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Bibliography of the genus
Phrynocephalus (Toad-headed Agamas)

(Reptilia: Sauria: Agamidae)
In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.
Phrynocephalus in general
Ananjeva, N.B. 1986. [On the validity of Megalochilus mystaceus (Pallas, 1776)]. (In Russian, English summary). Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta 157: 4-13.
Ananjeva, N.B. 1998. The skull structure of some arid Asian agamids of Phrynocephalus genus (Agamidae, Sauria). Russian Journal of Herpetology 5(1): 29-35.
Ananjeva, N.B. 2012. [To viviparity in Agama lizards (Sauria, Acrodonta, Agamidae)]. (In Russian). Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 91(11): 1358-1365.
Ananjeva, N.B.; Sokolova, T.M. 1990. [The position of the genus Phrynocephalus Kaup, 1825 in agamids system]. (In Russian, English summary). Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta 207: 12-21, 233.
Ananjeva, N.B.; Tuniev, B.S. 1992. Historical biogeography of the Phrynocephalus species of the USSR. Asiatic Herpetological Research 4: 76-98.
Arnold, E.N. 1999. Modes of ear reduction in iguanian lizards (Reptilia, Iguania); different paths to similar ends. Bulletin of the Natural History Museum Zoology Series 65(2): 165-171.
Arnold, E.N. 1999. Phylogenetic relationships of toad-headed lizards (Phrynocephalus, Agamidae) based on morphology. Bulletin of the Natural History Museum Zoology Series 65(1): 1-13.
Badmaeva, V.I.; Onaeva, N.S. 1977. [The circadian activity of Phrynocephalus in eastern Manych]. pp. 19-20. In: Darevsky, I.S. [Fourth All-Union Herpetological Conference. Questions in Herpetology]. Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Zoologicheskij Institut. Izdatel'stvo 'Nauka', Leningrad. 243 pp. (In Russian).
Barabanov, A.V.; Ananjeva, N.B. 2007. Catalogue of the available scientific species-group names for lizards of the genus Phrynocephalus Kaup, 1825 (Reptilia, Sauria, Agamidae). Zootaxa 1399: 1-56.
Böhme, W. (ed.) 1981. Handbuch der Reptilien und Amphibien Europas. Band 1. Echsen (Sauria) 1. (Gekkonidae, Agamidae, Chamaeleonidae, Anguidae, Amphisbaenidae, Scincidae, Lacertidae 1). Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Wiesbaden. 520 pp.
Bondarenko, D.A. 1992. [Influence of the toad agamas activities (Sauria, Phrynocephalus) upon evaluation of their density]. (In Russian). Ekologiya (Moscow) 6: 79-82.
Darevsky, I.S. 1957. Hautdrüsen auf dem Rücken einiger agamider Eidechsen der Gattung Phrynocephalus. Zoologische Jahrbücher (Abteilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere) (Jena) 85: 301-304.
Dunayev, E.A. 1996. [Nomenclature and distribution of toad-agams, Phrynocephalus (Reptilia, Agamidae) in Iliyskaya Hollow]. (In Russian, English summary). Byulleten' Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody Otdel Biologicheskii 101(3): 36-41.
Dunayev, E.A. 1996. On the possible use of the ethological features in the taxonomy and phylogeny of toad agamas, Phrynocephalus (Reptilia, Agamidae). Russian Journal of Herpetology 3(1): 32-38.
Dunayev, E.A. 2008. Phylogeny of lizards of Phrynocephalus genus (Reptilia: Agamidae): history of study and methodic approaches. pp. 117-126. In: Ananjeva, N.B.; Danilov, I.G.; Dunayev, E.A.; Ischenko, V.G.; Lada, G.A.; Litvinchuk, S.N.; Orlova, V.F.; Smirina, E.M.; Tuniyev, B.S. & Khalikov, R.G. (eds.). The problems of herpetology. Proceedings of the 3rd meeting of the Nikolsky Herpetological Society, 9-13 October 2006, Putschino. Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg. 467 pp.
Golubev, M.L. 1989. [Phrynocephalus guttatus (Gmel.) or Ph. versicolor Str. (Reptilia, Agamidae): which Phrynocephalus species occurs in Kazakhstan? (In Russian, English summary). Vestnik Zoologii 1989(5): 38-46.
Golubev, M.L. 1998. A new subspecies of Phrynocephalus ornatus Boulenger (Reptilia: Agamidae) from eastern Iran, with a key to south-western and middle Asian microphrynocephalids. Hamadryad 23(2): 162-168.
Guo, X.G.; Liu, L.; Wang, Y. 2012. Phylogeography of the Phrynocephalus vlangalii species complex in the upper reaches of the Yellow River inferred from mtDNA ND4-tRNALEU segments. Asian Herpetological Research 3(1): 52-68.
Guo, X.G.; Wang, Y. 2007. Partitioned Bayesian analyses, dispersal-vicariance analysis, and the biogeography of Chinese toad-headed lizards (Agamidae: Phrynocephalus): A re-evaluation. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 45(2): 643-662.
Hoser, R.T. 2012. A five-way division of the agamid genus Laudakia Gray, 1845 (Squamata: Sauria: Agamidae). Australasian Journal of Herpetology 14: 17-23.
Jin, Y.T.; Brown, R.P. 2013. Species history and divergence times of viviparous and oviparous Chinese toad-headed sand lizards (Phrynocephalus) on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 68(2): 259-268.
Jin, Y.T.; Li, J.Q.; Liu, N.F. 2013. Elevation-related variation in life history traits among Phrynocephalus lineages on the Tibetan Plateau: do they follow typical squamate ecogeographic patterns. Journal of Zoology (London) 290(4): 293-301.
Jin, Y.T.; Liu, N.F.; Luo, S.; Ma, X.N. 2007. [A study of taxonomy and phylogeography of Phrynocephalus vlangalii complex in Qinghai plateau with the evidence of mtDNA. pp. 9-14]. (In Chinese). In: Ji, X. Herpetologica Sinica 11. China Scientific Book Services, Beijing. 283 pp.
Kamalova, Z.Y. 1985. [Species composition of insects in the diet of lizard entomophages]. (In Russian). Trudy Tashkentskogo Sel'skokhozyaistvennogo Instituta 113: 92-96.
Khan, M.S. 1999. A checklist and key to the phrynocephalid lizards of Pakistan, with ethnological notes (Squamata: Agamidae). Pakistan Journal of Zoology 31(1): 17-24.
Leroy, P. 1939. Les Phrynocephales de Mongolie et du NW. Chinois. Peking Nat. Hist. Bull. 14(2): 139-146.
Li, J.; Guo, X.G.; Wang, Y. 2010. [Progress in the biogeography of Phrynocephalus (Agamidae)]. (In Chinese). Sichuan Journal of Zoology 29(1): 144-150.
Licent, E. 1933. Note sur le genre Phrynocephalus. Pub. Mus. Hoang Pai Ho TienTsin 23: 10-12.
Macey, J.R.; Schulte, J.A.; Ananjeva, N.B.; Dyke, E.T. van; Wang, Y.; Orlov, N.; Shafiei, S.; Robinson, M.D.; Dujsebayeva, T.; Freund, G.S.; Fischer, C.M.; Liu, D.; Papenfuss, T. 2018. A molecular phylogenetic hypothesis for the Asian agamid lizard genus Phrynocephalus reveals discrete biogeographic clades implicated by plate tectonics. Zootaxa 4467(1): 1–81.
Manilo, V.V. 2000. [Description of karyotypes of some species and subspecies of the genus Phrynocephalus (Sauria, Agamidae) from Central Asia]. (In Russian, English summary). Vestnik Zoologii 34(6): 113-118, 123.
Manilo, V.V. 2001. Cytogenetic review and evolution of karyotypes in the species of the genus Phrynocephalus Kaup, 1825 (Sauria, Agamidae) from the eastern Palaearctic. Hamadryad 26(2): 227-234.
Manilo, V.V.; Golubev, M.L. 1993. Karyotype information on some toad agamas of the Phrynocephalus guttatus species group (Sauria, Agamidae) of the former USSR. Asiatic Herpetological Research 5: 105-108.
Manilo, V.V.; Golubyev, M.L. 1994. [Peculiarities of karyotypes of Phrynocephalus species from the group "guttatus" sensu lato (Sauria, Agamidae)]. (In Russian, English summary). Tsitologiya i Genetika 28(2): 66-70.
Mezhzherin, S.; Golubev, M.L. 1993. Allozyme variation and genetic relationships within the Phrynocephalus guttatus species group (Sauria: Agamidae) in the former USSR. Asiatic Herpetological Research 5: 59-64.
Mezhzherin, S.V.; Golubev, M.L. 1989. [Genetic divergence of gen. Phrynocephalus Kaup (Reptilia: Agamidae) of the USSR fauna]. (In Ukrainian, English summary). Dopovidi Akademiyi Nauk Ukrayins'koyi RSR Seriya B Heolohichni Khimichni Ta Biolohichni Nauky 1989(11): 68-70.
Mishagina, J.V. 2008. Ecological groups of preys in Eastern Kara Kum psammobiont lizards, Eremias (Lacertidae) and Phrynocephalus (Agamidae). pp. 298-307. In: Ananjeva, N.B.; Danilov, I.G.; Dunayev, E.A.; Ischenko, V.G.; Lada, G.A.; Litvinchuk, S.N.; Orlova, V.F.; Smirina, E.M.; Tuniyev, B.S. & Khalikov, R.G. (eds.). The problems of herpetology. Proceedings of the 3rd meeting of the Nikolsky Herpetological Society, 9-13 October 2006, Putschino. Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg. 467 pp.
Pang, J.; Wang, Y.; Yang, Z.; Hoelzel, A.R.; Papenfuss, T.J.; Zeng, Z.; Ananjeva, N.B.; Zhang, Y.P. 2003. A phylogeny of Chinese species in the genus Phrynocephalus (Agamidae) inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 27(3): 398-409.
Peters, G. 1984. Die Krotenkopfagamen Zentralasiens (Agamidae: Phrynocephalus). Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 60(1): 23-67.
Rogovin, K.A.; Semenov, D.V. 2003. [On methods of age determination in desert lizards: Natural longevity in toad-headed lizards (Phrynocephalus) (Reptilia, Agamidae)]. (In Russian, English summary). Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 82(7): 862-864.
Semenov, D.V. 1983. [On homing in the desert lizards]. (In Russian, English summary). Byulleten' Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody Otdel Biologicheskii 88(3): 50-52.
Semenov, D.V.; Brushko, Z.K.; Kubykin, R.A.; Shenbrot, G.I. 1987. [Taxonomic position and protective status of the round-headed lizard (Reptilia, Agamidae) in the territory of the USSR]. (In Russian, English summary). Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 66(1): 98-109.
Semenov, D.V.; Shenbrot, G.I. 1982. [On species independence of Phrynocephalus moltschanovi (Reptilia, Agamidae)]. (In Russian, English summary). Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 61(8): 1194-1204.
Semenov, D.V.; Shenbrot, G.I. 1985. [An estimate of absolute density of lizard populations taking into account the marginal effect]. (In Russian, English summary). Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 64(8): 1246-1253.
Semenov, D.V.; Shenbrot, G.I. 1986. [Data to the shedding in lizards of genus Phrynocephalus]. (In Russian). Ekologiya (Moscow) 1986(2): 80-82.
Semyonov, D.V.; Dunayev, Y.A. 1989. [Morphology of the hemipenis and classification of lizards of the genus Phrynocephalus (Reptilia: Agamidae)]. (In Russian, English summary). Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 68(10): 56-64.
Shenbrot, G.I.; Semenov, D.V. 1986. Some biological peculiarities of Phrynocephalus (Agamidae). pp. 579-582. In: Rocek, Z. (ed.). Studies in herpetology. Proceedings of the European Herpetological Meeting (3rd Ordinary General Meeting of the Societas Europaea Herpetologica) Prague 1985. Charles University, Prague. 754 pp.
Sokolovsky, V.V. 1974. A comparative karyological study of lizards of the family Agamidae. 1. Chromosome complements of 8 species of the genus Phrynocephalus (Reptilia, Agamidae). Tsitologiya 16(7): 920-925.
Solovyeva, E.N.; Poyarkov, N.A.; Dunaev, E.A.; Dujsebayeva, T.N.; Bannikova, A.A. 2011. Molecular differentiation and taxonomy of the sunwatcher toad-headed agama species complex Phrynocephalus superspecies helioscopus (Pallas 1771) (Reptilia: Agamidae). Russian Journal of Genetics 47(7): 842-856.
Tertyshnikov, M.F.; Gorovaya, V.I. 1984. [On the study of western populations of Phrynocephalus]. pp. 43-44. (In Russian). In: Ishchenko, V.G. (ed.). [The species and its productivity within its distribution range. Part 5. Questions of herpetology. Material from the 4th All-Union Symposium 3-7 April 1984]. Urals Scientific Centre, Academy of Sciences USSR, Sverdlovsk. 54 pp.
Tzarewsky, S. 1927. Les lezards du genre Phrynocephalus, collectionnes par les expeditions de P. Koslov au Tibet en 1899-1901 et en Mongolie et Sze-Tschwan 1907-1909. C. R. Acad. Sci. Russ. Leningrad 1927(A. 19): 303-306.
Tzarewsky, S. 1927. Taxonomy and distribution of lizards of the genus Phrynocephalus. C. R. Acad. Sci. U.R.S.S. 2: 23-20.
Tzarewsky, S. 1929. Contribution to the classification and distribution of the lizards of the genus Phrynocephalus. C. R. Acad. Russ. Leningrad 1929(17): 415.
Tzarewsky, S.T.; Tzarewsky, S.F. 1928. Contributions a la systematique et la distribution des lezards du genre Phrynocephalus. C. R. Acad. Sci. Russ. Leningrad 1926: 119-122, 211-214.
Ushakov, B.P. 1962. [Cytophysiological analysis of intraspecific differentiation of takyr toad lizards]. (In Russian). Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR (Biological Sciences) 144: 645-647.
Wang, H.; Tang, X.; Wang, Y.; Feng, Y.; Pu, P.; Men, S.; Zhao, Y.; Peng, Z.; Chen, Q. 2018. Function of lactate dehydrogenase in cardiac and skeletal muscle of Phrynocephalus lizard in relation to high-altitude adaptation. Asian Herpetological Research 9(4): 258-273.
Wang, Y. 1987. [The skeletal anatomy of four species of Phrynocephalus with a discussion on their interspecific relationships]. (In Chinese, English summary). Acta Herpetologica Sinica 6(4): 27-34.
Wang, Y.; Fu, J. 2004. Cladogenesis and vicariance patterns in the toad-headed lizard Phrynocephalus versicolor species complex. Copeia 2004(2): 199-206.
Wang, Y.; Zeng, X.M.; Fang, Z.L.; Wu, G.F.; Papenfuss, T.J.; Macey, J.R. 1999. [Study on the relationships of classification, phylogenetics and distribution of the genus Phrynocephalus spp. (Sauria: Agamidae) with the paleogeographical changes during Cenozoic era in Tibet Plateau]. (In Chinese, English summary). Zoological Research 20(3): 178-185.
Yadamsuren, O.; Murdoch, J.D.; Chuluunbat, S.; Purevee, E.; Munkhbayar, M.; Jargalsaikhan, A.; Purevjargal, Z.; Khorloo, M.; Khayankhyarvaa, T. 2018. Estimating occupancy and detectability of Toad Headed Agamas at the periphery of their range in Mongolia. Journal of Herpetology 52(3): 361-368.
Yadamsuren, O.; Murdoch, J.D.; Chuluunbat, S.; Purevee, E.; Munkhbayar, M.; Jargalsaikhan, A.; Purevjargal, Z.; Khorloo, M.; Khayankhyarvaa, T. 2018. Estimating occupancy and detectability of Toad Headed Agamas at the periphery of their range in Mongolia. Journal of Herpetology 52(3): 361-368.
Yadgarov, T.; Makhmudov, B. 1991. [Changes in the distributional range and abundance of several species of toad agamas from Uzbekistan]. (In Russian). Uzbekskii Biologicheskii Zhurnal 1: 51-57, 84.
Ye, X.; Zhang, J.D.; Dai, J.H.; Wang, Y. 2005. [A summarisation of systematic research of Phrynocephalus (Agamidae)]. (In Chinese, English summary). Sichuan Journal of Zoology 24(3): 421-427.
Zamolodchikov, D.G. 1993. [Reptile population dynamics: a trial of systems analysis]. (In Russian, English summary). Zhurnal Obshchei Biologii 54(5): 592-608.
Zeng, X.; Wang, Y.; Liu, Z.J.; Fang, Z.L.; Wu, G.F.; Papenfuss, T.J.; Macey, R.J. 1997. [Karyotypes of nine species in the genus Phrynocephalus, with discussion of karyotypic evolution of Chinese Phrynocephalus]. (In Chinese, English summary). Acta Zoologica Sinica 43(4): 399-410.
Zhao, K. 1997. [Toad-headed agamids in China]. (In Chinese, English summary). Chinese Journal of Zoology 32(1): 15-19.
Phrynocephalus ahvazicus
Melnikov, D.A.; Melnikova, E.; Nazarov, R.; Rajabizadeh, M.; Al-Johany, A.; Amr, Z.S.; Ananjeva, N.B. 2014. Taxonomic revision of Phrynocephalus arabicus Anderson, 1984 complex with description of a new species from Ahvaz, south-western Iran. Russian Journal of Herpetology 21(2): 149-159.
Phrynocephalus arabicus
Al-Sadoon, M.K.; Abdo, N.M. 1994. Comparative metabolic rate-temperature curves of Phrynocephalus arabicus Anderson, 1894 and Agama (Stellio) stellio brachydactyla Hass, 1951 (Agamidae, Sauria, Reptilia). Journal of Arid Environments 28(3): 249-256.
Al-Shammari, A.M. 2012. Additional records of lizards in Ha'il Province, Saudi Arabia. Russian Journal of Herpetology 19(4): 287-291.
Al-Sirhan, A.R.; Brown, G. 2010. The status of the two toad-headed agamas, Phrynocephalus arabicus (Anderson, 1894) and P. maculatus (Anderson, 1872), in Kuwait (Sauria: Agamidae). Zoology in the Middle East 51: 23-30.
Amr, Z.S.; Al-Oran, R.; Disi, A.M. 1994. Reptiles of southern Jordan. The Snake 26(1): 41-49.
Anderson, J. 1894. On two new species of agamoid lizards from the Hadramut, southeastern Arabia. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Ser. 6) 14: 376-378.
Arnold, E.N. 1980. The scientific results of the Oman flora and fauna survey 1977 (Dhofar). The reptiles and amphibians of Dhofar, southern Arabia. Journal of Oman Studies Special Report 2: 273-332.
Haas, G. 1957. Some amphibians and reptiles from Arabia. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Ser. 4) 29(4): 47-86.
Haas, G.; Battersby, J.C. 1959. Amphibians and reptiles from Arabia. Copeia 1959: 196-202.
Londei, T. 2015. Arabian sand boa Eryx jayakari (Squamata: Boidae) preying on Arabian toad-headed agama Phrynocephalus arabicus (Squamata: Agamidae): a nocturnal-to-diurnal species interaction. Herpetology Notes 8: 155-156.
Melnikov, D.A.; Melnikova, E.; Nazarov, R.; Rajabizadeh, M.; Al-Johany, A.; Amr, Z.S.; Ananjeva, N.B. 2014. Taxonomic revision of Phrynocephalus arabicus Anderson, 1984 complex with description of a new species from Ahvaz, south-western Iran. Russian Journal of Herpetology 21(2): 149-159.
Ross, W. 1995. Body language in agamids of eastern Saudi Arabia. Tropical Fish Hobbyist 43(10): 124, 127-129, 131-133.
Ross, W. 1995. Tail signalling in populations of Phrynocephalus arabicus, Anderson, 1894 (Reptilia: Agamidae). Zoology in the Middle East 11: 63-71.
Wittenberg, J. 1992. First records of Arabian toad-head agamid, (Phrynocephalus arabicus) (Sauria: Agamidae) in Jordan. Zoology in the Middle East 7: 59-63.
Phrynocephalus axillaris
Autumn, K.; Wang, Y. 1988. Preliminary observations on the ecology of Phrynocephalus axillaris and Eremias velox in the Turpan Depression, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China. Chinese Herpetological Research 2(1): 6-13.
Golubev, M.L.; Dunayev, E.A. 1995. Phrynocephalus nasatus (Reptilia, Agamidae), a new species of toad agama from western China. Russian Journal of Herpetology 2(1): 5-9.
Li, J.; Quo, X.G.; Wang, Y. 2010. [Population genetic differentiation of Phrynocephalus axillaris in East of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region based on sequence variation of mitochondrial ND4-tRNALeu gene]. (In Chinese). Zoological Research 31(4): 361-369.
Sun, Y.Y.; Du, Y.; Yang, J.; Fu, T.B.; Lin, C.X.; Ji, X. 2012. Is the evolution of viviparity accompanied by a relative increase in maternal abdomen size in lizards. Evolutionary Biology (New York) 39(3): 388-399.
Wang, Z.; Li, M.; Shao, M.; Ji, X. 2013. Differences in incubation length and hatchling morphology among five species of oviparous Phrynocephalus lizards (Agamidae) from China. Asian Herpetological Research 4(4): 225-232.
Wu, M.; Li, P.; Zhao, Y.; Ji, X. 1989. [A study of the karyotype of three species of Phrynocephalus from Xinjiang]. (In Chinese). Zoological Research 10(2): 114,153.
Zeng, X.; Wang, Y.; Liu, Z.J.; Fang, Z.L.; Wu, G.F.; Papenfuss, T.J.; Macey, R.J. 1997. [Karyotypes of nine species in the genus Phrynocephalus, with discussion of karyotypic evolution of Chinese Phrynocephalus]. (In Chinese, English summary). Acta Zoologica Sinica 43(4): 399-410.
Zhang, Q.; Xia, L.; He, J.B.; Wu, Y.; Fu, J.; Yang, Q. 2010. Comparison of phylogeographic structure and population history of two Phrynocephalus species in the Tarim Basin and adjacent areas. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 57(3): 1091-1104.
Zhao, K. 1995. [Description of a new species of the genus Phrynocephalus from Inner Mongolia]. (In Chinese, English summary). Sichuan Journal of Zoology 14 (Supplement): 47-50.
Phrynocephalus bannikovi
Macey, J.R.; Schulte, J.A.; Ananjeva, N.B.; Dyke, E.T. van; Wang, Y.; Orlov, N.; Shafiei, S.; Robinson, M.D.; Dujsebayeva, T.; Freund, G.S.; Fischer, C.M.; Liu, D.; Papenfuss, T. 2018. A molecular phylogenetic hypothesis for the Asian agamid lizard genus Phrynocephalus reveals discrete biogeographic clades implicated by plate tectonics. Zootaxa 4467(1): 1–81.
Shammakov, S. 1977. [On the ecology of Phrynocephalus reticulatus bannicovi]. p. 230. In: Darevsky, I.S. [Fourth All-Union Herpetological Conference. Questions in Herpetology]. Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Zoologicheskij Institut. Izdatel'stvo 'Nauka', Leningrad. 243 pp. (In Russian).
Phrynocephalus clarkorum
Anderson, S.C.; Leviton, A.E. 1967. A new species of Phrynocephalus (Sauria: Agamidae) from Afghanistan, with remarks on Phrynocephalus ornatus Boulenger. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Ser. 4) 35: 227-234.
Clark, R.J. 1992. Notes on the distribution and ecology of Phrynocephalus clarkorum Anderson & Leviton 1967 and Phrynocephalus ornatus Boulenger 1887 in Afghanistan. Herpetological Journal 2(4): 140-142.
Phrynocephalus erythrurus
Jin, Y.T.; Liu, N.F. 2010. Phylogeography of Phrynocephalus erythrurus from the Qiangtang Plateau of the Tibetan Plateau. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 54(3): 933-940.
Tang, X.; Ying, X.; Wang, H.; Li, W.; Zhang, Y.; Liang, S.; He, J.; Wang, N.B.; Ma, M.; Chen, Q. 2013. Metabolic characteristics and response to high altitude in Phrynocephalus erythrurus (Lacertilia: Agamidae), a lizard dwell at altitudes higher than any other living lizards in the world. PLoS ONE 8(8): e71976.
Yang, Y.; Wang, L.; Han, J.; Tang, X.; Ma, M.; Wang, K.; Zhang, X.; Ren, Q.; Chen, Q.; Qiu, Q. 2015. Comparative transcriptomic analysis revealed adaptation mechanism of Phrynocephalus erythrurus, the highest altitude lizard living in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. BMC Evolutionary Biology 15: 101.
Yuan, H. 1988. [A survey on the herpetofauna of northern Xizang]. (In Chinese). Acta Herpetologica Sinica 1988(2): 148.
Phrynocephalus forsythii
Sun, Y.Y.; Du, Y.; Yang, J.; Fu, T.B.; Lin, C.X.; Ji, X. 2012. Is the evolution of viviparity accompanied by a relative increase in maternal abdomen size in lizards. Evolutionary Biology (New York) 39(3): 388-399.
Zeng, X.; Wang, Y.; Liu, Z.J.; Fang, Z.L.; Wu, G.F.; Papenfuss, T.J.; Macey, R.J. 1997. [Karyotypes of nine species in the genus Phrynocephalus, with discussion of karyotypic evolution of Chinese Phrynocephalus]. (In Chinese, English summary). Acta Zoologica Sinica 43(4): 399-410.
Zhang, Q.; Xia, L.; He, J.B.; Wu, Y.; Fu, J.; Yang, Q. 2010. Comparison of phylogeographic structure and population history of two Phrynocephalus species in the Tarim Basin and adjacent areas. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 57(3): 1091-1104.
Phrynocephalus golubewii
Shenbrot, G.; Semyonov, D.V. 1990. [A new species of the genus Phrynocephalus (Reptilia, Agamidae) from Turkmenia]. (In Russian, English summary). Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 69(9): 154-156.
Phrynocephalus guinanensis
Ji, X.; Wang, Y.; Wang, Z. 2009. New species of Phrynocephalus (Squamata, Agamidae) from Qinghai, Northwest China. Zootaxa 1988: 61-68.
Jin, Y.; Yang, Z.; Brown, R.P.; Liao, P.; Liu, N.F. 2014. Intraspecific lineages of the lizard Phrynocephalus putjatia from the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau: impact of physical events on divergence and discordance between morphology and molecular markers. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 71: 288-297.
Wang, Z.; Lu, H.; Li, M.; Ji, X. 2013. Differences in thermal preference and tolerance among three Phrynocephalus lizards (Agamidae) with different body sizes and habitat use. Asian Herpetological Research 4(3): 214-220.
Zhang, K.; Liu, Y.; Tong, H.; Yu, X.; Jin, Y. 2017. [Correlation between the spatial distribution of active cave and insect resources in Phrynocephalus guinanensis (Lacertilia Agamidae)]. (In Chinese). Acta Ecologica Sinica 37(16): 5550-5555
Zhang, K.; Tong, H.; Wo, Y.; Liu, N.; Jin, Y. 2018. Sex ratio and sexual size dimorphism in a Toad-headed Lizard, Phrynocephalus guinanensis. Asian Herpetological Research 9(1): 35-42.
Phrynocephalus guttatus
Ananjeva, N.B. 1981. Phrynocephalus guttatus (Gmelin 1789) - Gefleckter Krötenkopf. pp. 180-190. In: Böhme, W. (ed.). Handbuch der Reptilien und Amphibien Europas. Band 1. Echsen (Sauria) 1. (Gekkonidae, Agamidae, Chamaeleonidae, Anguidae, Amphisbaenidae, Scincidae, Lacertidae 1). Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Wiesbaden. 520 pp.
Ananjeva, N.B.; Smirina, E.M.; Nikitina, N.G. 2003. Dentition of Phrynocephalus melanurus: Does tooth number depend on body size and/or age? Russian Journal of Herpetology 10(1): 1-6.
Badmaeva, V.I.; Szczerbak, N.N. 1983. [Phrynocephalus guttatus kalmykus ssp. n. (Sauria, Agamidae) from Kalmykia]. (In Russian, English summary). Vestnik Zoologii 1983(6): 34-37.
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Phrynocephalus helioscopus
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Phrynocephalus hongyuanensis
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Phrynocephalus horvathi
Cicek, K.; Dincer, A.; Varol, T.C.; Tayhan, Y. 2011. Data on food composition of Phrynocephalus horvathi Mehely, 1894 (Reptilia: Agamidae) in Mount Ararat (Northeastern Anatolia, Turkey). Ecologia Balkanica 3(1): 69-73.
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Yenmis, M.; Dinçer, A.; Sherbrooke, W.C.; Vesely, M. 2016. A comparative behavioural and structural study of rain-harvesting and non-rain-harvesting agamid lizards of Anatolia (Turkey). Zoomorphology (Berlin) 135(1): 137-148.
Phrynocephalus interscapularis
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Phrynocephalus longicaudatus
Abu Baker, M.; Siroky, P.; Amr, Z.; Modry, D. 2005. Discovery of a population of Phrynocephalus maculatus Anderson, 1872 in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (Squamata: Sauria: Agamidae). Herpetozoa 18(3-4): 107-113.
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Phrynocephalus lutensis
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Phrynocephalus luteoguttatus
Chandra, H.; Charan, S. 1983. Some lizard predators of acridids of southwest Afghanistan. Plant Protection Bulletin (Faridabad) 33(3-4): 153-155.
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Phrynocephalus maculatus
Al-Sirhan, A.R.; Brown, G. 2010. The status of the two toad-headed agamas, Phrynocephalus arabicus (Anderson, 1894) and P. maculatus (Anderson, 1872), in Kuwait (Sauria: Agamidae). Zoology in the Middle East 51: 23-30.
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Phrynocephalus mystaceus
Ananjeva, N.B. 1981. Phrynocephalus mystaceus (Pallas 1776) - Bärtiger Krötenkopf. pp. 203-216. In: Böhme, W. (ed.). Handbuch der Reptilien und Amphibien Europas. Band 1. Echsen (Sauria) 1. (Gekkonidae, Agamidae, Chamaeleonidae, Anguidae, Amphisbaenidae, Scincidae, Lacertidae 1). Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Wiesbaden. 520 pp.
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Phrynocephalus nejdensis
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Phrynocephalus ornatus
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Phrynocephalus persicus
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Phrynocephalus przewalskii
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Phrynocephalus putjatai
Jin, Y.; Yang, Z.; Brown, R.P.; Liao, P.; Liu, N.F. 2014. Intraspecific lineages of the lizard Phrynocephalus putjatia from the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau: impact of physical events on divergence and discordance between morphology and molecular markers. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 71: 288-297.
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Phrynocephalus raddei
Semenov, D.V. 2007. [The comparative aspects of spatial ecology of lizards exemplified by the toad-headed lizards (Reptilia, Agamidae, Phrynocephalus)]. (In Russian, English summary). Zhurnal Obshchei Biologii 68(5): 379-393.
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Phrynocephalus reticulatus
Baytin, A.D. 1990. [Influence of an anthropogenic factor on reptiles from south-west Tadzhikistan]. (In Russian). Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Tadzhikskoi SSR Otdelenie Biologicheskikh Nauk 1990(2): 48-49.
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Phrynocephalus rossikowi
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Phrynocephalus sakoi
Melnikov, D.; Melnikova, E.; Nazarov, R.; Al-Johany, A.; Ananjeva, N.B. 2015. A new species of Phrynocephalus (Agamidae, Sauria) from Al Sharqiyah Sands, northeastern Oman, dedicated to the memory of Sako Tuniyev (1983-2015). Russian Journal of Herpetology 22(4): 301-309.
Phrynocephalus scutellatus
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Phrynocephalus sogdianus
Macey, J.R.; Schulte, J.A.; Ananjeva, N.B.; Dyke, E.T. van; Wang, Y.; Orlov, N.; Shafiei, S.; Robinson, M.D.; Dujsebayeva, T.; Freund, G.S.; Fischer, C.M.; Liu, D.; Papenfuss, T. 2018. A molecular phylogenetic hypothesis for the Asian agamid lizard genus Phrynocephalus reveals discrete biogeographic clades implicated by plate tectonics. Zootaxa 4467(1): 1–81.
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Phrynocephalus strauchi
Bondarenko, D.A.; Peregontsev, E.A.; Abdunazarov, B.B.; Sudarev, V.O. 2010. [On the recent state of herpetofauna of sand massif in the Ferghana Valley (Uzbekistan)]. (In Russian). pp. 246-248. In: Duisebayeva, T.N.; Zima, I.A. & Chirikova, M.A. (eds.). Gerpetologicheskie Issledovaniya v Kazakhstane i sopredelnykh stranakh [Herpetological researches in Kazakhstan and adjacent countries]. ASBK & SOPKI, Almaty. 255 pp. (In Russian).
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Phrynocephalus theobaldi
Barabanov, A.V.; Ananjeva, N.B.; Papenfuss, T.J.; Wang, Y. 2002. A new name for Phrynocephalus theobaldi orientalis Wang, Papenfuss et Zeng, 1999. Russian Journal of Herpetology 9(1): 80.
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Phrynocephalus turcomanus
Macey, J.R.; Schulte, J.A.; Ananjeva, N.B.; Dyke, E.T. van; Wang, Y.; Orlov, N.; Shafiei, S.; Robinson, M.D.; Dujsebayeva, T.; Freund, G.S.; Fischer, C.M.; Liu, D.; Papenfuss, T. 2018. A molecular phylogenetic hypothesis for the Asian agamid lizard genus Phrynocephalus reveals discrete biogeographic clades implicated by plate tectonics. Zootaxa 4467(1): 1–81.
Solovyeva, E.N.; Dunayev, E.A.; Poyarkov, N.A. 2012. [Interspecific taxonomy of sunwatcher toadhead agama species complex (Phrynocephalus helioscopus, Squamata)]. (In Russian). Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 91(11): 1377-1396.
Phrynocephalus versicolor
Ananjeva, N.B. 1986. [Bau und Morphometrie des Schädels der Buntkrötenkopfagame (Phrynocephalus versicolor Str.) aus Echijn-Gol der Mongolei]. pp. 179-196, 236. (In Russian, German summary). In: Vorobeva, E.I. (ed.). Gerpetologicheskie issledovaniya v mongolskoi narodnoi respublike. [Herpetological studies in Mongolia.] Acad. Sci. USSR, Moscow. 247 pp.
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Phrynocephalus vindumi
Golubev, M.L. 1998. A new subspecies of Phrynocephalus ornatus Boulenger (Reptilia: Agamidae) from eastern Iran, with a key to south-western and middle Asian microphrynocephalids. Hamadryad 23(2): 162-168.
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Phrynocephalus vlangalii
Ding, G.H.; Li, Y.D.; Shen, Y.M.; Ji, X. 2007. [Selected body temperature shifts upward after feeding in the lizard, Phrynocephalus vlangalii (Agamidae) - physiological status affects the set-point of thermoregulation. pp. 146-152]. (In Chinese). In: Ji, X. Herpetologica Sinica 11. China Scientific Book Services, Beijing. 283 pp.
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