Reptiles of
Long Island  [USA: New York]

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Citation: Midtgaard, Rune. RepFocus - A Survey of the Reptiles of the World. (Compilation date: 14th April, 2023).

General remarks: The list includes only formally described species. Newly discovered, but still unnamed species are excluded. However, unnamed species or species unassigned to species level are included, if they are the only representatives of their genus in the region. Species counts exclude extinct and introduced species. Doubtful records, typically older voucher specimens of uncertain origin, have been excluded if considered questionable, as are records based on sources considered unreliable or controversial.
Note: Your comments to the checklist (omissions, errors, etc.) are welcomed, preferably if they are provided with reliable references. If possible, please attach a pdf file of the relevant reference to an email addressed to:
Snakes (Serpentes)
= endemicEX = extinct or assumed extinct

 Family Colubridae (Typical Snakes or Colubrids)
Genus Carphophis (North American Worm Snakes)
Carphophis amoenus

Eastern Worm Snake

Gibbs, Breisch, Ducey, Johnson, Behler & Bothner 2007
Genus Coluber (North American Racer)
Coluber constrictor

North American Racer

Gibbs, Breisch, Ducey, Johnson, Behler & Bothner 2007
Genus Diadophis (Ring-necked Snake)
Diadophis punctatus

Ring-necked Snake

Gibbs, Breisch, Ducey, Johnson, Behler & Bothner 2007
Genus Heterodon (North American Hognose Snakes)
Heterodon platirhinos

Eastern Hognose Snake

Gibbs, Breisch, Ducey, Johnson, Behler & Bothner 2007
Genus Lampropeltis (King Snakes and Milk Snakes)
Lampropeltis triangulum

Eastern Milk Snake

Gibbs, Breisch, Ducey, Johnson, Behler & Bothner 2007 Ruane 2015
Genus Nerodia (North American Water Snakes)
Nerodia sipedon

Northern Water Snake

Gibbs, Breisch, Ducey, Johnson, Behler & Bothner 2007
Genus Opheodrys (North American Green Snakes)
Opheodrys vernalis

Smooth Green Snake

Gibbs, Breisch, Ducey, Johnson, Behler & Bothner 2007
Genus Storeria (North American Brown Snakes)
Storeria dekayi

Common Brown Snake

Gibbs, Breisch, Ducey, Johnson, Behler & Bothner 2007
Storeria occipitomaculata

North American Red-bellied Snake

Gibbs, Breisch, Ducey, Johnson, Behler & Bothner 2007
Genus Thamnophis (North American Garter Snakes and Ribbon Snakes)
Thamnophis saurita

Eastern Ribbon Snake

Gibbs, Breisch, Ducey, Johnson, Behler & Bothner 2007
Thamnophis sirtalis

Common Garter Snake

Gibbs, Breisch, Ducey, Johnson, Behler & Bothner 2007

Turtles (Testudines)
= endemicEX = extinct or assumed extinct

 Family Cheloniidae (Hard-shelled Sea Turtles)
Genus Caretta (Loggerhead Sea Turtle)
Caretta caretta

Loggerhead Sea Turtle

Gibbs, Breisch, Ducey, Johnson, Behler & Bothner 2007
Genus Chelonia (Green Sea Turtle)
Chelonia mydas

Green Sea Turtle

Gibbs, Breisch, Ducey, Johnson, Behler & Bothner 2007
Genus Lepidochelys (Ridley Sea Turtles)
Lepidochelys kempii

Atlantic Ridley Sea Turtle

Gibbs, Breisch, Ducey, Johnson, Behler & Bothner 2007
 Family Chelydridae (American Snapping Turtles)
Genus Chelydra (American Snapping Turtles)
Chelydra serpentina

North American Snapping Turtle

Gibbs, Breisch, Ducey, Johnson, Behler & Bothner 2007
 Family Dermochelyidae (Leatherback Sea Turtle)
Genus Dermochelys (Leatherback Sea Turtle)
Dermochelys coriacea

Leatherback Sea Turtle

Gibbs, Breisch, Ducey, Johnson, Behler & Bothner 2007
 Family Emydidae (Western Pond Turtles)
Genus Chrysemys (American Painted Turtle)
Chrysemys picta

American Painted Turtle

Gibbs, Breisch, Ducey, Johnson, Behler & Bothner 2007
Genus Clemmys (American Spotted Turtle)
Clemmys guttata

American Spotted Turtle

Gibbs, Breisch, Ducey, Johnson, Behler & Bothner 2007
Genus Malaclemys (Diamondback Terrapin)
Malaclemys terrapin

Diamondback Terrapin

Gibbs, Breisch, Ducey, Johnson, Behler & Bothner 2007
Genus Terrapene (American Box Turtles)
Terrapene carolina

Eastern Box Turtle

Gibbs, Breisch, Ducey, Johnson, Behler & Bothner 2007
 Family Kinosternidae (American Mud and Musk Turtles)
Genus Kinosternon (American Mud Turtles)
Kinosternon subrubrum

Common Mud Turtle

Behler & King 1979 Gibbs, Breisch, Ducey, Johnson, Behler & Bothner 2007
Genus Sternotherus (North American Musk Turtles)
Sternotherus odoratus

Common Musk Turtle

Gibbs, Breisch, Ducey, Johnson, Behler & Bothner 2007