in the northwestern carpet python, (Morelia spilota variegata). Crocodilian 4(2): 7, 9-10.

Stinson, G.E. 1923. Notes on the carpet snake. Austral. Nat. Sydney 5: 81-82.

Stopford, J. 1980. Unusual food intake of a diamond python. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 12(1): 35.

Thompson, G.G.; Withers, P.C. 1999. Effect of sloughing and digestion on metabolic rate in the Australian Carpet Python, Morelia spilota imbricata. Australian Journal of Zoology 47(6): 605-610.

Vallon, L.H. 2012. Eat sh*t - a dessert plate for coprophiles. Ichnos 19(4): 254-257.

Ward, K. 2005. Birdkeeper feeds wildlife? Australian Aviculture 59(6): 121.

Warren, J.W.; Proske, U. 1968. Infrared receptors in the facial pits of the Australian python Morelia spilotes. Science (New York) 159: 439-441.

Watson, N. 1998. Breeding and maternal incubation of a diamond python Morelia spilota spilota (Serpentes: Boidae). Herpetofauna (Sydney) 28(2): 41-43.

Webb, G.A.; Rose, A.B. 1984. The food of some Australian snakes. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 16(1): 21-27.

Webber, P. 1978. A note on an aggregation of diamond pythons Morelia s. spilotes in the Grose Valley, N.S.W. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 10(1): 25-26.

Werner, F. 1903. Über Reptilien und Batrachier aus Guatemala und China in der zoologischen Staats-Sammlung in München, nebst einem Anhang über seltene Formen aus anderen Gebieten. Abhandlungen der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 22(2): 343-384.

Williams, D. 1992. Notes on the carpet python, Morelia spilota variegata (Grey, 1842), from the Mackay region of coastal Queensland. Sydney Basin Naturalist 1: 79-80.

Wolff, E. 1989. Der Rauten- oder Teppichpython Python spilotes variegatus (Gray, 1842) (Serpentes: Boidae) in der F-2-Generation im Tierpark Hellabrunn. Salamandra 25(1): 54-56.

Worrell, E. 1961. Herpetological name changes. Western Australian Naturalist 8: 18-27.

Morelia viridis

Areste, M.; Farriols, J.L. 1997. Chondropython viridis Schlegel, 1872. Grüner Baumpython. Reptilia (D) 2(4): 39-42.

Arth, S. 2006. Der Grüne Baumpython - Morelia viridis. Natur und Tier-Verlag, Münster. 62 pp.

Blake, H. 1992. The Green Tree Python (Chondropython viridis). Vivarium (Lakeside) 3(5): 19-22.

Brannian, R.E.; Graham, D.L.; Barnes, D.M. 1980. Mortality in captive green tree pythons. American Association of Zoo Veterinarians Annual Proceedings 1980: 63-65.

Brashears, J.; DeNardo, D.F. 2015. Facultative thermogenesis during brooding is not the norm among pythons. Journal of Comparative Physiology A Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 201(8): 817-825.

Bulian, J. 2012. Einige ergänzende Hinweise zum Artikl über das mysteriöse Absterben schlupfreifer Jungtiere des Grünen Baumpythons. Terraria-Elaphe 2012(37): 94-95.

Centini, R. 2004. Captive management, reproduction, and disease of the green tree python (Morelia viridis) and the Emerald Tree Boa (Corallus caninus). Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Association of Reptilian and Amphibian Veterinarians 11: 121-124.

Cundall, D.; Deufel, A. 1999. Striking patterns in booid snakes. Copeia 1999(4): 868-883.

Fasler, K.H. 1984. Durch Nachzucht erhalten: der Grüne Baumpython. Aquarien Magazin 18(12): 591-594.

Fleay, D. 1945. Additional notes on the green python. Victorian Naturalist (Melbourne) 62(2): 29-30.

Garrett, C.M.; Smith, B.E. 1994. Perch color preference in juvenile Green Tree Pythons, Chondropython viridis. Zoo Biology 13(1): 45-50.

Getreuer, W. 1983. Breeding results. Chondropython viridis. Litteratura Serpentium 3(5): 167.

Givens, S.T.V. 1945. The green python. Victorian Naturalist (Melbourne) 62(2): 28-29.

Hartmann, P.; Steiner, B. 1987. Chondropython viridis - green tree python. Litteratura Serpentium (English Edition) 7(2): 91.

Heijden, B. van der 1986. The husbandry and breeding of Chondropython viridis. Litteratura Serpentium (English Edition) 6(1): 4-12.

Henderson, R.W. 1993. On the diets of some arboreal boids. Herpetological Natural History 1(1): 91-96.

Hoffmann, M.; Motz, M. 2011. Grüner Baumpython - Morelia viridis. Natur und Tier-Verlag, Münster. 264 pp.

Hollander, P.J. 1983. Notes on incubating Chondropython eggs. Annual Reptile Symposium on Captive Propagation and Husbandry Proceedings 6 [1982]: 275-284.

Hoser, R. 1981. Australian pythons (part 1). Genera Chondropython and Aspidites. Herptile 6(2): 10-16.

Hoser, R. 1987. More about pelvic spurs in Australian snakes and pygopids. Herptile 12(2): 65-67.

Hoser, R.T. 2003. Five new Australian pythons. Macarthur Herpetological Society Monthly Newsletter 40: 4-9.

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