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Bibliography of the genus
Phrynops (Lesser Toad-headed Turtles)

(Reptilia: Testudines: Chelidae)
In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.
Phrynops in general
Alves, A.G.C.; Souto, F.J.B.; Leite, A.M. 2002. Etnoecologia dos cagados-d'agua Phrynops spp. (Testudinomorpha: Chelidae) entre pescadores artesanais no Acude Bodocongo, Campina Grande, Paraiba, Nordeste do Brasil. Sitientibus Serie Ciencias Biologicas 2(1-2): 62-68.
McCord, W.P.; Joseph-Ouni, M.; Lamar, W.W. 2001. A taxonomic reevaluation of Phrynops (Testudines: Chelidae) with the description of two new genera and a new species of Batrachemys. Revista de Biologia Tropical 49(2): 715-764.
Métrailler, S. 2002. Coup de torchon chez les Phrynops. Manouria 5(16): 6-7.
Philippen, H.D. 2012. [Phrynops. The genus of Toad-headed Turtles]. (In German). Reptilia (D) 17(98): 42-48.
Phrynops geoffroanus
Anonymous. 1986. Junge Krötenkopfschildkröten (Phrynops geoffroanus geoffroanus) im Exotarium des Frankfurter Zoologischen Gartens. Herpetofauna (Weinstadt) 8(44): 9.
Alves Pereira, A.M.; Vieira Brito, S.; Araujo Filho, J.A. de; Martins Teixeira, A.A.; Alves Teles, D.; Oliveira Santana, D.; Ferreira Lima, V.; Oliveira Almeida, W. de 2018. Diet and helminth parasites of freshwater turtles Mesoclemmys tuberculata, Phrynops geoffroanus (Pleurodira: Chelidae) and Kinosternon scorpioides (Criptodyra: Kinosternidae) in a semiarid region, northeast of Brazil. Acta Herpetologica 13(1): 21-32.
Bakowskie, R.; Bakowskie, R. 2008. Gefangenschaftshybriden zwischen Phrynops geoffroanus (Schweigger, 1812) und Phrynops hilari (Dumeril & Bibron, 1835). Radiata 17(3): 69-72.
Baldo, D.; Martinez, P.; Boeris, J.M.; Giraudo, A.R. 2007. Reptilia, Chelonii, Chelidae, Phrynops geoffroanus Schweigger, 1812 and MesoClemmys vanderhaegei (Bour, 1973): distribution extension, new country record, and new province records in Argentina. Check List 3(4): 348-352.
Barreto, L.; Sousa Ribeiro, L.E. de; Nunes Ribeiro, A.B.; Rocha Azevedo, R.; Tavares, D.L.; Silva Abreu, J.M. da; Batista Cutrim, N. 2010. [Mapping of occurrence areas and conservation aspects of freshwater turtles in Maranhao State, Brazil]. (In Portuguese). Boletim do Laboratorio de Hidrobiologia 23(1): 49-56.
Barros-Molina, F. de 1992. Observacoes sobre os habitos e o comportamento alimentar de Phrynops geoffroanus (Schweigger, 1812) em cativeiro (Reptilia, Testudines, Chelidae). Revista Brasileira de Zoologia 7(3) [1990]: 319-326.
Bertoni, A. de W. 1926. Nuevos quelonios Paraguayos. Rev. Soc. Cien. Paraguay Asuncion 2(1): 71.
Campos Brites, V.L. de; Rantin, F.T. 2004. The influence of agricultural and urban contamination on leech infestation of freshwater turtles, Phrynops geoffroanus, taken from two areas of the Uberabinha River. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 96(1-3): 273-281.
Dias, L.C.; Souza, F.L. 2005. Natural history notes: Phrynops geoffroanus (Geoffroy's Side-necked Turtle). Diet. Herpetological Review 36(1): 60.
Fachin-Teran, A.; Vogt, R.C.; Gomez, M. de F.; Soares, S. 1995. Alimentacion de tres especies de tortugas Chelidae en Costa Marques, Rondonia - Brasil. Boletin de Lima 16(91-96) [1994]: 409-416.
Ferreira-Júnior, P.D.; Balestra, R.A.M.; Moreira, J.R.; Freitas, F. de O.; Lustosa, A.P.G.; Jorge, R.F.; Rosa, A.J.M.; Sampaio, A.A.; Gomes, A.S. 2011. Nesting of Phrynops geoffroanus (Testudines: Chelidae) on sandy beaches along the Upper Xingu River, Brazil. Zoologia 28(5): 571-576.
Gomes, F.B.R.; Crozariol, M.A.; Bispo, A.A. 2008. Predaçao do cagado Phrynops geoffroanus (Chelonia: Pleurodira) pelo falçao Milvago chimachima (Aves: Falconiformes), numa reserva florestal em Icem, SP. Atualidades Ornitologicas 144: 23.
Goode, M. 1986. Life history notes: Phrynops geoffroanus (Geoffroy's Sideneck). Maturation. Herpetological Review 17(2): 48-49.
Grychta, U.; Grychta, R. 1995. Phrynops geoffroanus (Schweigger, 1812) - Haltung und Zucht der dunklen Krotenkopfschildkröte. Sauria (Berlin) 17(1): 11-13.
Guix, J.C.C.; Salvatti, M.; Peroni, M.A.; Lima-Verde, J.S. 1989. Aspectos da reproducao de Phrynops geoffroanus (Schweigger, 1812) em cativeiro (Testudines-Chelidae). Grupo de Estudos Ecologicos Serie Documentos 1: 1-19.
Kardon, A. 1981. Captive reproduction in Geoffroy's side-necked turtle Phrynops geoffroanus geoffroanus. International Zoo Yearbook 21: 71-72.
Lacher, T.E.; Alho, C.J.R.; Pereira, I.G.T. 1986. The relation between cloacal temperature and ambient temperature in five species of Brazilian turtles. Revista Brasileira de Biologia 46(3): 563-566.
Marques, T.S.; Oliveira-Ferronato, B. de; Guardia, I.; Bonfin Longo, A.L.; Trivinho-Strixino, S.; Bertoluci, J.; Martins Verdade, L. 2008. Primeiro registro de larvas de Chironomus inquinatus Correia, Trivinho-Strixino & Michailova (Diptera, Chironomidae) vivendo no casco do cagado Phrynops geoffroanus Schweigger (Testudines, Chelidae) na regiao Neotropical. Biota Neotropica 8(4): 201-203.
Martins, F.I.; Souza, F.L. de; Costa, H.T.M. da 2010. Feeding habits of Phrynops geoffroanus (Chelidae) in an urban river in Central Brazil. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 9(2): 294-297.
Medem, F. 1960. Informe sobre reptiles Colombianos. 5. Observaciones sobre la distribucion geografica y ecologia de la tortuga Phrynops geoffroana ssp. en Colombia. Novedades Colombianas 1: 291-300.
Medem, P. 1960. (IV) Informe sobre reptiles Colombianos. El primer hallazgo de la Tortuga Phrynops (Batrachernys) nasuta (Schweigger) en Colombia. (V) Observaciones sobre la distribusion geografioa y ecologia de la Tortuga Phrynops geoffroana ssp. Novedades Colombianas 1(5): 284-300.
Melo Moura, C.C. de; Fajardo Vega, E.S.; Silva Muniz, S.L. da; Soares da Silva, J.; Vieira de Oliveira, C.A.A.; Arruda, A.R. de; Lima Araujo, E. de; Barbosa de Moura, G.J. 2012. [Nest predation of Phrynops geoffroanus (Schweigger, 1812) in Atlantic Forest remnants - Northeast Brazil]. (In Portuguese). Revista Brasileira de Zoociencias 14(1-3): 147-153.
Mertens, R. 1967. Bemerkenswerte Süsswasserschildkröten aus Brasilien. Senckenbergiana Biologica 48: 71-82.
Mlynarski, M. 1969. [Tortoises in the Zoological Gardens]. (In Polish, English summary). Przeglad Zoologiczny 13: 122-133.
Molina, F.B. 1991. Some observations on the biology and behaviour of Phrynops geoffroanus (Schweigger, 1812) in captivity (Reptilia, Testudines, Chelidae). Grupo de Estudos Ecologicos Serie Documentos 3: 35-37.
Molina, F.B. 1996. Mating behavior of captive Geoffroy's side-necked turtles, Phrynops geoffroanus (Testudines: Chelidae). Herpetological Natural History 4(2): 155-160.
Oliveira-Ferronato, B. de; Ignacio Piña, C.; Cochachez Molina, F.; Espinoza, R.A.; Morales, V.R. 2013. Feeding habits of Amazonian freshwater turtles (Podocnemididae and Chelidae) from Peru. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 12(1): 119-126.
Oliveira-Ferronato, B. de; Merchant, M.E.; Marques, T.S.; Verdade, L.M. 2009. Characterization of innate immune activity in Phrynops geoffroanus (Testudines: Chelidae). Zoologia 26(4): 747-752.
Oliveira-Ferronato, B. de; Molina, F.B.; Molina, F.C.; Espinosa, R.A.; Morales, V.R. 2011. New locality records for chelonians (Testudines: Chelidae, Podocnemididae, Testudinidae) from Departamento de Pasco, Peru. Herpetology Notes 4: 219-224.
Ribas, E.R.; Monteiro-Filho, E.L.A. 2002. Distribuicao e habitat das tartarugas de agua-doce (Testudines, Chelidae) do Estado do Parana, Brasil. Biociencias 10(2): 15-32.
Rocha, S.B. da; Vargas Grou, C.E.; Takemoto, R.M.; Ferreira, V.L. 2018. Natural history notes: Phrynops geoffroanus (Goeffroy's Side-necked Turtle). Mortality from fishing hook. Herpetological Review 49(2): 321-322.
Rodrigues Venancio, L.P.; Afonso, S.M.I.; Silva, T.L. da; Moschetta, V.A.G.; Campos Zuccari, D.A.P. de; Almeida, E.A.; Bonini-Domingos, C.R. 2013. Pollution-induced metabolic responses in hypoxia-tolerant freshwater turtles. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 97: 1-9.
Rodrigues Venancio, L.P.; Zuccari, D.A.P.C.; Bonini-Domingos, C.R. 2013. Geoffroy's side-necked turtle (Phrynops geoffroanus (Schweigger, 1812), Testudines: Chelidae) as a model for evolutionary ecotoxicology: relationship between environmental contamination, conditions and genetic variability. Genetics and Molecular Research 12(4): 6858-6859.
Schneider, L.; Ferrara, C.R.; Vogt, R.C. 2009. Natural history notes: Phrynops geoffroanus (Geoffroy's Side Necked Turtle). Nest predation. Herpetological Review 40(4): 436.
Schneider, L.; Ferrara, C.R.; Vogt, R.C.; Valdez-Guilhon, A. 2011. Nesting ecology and nest predation of Phrynops geoffroanus (Testudines, Chelidae) in the Guapore River of the Brazilian and Bolivian Amazon. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 10(2): 206-212.
Silva, R.Z.; Vilela, M.J.A. 2008. Nidification of Phrynops geoffroanus (Schweigger, 1812) (Chelonia: Chelidae) in the Jupia's Water Reservoir - Parana River, Tres Lagoas, MS. Estudos de Biologia (Curitiba) 30(70-72): 107-115.
Sousa Ribeiro, L.E. de; Silva Utta, A.C. da; Barreto, L. 2017. Diet of Phrynops geoffroanus (Schweigger 1812) (Chelidae) in an environmental protection area in the Amazon region of Maranhao state, Brazil. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 12(2): 556-564
Souza, F.L.; Abe, A.S. 2000. Feeding ecology, density and biomass of the freshwater turtle, Phrynops geoffroanus, inhabiting a polluted urban river in south-eastern Brazil. Journal of Zoology (London) 252(4): 437-446.
Souza, F.L.; Abe, A.S. 2001. Population structure and reproductive aspects of the freshwater turtle, Phrynops geoffroanus, inhabiting an urban river in southeastern Brazil. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 36(1): 57-62.
Souza, F.L.; Raizer, J.; Costa, H.T.M. da; Martins, F.I. 2008. Dispersal of Phrynops geoffroanus (Chelidae) in an urban river in central Brazil. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 7(2): 257-261.
Teixeira, A.A.M.; Alves Teles, D.; Sousa, J.G.G. de; Silva, E.G. da; Oliveira Almeida, W. de 2016. Natural history notes: Salvator merianae (Black and White Tegu). Diet. Herpetological Review 47(1): 139-140.
Vanzolini, P.E. 1994. On the distribution of certain South American turtles (Testudines: Testudinidae & Chelidae). Smithsonian Herpetological Information Service 97: 1-10.
Wermuth, H. 1956. Versuch der Deutung einiger bisher übersehener Schildkröten-Namen. Zoologische Beiträge 2: 399-423.
Wicker, R. 1984. Beobachtungen bei mehrjähriger Zucht von Phrynops geoffroanus geoffroanus (Schweigger, 1812) (Testudines: Chelidae). Salamandra 20(4): 185-191.
Phrynops hilarii
Alcalde, L.; Nara Derocco, N.; Rosset, S.D. 2010. Feeding in syntopy: diet of Hydromedusa tectifera and Phrynops hilarii (Chelidae). Chelonian Conservation and Biology 9(1): 33-44.
Astory, E.D. 1984. Dimorfismo sexuel secundario de Phrynops (Phrynops) hilarii (D. YB., 1835) y su conducta reproductora en cautiverio (Testudines - Chelidae). Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales 'Bernardino Rivadavia' e Instituto Nacional de Investigacion de las Ciencias Naturales Zoologia 13: 107-113.
Bager, A. 2006. Natural history notes: Phrynops hilarii (Hilaire's Side-necked Turtle). Reproduction. Herpetological Review 37(4): 459.
Bager, A.; Barcellos, L.J.C.; Piedras, S.R.N. 2007. Natural history notes: Phrynops hilarii (Hilaire's Side-necked Turtle). Feeding behavior. Herpetological Review 38(1): 71-72.
Bager, A.; Rosado, J.L.O. 2010. Estimation of core terrestrial habitats for freshwater turtles in southern Brazil based on nesting areas. Journal of Herpetology 44(4): 658-662.
Bakowskie, R.; Bakowskie, R. 2008. Gefangenschaftshybriden zwischen Phrynops geoffroanus (Schweigger, 1812) und Phrynops hilari (Dumeril & Bibron, 1835). Radiata 17(3): 69-72.
Barros-Molina, F. de; Rocha, M.B. da; Mello Lula, L.A.B. de 1998. Comportamento alimentar e dieta de Phrynops hilarii (Dumeril & Bibron) em cativeiro (Reptilia, Testudines, Chelidae). Revista Brasileira de Zoologia 15(1): 73-79.
Belmonte, F.T. 1991. Observaciones sobre el comportamiento de Phrynops hilarii (Dumeril & Bibron) (Testudines - Chelidae) en los ocho primeros meses de vida. Acta Zoologica Lilloana 40(1): 5-12.
Bujes, C.S. 2009. Natural history notes: Phrynops hilarii (Hilaire's Side-necked Turtle). Feeding behavior. Herpetological Review 40(3): 336-337.
Cabrera, M.R.; Colantonio, S.E. 2001. Ontogenetic variation of plastral spotting pattern in Phrynops hilarii (Testudines, Chelidae). Iheringia Serie Zoologia 91: 115-122.
Cabrera, M.R.; Haro, J.G.; Monguillot, J.C. 1986. Presencia de Hydromedusa tectifera y Phrynops hilarii (Testudines: Chelidae) en la provincia de Cordoba, Argentina. Academia Nacional de Ciencias (Cordoba) Miscelanea 73: 1-10.
Clavijo-Baquet, S.; Magnone, L. 2017. Daily and seasonal basking behavior in two South American freshwater turtles, Trachemys dorbigni and Phrynops hilarii. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 16(1): 62-69.
Derocco, N.N.; Alcalde, L.; Rosset, S.D. 2005. Ampliacion de la distribucion de Phrynops hilarii (Pleurodira: Chelidae) en Argentina. Cuadernos de Herpetologia 19(1): 63.
Fabius, D. 2004. La Platemyde de Saint-Hilaire, Phrynops hilarii: informations generales et notes sur l'elevage et la repoduction en captivite. Manouria 7(25): 28-38.
Fabrezi, M.; Manzano, A.; Abdala, V.; Zaher, H. 2009. Developmental basis of limb homology in Pleurodiran turtles, and the identity of the hooked element in the chelonian tarsus. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 155(4): 845-866.
Freiberg, M.A. 1972. Validez especifica de Phrynops hilarii (D. et B.) (Testudines, Chelidae). Acta Zoologica Lilloana 29: 247-260.
López, M.S.; Sione, W.; Leynaud, G.C.; Prieto, Y.A.; Manzano, A.S. 2013. How far from water? Terrestrial dispersal and nesting sites of the freshwater turtle Phrynops hilarii in the floodplain of the Parana River (Argentina). Zoological Science (Tokyo) 30(12): 1063-1069.
Lüling, K.H. 1975. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Argentinien-Südbrasilien-Expedition Dr. K.H. Luling 1970/1971: Die Krötenkopfschildkröte Phrynops geoffroanus hilarii in ihrem Lebensraum am mitteleren Rio Parana in der Nähe der argentinischen Stadt Santa Fe. Beobachtungen zur Niedrigwasserzeit. Zoologischer Anzeiger 195(3-4): 171-185.
Lüling, K.H. 1984. Auf der Suche nach der Krötenkopf-Schildkröte Phrynops geoffroanus hilarii. Herpetofauna (Weinstadt) 6(31): 12-14.
Marano, P. 2004. A chromatic variation in Phrynops hilarii (Dumerill & Bibron, 1835). Radiata 13(2): 31-34.
Marano, P. 2004. A chromatic variation in Phrynops hilarii (Dumeril & Bibron, 1835). Radiata (English edition) 13(2): 31-34.
Marano, P. 2011. [Hilari's side-neck turtle, Phrynops hilarii, in Argentina]. (In German). Schildkröten im Fokus 8(4): 25-33.
Monteiro, L.P.; Diefenbach, C.O.C. 1987. Thermal regime of Phrynops hilarii (Reptilia: Chelonia). Boletim de Fisiologia Animal (Sao Paulo) 11: 41-80.
Pina, C.I.; Arganaraz, B. 2003. Efecto de la temperatura de incubacion sobre algunos aspectos de la ontogenia de Phrynops hilarii (Testudines, Chelidae). Cuadernos de Herpetologia 17(1-2): 130-137.
Resende Maia, A.C.; Rosa, C.A. da; Bager, A. 2012. Predation of adult freshwater turtles in a protected area in southernmost Brazil. Herpetological Bulletin 120: 29-31.
Richard, E. 1991. Geographic distribution: Phrynops hilarii (Tortuga de Laguna). Herpetological Review 22(1): 25.
Semeñiuk, M.B.; Alcalde, L. 2017. Seasonal activity and basking of the southernmost population of the freshwater turtle Phrynops hilarii (Chelidae). Amphibia-Reptilia 38(2): 125–132.
Souza Bujes, C. 1998. Atividade de nidificacao de Phrynops hilarii Dumeril & Bibron (Testudines, Chelidae) na Reserva Biologica do Lami, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Zoologia 15(4): 921-928.
Tortato, M.A. 2007. Contribuiçao ao conhecimento de Phrynops hilarii (Dumeril & Bibron, 1835) (Testudines, Chelidae) em area de restinga no estado de Santa Catarina, Sul do Brasil. Biotemas 20(1): 119-122.
Ziegler, T.; Unger, J.; Feiler, A.; Lehr, E. 2002. The first Gran Chaco expedition of the Museum für Tierkunde Dresden: Records of amphibians, reptiles and mammals from the Dry Chaco of Paraguay (Amphibia, Reptilia, Mammalia). Faunistische Abhandlungen (Dresden) 23(1): 219-238.
Phrynops tuberosus
Boehm, S. 2008. Gedanken zur naturnahen Haltung der Stacheligen Krötenkopfschildkröte, Phrynops tuberosus (Peters, 1870). Radiata 17(3): 45-54.
Carvalho Neco, E.; Alves Pessoa, T.S.; Wagner, P.G.C.; Dias-Terceiro, R.C.; Goncalves Ferreira, R.; Silva Vieira, W.L. 2015. Natural history notes: Phrynops tuberosus (Cotinga River Toad-headed Turtle). Predation. Herpetological Review 46(4): 619.
Coelho, R.D.F.; Souza, K. de; Rios Santos, E.K.M.; Novelli, I.A.; Barros Ribeiro, L. 2014. Natural history notes: Phrynops tuberosus (Peters' Side-necked Turtle). Hatchling size. Herpetological Review 45(3): 485-486.
Krause, T.; Buettner, E. 2012. Husbandry and breeding of the spiny toad-headed turtle, Phrynops tuberosus (Peters, 1870). Radiata 21(3): 4-14.
Mota Rodrigues, J.F.; Feitosa Silva, J.R. 2013. Phrynops tuberosus (NCN): Defensive behaviour. Herpetological Bulletin 124: 28.
Mota Rodrigues, J.F.; Feitosa Silva, J.R. 2014. How Phrynops tuberosus (Testudines: Chelidae) reproduce in the Brazilian caatinga. North-Western Journal of Zoology 10(1): 143-148.
Mota Rodrigues, J.F.; Silva, J.R.F. 2015. Population structure, activity, and sex ratio of Phrynops tuberosus (Testudines: Chelidae) in Caatinga, Brazil. North-Western Journal of Zoology 11(1): 141511, 127-132.
Reynolds, R. 1990. Geographic distribution: Phrynops geoffroanus tuberosus (Geoffroy's Sideneck Turtle). Herpetological Review 21(2): 40.
Mota Rodrigues, J.F.; Feitosa Silva, J.R. 2013. Natural history notes: Phrynops tuberosus (Cotinga River Toad-headed Turtle). Bifid tail. Herpetological Review 44(2): 308-309.
Rodrigues, J.F.M.; Oliveira Soares, D. de; Feitosa Silva, J.R. 2014. Sexing freshwater turtles: penile eversion in Phrynops tuberosus (Testudines: Chelidae). Acta Herpetologica 9(2): 259-263.
Phrynops williamsi
Buskirk, J. 1990. Geographic distribution: Phrynops williamsi (Williams' Toad-headed Turtle). Herpetological Review 21(1): 26.
Buskirk, J.R. 1989. Field observations on Phrynops williamsi and other Uruguayan chelonians. Vivarium (Lakeside) 1(4): 8-11.
Cabrera, M.R. 1993. Geographic distribution: Phrynops williamsi (Williams' South American Sideneck Turtle). Herpetological Review 24(2): 65-66.
Kunz, T.S.; Ghizoni-Junior, I.R.; Cherem, J.J.; Bressan, R.F.; Leonardi, S.B.; Zanotelli, J.C. 2018. New records, threats and conservation of Phrynops williamsi (Testudines: Chelidae) in Southern Brazil. Herpetology Notes 11: 147-152.
Rhodin, A.G.J.; Mittermeier, R.A. 1983. Description of Phrynops williamsi, a new species of chelid turtle of the South American P. geoffroanus complex. pp. 58-73. In: Rhodin, A.G.J. & Miyata, K. (eds.). Advances in herpetology and evolutionary biology. Essays in honor of Ernest E. Williams. Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 725 pp.
Rhodin, A.G.J.; Mittermeier, R.A.; Buskirk, J.R. 1988. Phrynops williamsi. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 439: 1-2.
Ribas, E.R.; Monteiro-Filho, E.L.A. 2002. Distribuicao e habitat das tartarugas de agua-doce (Testudines, Chelidae) do Estado do Parana, Brasil. Biociencias 10(2): 15-32.
Richard, E.; Borbolla, S. 1999. Natural history notes: Phrynops williamsi (Williams' Side-necked Turtle). Predation. Herpetological Review 30(4): 226.
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