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Taxonomy of the family Teiidae
Bibliography of the genus Kentropyx
Biodiversity of the family Teiidae


Spurred Whiptails, Keeled Tejus, Tropical Whiptails



1825 Kentropyx Spix (type species: Kentropyx calcaratus Spix 1825)
Centropyx Wiegmann 1834 [emendation of Kentropyx Spix 1825]
1826 Pseudoameiva Fitzinger (type species: Lacerta striata Daudin 1802; syn. Peters & Donoso-Barros 1970)
1830 Trachygaster Wagler (type species: Kentropyx calcaratus Spix 1825; syn. Peters & Donoso-Barros 1970)
1845 Acanthopyga Gray (type species: Lacerta striata Daudin 1802; syn. Peters & Donoso-Barros 1970)
Contents: 9 species, of which 1 (11.1%) is endemic.
Endemism: 0% 100%
Distribution: South America, Barbados.
Reported from: Argentina, Barbados, Bolivia, Brazil (Acre, Alagoas, Amapa, Amazonas, Bahia, Ceara, Distrito Federal, Espirito Santo, Goias, Maranhao, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, Para [incl. Marajo Island], Paraiba, Pernambuco, Piaui, Rio Grande do Norte, Rondonia, Roraima, Sao Paulo, Sergipe, Tocantins), Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Surinam, Trinidad & Tobago (Trinidad), Venezuela.

Kentropyx altamazonica

Cocha Whiptail



1875 Centropyx altamazonicus Cope
1929 Kentropyx williamsoni Ruthven (Gallagher & Dixon 1992)

Remarks: Correct publication year of the original description is 1875, not 1876 (Osborn 1929; Costa & Bérnils 2015).
Distribution: Bolivia, Brazil (Acre, Amazonas, Mato Grosso, Para, Rondonia, Roraima), Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela.

Kentropyx borckiana

Guyana Whiptail



1869 Centropyx Borckiana Peters
Kentropyx borckiana Hoogmoed 1973
Kentropyx borkiana Harvey, Ugueto & Gutberlet 2012
1887 Centropyx copii Garman (Gallagher & Dixon 1992)
Kentropyx copei [sic] Grant 1959
1926 Gastropholis mertensi De Grys (Gallagher & Dixon 1992)

Remarks: Previously regarded as a synonym of intermedius Gray 1831 (now a synonym of calcaratus). Revalidated by Hoogmoed (1973).
Distribution: Barbados, French Guiana, Guyana, Surinam, Venezuela.

Kentropyx calcarata

Striped Forest Whiptail, Striped Ground Lizard


Stribet Sporeteju

1825 Kentropyx calcaratus Spix
1822 Lacerta vittata Schinz (Gallagher & Dixon 1992)
1831 Teius intermedius Gray (Gallagher & Dixon 1992)
Kentropyx intermedius Peters & Donoso-Barros 1970

Remarks: Records from Peru (e.g. Dixon & Soini 1975) are based on misidentified altamazonicus (Henle & Ehrl 1991).
Distribution: Bolivia, Brazil (Acre, Alagoas, Amapa, Amazonas, Bahia, Ceara, Distrito Federal, Espirito Santo, Goias, Maranhao, Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais, Para [incl. Marajo Island], Paraiba, Pernambuco, Piaui, Rio Grande do Norte, Rondonia, Roraima, Sergipe, Tocantins), Colombia, French Guiana, Guyana, Surinam, Venezuela.

Kentropyx lagartija

Tucuman Whiptail



1962 Kentropyx lagartija Gallardo
Kentropyx viridistriga lagartija Tedesco, Cei, Porcel & Alvarez 1994

Remarks: Status uncertain. Regarded as a synonym of viridistriga by Gallagher & Dixon (1992). Revalidated as an "evolutionary species" (sensu Frost & Hillis 1990) by Tedesco & Cei (1997). Harvey, Ugueto & Gutberlet (2012) retained both species in their analysis, but noted that they had found few characters to separate them.
Distribution: Argentina.

Kentropyx paulensis

São Paulo Whiptail

São Paulo-Kielteju

São Paulo-sporeteju

1893 Centropyx paulensis Boettger

Distribution: Bolivia, Brazil (Bahia, Distrito Federal, Goias, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, Sao Paulo, Tocantins).

Kentropyx pelviceps

Amazon Forest Whiptail, Forest Whiptail



1868 Kentropyx pelviceps Cope
1859 Monoplocus dorsalis Günther (Gallagher & Dixon 1992)

Distribution: Bolivia, Brazil (Acre, Amazonas, Rondonia), Colombia, Ecuador, Peru.

Kentropyx striata

Surinam Striped Whiptail, (Striped Whiptail)



1802 Lacerta striata Daudin
Centropyx striatus Boulenger 1885
1862 Centropyx decodon Cope (Gallagher & Dixon 1992)
1869 Centropyx renggerii Peters (Gallagher & Dixon 1992)
1973 Kentropyx striatus viridicervix Hoogmoed

Remarks: Doubtfully recorded from Tobago. Presence in Bahia (Avila-Pires 1995) and Pernambuco (Gallagher & Dixon 1992; Avila-Pires 1995) is considered doubtful (Costa & Bérnils 2018).
Distribution: Brazil (Amapa, Para [incl. Marajo Island], Roraima), Colombia, French Guiana, Guyana, Surinam, Trinidad & Tobago (Trinidad), Venezuela.

Kentropyx vanzoi

Mato Grosso Whiptail


Mato Grosso-sporeteju

1980 Kentropyx vanzoi Gallagher & Dixon

Distribution: Bolivia, Brazil (Goias, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Rondonia).

Kentropyx viridistriga

Green Whiptail

Grüne Kielteju

Grøn Sporeteju

1894 Centropyx viridistriga Boulenger

Remarks: Previously included lagartija (e.g., Gallagher & Dixon 1992; Tedesco, Cei, Porcel & Alvarez 1994).
Distribution: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil (Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Rondonia), Paraguay.