Reptiles of
Lamu  [Kenya]

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Bibliography of the reptiles of Lamu Taxonomic history of the reptiles of Lamu Introduced species
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Citation: Midtgaard, Rune. RepFocus - A Survey of the Reptiles of the World. (Compilation date: 14th April, 2023).

General remarks: The list includes only formally described species. Newly discovered, but still unnamed species are excluded. However, unnamed species or species unassigned to species level are included, if they are the only representatives of their genus in the region. Species counts exclude extinct and introduced species. Doubtful records, typically older voucher specimens of uncertain origin, have been excluded if considered questionable, as are records based on sources considered unreliable or controversial.
Note: Your comments to the checklist (omissions, errors, etc.) are welcomed, preferably if they are provided with reliable references. If possible, please attach a pdf file of the relevant reference to an email addressed to:
Lizards (Sauria)
= endemicEX = extinct or assumed extinct

 Family Chamaeleonidae (Chameleons)
Genus Rieppeleon (Short-tailed Leaf Chameleons)
Rieppeleon kerstenii

Kenya Leaf Chameleon

Spawls & Rotich 1997
 Family Gekkonidae (Typical Geckos)
Genus Hemidactylus (Half-toed Geckos)
Hemidactylus platycephalus

Flat-headed Tropical House Gecko

Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002
Genus Lygodactylus (African-Neotropical Dwarf Geckos)
Lygodactylus picturatus

Yellow-headed Dwarf Gecko

Spawls & Rotich 1997
 Family Lacertidae (Typical Lizards)
Genus Heliobolus (Bushveld Lizards)
Heliobolus spekii

East African Bushveld Lizard

Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002
 Family Scincidae (Skinks)
Genus Trachylepis (African-American Grass and Forest Skinks)
Trachylepis striata

Eastern Striped Skink

Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002
 Family Varanidae (Monitor Lizards)
Genus Varanus (Monitor Lizards)
Varanus albigularis

White-throated Monitor

Spawls & Rotich 1997
Varanus niloticus

Nile Monitor

Spawls & Rotich 1997

Snakes (Serpentes)
= endemicEX = extinct or assumed extinct

 Family Colubridae (Typical Snakes or Colubrids)
Genus Dasypeltis (African Egg Eaters)
Dasypeltis medici

East African Egg Eater

Spawls 1978 Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002
Dasypeltis scabra

Common African Egg Eater

Spawls 1978
Genus Philothamnus (African Green Snakes)
Philothamnus hoplogaster

Southeastern Green Snake

Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
Philothamnus punctatus

Speckled Green Snake

Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002
Philothamnus semivariegatus

Variegated Bush Snake

Spawls 1978
 Family Lamprophiidae (House Snakes, etc.)
Genus Aparallactus (African Centipede Eaters)
Aparallactus turneri

Malindi Centipede Eater

Spawls 1978
Genus Hemirhagerrhis (Bark Snakes)
Hemirhagerrhis kelleri

Stripe-bellied Bark Snake

Broadley & Hughes 2000 Spawls 1978 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
Genus Limaformosa (Venus File Snakes)
Limaformosa savorgnani

Central African Forest File Snake

Spawls 1978
Genus Lycophidion (African Wolf Snakes)
Lycophidion depressirostre

Flat-snouted Wolf Snake

Spawls 1978
Genus Psammophis (Old World Sand Snakes and Grass Snakes)
Psammophis biseriatus

Eastern Link-marked Sand Snake

Spawls 1978
Psammophis sudanensis

Sudan Sand Snake

Spawls 1978
Genus Rhamphiophis (Beaked Snakes)
Rhamphiophis rostratus

Rufous Beaked Snake

Spawls 1978
 Family Leptotyphlopidae (Thread Snakes)
Genus Epacrophis (Thorn-tailed Thread Snakes)
Epacrophis boulengeri

Lamu Thread Snake

Broadley & Wallach 2007 Loveridge 1957 Spawls 1978
 Family Pythonidae (Pythons)
Genus Python (Typical Pythons)
Python sebae

Northern Rock Python

Broadley 1984

Turtles (Testudines)
= endemicEX = extinct or assumed extinct

 Family Cheloniidae (Hard-shelled Sea Turtles)
Genus Chelonia (Green Sea Turtle)
Chelonia mydas

Green Sea Turtle

Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
Genus Eretmochelys (Hawksbill Sea Turtle)
Eretmochelys imbricata

Hawksbill Sea Turtle

Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
 Family Dermochelyidae (Leatherback Sea Turtle)
Genus Dermochelys (Leatherback Sea Turtle)
Dermochelys coriacea

Leatherback Sea Turtle

Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018