Reptiles of


Bibliography of the reptiles of Burundi Taxonomic history of the reptiles of Burundi Introduced species
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Citation: Midtgaard, Rune. RepFocus - A Survey of the Reptiles of the World. (Compilation date: 14th April, 2023).

General remarks: The list includes only formally described species. Newly discovered, but still unnamed species are excluded. However, unnamed species or species unassigned to species level are included, if they are the only representatives of their genus in the region. Species counts exclude extinct and introduced species. Doubtful records, typically older voucher specimens of uncertain origin, have been excluded if considered questionable, as are records based on sources considered unreliable or controversial.
Note: Your comments to the checklist (omissions, errors, etc.) are welcomed, preferably if they are provided with reliable references. If possible, please attach a pdf file of the relevant reference to an email addressed to:
Crocodilians (Crocodylia)
= endemicEX = extinct or assumed extinct

 Family Crocodylidae (Crocodiles)
Genus Crocodylus (Typical Crocodiles)
Crocodylus niloticus

Nile Crocodile

Fuchs, Mertens & Wermuth 1974 King & Burke 1989 Wermuth & Mertens 1977
Genus Mecistops (African Slender-snouted Crocodiles)
Mecistops leptorhynchus

Central African Slender-snouted Crocodile

Shirley, Carr, Nestler, Vliet & Brochu 2018

Lizards (Sauria)
= endemicEX = extinct or assumed extinct

 Family Agamidae (Agamas and Dragons)
Genus Acanthocercus (Ridgeback Agamas)
Acanthocercus gregorii

Kenyan Ridgeback Agama

Wagner, Greenbaum, Bauer, Kusamba & Leache 2018
Genus Agama (Typical Agamas)
Agama mwanzae

Mwanza Rock Agama

Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
 Family Chamaeleonidae (Chameleons)
Genus Chamaeleo (Typical Chameleons)
Chamaeleo anchietae

Angolan Chameleon

Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
Chamaeleo dilepis

Flap-necked Chameleon

Chirio & LeBreton 2007 Glaw 2015 Hinkel 1996 Klaver & Boehme 1997 Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018 Tilbury 2010
Chamaeleo laevigatus

Smooth Chameleon

Broadley & Howell 1991 Glaw 2015 Klaver & Boehme 1997 Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018 Tilbury 2010
Genus Kinyongia (East African Dwarf Chameleons)
Kinyongia rugegensis

Rugege Highlands Dwarf Chameleon

Glaw 2015 [as adolfifriderici] Hughes, Kusamba, Behangana & Greenbaum 2017
Genus Rhampholeon (African Leaf Chameleons)
Rhampholeon boulengeri

Central African Leaf Chameleon

Glaw 2015 Hinkel 1996 Klaver & Boehme 1997 Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018 Tilbury 2010
Genus Trioceros (Equatorial Chameleons)
Trioceros ellioti

Montane Side-striped Chameleon

Broadley & Howell 1991 Fischer & Hinkel 1992 Glaw 2015 Hinkel 1996 Klaver & Boehme 1997 Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018 Tilbury 2010
Trioceros johnstoni

Ruwenzori Three-horned Chameleon

Glaw 2015 Hinkel 1996 Klaver & Boehme 1997 Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018 Tilbury 2010
Trioceros rudis

Ruwenzori Side-striped Chameleon

Broadley & Howell 1991 Glaw 2015 Hinkel 1996 Klaver & Boehme 1997 Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018 Tilbury 2010
 Family Gekkonidae (Typical Geckos)
Genus Hemidactylus (Half-toed Geckos)
Hemidactylus angulatus

West African House Gecko

Chirio & LeBreton 2007
Hemidactylus mabouia

Cosmopolitan House Gecko

Chirio & LeBreton 2007 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
Genus Lygodactylus (African-Neotropical Dwarf Geckos)
Lygodactylus gutturalis

Chevron-throated Dwarf Gecko

Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
 Family Gerrhosauridae (Plated Lizards)
Genus Gerrhosaurus (Typical Plated Lizards)
Gerrhosaurus flavigularis

Yellow-throated Plated Lizard

Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
 Family Lacertidae (Typical Lizards)
Genus Adolfus (African Forest Lizards)
Adolfus jacksoni

East African Forest Lizard

Broadley & Howell 1991 Greenbaum, Beer, Hughes, Wagner, Anderson, Villanueva, Malonza, Kusumba, Muninga, Aristote & Branch 2018 Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
Genus Congolacerta (Congolese Lizards)
Congolacerta vauereselli

Sparse-scaled Forest Lizard

Broadley & Howell 1991 Hinkel 1996
 Family Scincidae (Skinks)
Genus Feylinia (African Snake Skinks)
Feylinia currori

Western Forest Snake Skink

Pauwels 2019
Genus Trachylepis (African-American Grass and Forest Skinks)
Trachylepis maculilabris

Common Speckled-lipped Skink

Fischer & Hinkel 1992 Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
Trachylepis megalura

Grass-top Skink

Koppetsch 2020 Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
Trachylepis striata

Eastern Striped Skink

Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
Trachylepis varia

Savanna Variable Skink

Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
 Family Varanidae (Monitor Lizards)
Genus Varanus (Monitor Lizards)
Varanus niloticus

Nile Monitor

Bayless 2002 Chirio & LeBreton 2007

Snakes (Serpentes)
= endemicEX = extinct or assumed extinct

 Family Colubridae (Typical Snakes or Colubrids)
Genus Crotaphopeltis (Herald Snakes)
Crotaphopeltis hotamboeia

Common Herald Snake

Chirio & LeBreton 2007 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
Genus Dasypeltis (African Egg Eaters)
Dasypeltis atra

Forest Egg Eater

Bates & Broadley 2018 Chippaux & Jackson 2019 Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
Dasypeltis scabra

Common African Egg Eater

Bates & Broadley 2018 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
Genus Dipsadoboa (Nocturnal Tree Snakes)
Dipsadoboa unicolor

Unicoloured Nocturnal Tree Snake

Rasmussen 1993 Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
Dipsadoboa viridis

Green Nocturnal Tree Snake

Chippaux & Jackson 2019 Rasmussen 1993 Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
Genus Dispholidus (Boomslangs)
Dispholidus kivuensis

Kivu Boomslang

Golay, Smith, Broadley, Dixon, McCarthy, Rage, Schatti & Toriba 1993 Pitman 1974
Genus Grayia (Equatorial African Water Snakes)
Grayia tholloni

Nandi Water Snake

Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
Genus Natriciteres (African Marsh Snakes)
Natriciteres olivacea

Olive Marsh Snake

Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
Genus Philothamnus (African Green Snakes)
Philothamnus angolensis

Angolan Green Snake

Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
Philothamnus battersbyi

Northeastern Green Snake

Chippaux & Jackson 2019 Lanza 1990 Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002
Philothamnus carinatus

Barred Green Snake

Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
Philothamnus heterodermus

Emerald Green Snake

Chirio & LeBreton 2007
Philothamnus heterolepidotus

Slender Green Snake

Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
Philothamnus hoplogaster

Southeastern Green Snake

Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
Philothamnus nitidus

Cameroon Green Snake

Broadley & Howell 1991 Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
Philothamnus ruandae

Rwanda Emerald Green Snake

Pitman 1974 Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
Philothamnus semivariegatus

Variegated Bush Snake

Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
Genus Thelotornis (African Vine Snakes)
Thelotornis mossambicanus

Eastern Vine Snake

Broadley 2001 Chippaux & Jackson 2019 Derleyn 1978 [as capensis shilsi] Golay, Smith, Broadley, Dixon, McCarthy, Rage, Schatti & Toriba 1993 Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002
Genus Thrasops (Black Tree Snakes)
Thrasops jacksonii

Common Black Tree Snake

Derleyn 1977 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
 Family Elapidae [part 1: terrestrial species] (Cobras, Mambas, etc.)
Genus Dendroaspis (Mambas)
Dendroaspis jamesonii

Central African Green Mamba

David & Ineich 1999 Derleyn 1977 Spawls & Branch 1995 Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
Dendroaspis polylepis

Black Mamba

Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
Genus Elapsoidea (African Garter Snakes)
Elapsoidea loveridgei

Northeastern Garter Snake

Chippaux & Jackson 2019 David & Ineich 1999 Fischer & Hinkel 1992 Jakobsen 1997 Pitman 1974 Spawls & Branch 1995 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
Genus Naja (Typical Cobras)
Naja annulata

Ringed Water Cobra

Fischer & Hinkel 1992
Naja nigricollis

Black-necked Spitting Cobra

Golay, Smith, Broadley, Dixon, McCarthy, Rage, Schatti & Toriba 1993 Spawls & Branch 1995 Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018 Wallach, Williams & Boundy 2014
Naja subfulva

Brown Forest Cobra

David & Ineich 1999 [as N. melanoleuca] Spawls & Branch 1995 [as N. melanoleuca] Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 [as N. melanoleuca] Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018 [as N. melanoleuca] Wuster, Chirio, Trape, Ineich, Jackson, Greenbaum, Barron, Kusamba, Nagy, Storey, Hall, Wuster, Barlow & Broadley 2018
 Family Lamprophiidae (House Snakes, etc.)
Genus Aparallactus (African Centipede Eaters)
Aparallactus capensis

Cape Centipede Eater

Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018 Wallach, Williams & Boundy 2014
Genus Atractaspis (Stiletto Snakes)
Atractaspis bibronii

Southern Stiletto Snake

Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018 Wallach, Williams & Boundy 2014
Atractaspis irregularis

Variable Stiletto Snake

Broadley & Howell 1991 David & Ineich 1999 Golay, Smith, Broadley, Dixon, McCarthy, Rage, Schatti & Toriba 1993 Pitman 1974 Spawls & Branch 1995 Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018 Wallach, Williams & Boundy 2014
Genus Boaedon (Afro-Arabian House Snakes)
Boaedon fuliginosus

Common African House Snake

Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
Boaedon montanus

Kigali House Snake

Trape, Mediannikov, Hinkel & Hinkel 2022
Genus Buhoma (African Forest Snakes)
Buhoma depressiceps

Pale-headed Forest Snake

Derleyn 1978 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
Genus Dromophis (Olympic Snakes)
Dromophis lineatus

Lined Olympic Snake

Hughes 2004 Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
Genus Duberria (African Slug Eaters)
Duberria shirana

Shire Slug Eater

Broadley & Howell 1991 Pitman 1974 [as D. lutrix atriventris] Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 [as D. lutrix] Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018 [as D. lutrix]
Genus Gracililima (Black File Snake)
Gracililima nyassae

Black File Snake

Broadley 1983 Chippaux & Jackson 2019 Lanza & Broadley 2014 Lanza 1990
Genus Kladirostratus (Striped Beaked Snakes)
Kladirostratus acutus

Eastern Striped Beaked Snake

Broadley & Howell 1991 Chippaux & Jackson 2019 Chirio & Ineich 1991 Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002
Genus Limaformosa (Venus File Snakes)
Limaformosa chanleri

Unicolor File Snake

Broadley & Howell 1991 [as unicolor] Broadley, Tolley, Conradie, Wishart, Trape, Burger, Kusamba, Zassi-Boulou & Greenbaum 2018 Derleyn 1978 [as Mehelya capensis unicolor] Lanza & Broadley 2014 Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 [as unicolor] Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
Genus Lycodonomorphus (Southern African Water Snakes)
Lycodonomorphus bicolor

Tanganyika White-bellied Water Snake

Spawls 2010
Genus Lycophidion (African Wolf Snakes)
Lycophidion jacksoni

Kilimanjaro Wolf Snake

Broadley & Howell 1991 Broadley 1996 Laurent 1968 Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 [as L. capense] Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018 [as L. capense] Trape 2021
Lycophidion ornatum

Ornate Wolf Snake

Broadley 1996 Laurent 1968 Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
Genus Mehelya (Greater File Snakes)
Mehelya poensis

Western Forest File Snake

Derleyn 1978 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
Genus Polemon (African Snake Eaters)
Polemon christyi

Eastern Snake Eater

Chippaux & Jackson 2019 Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
Polemon graueri

Central Lakes Snake Eater

Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
Genus Prosymna (Shovel-snout Snakes)
Prosymna ambigua

Central African Shovel-snout

Broadley & Howell 1991 Broadley 1980 Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
Genus Psammophis (Old World Sand Snakes and Grass Snakes)
Psammophis mossambicus

East African Olive Grass Snake

Trape, Crochet, Broadley, Sourouille, Mane, Burger, Boehme, Saleh, Karan, Lanza & Mediannikov 2019
Genus Psammophylax (Skaapstekers)
Psammophylax variabilis

Grey-bellied Skaapsteker

Broadley & Howell 1991 Broadley 1976 Broadley 1977 Broadley 1983 Keates, Conradie, Greenbaum & Edwards 2019 Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002
Genus Pseudaspis (African Mole Snake)
Pseudaspis cana

African Mole Snake

Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
 Family Leptotyphlopidae (Thread Snakes)
Genus Leptotyphlops (Typical Thread Snakes)
Leptotyphlops latirostris

Uvira Thread Snake

Broadley & Wallach 2007 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
 Family Pythonidae (Pythons)
Genus Python (Typical Pythons)
Python natalensis

Southern Rock Python

Branch 1998 Broadley & Howell 1991 Broadley 1984 Spawls & Branch 1995 [as sebae] Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
Python sebae

Northern Rock Python

Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
 Family Typhlopidae (Typical Blind Snakes)
Genus Afrotyphlops (African Giant Blind Snakes)
Afrotyphlops angolensis

Golden Blind Snake

Broadley & Wallach 2009 McDiarmid, Campbell & Toure 1999 Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018 Wallach, Williams & Boundy 2014
Afrotyphlops congestus

Marbled Blind Snake

Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
Afrotyphlops lineolatus

Lineolate Blind Snake

Chippaux & Jackson 2019 McDiarmid, Campbell & Toure 1999 Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
Genus Letheobia (African Gracile Blind Snakes)
Letheobia gracilis

Urungu Gracile Blind Snake

Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
Letheobia graueri

Lake Tanganyika Gracile Blind Snake

Broadley & Howell 1991 Broadley & Wallach 2007 Chippaux & Jackson 2019 Hahn 1980 McDiarmid, Campbell & Toure 1999 Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
 Family Viperidae (Vipers)
Genus Atheris (African Bush Vipers)
Atheris nitschei

Great Lakes Bush Viper

Broadley & Howell 1991 Broadley 1998 David & Ineich 1999 McDiarmid, Campbell & Toure 1999 Spawls & Branch 1995 Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018 Wallach, Williams & Boundy 2014
Genus Bitis (African Adders)
Bitis arietans

Common Puff Adder

David & Ineich 1999 McDiarmid, Campbell & Toure 1999 Spawls & Branch 1995 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
Bitis nasicornis

African Nose-horned Viper

Broadley & Howell 1991 David & Ineich 1999 Derleyn 1977 Pitman 1974 Spawls & Branch 1995
Genus Causus (Night Adders)
Causus resimus

Green Night Adder

Broadley & Howell 1991 David & Ineich 1999 Lanza 1990 Largen & Rasmussen 1993 Pitman 1974 Spawls & Branch 1995 Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
Causus rhombeatus

Rhombic Night Adder

David & Ineich 1999 Rasmussen 2005 Spawls & Branch 1995 Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018

Turtles (Testudines)
= endemicEX = extinct or assumed extinct

 Family Pelomedusidae (African Side-necked Turtles)
Genus Pelomedusa (African Helmeted Turtles)
Pelomedusa neumanni

Kenyan Helmeted Turtle

Rhodin, Iverson, Bour, Fritz, Georges, Shaffer & Dijk 2021
Genus Pelusios (African Mud Turtles)
Pelusios rhodesianus

Zambian Mud Turtle

Broadley & Boycott 2008 Rhodin, Iverson, Bour, Fritz, Georges, Shaffer & Dijk 2021 Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
Pelusios sinuatus

East African Serrated Mud Turtle

Bonin, Devaux & Dupre 2006 Broadley & Boycott 2009 Rhodin, Iverson, Bour, Fritz, Georges, Shaffer & Dijk 2021
Pelusios subniger

East African Black Mud Turtle

Fritz & Havas 2006 Rhodin, Iverson, Bour, Fritz, Georges, Shaffer & Dijk 2021 Spawls, Howell, Drewes & Ashe 2002 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
 Family Testudinidae (Tortoises)
Genus Kinixys (Hinge-back Tortoises)
Kinixys belliana

Central African Hinge-back Tortoise

Broadley 2012 Kindler, Branch, Hofmeyr, Maran, Siroky, Vences, Harvey, Hauswaldt, Schleicher, Stuckas & Fritz 2012 Rhodin, Iverson, Bour, Fritz, Georges, Shaffer & Dijk 2017
Kinixys spekii

Eastern Savanna Hinge-back Tortoise

Hailey, Broadley, Boycott & Spawls 2021 Ihlow, Farooq, Gvozdik, Hofmeyr, Conradie, Campbell, Harvey, Verburgt & Fritz 2019 Rhodin, Iverson, Bour, Fritz, Georges, Shaffer & Dijk 2021 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
Genus Stigmochelys (Leopard Tortoise)
Stigmochelys pardalis

Leopard Tortoise

Rhodin, Iverson, Bour, Fritz, Georges, Shaffer & Dijk 2021