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Taxonomy of the family Colubridae
Bibliography of the genus Gonyosoma
Biodiversity of the family Colubridae


Oriental Green Rat Snakes

Asiatische Spitzkopfnattern, Falsche Kletternattern

Spidshovedede Rottesnoge

1828 Gonyosoma Wagler (type species: Gonyosoma viride Wagler 1828)
1849 Alopecophis Gray (type species: Alopecophis chalybeus Gray 1849; syn. Smith 1943)
1861 Aepidea Hallowell (type species: Aepidea robusta Hallowell 1860; syn. Smith 1943)
1872 Allophis Peters (type species: Elaphis nigricaudus Bleeker 1858; syn. Iskandar & Colijn 2001)
Contents: 2 species, of which 1 (50.0%) is endemic.
Endemism: 0% 100%
Remarks: This genus has had a turbulent history with some authors regarding it as valid (e.g., Dowling 1958), while others have regarded it as a synonym of Elaphe (e.g., Schulz 1996). Previously included Gonyophis, Rhadinophis, Rhynchophis, as well as the species now assigned to Verdigrophis. Coelognathus enganensis has been regarded by some authors as a distinct species belonging to this genus (e.g., Dowling 1958).
Distribution: SE. Asia, Malay Archipelago.
Reported from: Brunei, Cambodia, India (Andaman Islands), Indonesia (Bali, Bangka, Belitung, Buton, Java, Kabaena, Kalimantan, Karimata Islands, Legundi, Lombok, Natuna Islands, Nias, Panaitan, Riau Islands, Sebuku, Selayar, Sulawesi, Sumatra), Laos, Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak, West Malaysia [incl. Langkawi Archipelago, Seribuat Archipelago (incl. Tioman)]), Myanmar, Philippines (Babuyan Islands [Calayan, Camiguin Norte], Balabac, Batan Islands [Batan, Itbayat, Sabtang], Bohol, Camiguin Sur, Dinagat, Dumaran, Lubang, Luzon, Mindanao, Mindoro, Negros, Palawan, Panay, Samar, Sibuyan, Sulu Islands [Bongao]), Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam.

Gonyosoma jansenii

Sulawesi Black-tailed Rat Snake, (Jansen's Rat Snake, Jansen's Racer)


Sorthalet Rottesnog

1858 Gonyosoma jansenii Bleeker
Coluber janseni Boulenger 1894
Elaphe jansenii Haas 1950
1872 Allophis nigricaudus Peters (syn. Iskandar & Colijn 2001)

Remarks: Taxonomic inclusion in the genus Gonyosoma confirmed by Helfenberger (2001). Insufficient evidence of presence in Thailand (Cox 1991).
Distribution: Indonesia (Buton, Kabaena, Selayar, Sulawesi).

Gonyosoma oxycephalum

Red-tailed Green Rat Snake, Red-tailed Rat Snake, Mangrove Rat Snake, Red-tailed Racer, Red-tailed Trinket Snake, Brown-tailed Racer, Grey-tailed Racer

Rotschwanznatter, Spitzkopfnatter

Rødhalet Rottesnog, Rødhalet Klatresnog

1827 Coluber oxycephalus Boie
Herpetodryas oxycephalus Schlegel 1837
Elaphe oxycephala Griffin 1909
Gonyosoma oxycephalum Duméril & Bibron 1854
1828 Gonyosoma viride Wagler (syn. Smith 1943)
1849 Alopecophis chalybeus Gray (syn. Smith 1943)
1860 Æpidea robusta Hallowell (syn. Smith 1943)
1925 Coluber floweri Werner (syn. Smith 1943; David, Cox, Pauwels, Chanhome & Thirakhupt 2004)
Gonyosoma floweri Chan-ard, Parr & Nabhitabhata 2015
1926 Coluber janseni elegans Werner (syn. Smith 1943; David, Cox, Pauwels, Chanhome & Thirakhupt 2004)

Remarks: The nominal taxa elegans and floweri simply represent different colour morphs of oxycephalum (Smith 1943; Schulz 1996; David, Cox, Pauwels, Chanhome & Thirakhupt 2004), although Taylor (1965) and Chan-ard, Parr & Nabhitabhata (2015) regarded floweri as valid. Records from Sulawesi may refer to janseni (Lang & Vogel 2005). Leviton, Siler, Weinell & Brown (2018) did not include Itbayat (Batan Islands) and Mindoro in the distribution of the species.
Distribution: Brunei, Cambodia, India (Andaman Islands), Indonesia (Bali, Bangka, Belitung, Java, Kalimantan, Karimata Islands, Legundi, Lombok, Natuna Islands, Nias, Panaitan, Riau Islands, Sebuku, Sumatra), Laos, Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak, West Malaysia [incl. Langkawi Archipelago, Seribuat Archipelago (incl. Tioman)]), Myanmar, Philippines (Babuyan Islands [Calayan, Camiguin Norte], Balabac, Batan Islands [Batan, Itbayat, Sabtang], Bohol, Camiguin Sur, Dinagat, Dumaran, Lubang, Luzon, Mindanao, Mindoro, Negros, Palawan, Panay, Samar, Sibuyan, Sulu Islands [Bongao]), Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam.

Gonyosoma oxycephalum
© Rune Midtgaard