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Worm Lizards
[terrestrial spp.]


Bibliography of the reptiles of
Amazonas  [Brazil]

Note: In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.

Avila-Pires, T.C.S. 2005. Reptiles. pp. 25-40. In: Hollowell, T. & Reynolds, R.P. (eds.). Checklist of the terrestrial vertebrates of the Guiana Shield. Bulletin of the Biological Society of Washington 13(1): 1-98.

Botero-Arias, R.; Marmontel, M.; Queiroz, H.L. de 2009. Projeto de manejo experimental de Jacares no estado do Amazonas: abate de Jacares no setor Jaraua - Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentavel Mamiraua, Dezembro de 2008. Uakari 5(2): 49-58.

Cabral, M.M.M.; Mattos, G.E. de; Weber Rosas, F.C. 2008. Mammals, birds and reptiles in Balbina Reservoir, State of Amazonas, Brazil. Check List 4(2): 152-158.

Carmignotto, A.P. 2002. Efeito da coLoraçao e do odor na predaçao de frutos artificiais em uma area de terra firme na Amazonia Central. pp. 111-115. In: Zuanon, J. & Venticinque, E. (eds.). Amazonian Forest Ecology: field course 2002. 2nd ed. Ecologia da Floresta Anazonica: curso de campo 2002. Segunda edicao. Projeto Dinamica Biologica de Fragmentos Florestais, Manaus. 163 pp.

Carvalho, C.M. de; Souza Alencar, I.C. de; Carvalho-Vilar, J. 2007. Serpentes da regiao de Manaus, Amazonia Central, Brasil. Biologia Geral e Experimental 7(2): 41-59.

Cechin, S.Z.; Martins, M. 2000. Eficiencia de armadilhas de queda (pitfall traps) em amostragens de anfibios e repteis no Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Zoologia 17(3): 729-740.

Cunha, O.R. da 1961. II. Lacertilios da Amazônia. Os Lagartos da Amazônia Brasileira, com especial referência aos representados na colecao do Museu Goeldi. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi (Zoologia) (N.S.) 39: 1-189.

Fachin-Teran, A.F.; Vogt, R.C.; Thorbjarnarson, J.B. 2004. Patterns of use and hunting of turtles in the Mamiraua Sustainable Development Reserve, Amazonas, Brazil. pp. 362-377. In: Silvius, K.M.; Bodmer, R.E.; Fragoso, J.M.V. (eds.). People in nature: wildlife conservation in South and Central America. Columbia University Press, New York & Chichester. 463 p.

Ferreira, G.C.; Sturaro, M.J.; Vieira Peloso, P.L. 2017. Amphibians and reptiles from Floresta Nacional de Pau-Rosa, Amazonas, Brazil: an important protected area at the heart of Amazonia. Acta Amazonica 47(3): 259-267

Fraga, R. de; Lima, A.P.; Magnusson, W.E. 2011. Mesoscale spatial ecology of a tropical snake assemblage: the width of riparian corridors in central Amazonia. Herpetological Journal 21(1): 51-57.

Gardner, T.A.; Ribeiro-Junior, M.A.; Barlow, J.; Cristina, T.; Avila-Pires, S.; Hoogmoed, M.S.; Peres, C.A. 2007. The value of primary, secondary, and plantation forests for a neotropical herpetofauna. Conservation Biology 21(3): 775-787.

Gascon, C.; Pereira, O. de S. 1993. Preliminary checklist of the herpetofauna of the Upper Rio Urucu, Amazonas, Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Zoologia 10(1): 179-183.

Hoge, A.R. 1952. Snakes from the Uaupes region. Memorias do Instituto Butantan (Sao Paulo) 24: 225-227.

Hoge, A.R.; Santos, N.P.; Heitor, S.; Lopes, L.A.; Souza, I.M. de 1973. Serpentes coletadas pelo Projeto Rondon VII em Iauareté, Brasil. Memorias do Instituto Butantan (Sao Paulo) 36 [1973]: 221-232.

Hollowell, T.; Reynolds, R. (eds.). 2005. Checklist of the terrestrial vertebrates of the Guiana Shield. Bulletin of the Biological Society of Washington 13: 1-98.

Ilha, P.; Dixo, M. 2010. Anurans and lizards, Rio Preto da Eva, Amazonas, Brazil. Check List 6(1): 17-21.

Iversen, L. 2001. Herpetologiske iagttagelser i Manaus, Amazonas. 1. Den store sump. [Herpetological observations in Manaus, Amazonas. 1. The great swamp]. (In Danish, English summary). Nordisk Herpetologisk Forening 44(1): 35-40.

Iversen, L. 2001. Herpetologiske iagttagelser i Manaus, Amazonas. 2. Små vandløb i regnskoven og en labyrint af små øer. [Herpetological observations in Manaus, Amazonas. 2. Small streams in rain forests and a labyrinth of small islands]. (In Danish, English summary). Nordisk Herpetologisk Forening 44(2): 42-55.

Keller, C.; Villamarín, F.; Bernhard, R.; Silva, D.F. da 2016. Checklist of chelonians from the upper Madeira River and the lower Madeira-Purus interfluvium (Brazilian Amazon), including a range expansion for Podocnemis sextuberculata Cornalia, 1849. Check List 12(4)(Article 1937): 1-32.

Lescure, J.; Gasc, J.P. 1986. Partage de l'espace forestier par les amphibiens et les reptiles en Amazonie du nord-ouest. Caldasia 15(71-75): 707-723.

Martins, M. 1991. The lizards of Balbina, central Amazonia, Brazil: a qualitative analysis of resource utilization. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 26(3): 179-190.

Martins, M.; Oliveira, M.E. 1999. Natural history of snakes in forests of the Manaus region, central Amazonia, Brazil. Herpetological Natural History 6(2): 78-150.

Maschio, G.F.; Santos-Costa, M.C. dos; Prudente, A.L.C. 2016. Road-kills of snakes in a tropical rainforest in the Central Amazon Basin, Brazil. South American Journal of Herpetology 11(1): 46-53.

Müller, P. 1976. Zur Diversität und Biomasse der Reptilienfauna des zentralamazonischen Regenwaldes bei Manaus. Amazoniana 5(4): 539-543.

Oliveira, D.P. de; Souza, S.M.; Frazao, L.; Almeida, A.P.; Hrbek, T. 2014. Lizards from central Jatapu River, Amazonas, Brazil. Check List 10(1): 46-53.

Prado, A. 1939. Notas ofiologicas. 2. Observações sobre os ofidios da fauna amazonica, com a descrição de um novo genero e especie. 3. Mais um caso de albinismo em serpente. 4. Cinco especies novas de serpentes colombianas do genero Atractus Wagler. Memorias do Instituto Butantan (Sao Paulo) 13: 1-24.

Prudente, A.L.C.; Maschio, G.F.; Santos-Costa, M.C. dos; Feitosa, D.T. 2010. Serpentes da Bacia Petrolifera de Urucu, Municipio de Coari, Amazonas, Brasil. Acta Amazonica 40(2): 381-386.

Rebelo, G.H.E.; Lugli, L. 2001. Distribution and abundance of four caiman species (Crocodylia: Alligatoridae) in Jau National Park, Amazonas, Brazil. Revista de Biologia Tropical 49(3-4): 1095-1109.

Rodrigues-França, F.G.; Mendes Venâncio, N. 2010. Reptiles and amphibians of a poorly known region in southwest Amazonia. Biotemas 23(3): 71-84.

Santos, C.C.; Santos, O.M. dos; Soares de Sousa, I.; Queiroz, H.L. de 2012. Community-based freshwater turtle conservation in Middle Solimoes River, AM, Brazil. Uakari 8(1): 35-44.

Schneider, L.; Ferrara, C.R.; Vogt, R.C.; Burger, J. 2011. History of turtle exploitation and management techniques to conserve turtles in the Rio Negro Basin of the Brazilian Amazon. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 10(1): 149-157.

Simmons, J. 1979. In the Amazon Forest. Pacific Discovery 32(2): 1-8.

Vitt, L.J.; Magnusson, W.M.; Ávila-Pires, T.C.S.; Pimentel Lima, A. 2008. Guide to the Lizards of Reserva Adolpho Ducke - Central Amazonia / Guia de Lagartos da Reserva Adolpho Ducke - Amazônia Central. Áttema Design Editorial, Manaus. 175 pp.

Waldez, F.; Menin, M.; Vogt, R.C. 2013. Diversidade de anfíbios e répteis Squamata na região do baixo rio Purus, Amazônia Central, Brasil. Biota Neotropica 13(1): 300-316.

Zimmerman, B.L.; Rodrigues, M.T. 1990. Frogs, snakes and lizards of the INPA-WWF Reserves near Manaus, Brazil. pp. 426-454. In: Gentry, A.H. (ed.). Four neotropical rainforests. Yale University Press, New Haven & London. 627 pp.