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Taxonomy of the family Agamidae
Bibliography of the genus Laudakia
Biodiversity of the family Agamidae


Asian Rock Agamas

Asiatische Felsagamen

Asiatiske Klippeagamer

1845 Laudakia Gray (type species: Agama tuberculata Hardwicke & Gray 1827)
1854 Plocederma Blyth (type species: Laudakia seu Plocederma melanura Blyth 1854; syn. Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme 2012)
1860 Barycephalus Günther (type species: Barycephalus sykesii Günther 1860; syn. Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme 2012)
2012 Paralaudakia Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme (type species: Stellio caucasius Eichwald 1831; syn. Pyron, Burbrink & Wiens 2013)
2012 Stellagama Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme (type species: Lacerta stellio Linnaeus 1758; syn. Pyron, Burbrink & Wiens 2013)
Contents: 21 species, of which 4 (19.0%) are endemic.
Endemism: 0% 100%
Remarks: Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme (2012) divided Laudakia into three separate genera, Laudakia, Paralaudakia, and Stellagama, however, this arrangement was not supported by Pyron, Burbrink & Wiens (2013) or by Liang & Shi (2024). Laudakia was formerly included in the genus Agama (e.g., Wermuth 1967). Moody (1980) resurrected the genus Laudakia, but under the unavailable name Stellio Laurenti 1768. Baig & Böhme (1991) proposed to replace this name with Laudakia. Henle (1995) limited the use of Laudakia to the type species of the genus, tuberculata, and used Plocederma for other species of the genus (caucasia, erythrogastra, himalayana, lehmanni, melanura, nupta, stellio), regarding the remaining species as of uncertain generic status, between both generic names.
Distribution: Greece, Middle East, C. Asia.
Reported from: Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, China (Gansu, Tibet, Xinjiang), Cyprus, Egypt (incl. Sinai), Georgia, Greece (incl. Aegean Islands [incl. Rhodes], Crete), India (Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand), Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkey (incl. European Turkey), Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan.

Laudakia agrorensis

Agror Valley Rock Agama, Agor Agama



1872 Stellio agrorensis Stoliczka
Agama agrorensis Boulenger 1885
Laudakia agrorensis Ananjeva & Tuniev 1994

Remarks: Not mentioned for Punjab by Singh, Dutta & Singh (2021).
Distribution: Afghanistan, India (Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab), Pakistan.

Laudakia badakhshana

Badakhshan Rock Agama



1969 Agama badakhshana Anderson & Leviton
Agama himalayana badakhshana Ananjeva, Peters & Rzepakovsky 1981
Stellio badakhshanus Ananjeva, Peters, Macey & Papenfuss 1990
Laudakia badakhshana Ananjeva & Tuniev 1994
Paralaudakia badakhshana Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme 2012

Remarks: Distribution very poorly known (Sindaco & Jeremchenko 2008). Although these authors included India in the distribution, it was not listed for the country by Venugopal (2010).
Distribution: Afghanistan, Pakistan.

Laudakia bochariensis

Tajik Rock Agama, (Chernov's Rock Agama)


Tadsjikisk Klippeagam

1897 Stellio bochariensis Nikolski
Agama bochariensis Nikolsky 1905
Stellio bochariensis Terentjev & Chernov 1949
Laudakia bochariensis Baig & Böhme 1997
Paralaudakia bochariensis Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme 2012
1899 Agama isozona Werner (Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme 2012)
1981 Agama chernovi Ananjeva, Peters & Rzepakowsky (Golubev 1998; Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme 2012)
Stellio chernovi Joger & Arano 1987
Laudakia chernovi Ananjeva & Tuniev 1994

Remarks: Previously regarded as a synonym of himalayana (e.g., Wermuth 1967). See remarks about distribution under himalayana.
Although Afghanistan was included in the distribution by Szczerbak (2003), presence in the country needs confirmation (Ananjeva, Orlov, Khalikov, Darevsky, Ryabov & Barabanov 2006).
Distribution: Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan.

Laudakia caucasia

Caucasian Rock Agama, Northern Rock Agama


Kaukasisk Klippeagam

1814 Lacerta muricata Pallas [not Lacerta muricata Shaw 1801] (Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme 2012)
1831 Stellio caucasius Eichwald [substitute name for Lacerta muricata Pallas 1814]
Agama caucasica [sic] Boettger 1880
Laudakia caucasia Manthey & Schuster 1992
Plocederma caucasia Henle 1995
Paralaudakia caucasia Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme 2012
1872 Stellio persicus Anderson (Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme 2012)
1912 Agama reticulata Nikolsky (Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme 2012)

Remarks: Some authors have regarded microlepis as conspecific with caucasia (e.g., Anderson 1974; Bannikov, Darevski & Rustamov 1978). Barts & Wilms (1997) and Böhme (2010) regarded them as separate species and treated the subspecies triannulata as a subspecies of microlepis, but with no discussion or references.
Ananjeva & Orlova (1979) pointed out that the correct spelling of the specific epithet is caucasia, not caucasica, as seen in a large number of older publications.
Records of caucasia from Iraq (e.g., Schmidt 1939; Khalaf 1959; Mohammed, Rhadi, Rastegar-Pouyani, Rastegar-Pouyani & Yousefkhani 2017) are based on misidentified nupta (Leviton, Anderson, Adler & Minton 1992). Records from Uzbekistan (e.g., Bogdanov 1960; Terentjev & Chernov 1949) are probably also based on misidentification of other species (Sindaco & Jeremchenko 2008), although the species was still listed for the country by Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme (2012). Reported from India by Das (1997, 2003), but there are no verified records from the country (Venugopal 2010). Reported from Pakistan by many authors (e.g., Das 1996; Khan & Mirza 1977; Khan 1994, 2006; Leviton & Anderson 1970; Mertens 1969; Minton 1966; Orlowa 1981; Wermuth 1967; Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme 2012), but the presence in Pakistan of caucasia was regarded as doubtful by Sindaco & Jeremchenko (2008).
Distribution: Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan.

Laudakia caucasia
© Henrik Bringsøe

Laudakia cypriaca

Cypriotic Starred Agama

Zypriotische Hardun

Cypriotisk Hardun

1967 Agama stellio cypriaca Daan
Laudakia stellio cypriaca Göcmen, Tosunoglu & Taskavak 2003
Stellagama stellio cypriaca Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme 2012
Laudakia cypriaca Karameta, Lymberakis, Grillitsch, Ilgaz, Avci, Kumlutas, Candan, Wagner, Sfenthourakis, Pafilis & Poulakakis 2022

Remarks: Previously regarded as a subspecies of stellio (e.g., Daan 1967). Raised to species status by Karameta, Lymberakis, Grillitsch, Ilgaz, Avci, Kumlutas, Candan, Wagner, Sfenthourakis, Pafilis & Poulakakis (2022).
Distribution: Cyprus.

Laudakia cypriaca
© Henrik Bringsøe

Laudakia dayana

Ladakh Rock Agama



1871 Stellio dayanus Stoliczka
Agama dayana Boulenger 1885
Laudakia dayana Baig & Böhme 1997

Remarks: Taxonomic status uncertain (Panov & Zykova 2016). Previously regarded as a synonym of tuberculata (e.g., Wermuth 1967). Not mentioned by Ananjeva, Guo & Wang (2011). Not listed for China by Wang, Ren, Chen, Lyu, Guo, Jiang, Chen, Li, Guo, Wang & Che (2020).
Distribution: China (Tibet), India (Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Uttarakhand).

Laudakia erythrogastra

Khorasan Rock Agama, Red-bellied Rock Agama


Rødbuget Klippeagam

1896 Stellio erythrogaster Nikolski
Agama erythrogastra Nikolsky 1915
Laudakia erythrogastra Ananjeva & Tuniev 1994
Plocederma erythrogastra Henle 1995
Paralaudakia erythrogastra Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme 2012
1897 Stellio erythrogaster var. pallida Nikolski (Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme 2012)
1957 Agama caucasica mucronata Guibe (Clark, Clark & Anderson 1966; Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme 2012)
1991 Stellio erythrogaster nurgeldievi Tuniyev, Atayev & Shammakov
Laudakia erythrogastra nurgeldievi Tuniyev, Atayev & Shammakov 1998
Stellio erythrogaster nurgeldievi Ataev, Rustamov & Shammakov 1994

Distribution: Afghanistan, Iran, Turkmenistan.

Laudakia himalayana

West Himalayan Rock Agama

Westliche Himalaya-Felsagame

Vestlig Himalaya-klippeagam

1869 Stellio himalayanus Steindachner
Agama himalayana Boulenger 1885
Agama agrorensis himalayana Sharma 1971
Laudakia himalayana Ananjeva & Tuniev 1994
Plocederma himalayana Henle 1995
Paralaudakia himalayana Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme 2012

Remarks: Previously included badakhshana, bochariensis, and sacra. According to Sindaco & Jeremchenko (2008), records from Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and probably Tajikistan refer to bochariensis, however, both Szczerbak (2003) and Ananjeva, Orlov, Khalikov, Darevsky, Ryabov & Barabanov (2006) mentioned himalayana, but not bochariensis, from Kyrgyzstan, and both himalayana and bochariensis were mentioned from Tajikistan by both works, and from Turkmenistan by Szczerbak (2003). Following Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme (2012), records from northwest of Pamir (Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan), are regarded as bochariensis. Records from Xinjiang, China, probably refer to an undescribed species (Sindaco & Jeremchenko 2008).
Distribution: Afghanistan, China (Tibet, Xinjiang), India (Jammu & Kashmir), Pakistan.

Laudakia lehmanni

Turkmen Rock Agama, Turkestan Rock Agama

Turkmenische Felsagame

Turkmensk Klippeagam

1896 Stellio lehmanni Nikolsky
Agama lehmanni Bedriaga 1907
Laudakia lehmanni Ananjeva & Tuniev 1994
Plocederma lehmanni Henle 1995
Paralaudakia lehmanni Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme 2012
1907 Agama borstschewskyi Elpatjewsky & Sabanejew (Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme 2012)

Remarks: Although previously listed for Kazakhstan (e.g., Sindaco & Jeremchenko 2008), the species is not currently considered present in the country (Dujsebayeva 2010).
Distribution: Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan.

Laudakia melanura

Black Rock Agama, Black-Tailed Agama

Schwarze Felsagame

Sorthalet Klippeagam

1854 Laudakia seu Plocederma melanura Blyth
Stellio melanurus Anderson 1871
Agama melanura Boulenger 1885
Laudakia melanura Ananjeva & Tuniev 1994
Plocederma melanura Henle 1995
1874 Stellio liratus Blanford (Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme 2012)
Agama lirata Boulenger 1885
Agama melanura lirata Mertens 1969
Laudakia lirata Khan 2004
Laudakia melanura lyrata [sic] Sindaco & Jeremchenko 2008
1999 Laudakia melanura nasiri Baig

Other common names:
lirata: Yellow-headed Spotted Rock Agama, Spotted Black Rock Agama
nasiri: Nasir's Black Rock Agama
Remarks: Some authors regard lirata as a separate species (e.g., Khan 2004, 2006). Not mentioned for Punjab by Singh, Dutta & Singh (2021).
Distribution: Afghanistan, India (Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab), Iran, Pakistan.

Laudakia microlepis

Small-scaled Rock Agama

Kleinschuppige Felsagame

Finskællet Klippeagam

1874 Stellio microlepis Blanford
Agama microlepis Boulenger 1885
Agama caucasica microlepis Anderson 1974
Laudakia microlepis Ananjeva & Tuniev 1994
Paralaudakia microlepis Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme 2012
1984 Stellio caucasius triannulatus Ananjeva & Ataev (Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme 2012)
Laudakia caucasia triannulata Macey, Schulte, Ananjeva, Larson, Rastegar-Pouyani, Shammakov & Papenfuss 1998
Laudakia microlepis triannulata Böhme 2010
2015 Laudakia microlepis taftanica Sanchooli, Rahimian, Rastegar-Pouyani & Rastegar-Pouyani

Other common names:
taftanica: Taftan Mountains Rock Agama
Remarks: Status uncertain (Orlowa in Böhme (ed.) 1981). Regarded as a valid species (e.g., Wermuth 1967) or as a subspecies of caucasia (e.g., Bannikov, Darevski & Rustamov 1978, Anderson 1974). Barts & Wilms (1997) regarded caucasia and microlepis as separate species, but treated the subspecies triannulata as a subspecies of microlepis.
Distribution: Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Turkmenistan.

Laudakia nupta

Large-scaled Rock Agama, Large-scaled Agama, Spiny-headed Rock Agama, Yellow-speckled Agama

Grossschuppige Felsagame

Storskællet Klippeagam

1843 Agama nupta Filippi
Stellio nuptus Blanford 1875
Laudakia nupta Leviton, Anderson, Adler & Minton 1992
Plocederma nupta Henle 1995
1851 Stellio carinatus Duméril (Wermuth 1967)
1876 Stellio nuptus var. fuscus Blanford (Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme 2012)
Agama nupta fusca Boulenger 1885
Laudakia fusca Khan 2004
Laudakia nupta fusca Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme 2012

Other common names:
fusca: Yellow-headed Rock Agama, Yellow-headed Agama
Remarks: Presence in Syria (e.g., Leviton, Anderson, Adler & Minton 1992) needs confirmation (Anderson 1999). The subspecies fusca has been considered a separate species by some authors (e.g., Cheatsazan, Rabani, Mahjoorazad & Kami 2008; Panov & Zykova 2016). It is here regarded as a subspecies of nupta, following Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme (2012).
Distribution: Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan.

Laudakia nupta
© Rune Midtgaard

Laudakia nuristanica

Nuristan Rock Agama


Nuristansk Klippeagam

1969 Agama nuristanica Anderson & Leviton
Stellio nuristanicus Ananjeva, Peters, Macey & Papenfuss 1990
Laudakia nuristanica Ananjeva & Tuniev 1994

Distribution: Afghanistan, Pakistan.

Laudakia pakistanica

North Pakistan Agama

Nordpakistanische Felsagame

Nordpakistansk Klippeagam

1989 Agama pakistanica Baig
Laudakia pakistanica Ananjeva & Tuniev 1994
1996 Agama pakistanica auffenbergi Baig & Böhme
Laudakia pakistanica auffenbergi Khan 2004
1996 Agama pakistanica khani Baig & Böhme
Laudakia pakistanica khani Khan 2004

Other common names:
auffenbergi: Auffenberg's Rock Agama
khani: Khan's Rock Agama
Distribution: India (Jammu & Kashmir), Pakistan.

Laudakia papenfussi

Zanda Rock Agama, (Papenfuss' Rock Agama)



1998 Laudakia papenfussi Zhao

Remarks: Taxonomic status uncertain (Panov & Zykova 2016).
Distribution: China (Tibet).

Laudakia sacra

Lhasa Rock Agama, (Anan's Rock Agama)



1935 Agama himalayana sacra Smith
Stellio sacra Ananjeva, Peters, Macey & Papenfuss 1990
Laudakia sacra Ananjeva & Tuniev 1994
Laudakia tuberculata sacra Sindaco & Jeremchenko 2008

Remarks: Ananjeva, Guo & Wang (2011) included Xinjiang in the distribution of sacra. No other references seem to support this (e.g., Panov & Zykova 2016), and sacra is provisionally considered a Tibetan endemic herein.
Distribution: China (Tibet).

Laudakia stellio

Western Starred Agama, Western Hardun, Western Rough-tailed Agama, Western Rough-tailed Rock Agama

Westliche Hardun, Westliche Schleuderschwanz

Vestlig Hardun, Vestlig Pighaleagam

1758 Lacerta stellio Linnaeus
Stellio stellio Wagler 1830
Agama stellio Boulenger 1885
Laudakia stellio Leviton, Anderson, Adler & Minton 1992
Plocederma stellio Henle 1995
Stellagama stellio Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme 2012
1768 Iguana cordylina Laurenti (Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme 2012)
1820 Agama cordylea Merrem [substitute name for Iguana cordylina Laurenti 1768] (Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme 2012)
1820 Agama sebae Merrem [substitute name for Iguana cordylina Laurenti 1768] (Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme 2012)
1831 Stellio antiquorum Eichwald [substitute name for Lacerta stellio Linnaeus 1758] (Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme 2012)
1833 Uromastix horrida Wagler [substitute name for Lacerta stellio Linnaeus 1758] (Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme 2012)
1980 Agama stellio daani Beutler & Frör
Laudakia stellio daani Budak, Tok & Mermer 1998
Stellagama stellio daani Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme 2012
1983 Agama stellio mykonensis Xyda (Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme 2012)

Remarks: Previously included cypriaca and vulgaris. Indigenous populations occur in the Aegean Islands of Greece, however, the populations in Corfu and on the mainland (around Thessaloniki) are introduced; the former in 1915 (Valakos, Pafilis, Sotiropoulos, Lymberakis, Maragou & Foufopoulos 2008). According to Basoglu & Baran (1977), the species does not occur north of approx. 39°N in Anatolia, however, Sindaco, Venchi, Carpaneto & Bologna (2000) plotted many localities north of that latitude.
Introduced to: Greece (Corfu, mainland), USA (Florida).
Distribution: Greece (Aegean Islands [incl. Dodecanese Islands (incl. Karpathos, Rhodes)], Crete), Turkey (incl. European Turkey).

Laudakia stellio
© Rune Midtgaard

Laudakia stoliczkana

Mongolian Rock Agama

Mongolische Felsagame

Mongolsk Klippeagam

1875 Stellio stoliczkanus Blanford
Agama stoliczkana Boulenger 1885
Laudakia stoliczkana Ananjeva & Tuniev 1994
Paralaudakia stoliczkana Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme 2012
1909 Agama tarimensis Zugmayer (Peters 1971; Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme 2012)
1970 Agama himalayana altaicus Munkhbayar & Shagdarsuren (Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme 2012)
Paralaudakia stoliczkana altaica Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme 2012

Distribution: China (Gansu, Xinjiang), Mongolia.

Laudakia tuberculata

Kashmir Rock Agama, Kashmir Agama, Tuberculated Agama, Blue Rock Agama



1827 Agama tuberculata Hardwicke & Gray
Laudakia tuberculata Gray 1845
Stellio tuberculatus Günther 1864
1853 Stellio indicus Blyth (Smith 1935; Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme 2012)
1860 Barycephalus sykesii Günther (Smith 1935; Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme 2012)

Remarks: The only Afghan record of this species may refer to nuristanica (Leviton & Anderson 1970). Not mentioned for Punjab by Singh, Dutta & Singh (2021).
Distribution: Afghanistan, China (Tibet), India (Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand), Nepal, Pakistan.

Laudakia vulgaris

Eastern Starred Agama

Östliche Hardun

Østlig Hardun

1802 Stellio vulgaris Sonnini & Latreille
Agama stellio vulgaris Schmidt & Marx 1956
Stellagama stellio vulgaris Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme 2012
Laudakia vulgaris Karameta, Lymberakis, Grillitsch, Ilgaz, Avci, Kumlutas, Candan, Wagner, Sfenthourakis, Pafilis & Poulakakis 2022
Stellagama vulgaris Spawls, Mazuch & Mohammad 2023
1935 Agama stellio picea Parker
Laudakia stellio picea Disi 1996
Stellagama stellio picea Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme 2012
Laudakia vulgaris picea Karameta, Lymberakis, Grillitsch, Ilgaz, Avci, Kumlutas, Candan, Wagner, Sfenthourakis, Pafilis & Poulakakis 2022
1952 Agama stellio brachydactyla Haas
Laudakia stellio brachydactyla Disi 1996
Stellagama stellio brachydactyla Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme 2012
Laudakia vulgaris brachydactyla Karameta, Lymberakis, Grillitsch, Ilgaz, Avci, Kumlutas, Candan, Wagner, Sfenthourakis, Pafilis & Poulakakis 2022
Stellagama vulgaris brachydactyla Spawls, Mazuch & Mohammad 2023
2006 Laudakia stellio salehi Werner in Lachmann, Carmely & Werner
Stellagama stellio salehi Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme 2012
Laudakia vulgaris salehi Karameta, Lymberakis, Grillitsch, Ilgaz, Avci, Kumlutas, Candan, Wagner, Sfenthourakis, Pafilis & Poulakakis 2022
Stellagama vulgaris salehi Spawls, Mazuch & Mohammad 2023

Remarks: Previously regarded as a subspecies of stellio (e.g., Wermuth 1965). Revalidated as a separate species status by Karameta, Lymberakis, Grillitsch, Ilgaz, Avci, Kumlutas, Candan, Wagner, Sfenthourakis, Pafilis & Poulakakis (2022). A population in Saudi Arabia, far from the remainder of the distribution of stellio, is herein tentatively regarded as introduced.
Introduced to: Saudi Arabia.
Distribution: Egypt (incl. Sinai), Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria.

Laudakia wui

Bomi Rock Agama



1998 Laudakia wui Zhao

Remarks: Taxonomic status uncertain (Panov & Zykova 2016).
Distribution: China (Tibet).