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Citation: Midtgaard, Rune. RepFocus - A Survey of the Reptiles of the World. (www.repfocus.dk).
Latest update: December 31st, 2022.

Taxonomy of the family Lamprophiidae
Bibliography of the genus Chilorhinophis
Biodiversity of the family Lamprophiidae


Black-and-Yellow Burrowing Snakes, Two-headed Snakes

Schwarzgelbe Wühlnattern

Sort-gule Gravesnoge

1907 Chilorhinophis Werner (type species: Chilorhinophis butleri Werner 1907)
1927 Parkerophis Barbour & Amaral (type species: Apostolepis gerardi Boulenger 1913; syn. Williams & Wallach 1989)
Contents: 2 species, none of which are endemic.
Endemism: 0% 100%
Distribution: Equatorial Africa.
Reported from: Congo-Kinshasa, Mozambique, South Sudan, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe.

Chilorhinophis butleri

Sudan Black-and-Yellow Burrowing Snake, (Butler's Black-and-Yellow Burrowing Snake)

Sudanische Wühlnatter

Sudanesisk Sort-gul Gravesnog, (Butlers Snog)

1907 Chilorhinophis butleri Werner
1927 Parkerophis carpenteri Parker
Chilorhinophis carpenteri Loveridge 1951
Chilorhinophis butleri carpenteri Broadley & Howell 1991
1951 Chilorhinophis carpenteri liwalensis Loveridge (Broadley & Howell 1991)

Other common names:
carpenteri: Mozambique Black-and-Yellow Burrowing Snake, Mozambique Two-headed Snake
Remarks: Some authors regard carpenteri as a separate species (e.g., Welch 1982).
Distribution: Mozambique, South Sudan, Tanzania.

Chilorhinophis gerardi

Katanga Black-and-Yellow Burrowing Snake, (Gerard's Black-and-Yellow Burrowing Snake)

Kongolesische Wühlnatter

Congolesisk Sort-gul Gravesnog, (Gerards Snog)

1913 Apostolepis Gerardi Boulenger
Parkerophis gerardi Barbour & Amaral 1927
Chilorhinophis gerardi Loveridge 1933
1951 Chilorhinophis gerardi tanganyikae Loveridge

Other common names:
gerardi: Zaire Striped Burrowing Snake
tanganyikae: Tanzanian Black-and-Yellow Burrowing Snake
Distribution: Congo-Kinshasa, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe.