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Bibliography of the genus
Ahaetulla (Oriental Whip Snakes)

(Reptilia: Serpentes: Colubridae)
In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.
Ahaetulla in general
Berg, J. 1901. Indische Dryophiden im Terrarium. Zoologische Garten 42: 204-215.
Cloudsley-Thompson, J.L. 1989. The vine snakes. British Herpetological Society Bulletin 29: 9-10.
Drieberg, C. 1903. Food of the whip-snake. Spolia Zeylanica 1: 75.
Finn, F. 1898. Note on the long-snouted whipsnake (Dryophis mycterizans). Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 2(47): 66-67.
Henderson, R.W.; Binder, M.H. 1980. The ecology and behaviour of vine snakes (Ahaetulla, Oxybelis, Thelotornis, Uromacer): a review. Milwaukee Public Museum Contributions in Biology and Geology 37: 1-38.
International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature 1958. Opinion 524. Interpretation of the nominal species "Coluber ahaetulla" Linnaeus, 1758, and addition to the "Official List of Generic Names in Zoology" of the generic name "Ahaetulla" Link, 1807 with "Ahaetulla mycterizans" Link. Opinions of the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature 19(11): 261-276.
Kinnear, N.B. 1912. Notes on the size and breeding of the common green whipsnake (Dryophis mycterizans). Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 21: 1336.
Leviton, A.E. 1967. Contribution to a review of Philippine snakes. 10. The snakes of the genus Ahaetulla. Philippine Journal of Science 96: 73-90.
Neill, W.T. 1954. Evidence of venom in snakes of the genera Alsophis and Rhadinaea. Copeia 1954: 59-60.
Panneerselvam, R.; Rajan, S.A. 1985. A note on green whip snake predating on Phylloscopus sp. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 82(2): 423-424.
Savage, J.M. 1952. Two centuries of confusion: the history of the snake name Ahaetulla. Bulletin of the Chicago Academy of Science 9: 203-216.
Stejneger, L.H. 1933. The ophidian generic names Ahaetulla and Dendrophis. Copeia 1933: 199-203.
Wall, F. 1908. A new colour variety of the common green whip-snake (Dryophis mycterizans). Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 18: 919.
Wall, F. 1910. Remarks on the varieties and distribution of the common green whipsnake (Dryophis mycterizans). Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 20: 229-230.
Wall, F. 1910. Varieties of the common green whipsnake (Dryophis mycterizans). Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 20: 524.
Wermuth, H. 1957. Baumschlangen. Aquarien und Terrarien (Leipzig) 4: 4.
Ahaetulla anomala
Mohapatra, P.P.; Dutta, S.K.; Kar, N.B.; Das, A.; Murthy, B.H.C.K.; Deepak, V. 2017. Ahaetulla nasuta anomala (Annandale, 1906) (Squamata: Colubridae), resurrected as a valid species with marked sexual dichromatism. Zootaxa 4263(2): 318–332.
Mohapatra, P.P.; Dutta, S.K.; Kar, N.B.; Das, A.; Murthy, B.H.C.K.; Deepak, V. 2017. Errata: Ahaetulla nasuta anomala (Annandale, 1906) (Squamata: Colubridae), resurrected as a valid species with marked sexual dichromatism. Zootaxa, 4263: 318–332. Zootaxa 4290(3): 600.
Ahaetulla dispar
Pradhan, M.S.; Sharma, R.M. 1998. A note on occurrence and current status of Gunther's whip snake, Ahaetulla dispar (Gunther), in Eravikulam National Park, Kerala, India. The Snake 28(1-2): 93-95.
Ahaetulla fasciolata
Chan, K.O.; Grismer, L.L.; Anuar, S.; Quah, E.; Grismer, J.L.; Wood, P.L.; Muin, M.A.; Ahmad, N. 2011. A new species of Chiromantis Peters 1854 (Anura: Rhacophoridae) from Perlis State Park in extreme northern Peninsular Malaysia with additional herpetofaunal records for the park. Russian Journal of Herpetology 18(4): 253-259.
Pauwels, O.S.G.; Sumontha, M. 2007. Geographic distribution: Ahaetulla fasciolata (Speckled-head Whip Snake). Thailand: Ranong Province. Herpetological Review 38(2): 220.
Vogel, G. 1992. Ahaetulla fasciolata (Fischer, 1885), new record for the fauna of Thailand. Litteratura Serpentium (English Edition) 12(1): 8-11.
Ahaetulla mycterizans
Anonymous. 1978. The habits of the green whip snake in captivity (Dryophis mycterizans, Daud.). Loris 14(5): 307.
Baker, N.; Lim, K. 2008. Wild animals of Singapore: a photographic guide to mammals, reptiles, amphibians and freshwater fishes. Draco Publishing, Singapore. 180 pp.
Campbell, S. 1977. Sharp-eyed snakes. Zoonooz 50(2): 4-6.
Green, E.E. 1903. Notes on the habits of the green whip-snake (Dryophis mycterizans Daud.) in captivity. Spolia Zeylanica 1: 36-37.
Grismer, L.L.; Wood, P.L.; Lim, K.K.P.; Liang, L.J. 2017. A new species of swamp-dwelling skink (Tytthoscincus) from Singapore and Peninsular Malaysia. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 65: 574–584.
Hnizdo, J.; Krug, P. 1997. Drei Baumschnüfflerarten (Ahaetulla Link, 1807) - Haltung und Probleme. Sauria (Berlin) 19(4): 3-12.
International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature 1958. Opinion 524. Interpretation of the nominal species "Coluber ahaetulla" Linnaeus, 1758, and addition to the "Official List of Generic Names in Zoology" of the generic name "Ahaetulla" Link, 1807 with "Ahaetulla mycterizans" Link. Opinions of the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature 19(11): 261-276.
Lee, J.L.; Thura, M.K.; Mulcahy, D.G.; Zug, G.R. 2015. Three colubrid snakes new to Myanmar. Herpetology Notes 8: 217-220.
McCann, C. 1928. A note on the green whip snake Dryophis mycterizans and young. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 32(3): 612-613.
McCann, C. 1934. A whip snake (Dryophis mycterizans Daud.) feeding on the lizard Calotes versicolor. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 37: 226-227.
Midtgaard, R. 2011. First photographic documentation with locality data of the rare snake, Ahaetulla mycterizans (Linnaeus, 1758) from Singapore. Sauria (Berlin) 33(3): 59-60.
Miralles, A.; David, P. 2010. First record of Ahaetulla mycterizans (Linnaeus, 1758) (Reptilia, Squamata, Colubridae) from Sumatra, Indonesia, with an expanded definition. Zoosystema 32(3): 449-456.
Simon, E.S. 1944. The breeding habits of the cobra (Naia tripudians Merrem) and the green whipsnake (Dryophis mycterizans). Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 44(3): 480-1.
Ahaetulla nasuta
Aravind, K.M.; Veerakumari, L. 2015. A comparitive [comparative] study on microhabitat use, activities and thermoregulation of two indian, diurnal tree snakes (Dendrelaphis tristis & Ahaetulla nasuta) in captivity. Cobra (Chennai) 9(1): 19-26.
Cheke, A.S. 1973. Snakes at Chiang Mai University. Natural History Bulletin of the Siam Society 24(3-4): 469-471.
Chowdhury, S.; Maji, J.; Chaudhuri, A.; Dwari, S.; Mondal, A.K. 2017. Natural history notes: Ahaetulla nasuta (Green Vine Snake). Diet. Herpetological Review 48(2): 444.
David, P.; Dubois, A. 2005. Decouverte et redescription de l'holotype d'Ahaetulla pulverulenta (Dumeril, Bibron & Dumeril, 1854) (Reptilia, Serpentes, Colubridae), avec une remarque sur le statut de Dryinus fuscus Dumeril, Bibron & Dumeril, 1854. Zoosystema 27(1): 163-178.
Ganesh, S.R.; Arumugam, M. 2016. Species richness of montane herpetofauna of southern Eastern Ghats, India: a historical resume and a descriptive checklist. Russian Journal of Herpetology 23(1): 7-24.
Hnizdo, J.; Krug, P. 1997. Drei Baumschnüfflerarten (Ahaetulla Link, 1807) - Haltung und Probleme. Sauria (Berlin) 19(4): 3-12.
Kahmann, H. 1954. Von der grünen Peitschenschlange. DATZ (Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift) 7: 208-301.
Kartik, A. 2018. Natural history notes: Ahaetulla nasuta (Indian Vine Snake). Diet. Herpetological Review 49(2): 333.
Karunarathna, D.M.S.S.; Amarasinghe, A.A.T. 2009. Erstnachweis von Blutegeln (Hirudinea) im Beutespektrum der Langnasen-Peitschennatter, Ahaetulla nasuta (Reptilia, Colubridae). Sauria (Berlin) 31(4): 53-54.
Khaire, N. 1977. Snake collecting in Matheran. Newsletter of the Madras Snake Park Trust 2(1): 10-11.
Kumar-Sharma, S. 1995. Presence of common green whip snake Ahaetulla nasutus at "Phulwari Ki Nal" Wildlife Sanctuary in Rajasthan. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 92(1): 127.
Kunte, K. 1998. Ahaetulla nasuta feeding on tadpoles. Hamadryad 22(2) [1997]: 124-125.
Manimozhi, A.; Basker, N. 1991. A note on the breeding of the green whip snake at Arignar Anna Zoological Park, Madras. Cobra (Madras) 6: 7.
Natarajan, V.; Balasubramanian, P. 1988. Additional notes on the prey items of green whip snake from Point Calimere Sanctuary, Tamil Nadu. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 85(2): 438-439.
Pal, A.; Dey, S.; Roy, U.S. 2012. Seasonal diversity and abundance of herpetofauna in and around an industrial city of West Bengal, India. Journal of Applied Sciences in Environmental Sanitation 7(4): 281-286.
Praveen, V.P.; Palot, M.J. 2017. Reptile Rap: Predation of Large-eyed Bronzeback Tree Snake (Dendrelaphis grandoculis) by the Common Vine Snake (Ahaetulla nasuta) at the Silent Valley National Park, Kerala. Zoos' Print Magazine 32(5): 24-26.
Rathinasabapathy, B.; Kalaiarasan, V. 1994. Incidence of cannibalism in Green Vine Snake Ahaetulla nasutus. Cobra (Madras) 16: 22.
Rieppel, O. 1970. Nachwuchs bei Dryophis nasutus (Lacepede 1789). Aqua Terra 7: 85-88.
Sharma, S.K. 2005. Three records of Ahaetulla nasuta var. isabellinus from Rajasthan. Zoos' Print Journal 20(11): 2061.
Shivanand, T.; Kumar, M.M. 2004. Green Vine Snake Ahaetulla nasuta preying on a baya weaver Ploceus philippinus. Newsletter for Ornithologists 1(6): 88-89.
Silva, P.H.D.H. de 1955. Some observations on the reproduction of Dryophis nasutus (Lacepede). Spolia Zeylanica 27: 255.
Soderberg, P.S. 1971. Striking behaviour in the common green whip snake (Ahaetulla nasutus). Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 68: 839.
Soderberg, P.S. 1972. Cannibalism and feeding in two snakes, Trimeresurus albolabris and Ahaetulla nasutus. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 69(1): 192-193.
Vijayaraghavan, B. 2008. The snake that pecks at the eye". Cobra (Chennai) 2(1): 1-6.
Vyas, R. 1999. Longevity records of vine snakes. Cobra (Chennai) 38: 23-24.
Whitaker, R. 1970. Slight reaction from bites of the rear-fanged snakes Boiga ceylonensis (Gunther) and Dryophis nasutus (Lacepede). Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 67: 113.
Witte, O. 1999. Zur Haltung des Baumschnüfflers Ahaetulla nasuta. Reptilia (D) 4(17): 60-63.
Ahaetulla perroteti
Ganesh, S.R.; Chandramouli, S.R. 2011. On the nomenclature and taxonomy of the south Indian colubrid snake Ahaetulla perroteti (Dumeril, Bibron & Dumeril, 1854). Herpetological Bulletin 117: 19-24.
Leonaprincy, J.; Kannan, P.; Santhoshkumar, P.; Samson, A. 2017. Reptile Rap: Predation of Raorchestes tinniens by Ahaetulla perroteti in Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India. Zoos' Print Magazine 32(4): 15-18.
Princy, J.L.; Kannan, P.; Kumar, P.S.; Samson, A. 2017. Western Ghats Bronzeback predation of Raorchestes tinniens by Ahaetulla perroteti in Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India. Zoos' Print 32(4): 15-18
Ahaetulla prasina
Amber, E.D.; Strine, C.T.; Suwanwaree, P.; Waengsothorn, S. 2017. Intra-population color dimorphism of Ahaetulla prasina (Serpentes: Colubridae) in northeastern Thailand. Current Herpetology 36(2): 98-104
Areste, M.; Farriols, J.L. 1997. Ahaetulla prasina (Boie, 1827). Grüne Peitschenschlange. Reptilia (D) 2(6): 39-42.
Brongersma, L.D. 1947. Zoological notes from Port Dickson. 1. Amphibians and reptiles. Zoologische Mededelingen (Leiden) 27: 300-308.
Bulian, J.; Siebert, B. 2000. Keine Probleme mit Ahaetulla prasina (Boie, 1827) - Freilandbeobachtungen, Haltung, Zucht und Aufzucht. Sauria (Berlin) 22(3): 33-39.
Deuve, J. 1962. Note sur Dryophis prasinus Boie. Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences Naturelles du Laos 4(5): 63-68.
Dunbar, J.P.; Dunbar, T.M. 2015. Natural history notes: Ahaetulla prasina (Asian vinesnake). Diet and feeding behavior. Herpetological Review 46(2): 264-265.
Gaulke, M. 1994. Eine neue Unterart des Malaysischen Baumschufflers, Ahaetulla prasina suluensis n. subsp. (Reptilia: Serpentes: Colubridae). Senckenbergiana Biologica 73(1-2): 45-47.
Gaulke, M. 1996. Die Herpetofauna von Sibutu Island (Philippinen), unter Berücksichtigung zoogeographischer und ökologischer Aspekte. Senckenbergiana Biologica 75(1-2): 45-56.
Goldberg, S.R.; Grismer, L.L. 2015. Natural history notes: Ahaetulla prasina (Oriental whipsnake). Reproduction. Herpetological Review 46(2): 265.
Hnizdo, J.; Krug, P. 1997. Drei Baumschnüfflerarten (Ahaetulla Link, 1807) - Haltung und Probleme. Sauria (Berlin) 19(4): 3-12.
Lazell, J.D. 2002. The herpetofauna of Shek Kwu Chau, South China Sea, with descriptions of two new colubrid snakes. Memoirs of the Hong Kong Natural History Society 25: 1-81.
Lazell, J.D.; Lu, W. 1990. Four remarkable reptiles from South China Sea islands, Hong Kong Territory. Asiatic Herpetological Research 3: 64-66.
Lim, B.L.; Waters, J.P.J.; Omar, A.R. bin 1960. Observations on some captive snakes. Malayan Nature Journal 14: 181-187.
Mathew, R. 1992. Additional records of snakes from northeast, with four new records. Records of the Zoological Survey of India 91(3-4): 287-292.
Mathew, R. 2007. Additions to the snake fauna of Mizoram. Cobra (Chennai) 1(1): 5-9.
Reid, J.A. 1948. An observation on the tree-snake Passerita prasina. Malayan Nature Journal 2(1): 3-4. (Reprint of 1941).
Siponen, M.; Jones, P.; Seng, L.K. 2011. Jerdon's baza Aviceda jerdoni in Singapore: a further note on status and diet. BirdingASIA 15: 13-14.
Tweedie, M.W.F. 1957. A snake's eyes. Malayan Nature Journal 11(4): 126.
Vogrinc, P.N.; McLeary, R.J.R.; Benel, T.Y. 2016. Natural history notes: Ahaetulla prasina (Oriental Whip Snake). Diet. Herpetological Review 47(3): 471-472.
Ahaetulla pulverulenta
Ahmad, F.; Alam, S.M.I.; Khondakar, T. 2015. Geographic distribution: Ahaetulla pulverulenta (Brown Vine Snake). Herpetological Review 46(4): 571.
David, P.; Dubois, A. 2005. Decouverte et redescription de l'holotype d'Ahaetulla pulverulenta (Dumeril, Bibron & Dumeril, 1854) (Reptilia, Serpentes, Colubridae), avec une remarque sur le statut de Dryinus fuscus Dumeril, Bibron & Dumeril, 1854. Zoosystema 27(1): 163-178.
Khaire, A.; Khaire, N. 1992. Occurrence of brown whip snake Ahaetulla pulverulenta (Dum. & Bibr.) in Pune, Maharashtra (India). Herpeton (Pune) 4 [1991]: 8-9.
Khaire, A.; Khaire, N. 1993. Occurrence of brown whip snake Ahaetulla pulverulenta (Dum. & Bibr.) in Pune, India. The Snake 25(2): 147-148.
McCann, C. 1940. Extension of the range of the brown whip snake (Dryophis pulverulentus Jan). Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 42: 200.
Neumann-Denzau, G.; Denzau, H. 2010. The brown vine snake Ahaetulla pulverulenta (Dumeril, Bibron & Dumeril, 1854) in the Sundarbans, Bangladesh - first record from the eastern part of the Indian subcontinent. Herpetology Notes 3: 271-272.
Sharma, S.K. 2000. Occurrence of brown whip snake Ahaetulla pulverulenta, family Colubridae, in Mt. Abu Wildlife Sanctuary, Rajasthan. Cobra (Chennai) 39: 21-22.
Venkatraman, C.; Gokula, V.; Kumar, S. 1997. Occurrence of brown whip snake (Ahaetulla pulverulenta) in Siruvani foot hills. Cobra (Madras) 28: 36-37.
Vyas, R. 1999. Longevity records of vine snakes. Cobra (Chennai) 38: 23-24.
Vyas, R. 2000. Supplementary note on herpetofauna of Gir Forets [Forests]. Zoos' Print Journal 15(5): 263-264.
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