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Taxonomy of the family Phyllodactylidae
Bibliography of the genus Phyllodactylus
Biodiversity of the family Phyllodactylidae


American Leaf-toed Geckos

Amerikanische Blattfingergeckos

Amerikanske Bladfingergekkoer

1828 Phyllodactylus Gray (type species: Phyllodactylus pulcher Gray 1828)
1843 Discodactylus Fitzinger (type species: Phyllodactylus tuberculosus Wiegmann 1835; syn. Wermuth 1965)
1845 Gerrhopygus Gray (type species: Diplodactylus gerrhopygus Wiegmann 1835; syn. Wermuth 1965)
Contents: 69 species, of which 62 (89.9%) are endemic.
Endemism: 0% 100%
Remarks: Previously included species now placed in other genera (and partly other families): Afrogecko (Gekkonidae), Asaccus, Christinus (Gekkonidae), Cryptactites (Gekkonidae), Dixonius (Gekkonidae), Euleptes (Sphaerodactylidae), Goggia (Gekkonidae), Haemodracon, Matoatoa (Gekkonidae), Paroedura (Gekkonidae), and Urocotyledon (Gekkonidae).
Distribution: SW. USA, Mexico, Central America, W. and NW, South America, West Indies.
Reported from: Aruba, Barbados, Belize, Bonaire, Chile, Colombia (incl. Malpelo), Costa Rica, Curacao, Dominican Republic, Ecuador (incl. Galapagos Islands [Baltra, Bartholome, Caldwell, Champion, Daphne Major, Enderby, Espanola, Fernandina, Floreana, Gardner-near-Floreana, Isabela, North Seymour, Pinzon, Plaza Norte, Plaza Sur, San Cristóbal, Santa Cruz, Santa Fe, Santiago, Tortuga, Wolf]), El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras (incl. Islas de la Bahia [Barbareta, Cayos Cochinos (Cayo Cochino Major, Cayo Cochino Pequeño), Guanaja, Isla Morat, Roatan, Utila]), Mexico (Baja California Norte [incl. Isla Angel de la Guarda, Isla Partida Norte], Baja California Sur [incl. Isla Cerralvo, Isla Santa Catalina], Chiapas, Chihuahua, Colima, Durango, Guerrero, Jalisco, Mexico State, Michoacan, Morelos, Nayarit [incl. Islas Marias (Maria Cleofas, Maria Madre, Maria Magdalena)], Oaxaca, Puebla, Quintana Roo, Sinaloa, Sonora [incl. Isla San Pedro Nolasco], Zacatecas), Nicaragua, Peru, Puerto Rico, USA (California), Venezuela (incl. Blanquilla, Los Frailes, Margarita, Tortuga).

Phyllodactylus andysabini

Wolf Volcano Leaf-toed Gecko, (Andy Sabin's Leaf-toed Gecko)


Wolf Volcano-bladfingergekko

2019 Phyllodactylus andysabini Arteaga, Bustamante, Vieira, Tapia, Carrión & Guayasamin

Distribution: Ecuador (Galapagos Islands: Isabela).

Phyllodactylus angelensis

Angel de la Guarda Island Leaf-toed Gecko


Angel de la Guarda-bladfingergekko

1966 Phyllodactylus angelensis Dixon
1966 Phyllodactylus tinklei Dixon (syn. Ramírez-Reyes, Blair, Flores-Villela, Piñero, Lathrop & Murphy 2020)
1966 Phyllodactylus xanti estebanensis Dixon (tentative syn. Ramírez-Reyes, Blair, Flores-Villela, Piñero, Lathrop & Murphy 2020)

Remarks: Previously regarded as a synonym of xanti (e.g., Grismer 1999). Revalidated as separate species by Ramírez-Reyes, Blair, Flores-Villela, Piñero, Lathrop & Murphy (2020), although regarded as such already by Liner & Casas-Andreu (eds.) (2008), but without discussion.
Distribution: Mexico (Baja California Norte [Isla Angel de la Guarda, Isla Rasa, Isla Salsipuedes, Isla San Esteban, Isla San Lorenzo Norte, Isla San Lorenzo Sur], Sonora [Isla Tiburon]).

Phyllodactylus angustidigitus

Ica Leaf-toed Gecko



1970 Phyllodactylus angustidigitus Dixon & Huey

Distribution: Peru.

Phyllodactylus apricus

Las Animas Island Leaf-toed Gecko


Las Animas-bladfingergekko

1966 Phyllodactylus apricus Dixon

Remarks: Previously regarded as a synonym of xanti (e.g., Grismer 1999). Revalidated as separate species by Ramírez-Reyes, Blair, Flores-Villela, Piñero, Lathrop & Murphy (2020), although regarded as such already by Liner & Casas-Andreu (eds.) (2008), but without discussion.
Distribution: Mexico (Baja California Sur: Isla Las Animas).

Phyllodactylus barringtonensis

Santa Fé Leaf-toed Gecko


Santa Fé-bladfingergekko

1912 Phyllodactylus barringtonensis Van Denburgh

Distribution: Galapagos Islands (Santa Fe).

Phyllodactylus baurii

Floreana Leaf-toed Gecko, Pinta Leaf-toed Gecko, (Baur's Leaf-toed Gecko)



1892 Phyllodactylus baurii Garman

Remarks: Previously included gorii.
Distribution: Galapagos Islands (Caldwell, Champion, Enderby, Floreana, Gardner-near-Floreana).

Phyllodactylus benedettii

Jaliscan Leaf-toed Gecko



2018 Phyllodactylus benedettii Ramírez-Reyes & Flores-Villela

Remarks: Previously regarded as a population of lanei.
Distribution: Mexico (Jalisco).

Phyllodactylus bordai

Guerreran Leaf-toed Gecko



1942 Phyllodactylus bordai Taylor

Distribution: Mexico (Guerrero, Morelos, Oaxaca, Puebla).

Phyllodactylus bugastrolepis

Santa Catalina Island Leaf-toed Gecko


Santa Catalina-bladfingergekko

1966 Phyllodactylus bugastrolepis Dixon

Distribution: Mexico (Baja California Sur: Isla Santa Catalina).

Phyllodactylus cleofasensis

Maria Cleofas Leaf-toed Gecko


Maria Cleofas-bladfingergekko

2021 Phyllodactylus cleofasensis Ramírez-Reyes, Barraza-Soltero, Nolasco-Luna, Flores-Villela & Escobedo-Galván

Remarks: Previously regarded as a population of saxatilis or tuberculosus (Ramírez-Reyes, Barraza-Soltero, Nolasco-Luna, Flores-Villela & Escobedo-Galván (2021).
Distribution: Mexico (Nayarit: Islas Marias [Maria Cleofas, Maria Madre, Maria Magdalena]).

Phyllodactylus clinatus

Piura Leaf-toed Gecko



1970 Phyllodactylus clinatus Dixon & Huey

Distribution: Peru.

Phyllodactylus coronatus

Coronados Island Leaf-toed Gecko



1966 Phyllodactylus xanti coronatus Dixon
Phyllodactylus nocticolus coronatus Liner 1994

Remarks: Previously regarded as a subspecies of xanti or nocticolus (e.g., Liner 1994, 2007). Raised to species status by Ramírez-Reyes, Blair, Flores-Villela, Piñero, Lathrop & Murphy (2020).
Distribution: Mexico (Baja California Sur [Isla Carmen, Isla Coronados]).

Phyllodactylus darwini

Darwin's Leaf-toed Gecko

Darwins Blattfingergecko

Darwins Bladfingergekko

1942 Phyllodactylus darwini Taylor

Distribution: Galapagos Islands (San Cristóbal).

Phyllodactylus davisi

Colima Leaf-toed Gecko, (Davis' Leaf-toed Gecko)



1964 Phyllodactylus davisi Dixon

Distribution: Mexico (Colima, Jalisco, Michoacan).

Phyllodactylus delcampi

Tierra Colorada Leaf-toed Gecko, (Del Campo's Leaf-toed Gecko)


Tierra Colorada-bladfingergekko

1936 Phyllodactylus delcampi Mosauer

Remarks: Specific epithet occasionally misspelled delcampoi (e.g., Wilson, Mata-Silva & Johnson 2013).
Distribution: Mexico (Guerrero).

Phyllodactylus delsolari

Northwest Peruvian Leaf-toed Gecko

Nordwestperuvianischer Blattfingergecko

Nordvestperuviansk Bladfingergekko

2008 Phyllodactylus delsolari Venegas, Townsend, Koch & Böhme

Distribution: Peru.

Phyllodactylus dixoni

Bolivar Leaf-toed Gecko



1968 Phyllodactylus dixoni Rivero & Lancini

Distribution: Venezuela.

Phyllodactylus duellmani

Michoacan Pygmy Leaf-toed Gecko, (Duellman's Pygmy Leaf-toed Gecko)



1960 Phyllodactylus duellmani Dixon

Distribution: Mexico (Michoacan).

Phyllodactylus duncanensis

Pinzón Leaf-toed Gecko



1912 Phyllodactylus galapagoensis duncanensis Van Denburgh (Wermuth 1965)
Phyllodactylus duncanensis Torres-Carvajal, Rodríguez-Guerra & Chaves 2016

Distribution: Galapagos Islands (Pinzon).

Phyllodactylus galapagensis

Santa Cruz Leaf-toed Gecko


Santa Cruz-bladfingergekko

1869 Phyllodactylus galapagensis Peters
1885 Phyllodactylus galapagoensis Boulenger [sunstitute name for Phyllodactylus galapagensis Peters 1869] (Wermuth 1965)
1912 Phyllodactylus galapagoensis daphnensis Denburgh
1982 Phyllodactylus galapagensis olschkii Lanza

Other common names:
daphnensis: Daphne Leaf-toed Gecko
galapagensis: Santa Cruz Leaf-toed Gecko
Remarks: Previously included duncanensis and maresi.
Distribution: Galapagos Islands (Baltra, Daphne Major, North Seymour, Plaza Norte, Plaza Sur, Santa Cruz).

Phyllodactylus gerrhopygus

Tacna Leaf-toed Gecko



1835 Diplodactylus gerrhopygus Wiegmann
Phyllodactylus gerrhopygus Boulenger 1885
1836 Phyllodactylus gymnopygus Duméril & Bibron (Wermuth 1965)
1907 Phyllodactylus heterurus Werner (Núñez & Jaksíc 1992)

Distribution: Chile, Peru.

Phyllodactylus gilberti

Wolf Island Leaf-toed Gecko, Wenman Leaf-toed Gecko



1903 Phyllodactylus gilberti Heller

Distribution: Galapagos Islands (Wolf).

Phyllodactylus gorii

Española Leaf-toed Gecko



1982 Phyllodactylus baurii gorii Lanza
Phyllodactylus gorii Torres-Carvajal, Rodríguez-Guerra & Chaves 2016

Distribution: Galapagos Islands (Espanola, Gardner-near-Espanola).

Phyllodactylus hispaniolae

Dominican Leaf-toed Gecko


Hispaniolansk Bladfingergekko

1980 Phyllodactylus wirshingi hispaniolae Schwartz
Phyllodactylus hispaniolae Weiss & Hedges 2007

Distribution: Dominican Republic.

Phyllodactylus homolepidurus

Sonoran Leaf-toed Gecko



1935 Phyllodactylus homolepidurus Smith
1964 Phyllodactylus homolepidurus nolascoensis Dixon (Grismer 1999)

Other common names:
homolepidurus: Common Sonoran Leaf-toed Gecko
nolascoensis: San Pedro Nolasco Gecko
Remarks: Duellman's (1961) record of this species from Michoacan refer to davisi.
Distribution: Mexico (Sinaloa, Sonora [incl. Isla San Pedro Nolasco]).

Phyllodactylus inaequalis

Pacasmayo Leaf-toed Gecko



1875 Phyllodactylus inaequalis Cope

Distribution: Peru.

Phyllodactylus insularis

Belize Leaf-toed Gecko, Island Leaf-toed Gecko



1960 Phyllodactylus insularis Dixon

Distribution: Belize.

Phyllodactylus interandinus

Andes Leaf-toed Gecko



1970 Phyllodactylus interandinus Dixon & Huey

Distribution: Peru.

Phyllodactylus isabelae

Marietas Islands Leaf-toed Gecko



1992 Phyllodactylus lanei isabelae Castro-Franco & Uribe-Peña
Phyllodactylus isabelae Ramírez-Reyes, Piñero, Flores-Villela & Vázquez-Domínguez 2017

Distribution: Mexico (Nayarit: Islas Marietas).

Phyllodactylus johnwrighti

Cajamarca Leaf-toed Gecko



1970 Phyllodactylus johnwrighti Dixon & Huey

Distribution: Peru.

Phyllodactylus julieni

Aruba Leaf-toed Gecko



1885 Phyllodactylus julieni Cope

Distribution: Aruba.

Phyllodactylus kofordi

Peruvian Coastal Leaf-toed Gecko

Peruvianischer Küsten-Blattfingergecko

Peruviansk Kyst-bladfingergekko

1970 Phyllodactylus kofordi Dixon & Huey

Distribution: Ecuador, Peru.

Phyllodactylus kropotkini

Balsas Leaf-toed Gecko



2018 Phyllodactylus kropotkini Ramírez-Reyes & Flores-Villela

Remarks: Previously regarded as a population of lanei.
Distribution: Mexico (Guerrero).

Phyllodactylus lanei

West Mexican Leaf-toed Gecko, (Lane's Leaf-toed Gecko)

Westmexikanischer Blattfingergecko

Vestmexicansk Bladfingergekko

1935 Phyllodactylus lanei Smith
1940 Phyllodactylus magnatuberculatus Taylor [part] (Wermuth 1965)

Remarks: Now restricted to Guerrero (Ramírez-Reyes & Flores-Villela 2018). Previously included isabelae, lupitae, rupinus, and the populations now assigned to benedettii and kropotkini. Records from Oaxaca (e.g., Casas-Andreu, Mendez-de la Cruz & Aguilar-Miguel 2004; Martín-Regalado, Gómez-Ugalde & Cisneros-Palacios 2011) represent an undescribed species (Ramírez-Reyes & Flores-Villela 2018). Taxonomic status of records from Morelos (e.g., Arechaga-Ocampo, Montalban-Huidobro & Castro-Franco 2008) is unclear.
Distribution: Mexico (Guerrero, Morelos).

Phyllodactylus leei

San Cristóbal Leaf-toed Gecko


San Cristóbal-bladfingergekko

1889 Phyllodactylus leei Cope

Distribution: Galapagos Islands (San Cristóbal).

Phyllodactylus leoni

León River Leaf-toed Gecko



2013 Phyllodactylus leoni Torres-Carvajal, Carvajal-Campos, Barnes, Nicholls & Pozo-Andrade

Distribution: Ecuador.

Phyllodactylus lepidopygus

West Peruvian Leaf-toed Gecko

Westperuvianischer Blattfingergecko

Vestperuviansk Bladfingergekko

1845 Diplodactylus lepidopygus Tschudi
1845 Discodactylus phacophorus Tschudi (Dixon & Huey 1970)
1878 Phyllodactylus nigrofasciatus Cope (Dixon & Huey 1970)
1900 Phyllodactylus variegatus Werner (Dixon & Huey 1970)

Distribution: Peru.

Phyllodactylus lupitae

Isla la Peña Leaf-toed Gecko


La Peña-Bladfingergekko

1992 Phyllodactylus lanei lupitae Castro-Franco & Uribe-Peña
Phyllodactylus lupitae Ramírez-Reyes, Piñero, Flores-Villela & Vázquez-Domínguez 2017

Distribution: Mexico (Nayarit: Isla la Peña).

Phyllodactylus magister

Perico Leaf-toed Gecko



1924 Phyllodactylus magister Noble

Remarks: Previously regarded as a synonym of reisii (e.g., Dixon & Huey 1970). Revalidated by Koch, Flecks, Venegas, Bialke, Valverde & Rödder (2016).
Distribution: Peru.

Phyllodactylus magnus

Greater Yellow-bellied Leaf-toed Gecko

Grosser Gelbbauchen-Blattfingergecko

Stor Gulbuget Bladfingergekko

1942 Phyllodactylus magnus Taylor
Phyllodactylus tuberculosus magnus Dixon 1964

Remarks: Previously regarded as a subspecies of tuberculosus (e.g., Dixon 1964). Revalidated as a separate species by Ramírez-Reyes, Flores-Villela, Pinero, Lathrop & Murphy (2021). Although reported from Colima [as tuberculosus] (Lemos-Espinal, Smith, Pierce & Painter 2020), presence in the state needs confirmation (Reyes-Velasco, Grünwald, Jones & Ahumada-Carrillo 2020).
Distribution: Mexico (Chiapas, Guerrero, Morelos, Oaxaca).

Phyllodactylus maresi

Mares Leaf-toed Gecko



1982 Phyllodactylus galapagensis maresi Lanza
Phyllodactylus maresi Arteaga, Bustamante, Vieira, Tapia, Carrión & Guayasamin 2019

Distribution: Ecuador (Galapagos Islands: Bartolome, Cousins, Marchena, Rabida, Santiago).

Phyllodactylus martini

Curacao Leaf-toed Gecko, (Dutch Leaf-toed Gecko)



1887 Phyllodactylus martini Lidth de Jeude

Distribution: Bonaire, Curacao.

Phyllodactylus microphyllus

Rio Jequetepeque Leaf-toed Gecko



1875 Phyllodactylus microphyllus Cope
1910 Phyllodactylus lobensis Werner (Dixon & Huey 1970)

Distribution: Peru.

Phyllodactylus muralis

Oaxacan Leaf-toed Gecko



1939 Phyllodactylus muralis Taylor
1964 Phyllodactylus muralis isthmus Dixon

Other common names:
isthmus: Isthmian Leaf-toed Gecko
muralis: Common Oaxacan Leaf-toed Gecko
Distribution: Mexico (Oaxaca).

Phyllodactylus nocticolus

Peninsular Leaf-toed Gecko, (Insular Leaf-toed Gecko)


Baja California-bladfingergekko

1964 Phyllodactylus xanti nocticolus Dixon
Phyllodactylus nocticolus Murphy 1983
1964 Phyllodactylus xanti zweifeli Dixon
Phyllodactylus nocticolus zweifeli Liner 1994
1966 Phyllodactylus xanti acorius Dixon
Phyllodactylus nocticolus acorius Liner 1994
1966 Phyllodactylus xanti angulus Dixon
Phyllodactylus nocticolus angulus Liner 1994
1966 Phyllodactylus xanti circus Dixon
Phyllodactylus nocticolus circus Liner 1994
1971 Phyllodactylus xanti sloani Bostic
Phyllodactylus nocticolus sloani Liner 1994

Other common names:
acorius: San Diego Island Leaf-toed Gecko
angulus: Salsipuedes Islands Leaf-toed Gecko
circus: San Ildefonso Island Leaf-toed Gecko
sloani: Sloan's Leaf-toed Gecko
zweifeli: Zweifel's Leaf-toed Gecko
Remarks: This species and its subspecies were previously regarded as subspecies of xanti (e.g., Wermuth 1965). Murphy (1983) first suggested specific distinctness of nocticolus, which was supported by Blair, Mendez de la Cruz, Ngo, Lindell, Lathrop & Murphy (2009). Records from Sonora refer to estebanensis, herein tentatively regarded as a synonym of angelensis, based on Ramírez-Reyes, Blair, Flores-Villela, Piñero, Lathrop & Murphy (2020).
Distribution: Mexico (Baja California Norte, Baja California Sur), USA (California).

Phyllodactylus nolascoensis

San Pedro Nolasco Leaf-toed Gecko


San Pedro Nolasco-bladfingergekko

1964 Phyllodactylus homolepidurus nolascoensis Dixon
Phyllodactylus nolascoensis Lemos-Espinal 2015

Distribution: Mexico (Sonora: Isla San Pedro Nolasco).

Phyllodactylus pachamama

Chachapoyas Leaf-toed Gecko



2016 Phyllodactylus pachamama Koch, Flecks, Venegas, Bialke, Valverde & Rödder

Distribution: Peru.

Phyllodactylus palmeus

Roatán Leaf-toed Gecko, (Islas de la Bahia Leaf-toed Gecko, Bay Islands Leaf-toed Gecko)



1968 Phyllodactylus palmeus Dixon

Remarks: Records from Guanaja Island refer to paralepis (McCranie & Hedges 2013).
Distribution: Honduras (Islas de la Bahia [Barbareta, Cayos Cochinos (Cayo Cochino Major, Cayo Cochino Pequeño), Isla Morat, Roatan, Utila]).

Phyllodactylus papenfussi

Mezcala Leaf-toed Gecko



2009 Phyllodactylus papenfussi Murphy, Blair & Mendez de la Cruz

Distribution: Mexico (Guerrero).

Phyllodactylus paralepis

Guanaja Leaf-toed Gecko



2013 Phyllodactylus paralepis McCranie & Hedges

Distribution: Honduras (Islas de la Bahia: Guanaja).

Phyllodactylus partitus

Partida Norte Island Leaf-toed Gecko


Partida Norte-bladfingergekko

1966 Phyllodactylus partitus Dixon (the author also used the spelling partidus in a figure in the original description)

Remarks: Specific epithet often erroneously spelled partidus (e.g., Flores-Villela 1993; Liner 1994; Liner & Casas-Andreu (eds.) 2008; Jones & Lovich (eds.) 2009; Wilson & Johnson 2010). Although named after the type locality, Isla Partida, the original spelling, partitus, is retained herein.
Distribution: Mexico (Baja California Norte [incl. Isla Partida Norte]).

Phyllodactylus paucituberculatus

Rio Marquez Valley Gecko



1960 Phyllodactylus paucituberculatus Dixon

Distribution: Mexico (Michoacan).

Phyllodactylus pulcher

Barbados Leaf-toed Gecko



1828 Phyllodactylus pulcher Gray
1863 Phyllodactylus spatulatus Cope (Wermuth 1965)

Distribution: Barbados.

Phyllodactylus pumilus

Ecuadorian Dwarf Leaf-toed Gecko

Ecuadorianischer Blattfingergecko

Ecuadoriansk Bladfingergekko

1970 Phyllodactylus pumilus Dixon & Huey

Distribution: Ecuador.

Phyllodactylus reissii

Guayaquil Leaf-toed Gecko



1862 Phyllodactylus reissii Peters
1900 Phyllodactylus baessleri Werner (Dixon & Huey 1970)
1900 Phyllodactylus guayaquilensis Werner (Dixon & Huey 1970)
1913 Phyllodactylus abrupteseriatus Werner (Dixon & Huey 1970)

Introduced to: Ecuador (Galapagos Islands [Isabela, San Cristóbal, Santa Cruz]).
Distribution: Ecuador (mainland), Peru.

Phyllodactylus rupinus

Lombardia Leaf-toed Gecko



1964 Phyllodactylus lanei rupinus Dixon
Phyllodactylus rupinus Ramírez-Reyes, Piñero, Flores-Villela & Vázquez-Domínguez 2017

Remarks: Previously regarded as a subspecies of lanei. Now restricted to Michoacan (Ramírez-Reyes & Flores-Villela 2018). Taxonomic status of records from Colima (e.g., Smith & Taylor 1950; Duellman 1958b), Mexico state (e.g., Camarillo-Rangel 1983; Camarillo-Rangel, Aguilar-Cortes & Gonzalez-Ruiz 1985; Camarillo-R. & Smith in Strimple & Strimple 1992), Islas Marias, Nayarit (e.g., Smith & Taylor 1950; Zweifel 1960), Sinaloa (e.g., Smith & Taylor 1950; Lewis & Johnson 1956), and Zacatecas (e.g., Bañuelos-Alamillo, Trujillo-de la Torre, Quintero-Díaz & Carbajal-Márquez 2017) is unclear.
Distribution: Mexico (Michoacan).

Phyllodactylus rutteni

Blanquilla Leaf-toed Gecko



1947 Phyllodactylus rutteni Hummelinck

Distribution: Venezuela (incl. Blanquilla, Tortuga).

Phyllodactylus santacruzensis

Santa Cruz Island Leaf-toed Gecko


Santa Cruz-bladfingergekko

1966 Phyllodactylus santacruzensis Dixon

Remarks: Previously regarded as a synonym of xanti (e.g., Grismer 1999). Revalidated as separate species by Ramírez-Reyes, Blair, Flores-Villela, Piñero, Lathrop & Murphy (2020), although regarded as such already by Liner & Casas-Andreu (eds.) (2008), but without discussion.
Distribution: Mexico (Baja California Sur: Isla Santa Cruz).

Phyllodactylus saxatilis

Stone Yellow-bellied Leaf-toed Gecko



1964 Phyllodactylus tuberculosus saxatilis Dixon
Phyllodactylus saxatilis Ramírez-Reyes, Flores-Villela, Pinero, Lathrop & Murphy 2021

Remarks: Records from Islas Marias, Nayarit, refer to cleofasensis (Ramírez-Reyes, Barraza-Soltero, Nolasco-Luna, Flores-Villela & Escobedo-Galván 2021; Nolasco-Luna, Barraza-Soltero, López-Montes, Moreno-López & Escobedo-Galván 2022). Although included for Jalisco [as tuberculosus] by some authors (e.g., Wermuth 1965; Lemos-Espinal & Smith 2007; Cruz-Sáenz, Guerrero, Lazcano & Télles-López 2009), presence in the state is considered undocumented herein, following Cruz-Sáenz, Muñoz-Nolasco, Mata-Silva, Johnson, García-Padilla & Wilson (2017), who did not list the species.
Distribution: Mexico (Chihuahua, Durango, Nayarit, Sinaloa [incl. Isla del Farallón], Sonora).

Phyllodactylus sentosus

Lima Leaf-toed Gecko



1970 Phyllodactylus sentosus Dixon & Huey

Distribution: Peru.

Phyllodactylus simpsoni

Western Galapagos Leaf-toed Gecko, (Simpson's Leaf-toed Gecko)

Westlicher Galapagos-Blattfingergecko

Vestlig Galapagos-bladfingergekko

2019 Phyllodactylus simpsoni Arteaga, Bustamante, Vieira, Tapia, Carrión & Guayasamin

Distribution: Ecuador (Galapagos Islands: Cowley, Fernandina, Isabela, Tortuga).

Phyllodactylus sommeri

Haitian Leaf-toed Gecko

Haitianischer Blattfingergecko

Haitiansk Bladfingergekko

1980 Phyllodactylus wirshingi sommeri Schwartz
Phyllodactylus sommeri Weiss & Hedges 2007

Distribution: Haiti.

Phyllodactylus thompsoni

Amazonas Leaf-toed Gecko



2008 Phyllodactylus thompsoni Venegas, Townsend, Koch & Böhme

Distribution: Peru.

Phyllodactylus transversalis

Malpelo Island Leaf-toed Gecko, (Colombian Leaf-toed Gecko)



1975 Phyllodactylus transversalis Huey

Distribution: Colombia (Malpelo).

Phyllodactylus tuberculosus

Central American Yellow-bellied Leaf-toed Gecko, Tuberculated Leaf-toed Gecko, Tubercular Gecko, (Common Leaf-toed Gecko)

Zentralamerikanischer Gelbbauchen-Blattfingergecko

Centralamerikansk Gulbuget Bladfingergekko

1835 Phyllodactylus tuberculosus Wiegmann
1940 Phyllodactylus magnatuberculatus Taylor [part] (Wermuth 1965)
1952 Phyllodactylus eduardofischeri Mertens (Wermuth 1965)
1964 Phyllodactylus tuberculosus ingeri Dixon

Other common names:
ingeri: Inger's Yellow-bellied Leaf-toed Gecko
tuberculosus: Common Yellow-bellied Leaf-toed Gecko
Remarks: Previously included magnus, saxatilis, and the populations now assigned to cleofasensis. Older records from San Cristobal, Galapagos Islands (e.g., Denburgh 1912) refer to darwini, a later described species (Taylor 1942). This was apparently overlooked by Swash & Still (2005), who continued to refer to this population as tuberculosus.
Distribution: Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico (Quintana Roo), Nicaragua.

Phyllodactylus tuberculosus
© Henrik Bringsøe

Phyllodactylus unctus

San Lucan Leaf-toed Gecko


San Lucas-bladfingergekko

1864 Phyllodactylus unctus Cope

Distribution: Mexico (Baja California Sur [incl. Isla Cerralvo]).

Phyllodactylus ventralis

Venezuelan Leaf-toed Gecko, Margarita Leaf-toed Gecko

Venezuelanischer Blattfingergecko

Venezuelansk Bladfingergekko

1875 Phyllodactylus ventralis O'Shaughnessy
1935 Phyllodactylus mülleri Parker (Dixon 1962)
1962 Phyllodactylus underwoodi Dixon (Dixon & Huey 1970)

Distribution: Colombia, Venezuela (incl. Los Frailes, Isla Margarita).

Phyllodactylus wirshingi

Puerto Rican Leaf-toed Gecko

Puertoricanischer Blattfingergecko

Puertoricansk Bladfingergekko

1935 Phyllodactylus wirshingi Kerster & Smith

Remarks: Previously included hispaniolae and sommeri. Records from Hispaniola (Dominican Republic and Haiti) refer to these species.
Distribution: Puerto Rico.

Phyllodactylus xanti

Baja Cape Leaf-toed Gecko, (Peninsular Leaf-toed Gecko)



1864 Phyllodactylus xanti Cope

Remarks: Previously included angelensis, apricus, coronatus, nocticolus, and santacruzensis (e.g., Wermuth 1965; Grismer 1999). Now restricted to the Cape region of Baja California (Blair, Mendez-de la Cruz, Ngo, Lindell, Lathrop & Murphy 2009; Ramírez-Reyes, Blair, Flores-Villela, Piñero, Lathrop & Murphy 2020).
Distribution: Mexico (Baja California Sur).